100% Pure Alpha Olefin. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

100% Pure Alpha Olefin. Chem. Eng. News , 1988, 66 (3), Outside Back Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v066n003.obc ... Cite this:Chem. Eng. News 66, 3, XXX-XXX...
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100% Pure Alpha Olefin.

No one is more dedicated to alpha olefins than Mary Hill. As one of many Chevron Account Managers, Mary works with alpha olefin customers day in and day out. Helping solve technical problems. Coordinating shipments. And, of course, matching our highly pure and linear Gulftene® alpha olefins to exact customer specifications. Mary is part of Chevron's © 1987 Chevron Chemical Co.

continual commitment to its alpha olefin customers. It all began in 1965 with the broadest alpha olefin options—now eleven separate cuts from C-4 through C-30+. And includes our expansion with a new plant scheduled for start-up in 1990. Chevron professionals such as Mary Hill have all the alpha olefin resources you need to make your job easier. Talk to us.

We're 100% for real. For more information, call a Chevron Account Manager at 1-800-231-3260. In Texas, 713-754-4271. Or write Chevron Chemical Company, Attention: Sales Manager— n*MËW**m Alpha Olefins, LIlBVl ΟΠ P.O. Box 3766, Houston, Texas, 77253. Telex 762799. Chevron Chemical Company