"~2). Ethylmercury Compounds as Agricultural Disinfectants

f = rrietir,n factor in Fanning oquaticin: Jtl = -;---. 3gd. AH = drop in fluid head due to friction, feet ... n = av. surface coefficient of heat tra...
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(~ouncil. TIE n-butyl alcvlivl used was hiiidly firrnislied by 1. du Pont d~ Kemours and t:ompany. Tliariks are also due W. H . 1Llr:Adams ior niany valiiablt: siiggrst~ivns.


E = heat capacity a t constant prr.sstire, N.t. o./pmmi/" 1'. d = inside diameter vf tube, feet Lu2 f = rrietir,n factor in Fanning oquaticin: J t l = 4f -;---


aceeleration due to gravity, 4.18 x 108 feeblhoor' A H = drop in fluid head due to friction, feet Nostrand, 1935. n = av. surface coefficient of heat transrefer between t,ubt! ( 6 ) International Cril.ii:ni Yabloe, Yo!. V, pp. 10, 12, 108,115, 2 2 i . Burface and fluid, B. t. u./hour/squitre faet/'f. 22X: Vol. VII. on. 214.215. McCraw-Hill. 1929. k = thermal conductivity, B. t. u./foot, houri" IC. L = heated length of tube, feet i = factor in Equution 10 (Prxndtl) I , = temp. of fluid entering heated seeiion, " I . lI = outlet temp. of fluid when mixed, F. . . .