25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education ... - ACS Publications

Sep 26, 2017 - The 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), will be held July 29–August 2, 2018, hosted by the University of Notre Dam...
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25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, July 29−August 2, 2018, University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Indiana Steven M. Wietstock,*,† Cathrine Reck,‡ and James Parise† †

Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556, United States Department of Chemistry, Indiana UniversityBloomington, Bloomington, Indiana 47405, United States

ABSTRACT: The 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE), will be held July 29−August 2, 2018, hosted by the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana. BCCE provides opportunities for interacting with chemistry instructors of all levels in formal and informal settings. Join colleagues for professional growth and social networking, and discover how Chemical Education is Golden. KEYWORDS: Conferences, Elementary/Middle School Science, High School/Introductory Chemistry, First-Year Undergraduate/General, Second-Year Undergraduate, Upper-Division Undergraduate, Graduate Education/Research, Professional Development

• Two consecutive SciMix-styled poster sessions overlooking the exhibits in the brand-new Duncan Hall with our traditional ice cream social • Explore downtown South Bend, Indiana,3 eateries, pubs, and River Lights (bring your diffraction gratings) on Tuesday evening ($20 dinner coupon included in registration) • Fingers crossed that there will be a South Bend Cubs baseball game on Tuesday evening! (Final schedule for 2018 is still pending) • Scheduled tours to view and taste the local South Bend craft brews and distillates (goggles not required) • Exercise your ears, eyes, and feet as we move to the beat of the infamous Al D. Hyde and the Key Tones in Duncan Hall on Wednesday evening All venues are short walking distances from each other and to Eddy Street Commons to take advantage of its tempting eateries and pubs. Residence halls and local hotels will be available housing options. South Bend International Airport is a 15 min drive from campus, and we will have airport shuttle service provided for participants. Airport shuttles are also available from Chicago airports. Confirmed plenary speakers include: • Sunday evening: P. Karen Murphy, Professor of Education (Educational Psychology), Penn State University, Motivation and Education Neuroscience • Monday morning: TedTalks by Notre Dame faculty Jennifer Tank, Ryan Roeder, Marya Lieberman, Paul Bohn, and Marv Miller on Real-World Applications of Chemistry In addition, David Brown, Professor of Chemistry at Southwestern College, has been invited for a plenary talk on the future role of two-year colleges in higher education.

CONFERENCE OVERVIEW The University of Notre Dame is looking forward to hosting the 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE),1 sponsored by the ACS Division of Chemical Education, in July 2018. This biennial conference fosters collaboration and conversations among educators from all levels including middle school science teachers, high school chemistry teachers, and two-year and four-year chemistry instructors. This conference has become the largest gathering of chemical educators in the world and a thriving part of the chemical education community for 50 years now. We are celebrating our “Golden Anniversary”, and we hope you can celebrate this auspicious occasion with us. General Chair, Steven Wietstock (University of Notre Dame), and Co-Program Chairs, Cate Reck (Indiana University−Bloomington) and Jim Parise (University of Notre Dame), invite you to join us on the iconic campus of Notre Dame (ND)2 from July 29 to August 2, 2018. You can expect a dynamic conference offering a number of rich symposia, time to network with colleagues, and ample time to explore the beauty of the campus and surrounding community. Our conference will work to emphasize the improvements of chemistry education at all levels, and modern developments in chemistry and chemical education. BCCE is highly respected in the chemical education community. In addition to the daily noncompeting plenary presentations, 15 or 16 concurrent symposia, over 100 workshops, and a large exhibition, we are planning several unique activities allowing attendees to meet and greet each other. Included in our plans are these offerings: • Test the density of your clubs (ρTi = 4.506 g/mL) on a golf outing on the 18-hole Warren Golf Course on campus • Opening Sunday reception following the evening keynote in Compton Ice Arena • Determine your ΔT after the 5 K fun-run/walk that finishes with running through the tunnel and ending on the iconic ND football field © XXXX American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.

Received: September 14, 2017


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00711 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education

News and Announcements

GENERAL CALL FOR SYMPOSIA, WORKSHOPS AND PAPERS Symposia and workshop proposals will be accepted through December 1, 2017. Criteria for submission are available on the conference Web site.1 Abstracts for presentations and posters will be accepted through February 20, 2018. Both submission sites can be found on the conference Web site under the Presenting tab.1 We already have a wide variety of symposia that are looking for submissions. If, in the coming months, there is not a topic listed that fits your presentation, then submit your presentation to the general papers session, and we will find a session for you. Please read through the instructions for submitting an abstract prior to logging into the abstract submission system: Papers may be rejected if the abstracts do not follow the guidelines. Authors will be notified of their status in mid-to-late March 2018 and will be informed of presentation times and locations in April 2018. Just a few of the 90+ symposia sessions include these topics: • 3D printing in chemistry education • Active learning in organic chemistry • Chemistry education research about multiple representations • Chemistry education research: graduate student research symposium • Collaborative and cooperative learning • Course-embedded research experiences in the first and second year curriculum • Creativity in the classroom: games and manipulatives that encourage learning • Enhancing student learning and retention in introductory “gatekeeping” chemistry courses • George R. Hague, Jr., advanced placement chemistry symposium • Interdisciplinary collaboration in chemistry courses: practices and challenges • Learning about quantitative research in chemistry education research • Learning about theoretical frameworks in chemistry education research • Peer instruction across the postsecondary curriculum • Problem solving as a pedagogical method (PSPm) in chemistry • Qualitative research in chemical education: in pursuit of whys and hows • Supporting underrepresented minorities to increase undergraduate retention and success • Teaching chemistry at minority-serving institutions • The 3 Ps of student engagement in the flipped general chemistry classroom: preparation, participation, and performance • Using science fiction to teach chemistry

at special conference pricing. Check the BCCE Web site for the latest details on off-campus housing arrangements.1 Visit and bookmark the 25th BCCE Web site1 for specific information about the conference. Check our social media channels and Web site for updated information pertaining to the technical program, registration, housing, and social events as the conference approaches. If you are still wondering what a Hoosier is,4 then we invite you to come to the 25th BCCE at ND and see them up close! Any questions, program ideas, or general suggestions for any of the BCCE program chairs can be sent to the BCCE email address, [email protected]. As the legendary Notre Dame coach Lou Holtz said, “I never learned anything talking. I only learned things asking questions.” Come ask questions of your colleagues in their element where “Chemical Education is Golden”. Let us meet under the Golden Dome at Notre Dame as we celebrate the golden anniversary of chemistry education conferences.


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Steven M. Wietstock: 0000-0003-4483-1749


(1) Welcome to the 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education. http://bcce2018.org/ (accessed Sep 2017). (2) University of Notre Dame. https://www.nd.edu/ (accessed Sep 2017). (3) City of South Bend, Indiana, website. https://www.southbendin. gov/ (accessed Sep 2017). (4) Wikipedia entry for “Hoosier”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Hoosier (accessed Sep 2017).

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Early registration will begin on February 16, 2018, through the 25th BCCE Web site.1 Estimated registration fees are $325 for general registrants, $175 for secondary educators, and $175 for graduate students. After 11:59 pm on June 1, 2018, a late registration fee will be added to all categories. You will also be able to register for on-campus housing at that time as well, with prices around $75 per night for double-occupancy rooms. We have made arrangements with local hotels for blocks of rooms B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00711 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX