*-Ipil I;, 15' 79, April 22, 1S7.9

\vliic.Ii the vcngetalile fibres are clisinregriited. KISS. *-Ipil I;, 15' 79,. 314,344. 7. ... dccoinposing action of thu black on the impurities of ...
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214,142.-Z'mrcsri.s fur mokiizg / ~ r b / ~HARRIET ,. (;. IIOSJIEII. Proposes to givc to limestone or :iliiij;ister the appearunce iiud uniform hardness of iiittiii:ii in:iri)lc, by iiiiprvpiatiori with ii solution of ;tluni in water ; i n i f rile : i ~ ) p l i u t i i ~~ nr fi i i i l j - t in,:it !214,210.--,L',zkin.r ilirr,t 'ti>////; i YERTK >llld -1.Po17RCE1. ' r l i f . proces;b ( , < ~ i i > i h t s p i r i c w . t l i c ~ ~piittilip i in tli t!it, t,liargc 4li(:on, marigan i riziin i

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roritiing t l i i , initial Iiiith \viili niano r other nietal, xntf i h i l l y adding to 1 iron, t l i c iron c.ontairiinq carbcin." ii: