4th Pacific Polymer Conference - Chemical & Engineering News

Oct 16, 1995 - Student and spouse/guest registration is $150, whether in advance or on site. ... Delta and United Airlines are the official U.S. carri...
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4th Pacific Polymer Conference


he 4th Pacific Polymer Conference of the Pacific Polymer Federation will be held Dec. 12-16, at the Hyatt Regency Kauai in Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii. The meeting, which will dovetail with Pacifichem '95 (see page 29), fea­ tures nearly 600 papers to be presented in 12 topical symposia that will extend through noon on Dec. 16. Regular registration fees are $425 before Nov. 3 and $475 on site. Student and spouse/guest registration is $150, whether in advance or on site. Regular and student registrations include receptions, breakfasts, coffee breaks, a luau, a book of abstracts, and attendance at technical sessions. Spouse/guest registration includes the above with exception of the abstract book and admittance to technical sessions. The advance registration form is on page 34. Delta and United Airlines are the offi­


cial U.S. carriers for the conference. At­ tendees using these airlines save 5% off lowest applicable coach round-trip fares, 10% off applicable unrestricted coach fares, and special zone fares on Delta. To make reservations with Delta, call (800) 241-6760 and refer to file No. N1407. To make reservations on United, call (800) 521-4041 and refer to file No. 561XY. People w h o are not U.S. citizens should check with the nearest U.S. em­ bassy or consulate to determine the re­ quirements for visas and for the time needed for visa applications to be pro­ cessed. U.S. embassies and consulates in Pacific Basin countries and in other coun­ tries from which registrants are expected will be sent copies of this program and asked to process applications expedi­ tiously in accord with applicable laws and procedures.

5:05—R&D in Japanese polymer industry. T. Tachi 5:35—Plenary introduction. C. Y. Kim 5:40—Prospects of polymer industries in Ko­ rea. Y. S. Kim 6:20—Closing remarks. J. C. Salamone

TUESDAY 11:00 AM-6:00 PM—Registration 6:30-8:00 PM—Welcoming social

WEDNESDAY 6:30-8:00 AM—Continental breakfast 1:00-6:00 PM—Tour #1 : Discover Kauai

THURSDAY 6:30-8:00 AM—Continental breakfast 1:00-6:00 PM—Tour #3: Alluring Hanalei 1:00-6:00 PM—Tour #4: Discover Kauai 7:30-10:00 PM—Event #2: Luau

FRIDAY 6:30-8:00 AM—Continental breakfast 1:00-6:00 PM—Tour #5: Alluring Hanalei

SATURDAY 6:30-8:00 AM—Continental breakfast


WEDNESDAY MORNING Adhesion Science: Surfaces and Interfaces

H. R. Brown, M. K. Chaudhury, Organizers H. D. Ou-Yang, G. C. Fuller, Presiding 8:00—1. Autoadhesion and strength of cross-linked polyethylene. A. N. Gent, C. Wang, P. Ye 8:30—2. Role of viscoelastic properties in pressure-sensitive adhesion. E. P. Chang 8:50—3. Pressure-sensitive adhesives' fun­ damental parameters through viscoelastic investigation. H. W. Yang 9:10—4. Dynamic interfacial properties of poly(ethylene glycol) solution and polydimethylsiloxane solution. Y. Seo, K. U. Kim, H. Yu 9:30—5. Rheological study of monolayers with anisotropic constituents. G. G. Fuller, T. Maruyama, C. W. Frank, C. R. Robertson 9:50—6. Macroscopic evidence of the effect of interfacial slippage on adhesion. M. K. Chaudhury, B-M. Z. Newby, H. R. Brown

M. K. Chaudhury, L-H. Lee, Presiding TUESDAY AFTERNOON Plenary Lectures

J. C. Salamone, Presiding 4:00—Opening remarks. J. C. Salamone 4:10—Special remarks. O. Vogl 4:25—Plenary introduction. O. Vogl 4:30—Polymers for the 25th century: An in­ dustrial perspective. J. A. Miller 5:00—Plenary Introduction. T. Saegusa

10:30—7. Controlled interfacial adhesion in low-temperature cured phenolic compos­ ites. G. A. George, T. T. Le, G. A. Cash, Β. G. S. Goss 10:50—8. Surface modification of Kapton film by plasma graft polymerization of vinylimidazole for improving adhesion between Kapton film and copper metal. N. Inagaki, S. Tasaka, M. Masumoto 11:10—9. Adhesion promotion and corrosion inhibition by amine-quinone polyurethanes on iron and steel. D. E. Nikles, J. A. Nikles, R. I. Webb, A. P. Chacko, J. P. Bell, K. Vaideeswaran

Reservations for lodging at the Hyatt Regency Kauai must be received by Nov. 10. After that date, reservations are subject to availability at the prevailing rate. All reservations must be accompanied by a one-night's deposit. The special rate for conference attendees is $150 for single or double occupancy and is available Dec. 6-21. Use the housing form on page 121 or contact the hotel directly at (808) 742-6244. To receive the special rate, advise the hotel that you are attending the conference. For more information on the Pacific Polymer Conference, including tour de­ scriptions and cost, automobile rental, and ground transportation arrangements, see the preliminary program (C&EN, July 10, page 29) or contact the ACS Meetings De­ partment, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washing­ ton, D.C. 20036; phone (202) 872-6286; fax (202) 872-6128; e-mail [email protected].

11:30—10. Novel aminohydroxysiloxanes: Adhesion to glass fibers. A. Provatas, P. Arora, J. G. Matisons, R. St. C. Smart 11:50—11. Use of variable duty cycle pulsed RF plasma to improve adhesion of plas­ ma-polymerized films on various sub­ strates. R. B. Timmons, X. Chen, J-H. Wang, C. L. Rinsch 12:10—12. TOF-SIMS study of surface mod­ ification of papers induced by cold plasma treatment. Y. Deslandes, G. Pleizier

11:10—21. Fast-crystallizing polyesteramides based on PBT. A. C. M. van Bennekom, R. J. Gaymans 11:30—22. Enhanced performance of PETPEN blends. Ε. Ε. Paschke 11:50—23. End groups and chemical microstructure of PET. B. Fox, G. Moad, I. Willing 12:10—24. Synthesis and properties of nylon 6-polyimide block and graft copolymers. F. W. Harris, H. Ding, F-L. Lin, Y-C. Lee, B. Livengood, C. C. Shen, Z. D. Cheng

Enhancement of Polymer Properties

Membrane Technology

J. E. McGrath, Organizer N. Yoda, V. Haynes, Presiding

I. Pinnau, Organizer Y. Tsujita, I. Pinnau, Presiding

8:00—13. Poly-X SRP polyphenylenes: Selfreinforced polymers with enhanced processibility. R. R. Gagne, M. S. Trimmer 8:30—14. Miscibility of blends involving fluo­ rine-containing polymethacrylates. S. H. Goh 8:50—15. Synthesis of novel aromatic ketosulfone, ketophosphine oxide, and triketone monomers by reverse-polarity acylation of activated aromatic dihalides with substituted phenylacetonitrile and cc-aminophenylacetonitrile carbanions. J. F. Wolfe, G. Bariberi, J. A. Campbell, H. W. Gibson, T. D. Greenwood, P. Nguyen, A. Pandya, J. Yang 9:10—16. Characterization of critical funda­ mental degradation mechanisms of hightemperature polymer matrix composites. R. J. Morgan, J. K. Choi, L. Drzal, A. Lee, E. Shin, M. Wilenski 9:30—17. Synthesis, characterization, and properties of molecular composites. Y-D. Lee, Y-S. Hsieh, J-R. Wu, K-Y. Chang 9:50—18. Effect of maleated polypropylene on the mechanical properties of blends of polypropylene with liquid-crystalline poly­ mers. D. G. Baird, H. J. O'Donnell

8:00—25. Application of membrane technolo­ gy in wastewater treatment. C. L. Radiman 8:30—26. Diffusion, solubility, and pervaporation studies with membranes of polyaniline and related materials. R. B. Kaner, I. J. Ball, T. M. Su, S-C. Huang, A. H. Kwon, Β. Μ. Lew, S. L. Nguyen 8:50—27. Microphase separation in graft co­ polymer membranes with pendant oligodimethylsiloxanes and permselectivity for aqueous ethanol solutions. T. Miyata, T. Takagi, T. Uragami 9:10—28. Nanofiltration membranes for non­ aqueous applications. K-V. Peinemann, M. Schmidt 9:30—29. Structures of /V-alkyl chitosan membranes and their water-permselectivity for aqueous ethanol solutions through their membranes in evapomeation. T. Ur­ agami, S. Kato, T. Miyata 9:50—30. Surface properties of membrane prepared by glucosyloxyethyl methacrylate copolymer. K. Nakamae, N. Ootsuki, Y. Saiki, Y. Yoshida

N. Yoshida, E. E. Paschke, Presiding 10:30—19. Thermoplastic-toughened ther­ mosets for advanced printer circuit board materials. J. C. Hedrick, A. Viehbeck, K. Papathomas, S. L. Tisdale 10:50—20. Preparation and analysis of polyimide-epoxy composites. K. Gaw, M-A. Kakimoto, Y. Imai

K. Nakamae, B. D. Freeman, Presiding 10:30—31. Kinetics of structure development in membranes formed via liquid-liquid ther­ mally induced phase separation. D. R. Lloyd, K. S. McGuire 10:50—32. Mechanisms of pore formation in membranes. S. P. Nunes 11:10—33. Versatility of gas membrane for­ mation afforded by an asymmetric com­ posite approach. G. K. Fleming, S. C. Pesek

OCTOBER 16,1995 C&EN


MEETINGS 11:30—34. Transport fundamentals involving contributions from viscous flow, Knudsen diffusion, and solution-diffusion mecha­ nism in asymmetric structures. S. A. McKelvey, W. J. Koros 11:50—35. Composite membranes for the recovery of chlorine from process streams. I. Pinnau, K. A. Lokhandwala, P. Nyugen, S. Segelke, L. G. Toy 12:10—36. Potential uses of membranes containing Ag(l) for separation of olefins and aromatic compounds from alkanes. C. A. Koval, L. Herbert, S. Kohls, D. Manley, R. Rabago, P. Thoen, R. D. Noble

11:10—57. Synthesis of monodisperse latex particles with chloromethyl functionality useful for immunoassays. J. Forcada, J. Sarobe 11:30—58. Adsorption of polyampholytes on polystyrene latex: Effect on the colloid stability. F. Candau, S. Neyret, L. Ouali, E. Pefferkorn 11:50—59. Adsorption kinetics and interfacial relaxations of water-soluble polymers adsorbing on negatively charged surfaces. M. M. Santore, Z. Fu, V. A. Rebar 12:10—60. Structure analysis of colloidal dispersions by ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering. T. Konishi, N. Ise

3:55—78. A novel polyaddition of bifunctional acetylenes containing electron-withdrawing groups: 2-Synthesis of polymers having β-alkylmercaptoenoate moieties by the re­ actions with dithiols. H. Kuroda, I. Tomita, T. Endo 4:15—79. Control of reactivities of polymeric initiators through the samarium iodideinduced transformation. R. Nomura, M. Narita, Τ Endo 4:35—80. Poly(organoboron halide)s by hydroboration polymerization. Y. Chujo, N. Takizawa

