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Aug 25, 1976 - mp 240-241 "C dec. Further bromination of 2a under the same conditions affords in high yield the stable tricoordinate trico- valent sul...
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( ( ) ß(

± i)

X |V(n,« ±

Acknowledgment. This research tional Science Foundation. ± /)>

')| 8( ) 0(«


is the energy shift due to various neighbor exciton interactions. In the case of (Chl a-H20)2, eq 13 may be explicitly rewritten

in the point-dipole approximation9


supported by the Na-

References and Notes (1) For a comprehensive review of work prior to 1968, see, G. P. Gurinovich, A. N. Sevchenko, and K. N. Solovév, "Spectroscopy of Chlorophyll and Related Compounds", Chapter 9, available in a 1971 translation Issued by the Division of Technical Information, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,


(2) For a review of recent developments, see F. K. Fong, "Theory of Molecular


where µ, R±, Rn, and are the monomeric transition dipole moment, the perpendicular distance between the two chlorin planes, the distance between, and the angle subtended by the transition dipoles, respectively. The energies eo and ß include all solvent interactions between the molecules and the surrounding medium. The difference between eq 11 and eq 4 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1977.99:2376-2378. Downloaded from pubs.acs.org by UNIV OF WINNIPEG on 01/23/19. For personal use only.



(ß + ß + ß



(4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)


yields the energy gap between the ground state and the k„th exciton component of the /8th excited level. In eq 15 ß = tp cq corresponds to the transition energy gap of the monomeric unit. The ß = ß term signifies the difference between the aggregation energy of the excited state ß and that of the ground state due to the change in permanent dipole moment in the excited molecule. For Chl a (and all polar molecules) the leading terms in eq 5 and eq 12 are of dipole-dipole origin.22 For (µß µ ) > 0, we have ^ < 0 and a corresponding red shift in the aggregate absorption is obtained. In a systematic analysis of exciton effects,9 we find that ß is primarily responsible for the observed Chl a aggregation red shifts. The peak positions of monomeric hydrated Chl a, (Chl a-2H20)2, (Chl a-H20)2, and (Chl a-2H2Ó)„ are respectively 9b given 665 nm3'9b (A665), 695 nm9b (A695), 700 nm,3 and 743 nm3·4 (A743) in 1:1 zi-pentane:methylcyclohexane.23 Assuming the red shift between A665 and A695, 695 = —649 cm-1, to be a unit of nearest neighbor dipole-dipole shift difference in (Chl a-2H20)„, the frequency shift for A743 can be computed according to the formula

(10) (11)

All A 743


5,-50( 743) 2 * 695


-1559 cm"1



which gives 742 nm for the expected red-shifted (with respect to A665) absorption maximum position for (Chl a-2H20)„, in excellent agreement with experiment. In eq 16 the summation over i converges rapidly in view of the cube dependence on the separation distance in dipole-dipole interaction. The factor of 2 in eq 16 reflects the translation symmetry in (Chl a*2H20)„ as represented in Figure 6 of ref 15. The mth excited monomeric unit in (Chl a-2H20)„ sees pairs of identical interactions with units at m ± 1, m ± 2, m ± 3,.... We attribute the relatively large red shift in hydrated Chl a aggregates compared to that in Chl a2 to hydrogen bonding of the water proton to a Chl a carbonyl. The presence of the proton enhances the excited-state electronic redistribution in favor of the electronegative end of the C=0 bond. The close proximity of the peak positions in (Chl a-H20)2 and (pyroChl-H20)29·10 suggests that the same effect may be operative when either of the two ring V carbonyl groups is involved. Current frequency shift studies in this laboratory are concerned with the effect of -conjugation involving the chlorin macrocycle and with the consequences of geometrical differences in the proposed structures for (Chl a-H20)2 and (pyroChl-H20), as well as the inclusion of the relatively minor frequency shift due to exciton interaction in eq 13.

Journal of the American Chemical Society




(12) (13)

Relaxation: Applications In Chemistry and Biology", Wlley-lntersclence, New York, N.Y., 1975, Chapter 9. F. K. Fong and V. J. Koester, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 423, 52 (1976); (b) V. J. Koester, L. Galloway, and F. K. Fong, Naturwlssenschafíen, 62, 530 (1975) ; (c) V. J. Koester, J. S. Rolles, J. G. Keren, L. Galloway, R. A. Andrews, and F. K. Fong, J. Lumin., 12, 781 (1976). F. K. Fong and V. J. Koester, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 6888 (1975). N. Winograd, A. Shepard, D. H. Karweik, V. J. Koester, and F. K. Fong, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 2369 (1976). (a) F. K. Fong, J. Theoret. Biol., 46, 407 (1974); (b) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 71, 3692 (1974); (c) Appl. Phys., 6 (2), 151 (1975). F. K. Fong, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 6890 (1975). V. J. Koester and F. K. Fong, J. Phys. Chem., 80, 2310 (1976). (a) F. K. Fong, V. J. Koester, and j. S. Folies, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 6406 (1976) ; (b) F. K. Fong, V. J. Koester, and L. Galloway, J. Am. Chem. Soc., preceding paper in this Issue. S. G. Boxer and G. L. Gloss, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 5406 (1976). The Gloss model,10 based on the self-aggregation of pyroChl a-H20 (in which the C-10 carbomethoxy group Is absent) through C-9 keto 0=0·· •H(H)0—Mg bonds, differs somewhat from the Fong structure6"9 in which the C2 symmetry of (Chl a-H20)2 Is derived from reciprocal C-10 carbonyl C=0—H(H)O™Mg Interactions. For an optical spectroscopic analysis that differentiates these two models and for a comparison of the in vitro (Chl a-H20)2 optical spectrum with in vivo P700 spectroscopic measurements, see ref 9b. See, also, L. L. Shipman, T. M. Cotton, J. R. Norris, and J. J. Katz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 73, 1791 (1976), for a variant model In which the water in (Chl 8· 20)2 is replaced by C2H5OH. Following the procedure given In ref 3 for the preparation of (Chl a-H20)2, using C2H5OH instead of H2D as the aggregation agent, J. J. Katz and coworkers12 have prepared a 700-nm absorbing species that Is most probably the dimer (Chl a'HOC2Hs)2. The replacement of H20 by C2H5OH precludes the Involvement of the reciprocal C-10 carbonyl C=0—H(H)0—Mg interactions in (Chl a-K20)2 because of steric repulsion of the ethyl groups.96 The Katz variant structure is closely similar to the model given In ref 10.

(14) (a) B. Kok, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 48, 527 (1961); (b) B. Ke, Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 152, 70 (1972). (15) H.-C. Chow, R. Serlln, and C. E. Strouse, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 7230 (1975). (16) (a) C. W. Tang and A. C. Albrecht, J. Chem. Phys., 62,2139; 63, 953 (1975); (b) C. W. Tang, F. Douglas, and A. C. Albrecht, J. Phys. Chem., 79, 2923 (1975); (c) C. W. Tang and A. C. Albrecht, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 25, 53 (1974). (17) (a) F. K. Fong and N. Winograd, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 2287 (1976); (b) L. Fetterman, L. Galloway, N. Winograd, and F. K. Fong, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 99, 653(1977). (18) S. S. Brody and M. Brody, Nature {London), 189, 547 (1961). (19) See, for example, the recent exchange of comments between M. Gouterman and V. J. Koester, J. Phys. Chem., 80, 2312 (1976). (20) E. G. McRae and M. Kasha, J. Chem. Phys., 28, 721 (1958). (21) The formal derivation has been based In part on Chapter 8 of the Ph.D. Thesis by W. A. Wassam, Purdue University, 1974. (22) For related discussions on solvent red shifts of - - * transitions and properties of excited states In polar molecules, see (a) N. S. Bayllss and E. G. McRae, J. Phys. Chem., 58, 1002, 1006 (1954); (b) N. S. Bayllss, J. Chem. Phys., 18, 292 (1950); (c) E. Lippert, Z. Elektrochem., 61, 962 (1957); (d) E. G. McRae, J. Phys. Chem., 61, 562,(1957). (23) It is of interest to note that most dimers of hydrated Chl a, regardless of the states of hydration and specific bonding interactions, including those in (pyroChFI-^Ofe96'10 and (Chl a'HOC2H5)2, have absorption maxima close to 700 nm. See, however, ref 9b for a 716-nm absorbing polyhydrate 1


