Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley,. Calif. The two-phase heat transfer coefficient can be approximated by the sin...
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IN T H E W O R K S . . .

Removal of Nitrogen and Metals from Petroleum Stocks with Hydriodic Acid

Photochemistry in the Solar Furnace R. J. Marcus and H. C. Wohlers Chemistry Dept., Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif.

The solar furnace can be used as a cool intense light source i n photochemical reactions The Chemical Industry-A Nuclear Future? Part II. Reactor Physics W. R. Tomlinson, Jr. Operations Research Office, The Johns Hopkinr University, Bethesda, Md.

Elements of reactor physics, with reading list, as the second of a four-part series

W . E. Garwood and Coworkers Research and Development Laboratory, Socony Mobil O i l Co., Inc., Paulsboro, N. J.

A nonhydrogen consuming process for removing vanadium, nickel, iron, and nitrogen Statistical Coatings

Studies in One-Package

Polyurethane Surface

S. N. Glasbrenner, B. Golding, and L. C. Case Armrtrong Cork Corp., Lancaster, Pa.

Effects of formulation changes on film properties i n idealized polyurethane systems

Zone Freezing Demineralization of Saline Waters Baked Polyurea Coatings

R. C. Himes and Coworkers Battelle Memorial Institute, Columbus 1, Ohio

Suggested technically feasible processes for demineralizing, with cost estimates for one Cross Flow Air-Water Contactors D. S. Schechter and T. 1. Kang Dept. o f Chemical Engineering, University o f Texas, Austin 12, Tex.

G. A. Hudson and Coworkers M o b a y Chemical Co., New Martinsville, W . Va.

Coatings by reaction of urethanes with amine-bearing resins. Formation, properties, and possible applications from a water-thinned system as industrial primers or protective coatings Urethane Coatings from Castor Polyols

A simple method of analyzing this equipment and recommended design procedures based on application of generalized curves

T. C. Patton and H. M. Metz The Baker Castor Oil Co., Bayonne, N. J.

A detailed investigation of three new promising castor polyols, with preparation methods and formulating variables

Heat Transfer to Nitrogen-Oil Mixtures R. F. Knott and Coworkers Department of Chemical Engineering, University o f California, Berkeley, Calif.

The two-phase heat transfer coefficient can be approximated by the singlephase correlation of Sieder and Tate, taking oil properties and volumetric throughput into account The Hydrodesulfurization Activity of Promoted Molybdenum Oxide-Alumina Catalysts H. Beuther, R. A. Flinn, and J. B. McKinley Gulf Research and Development Ca., Pittsburgh 30, Po.

Diisocyanate Adduct Coatings Based on Castor Oil G. C. Toone and G. S. Wooster National Aniline Division, Allied Chemical Carp., Buffalo 5, N. Y.

Transesterification of castor oil with various polyols before reaction with tolylene diisocyanate gives urethane polymers with high abrasive resistance, good chemical resistance, good flexibility and adhesion, and fast drying time Reactions of Isocyanates with Drying Oils G. Wilson and J. M. Stanton Cargill, Inc., Minneapolis 15, Minn.

Factors which appear to control the hydrodesulfurization activity Calculation of Homogeneous Reaction Rates and Orders in a Flowing Gas Reactor-The Thermal Decomposition of Ethylbenzene

A study of urethane oil vehicles made by reaction of isocyanates made from alkali-refined and prebodied linseed and soybean oils with pentaerythritol and toluene diisocyanate Polyether Polyols in Urethane Coatings

E. H. Lee and G. D. Oliver Plastics Division, Monsanto Chemical Co., Texas City, Tex.

A. Damusis, J. M. McClellan, Jr., and K. C. Frisch Research Division, Wyandotte Chemicals Corp., Wyandotte, Mich.

A rapid method for calculating specific reaction rates in flow reactors where the temperature varies i n the reaction chamber

Urethane coatings based on polyether glycols, in which the intermediates have an ordered structure, give a wide range of desirable properties

Oxidation of Asphaltic Residua in a Vertical Pilot Plant

A Method for Making Stable Pigmented Coatings Systems Based on Polyurethane Prepolymers

H. M. Chelton, R. N. Traxler, and J. W . Romberg Research and Technical Department, Texaco Inc., Port Neches, Tex.

A study of the effect of several variables on reaction rates and product prop. erties i n airblowing asphalts Preparation of Diisopropyl Using Salt Hydrate-Boron fluoride Complex Catalysts

New high-yield catalysts for acid-catalyzed alkylations and olefin polymeriza. tions INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

Absorbed moisture is pinpointed as the primary cause of instability and a method is suggested for overcoming this problem


H. M. Knight and J. T. Kelly Research and Development Department, American O i l Co., Texas City, Tex.


R. A. Bieneman, E. J. Baldin, and M. K. Markaff Research Center, Spencer Kellogg and Sans, Inc., Buffalo 25, N. Y.

Synthesis and Polymerization of 3,3,3-Trichloro-l-propene W. A. Skinner and Coworkers Department o f Chemistry, Stanford Research Institute, Menol Park, Calif.

A new route to this material by dehydrobromination of bromotrichloromethane may stimulate interest i n its use as a flame retarding component i n many vinyl polymers.