15 X 23 cm; fip, i'

In speaking of Kollie's synthesis of sdicylic acid friiiii siitliuni Iilietiolate and carlion dioxide no mention is nixtie r ~ f the latest and prohli...
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I n speaking of Kollie’s synthesis of sdicylic acid friiiii siitliuni Iilietiolate and carlion dioxide no mention is nixtie r ~ fthe latest a n d p r o h l i l y niore correct \Tien. of the mechanisin of this reaction (Her., 38, 1377). In the statement on page 1 2 9 that “phtlialic acid is Ijrelxired liy osidatiun of naphthalene b y chromic acid mixture (according t o Ludtlens, J . S.C. I., 1891, S,7 5 8 ) notwithstanding the general iriipression that otht Y compounds are destroyed by this reagent.” @ f / w r is plainly a misprint lor o y f h o , hut the whole statement is irrong for practically all the I)litlialic acid is now made by oxidizing naphthalene with concentrated sulphuric acid in the presence of a small amount of mercuric sulphate. 1-nder tliis head too the technically important diclilorand tetrachlor-~jlitlialicacids sliould a t least lie iiientioned. On pages 131 a n d 1 3 2 tlie formula for ~iliencil-phthaleinis wrong, though i t is correctly given a t the liottotn of 1 3 2 , Quinol-IIlitlialein is spiiken oi as if i t \\ere identical \\it11 quinizarin on page 131 antl all thc foriiiulas in the table on page 1\32 are xrong, The forinulas for gallein a n d coerulcin on page 130 are incorrect and several of the statements tiicicle regarding tlicse suljstances are not true (see Xriier. Chein. J . , 26, 97). On ]]age 239 in the first foot-nute the statement is made that, “Herzig makes an addition of 8 percent of acetic a c i d t u tlie hydriodic acid.” Fortunately tlie reference to Herzig’s article is correctly given and if tlie user Oi this \-olurne is careful enough to l ~ the k matter up he \vi11 find that Herzig reall)- adds from 6 to S vcilume percent of acet>c u)ihydriiir. On page %358 i t is stated tliat “By h i l i n g with alcohulic potash, anetliol undergoes a molecular rearrangement with conversion into the isomeric body methyl-cliavicol” and the reader is referred to pagc 3,