1-N-Glycyl .beta.-oligosaccharide derivatives as stable intermediates

Nov 10, 1992 - Biochemistry, Vol. 32, No. 14, 1993. 3829. CORRECTIONS. 1-N-Glycyl ... tin, Susanne Ebel, and Tom Brown, Volume 31, Number 48,. Decembe...
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Biochemistry, Vol. 32, No. 14, 1993 3829


1-N-Glycyl 8-Oligosaccharide Derivatives as Stable Intermediates for the Formation of Glycoconjugate Probes, by I. D. Manger, T. W. Rademacher, and R. A. Dwek’, Volume 31, Number 44, November 10, 1992, pages 10724-10732. Page 10726. The carboxyfluorescein succinimido ester derivatives provided by Molecular Probes Inc. are a mixture of two isomers with the structure:

Therefore, the structures for products 11 and 15 in Figure 1 should be




Backbone Dynamics of the Glucocorticoid Receptor DNABinding Domain, by Helena Berglund, Helena KOVBCS, Karin Dahlman-Wright, Jan-Ake Gustafsson, and Torleif Hard’, Volume 3 1, Number 48, December 8,1992, pages 12001-1 201 1 9

Page 12010. After return of the galley proofs, an Added in Proof was inadvertently incorporated into this paper and should be omitted. Sequence of the Gene Encoding Flavocytochrome c from Shewanella putrefaciens: A Tetraheme Flavoenzyme That Is a Soluble Fumarate Reductase Related to the MembraneBound Enzymes from Other Bacteria, by Sara L. Pealing, Ann C. Black, Forbes D. C. Manson, F. Bruce Ward, Stephen K. Chapman, and Graeme A. Reid’, Volume 31, Number 48, December 8, 1992, pages 12132-12140.





0 11

Page 12139. An Added in Proof was inadvertently omitted from this paper. It should read as follows: The predicted error in the published sequence of the yeast OSMl gene has now been confirmed experimentally (L. Melnick, personal communication). The OSM 1 protein sequenceshown in Figure 4 is thereforeconfirmedto be correct. Aromatic-Histidine Interactions in the Zinc Finger Motif Structural Inequivalence of Phenylalanine and Tyrosine in the Hydrophobic Core, by Alan Jasanoff and Michael A. Weiss;, Volume 32, Number 6, February 16, 1993, pages 1423-1432.


This error does not affect the interpretation of the results. Solution Conformation of a Deoxynucleotide Containing Tandem G-A Mismatched Base Pairs and 3’-Overhanging Ends in d(GTGAAC’IT)2, by Andrew Lane,’ Stephen R. Martin, Susanne Ebel, and Tom Brown, Volume 3 l, Number 48, December 8, 1992, pages 12087-12095. Page 12090. In Figure 3, the cross-peakat 6.01,2.51 ppm should be labeled G1 (not G3). In the legend to Figure 4, the sequence of molecule I should read d(GTGAACTT)2.

Page 1423. The first sentence of the Abstract should read as follows: The classical Zn finger (Cys-X2,4-Cys-X3Phe-Xs-Leu-X2-His-X~,4-His)contains an aromatic-histidine interaction (underlined) in its hydrophobic core whose importance is suggested by the marked destabilization of a Phe Leu analogue [Mortishire-Smith, R. J., Lee, M. S., Bolinger, L., t Wright, P. E. (1992) FEBS Lett. I, 11-15]. On line 4 of the Abstract, the word “occasionally” should be omitted. In column 2, line 10, a space should be inserted between “the” and “hydrophobic”. These errors were inadvertentlyincorporated into this paper after the galley proofs were returned.