F. K. Fong,* W. A. Wassam Purdue University Chemistry, Department of West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 Received August 25, 1976

Tricoordinate Hypervalent Sulfur Compounds

Sir: Molecular multicenter bonding which occurs when a given

atom has more bonds than atomic orbitals as defined by the octet rule is termed hypervalent, and many examples are found

March 30,1977



o© e©

©O ©




©0"«+...........+/' 0


(2) ©


..( ° u,

"Ojo Figure 2. Axial interaction diagram for


Figure 4. Solid state geometry of sulfurane 3a.

parallel acceptor orbital.

among the second- and third-row main-group elements. Aside from an enormous amount of theoretical interest1 in such “orbitally deficient” molecules they also have found increasing importance as synthetic organic reagents and especially noteworthy in this latter regard is the work of Martin et al.2 on tetracoordinate tetracovalent sulfurances. We now wish to report on a new class of hypervalent sulfur molecules, which are tricoordinate and tricovalent and have unique stability as compared to their tetracovalent counterparts. The trigonal bipyramidal geometry, observed3 for tetracovalent sulfuranes, is a result of the enforced 3-center linear axial (z) orbitally deficient bonding arrangement whose orbitals are simplified in Figure 1. In such molecules electrons are required to fill high-lying nonbonding orbitals (nz) centered on the apical ligands (X). This leads to bonding only from the 2-electron 3-center orbital array while the balance of the axial electron density must be delocalized away from the central atom toward the ligands and thus stabilization is achieved by increasing electronegative apical groups. The effect of higher order (for S, 3d or 4s) orbitals on the central atom in the basis set on the calculated Hartree-Fock energy seems to be minimal.1 Use of these more diffuse orbitals which have the proper symmetry to mix with nz (i.e., dz2 in Figure 1) seems to serve only the purpose of an improved basis set allowing a small shift in electron density from ligand to the central atom. Hypervalent sulfur molecules would experience a stabilizing total energy decrease if ligand electron density could be delocalized to a equatorial substituent and this could be accomplished by the placement of a low-lying -acceptor substituent orbital of proper symmetry centered in the equatorial plane. The two possible orientations of this acceptor orbital with the axial XSX bonding system are parallel and orthogonal. The symmetry for interaction of a parallel -acorbital and the ligand nonbonding ceptor (p) with the axial orbital (nz nz), is shown in Figure 2. Rotation allows interaction of the -acceptor with the axial ligand central atom nx + nx) with the nonbonding levels ( * + nx + nx) and (nx resultant stabilization as shown in Figure 3. We must conclude that the latter alignment is favored and calculate the total energy difference to be ~12 keal/mol for a hypothetical ge—

ometry-optimized tricoordinate sulfurane, H2CSCI2.4 The energetic placement of the low-lying-acceptor orbital is critical and the 6 - 1 aromatic imidazolium cation appeared to be a suitable synthetic candidate for this substituent. Reaction of 1,3-dimethylimidazolthione5 (1) with 0.5 equiv of bromine at 0 °C in CH2CI2 solution gives the disulfide 2a,6 mp 240-241 °C dec. Further bromination of 2a under the same conditions affords in high yield the stable tricoordinate tricovalent sulfurane 3a, mp 173-174 °C dec. A single crystal of X


•N\ -N

Y 3

a, X b, X c,


= = =






Br; Y



3a was analyzed by x-ray diffraction: monoclinic; a = 8.018, b = 14.396, c = 16.403 A; ß = 95.53°, V = 1893 A3; Z = 8, = 2.029 g/cm3; space group P2\/C from systematic Pcaicd absences, hOl, when / = 2n + 1, OkO, when k = 2n + 1, Mo Ka X-radiation at a takeoff angle of 6.5 using a SYNTEX ?2, diffractometer. A total of 3254 nonzero reflections were refined

to a crystallographic R factor of 0.062, and the resultant structure is shown in Figure 4. In complete agreement with the theoretically derived geometry this sulfurane has an axial 3-center geometry almost collinear ( = 87. ± 0.8) with elongated bonds of 2.520 and 2.477 ± 0.077) A (cf. 2.3 A in SzB©. The equatorial C-S bond length is 1.730 ± 0.02 A as compared with 1.695 A in l.7 It should be noted that 3 participates via a nonplanar geometry (f = 90.0°) in the interaction qualitatively described in Figure 2, presumably due to the steric effect of the C-5 and C-4 methyl groups. Had planarity been possible, an even more stable structure should have resulted. Analogous tricoordinate sulfuranes, 3b, mp 157-158 °C dec and 3c, mp 147-150 °C

Communications to the Editor


Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation for reMartin

search grants and to Professor Charles Liotta and J. C. for bringing ref 7 and 8 to our attention.

References and Notes (1) J. I. Musher, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. Engl., 8, 54 (1969); A. Rauk, L. C. Allen, and K. Mislow, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 3035 (1972); J. B. Florey and L. C. Cusachs, ibid., 94, 3040 (1972); R. Floffmann, J. M. Howell, and E. L. Mutterties, ibid., 94, 3047 (1972); and J. I. Musher, ibid., 94, 1370 (1972); R. Hoffman and . M. L. Chen, ibid., 98, 1647 (1976). J. C. Martin, Abstracts of the 23rd National Organic Symposium, Tallahassee, (2) Fla., 1973 pp 127-137. (3) E. F. Perozzi, J. C. Martin, and I. C. Paul, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 98, 6735

Figure 5. Solid state structure of salt 4a.

dec, result from the reaction of 1 in CH2 CI2 solution at 0 °C with chlorine and iodine monobromide, respectively. The latter sulfurane begins to decompose in the solid state after ca. 1 h at room temperature which, nevertheless, represents extraordinary thermal stability considering the low dissociation energy of a normal two electron S-Br and S-I bond which here has

lower bond order. In contrast, the reaction of 1 with cyanogen bromide give the salt 4a, mp 220-221 °C dec, whose crystal structure was determined similarily by x-ray diffraction: monoclinic; a = 7.288, b = 9.502, c = 15.206 ;ß = 122.459°; V = 1053 Á3; Z = 4; pCaicd = 3.381 g/cm3; space group P2\/C from systematic absences. A total of 1248 nonzero reflections were refined to a crystallographic R factor of 0.043 and the resultant structure is shown in Figure 5. The covalent attachment of the cyano group is characterized by an axial S-C bond length of 1.757 Á orthogonal ( = 96.20, f = 90.0) to the ring system while the equatorial bromide ion occupies a lattice position 3.270 Á distant from sulfur. A second neighbor bromide ion was found at a lattice position 3.587 Á in the axial direction from C2 anti to the cyano group. Treatment of 1 with cyanogen chloride gives 4b, mp 215216 °C dec and the common ionic structure of these derivatives was evident from their superimposible IR spectra. The observed incongruity between the appearance of a hypercovalent or an ionic molecule as a function of ligand structure is clearly independent of ligand electronegativity. If one considers an electron-rich linear multicenter bonding array with the hypervalent center participating by predominately p-orbital bonding two general patterns of occupied, symmetry-adapted, delocalized molecular orbitals appear. For 2 + 3 ( = 0,1, 2,...) atomic orbitals combined to give molecular orbitals with 2n + 4 electrons there are In + 1 occupied nonbonding levels with respect to the ligands which do not contribute to vicinal bonding in the array and for isolable hypervalent molecules requires electronegative ligands to stabilize the resultant electron density as is observed for 3. Conversely, 2n + 4 atomic orbitals combined to give molecular orbitals for 4/i + 6 electrons result in 4« + 2 occupied antibonding levels noded with respect to the ligands which are destabilizing regardless of ligand electronegativity, as for example, the hypervalent possibility related to 4. In other words, if the sum of an even

