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affiiiit y for deriiial tir-ue with (2) c~omponeiit posse';-- iiig certain iiiirc~t-reI)ellent (or prophylactic or them-. Iwutic) Ixopertiek. It1 the ...
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C a l d for CCH120&. C', 2 2 . 2 2 . H, XZ3, d, 29 65. C, 22.30: H, 3.80; S,29.70.

Acknowledgment.-The author i- indebted to thcb C:tiicer Chemotherapy Xatioiial Service Center, ?;ational Institutes of Health, Bethestla 14, JIarylaiid. foi the screeriirig of the coiiipouiid- aiid for iiiakiiig th(1 results avnilahle.

Synthesis of Grisan and Coumaran-3-one Derivatives with Potential Insect-Repellent Properties'

111 developing btructurul deiigiis for conipountl\vhic.h would prove effective a- sy+temically admiiiiztwed in-ect repellent-, we -ought to (,omhilie withiii :I niriglc iriolecule ( I ) :I compoiiciit l , r n a k L 81, , 662 (1960). (PI I-'. .1. Rotti, J r . , a n d €1. I