Dec 12, 2005 - More information on the meeting programs, workshops, special events, exposition, graduate school and industrial fair, registration, and...
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Meeting (WRM), hosted by the ACS Orange County Section, will be held Jan. 22-25,2006. The theme of the meeting, 'Water, Water, Everywhere!?!," will focus on topics ranging from macromolecule-water interactions to environmental impacts of catastrophicfloodingand from water quality

WRM AT A GLANCE Dates; Jtn, 22-25.2Wtt Location: DoubleTree Anaheim/Orange ÇounW.Qrgn^.ÇflUfr

Website; vyww.Yyrmam.org Information Contacts: Richard L. Deming, general chair, generalchair® wrm2006.org or I7U) 278-2170; Robert Belloli, program chair, programchair® wrm2006.org; David Marec, exhibits chair. exhibitschair®wrm2QQ6.org. of coastal beaches to water on Mars. Other symposia and general sessions will present the latest research in other topics such as atmospheric chemistry, organic synthesis, nanotechnology, chemical education, biosensors, pharmaceuticals, and many more. More information on the meeting programs, workshops, special events, exposition, graduate school and industrial fair, registration, and housing is on the WRM meeting website, www.wrm2006.org. TECHNICAL PROGRAM Nearly 30featuredsymposia and 15 general sessions are planned that will present the latest research in theoretical and applied areas. Each day a plenary luncheon will highlight important topics: On Monday,James Heath of California Institute of Technology will address "Frontiers in Nanotechnology"; Kenneth Johnson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., will talk about "Water on Mars" on Tuesday; and on Wednesday, Michael Garst of Allergan, Irvine, Calif., will review "Advances in Pharmaceutical Chemistry." Planned symposia topics include water monitoring by remote analytical methods, water treatment strategies and technologies, bioremediation of aquatic systems, environmental impacts of catastrophic flooding, gas clathrate hydrates, advances 36

C & E N / D E C E M B E R 1 2 , 2005

in nanotechnology, microfhiidics and nanotechnology, bioanalytical applications of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, photochemical reactions in aqueous and nonaqueous solvents, advances in pharmaceutical chemistry, structural chemistry and structural biology, chemical safety issues in biotechnology and in the pharmaceutical sciences, chemical developments at the U.S.-Mexico interface, and several careerrelated topics. A special symposium to honor Weston T. Borden, 2005 Cope Scholar, will be held on Monday, Jan. 23. Borden will open the session with a presentation titled "The Schizophrenic Effect of Geminal Fhiorina-

tion on the Kinetic Stabilities of Molecules Containing Small Rings: Calculations, Predictions, and Experimental Tests." Visit the W R M website at www. wrm2006.org for updated information on the sessions and their times and locations. Contact the program chair, Robert Belloli, at [email protected] information. EDUCATORS' DAY Sunday,Jan. 22, is Educators' Day. Programming includes an all-day symposium on "Contemporary Issues in Chemical Education" and topics of interest to K-12, community college, and university teachers. Susan Singer of Carieton College will deliver a plenary luncheon address on "America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science," a recently released study by the National Academy of Sciences. The day concludes with a reception, "Conversations with Eminent Scientists," at which

PROGRAM SUMMARY SATURDAY SPECIAL EVENTS How to be an Effective Chemical Hygiene Officer Laboratory Safety Institute Lab Safety Seminar SUNDAY 4:30-6:30 PM- •Exposition SPECIAL EVENTS Plenary Luncheon: America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science Evening Reception & Exposition Opening: Conversations with Eminent Scientists Laboratory Waste Management Fume Hoods & Laboratory Ventilation for Research Professionals SYMPOSIA History of Water Mysteries & Wonders of Water Science Workshop: Just Add Water Problems & Opportunities in Keeping Our Water Safe Chemical Digital Libraries. Including MERLOT How Can I Understand the Behavior of Water Molecules If I Can't See Them? Persistence in Learning Chemistry through Technology Applications Resources Workshop: Journal of Chemical Education

Essay Program Online for Developing Critical Thinking Review & Assessment Ideas That Work! The 10 Most Wanted: Demos of Aqueous Reactions Reactions in a Ziploc Bag Meet Ms. Wiz: Add Pizzazz to Your Demonstrations Subatomic Particles for Dummies Kids & Chemistry Training Workshop Chemagination, National Chemistry Week &CCED Extracurricular High School Chemistry Student Activities Chemistry Teacher ACS Affiliation Careers in Water MONDAY 11:00 AM-6:30 PM-Exposition SPECIAL EVENTS Plenary Luncheon: Advances in Nanotechnology Women Chemists Luncheon ACS Industrial Innovation Award Dinner Workshop: Building Community Outreach Programs SYMPOSIA Advances in Nanotechnology: Low Dimensional Materials in Chemical Analysis I Cope Scholar Award Symposium I Contemporary Issues in Chemical Education I Advances in Atmospheric Chemistry Metal Interactions at the Solid/Water Interface


attendees can meet and talk with scientists in the region who are recognized for their outstanding accomplishments, and with the opening of the exposition. EXPOSITION

Approximately 40 tabletop exhibits will highlight products and services essential to the success of the science featured in the technical program. The exhibition will open Sunday evening,Jan. 22, during the opening reception. On Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 23 and 24, exhibits will be open from 11 AM until 6:30 PM. Attendees will be able to enjoy lunch and breaks in the exhibits area as well as attend the adjoining poster sessions from 4:30-6:30 PM. Space is still available, and exhibitor information, including the prospectus, application, and layout, are available on the Web at wwwwrm2006. org. Contact David Marec, WRM exhibits chair, [email protected], for more information.

The Lawyer Is In Chemical Developments at the U.S.-Mexico Interface Analytical/Biological Mass Spectrometry Advances in Nanotechnology: Low Dimensional Materials in Chemical Analysis II Cope Scholar Award Symposium II Contemporary Issues in Chemical Education II Environmental Monitoring by Remote Analytical Methods Gas Clathrate Hydrates Alternative Careers in Chemistry: Law Bioanalytical Applications of NMR Thriving in the Workplace GENERAL SESSIONS

Materials Chemistry Inorganic Chemistry Atmospheric Chemistry Organic Chemistry Chemical Education POSTER SESSIONS

Organic Inorganic Atmospheric Materials Chemical Education TUESDAY 11:00AM-6:30PM-Exposition SPECIAL EVENTS

District Director's Breakfast Plenary Luncheon: Water on Mars




Emerging Contaminants in the Environment I Environmental Impacts of Catastrophic Flooding Water Quality of Coastal Beaches I Advances in Desalination Technologies Biosensors Photochemical Reactions in Aqueous & Nonaqueous Solvents Bioremediation of Aquatic Systems Regulatory Issues in California Emerging Contaminants in the Environment II Water Quality of Coastal Beaches II Water on Mars & Other Extraterrestrial Bodies Microfluidics & Nanotechnology: The Atom's the Limit Environmental Water Chemistry Macromolecule-Water Interactions Energy, Water & Sustainability Safety in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Stanley C. Israel Award Symposium

Water on Mars Environmental Analytical Bioanalytical Physical Polymer Safety


Environmental Analytical Geochemistry Bioanalytical Physical Polymer Safety


Plenary Luncheon: Advances in Pharmaceutical Chemistry Chloramine (AWWA) Water Quality Sampling (AWWA) SYMPOSIA

Frontiers in Colloidal, Surface & Supramolecular Chemistry in Biomedical Applications Structural Chemistry & Structural Biology Computational Aspects of Aqueous Solvation Safety in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Safety in Biotechnology GENERAL SESSIONS

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Biochemistry Biotechnology THURSDAY A FRIDAY Short course: Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Data


12, 2005


iranami rndav riTvuic

κπη ιιιιΐι · ^HWHMll Short Courses In-House Courses Webcast Courses ACS Prospectives Conferences ACS Continuing Education Offers a Wide Range of Courses and Conferences to Meet Your Total Career Needs and Goals. -2$#


http://chemistry.org/ shortcourses Or call the ACS Department of Continuing Education at (800) 227-5558, ext. 4508. E-mail: [email protected]. Fax: (202) 872-0336.


C & E N / D E C E M B E R 12, 2005


Special events include an address by ACS President E. Ann Nalley, a Women Chemists Luncheon on Monday, followed by an afternoon symposium highlighting progress in the workplace; and a special symposium recognizing the winner of the Stanley C. Israel AwardforDiversity in the Chemical Sciences on Tuesday afternoon. On Tuesday morning, all registered attendees are invited to enjoy coffee and conversation at the District Director's Breakfast. Recent ACS Board of Directors actions and activities will be discussed. Attendees are encouraged to bring their ideas, questions, or concerns about ACS.

CAREER RESOURCE CENTER The ACS Department of Career Services will conduct the following workshops on Monday, Jan. 23: "Targeting the Job Market," "Résumé Writing," and "Interviewing Skills." Résumé reviews and individualized career assistance will be available during the meeting. Attendees and employers may register in advance by contacting Garretta Rollins at [email protected] or by calling Career Services at (800) 227-5558 ext. 6210. WORKSHOPS

The ACS Division of Chemical Health & Safety (CHAS) will conduct two all-day workshops on Saturday, Jan. 21: "How To Be an Effective Chemical Hygiene Officer" and "Laboratory Safety Institute Lab Safety Seminar." On Sunday, Jan. 22, two workshops, "Laboratory Waste Management" and "Fume Hoods and Laboratory Ventilation for Professionals," will be offered. Register for these workshops on the meeting registration form at www. wrm2006.org. A free "Building Community Outreach Programs among Local Sections" workshop will be presented on Monday morning, Jan. 23, to discuss new and innovative programs in the Western region. The California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) is sponsoring two all-day workshops on Wednesday, Jan. 25, on the topics of "Chloramine" and "Water Quality Sampling." A two-day short course on "Statistical Analysis of Laboratory Data" will be offered on Thursday and Friday, Jan. 26 and 27, following the meeting. For details on these courses and registration information, consult the W R M website. REGISTRATION

Register online at the W R M meeting website, www.wrm2006.org, or the ACS website, chemistry.org/meetings/regional.

A downloadable PDF file is available if you prefer to fax or mail your registration form. Registration closes on Monday, Jan. 9. Contact the general chair, Richard Deming, at [email protected] with registration questions. HOUSING & TRAVEL

Special meeting rates are available at the conference hotel, DoubleTree Anaheim/ Orange County, Orange, Calif. You may

GETTING THERE ACS has negotiated discounted rates for air and ground travel for five days before and after each meeting. Air: United: (8001 521-4041, Meeting Plus Code 517SM, and US Airways: (877) 874-7687, Gold File No. 97692959. Both airlines offer discounts off published domestic fares and unrestricted coach fares and do not require a Saturday night stay. United offers 5% off fares booked 30 days in advance. US Airways offers 5% off fares booked 60 days in advance. Ground: Avis: (800) 331-1600, ID Code B120799, or Hertz: (800) 654-2240, ID CodeCV#02UZ0005.

register quickly and easily by going to the conference website and selecting the HOTEL option. The conference code "OCL" should be used to receive the discount rate of $119. The direct phone number is (714) 634-4500 or register online at www.ana heimorangecounty.doubletree.com. The DoubleTree hotel is located in North Central Orange County, just off 1-5, and is easily accessible from all freeways. Parking is available with validation at a special conference rate of $4.00. Orange County/John Wayne (SNA), Los Angeles (LAX), and Ontario (ONT) regional airports are all conveniently located near the meeting site and offer several options for travelers. Orange County is the closest airport. Shared-ride vans and rental cars are available from each of the airports. Many entertainment and recreation venues are located in the area. The hotel and the meeting will have information from the Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau (www.anaheimoc.org), including information about local events and shuttle bus options to locations such as Disneyland, the Pacific Coast, local shopping, and Los Angeles and Hollywood. Visit the meeting website at www. wrm2006.org for the latest details and late-breaking news. • WWW.CEN-0NLINE.ORG