1 A Modified Condensing Apparatus I for Both Refluxing and Distilling

Charles Goddard and Malcolm C. Henry. 1 A Modified Condensing Apparatus. U.S. Army Natick Laboratories. Notick, Morsachusetts. I for Both Refluxing an...
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Charles Goddard

and Malcolm C. Henry U.S. Army Natick Laboratories Notick, Morsachusetts


A Modified Condensing Apparatus for Both Refluxing and Distilling

There are times when it is advantageous to change from reflux to distillation without changing apparatus, returning to ambient temperatures, or opening up the system to the atmosphere. The condenser described here can he pivoted from a vertical position (refluxing) to one approximately horizontal (distilling) without having to switch the inlet and outlet condenser connections. The modification (see figures) accomplishes this by


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Figure 1.

incorporating a clamped ball joint for conversion from reflux to distillation, and a capillary side arm connected to a glass aspirator outlet. The action of the aspirator creates a pressure differential which is equilibrated through the capillary side arm, resulting in rapid elimination of gas from the condenser. Two additional design features should be taken into consideration. The capillary side arm nearest the inlet side arm should be of sufficient distance from the inlet to prevent incoming water from filling the capillary and the capillary side arm should be in a "dorsal" position to the rondenser when distilling. This is an efficient apparatus for any use where refluxing and distilling steps follow one another in an experin~entalprocedure. One needs only to manually change the condenser from its vertical refluxing position to a normal condensing angle. No other manipulations are necessary. The capillary and aspirator actions combined assure a full condenser at all times

MadiRed condensing apparatus.

17 mm.

Figure 2.

Refiuxing orrembly.

Figure 3.

Volume 42, Number

Distilling orrembly.

4, April 1965