the one central hypervalent atom plus the coaxial ligand atoms is odd the system is stable and, if even, destabilized. This argument may be extrapolated to account for the origin of the unusually high energy barrier observed for the gas-phase nucleophilic displacement at carbon associated the reaction of CN_ with CH3CI and C2H- with CH3F which requires a linear transition state described by a combination of 2n + 4 atomic orbitals.7 Likewise the observed highly concerted decomposition (AH* = 17.6 keal/mol) of di-ZerZ-butyl 0,0'phenylbisthioperbenzoate proceeds via a linear 6-electron 5center hypervalent sulfur bonding array with one occupied bonding and two occupied nonbonding levels in the transition state and is an example of a stabilized 2n + 3 atomic orbital combination.8

Acknowledgments. We sincerely wish to thank the National

Journal of the American Chemical Society




(1974). (4) J. A. Pople, D. L. Beveridge, and P. A. Dobosh, J. Chem. Phys., 47, 2025 (1967). A d-orbital inclusive basis was used. Extended Huckel calculations give qualitatively the same results. (5) The thione was obtained from a modification of a published procedure. R. Grlgg, T. J. King, and G. Shelton, Chem. Commun., 56 (1970). (6) Satisfactory (+0.39%) elemental analyses (C, , N, S,) halogen have been obtained for all new Isolated compounds. (7) D. K. Bohme, G. I. Mackay, and J. P. Payzant, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96, 4027 (1974). See also R. F. W. Bader, A. J. Duke, and R. R. Messer, ibid., 95, 7715

(1973). (8) J. C. Martin and . M. Chau, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 96, 3319 (1974).

A. J. Arduengo, Edward M. Burgess* School of Chemistry, Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332 Received September 24, 1976

Laser-Induced Lanthanide Ion Luminescence Lifetime Measurements by Direct Excitation of Metal Ion Levels. A New Class of Structural Probe for Calcium-Binding Proteins and Nucleic Acids

Sir: The employment of the fluorescence of organic groups in biochemical research is widespread. In marked contrast, the use of metal ion luminescence in probing structure-function relationships remains a relatively unexploited area. Of all the metallic aquo cations in the periodic table, only certain members of the trivalent lanthanide series, Ln(III), luminesce in solution at room temperature. While Ln(III) ions do not occur naturally in biological systems, they appear to be, in general, capable of replacing calcium ions in biological systems1-2 with isomorphous substitution having been demonstrated in several instances.3-4 Unfortunately, in comparison to organic fluorophores, lanthanide ions are only weakly luminescent, principally because they are extremely weak absorbers of electromagnetic radiation. Heretofore, utilization of Ln(III) ion luminescence in biochemical research has been limited to cases in which the metal ion luminescence is greatly enhanced upon binding to a macromolecule. Only for Tb(III) bound to globular proteins5-8 and for Tb(III) and Eu(III) bound to nucleic acids9·10 have such intensity enhancements been reported. This enhancement of luminescence results primarily from energy transfer from strongly absorbing organic moieties (aromatic amino acids, nucleotide bases) to excited metal ion levels. The present report represents the initial stage of a program designed to extend the utility of Ln(III) ion luminescence to any macromolecule which binds a Ln(III) ion. The technique described, which does not depend on energy transfer, should allow additional members of the lanthanide series to serve as useful probe ions. The experiments are carried out using radiation of a wavelength at which most proteins and nucleic acids are transparent. We have concentrated initially on the measurement of Ln(III) ion luminescence decay constants which provide a sensitive measure of the number of water molecules coordinated to the metal ion. In this study we exploit the large photon flux available from a coaxial flashlamp-pumped dye laser (Phase-R, Model 1200

March 30, 1977