Polymers for Advanced Optical Applications

Κ. Β. Wagener, Organizer S. Kobayashi, Presiding

New Polymer Synthesis

Κ. Β. Wagener, Organizer H. R. Allcock, J. C. Jung, Presiding 8:00—37. From gas-phase clusters to poly­ mers and nanoparticles: A route to novel materials. S. El-Shall 8:30—38. Vapor deposition polymerization of 2,5-dimethylene-2,5-dihydrofuran and 2,5dimethylene-2,5-dihydrothiophene. C-S. Hsu 8:50—39. Synthesis of polyesters containing 1,2,3,4-tetrabromobutadiene units. T. Ogawa, S. Fomine, C. Sanchez 9:10—40. Direct polymerization of vinyl alco­ hol and vinyl alcohol derivatives. Β. Μ. Novak, A. Cederstav 9:30—41. New synthetic approaches to poly(p-xylylenes) and new aspects for the structure-property relationships and appli­ cations of poly(/>xylylenes). A. Greiner 9:50—42. ADMET chemistry in the synthesis of chlorofunctionalized polymers. K. Wagener, S. Cummings, J. Portmess, J. Anderson

S. A. Jenekhe, K. J. Wynne, Organizers S. K. Tripathy, Presiding 8:00—61. High-speed polymer optical fiber and amplifier. Y. Koike 8:30—62. Fundamental limits of active polymer integrated optics. R. Lytel, G. F. Lipscomb, A. J. Ticknor, J. I. Thackara 8:50—63. Exceptionally stable donor-imbedded side-chain NLO polyimides. R. D. Miller, D. M. Burland, T. Verbiest, V. Y. Lee, M. Jurich, R. J. Twieg, C. R. Moylan, W. Volksen 9:10—64. Bulk self-assembled films for photonics. S. K. Tripathy, D. Y. Kim, W. H. Kim, J. Kumar 9:30—65. Third-order NLO susceptibility of diacetylene-containing polymers. T. Ogawa, S. Fomine, G. Burillo 9:50—66. Polydiacetylene microcrystals for third-order nonlinear optics. H. Nakanishi

K. B. Wagener, T. Ogawa, Presiding

K. J. Wynne, Presiding

10:30—43. Addition polymerizations in tunnel clathrate host systems. H. R. Allcock, Ε. Ν. Silverberg, G. K. Dudley, A. P. Primrose 10:50—44. Synthesis of new poly(etherimide)s. J. C. Jung, J-K. Im 11:10—45. Anionic polymerization of fluorostyrenes. S. Nakahama, K. Sugiyama, T. Ishizone, A. Hirao 11:30—46. New homogeneous and hetero­ geneous catalyst for ROMP. F. Stelzer 11:50—47. Chemical synthesis of chitooligomers via enzymatic polymerization. S-l. Shoda, T. Kiyosada, S. Kobayashi 12:10—48. New silsesquioxane polymers prepared from discrete polyhedral oligosilsesquioxane (POSS) macromers. J. D. Lichtenhan

10:30—67. Novel polymeric composites for photonics. P. N. Prasad 10:50—68. Design, synthesis, and nonlinear optical properties of syndioregic mainchain chromophore-containing polymer bilayers. K. J. Wynne, G. Lindsay, J. M. Hoover, J. D. Stenger-Smith, A. P. Chafin, R. A. Hollins, W. H. Herman 11:10—69. New chromophoric glassy polymers and the fabrication of thermally stable, second-order nonlinear optical films. G. Lindsay, A. P. Chafin, R. A. Hollins, L. Merwin, J. D. Stenger-Smith, R. Yee, W. H. Herman 11:30—70. Development of polymer optical waveguides for photonic device applications. T. Kaino 11:50—71. Novel nonlinear optical polymers. N. Tsutsumi, O. Matsumoto, W. Sakai, T. Kiyotsukuri 12:10—72. Characterization of polymer relaxation dynamics using second-order nonlinear optics, dielectric relaxation, and dynamic mechanical analysis. H. S. Lackritz, L. A. Sullivan

Emulsions, Suspension, and Dispersion Polymerizations

M. S. El-Aasser, Organizer D. C. Sundberg, H. Kawaguchi, Presiding 8:00—49. Measurement of propagation rate coefficients for emulsion polymerization modeling. R. G. Gilbert, R. A. Lyons, J. Hutovic, M. C. Piton, D. I. Christie, P. A. Clay, B. G. Manders, A. M. Santos, S. H. Kable 8:30—50. Kinetics and mechanisms of the seeded emulsion copolymerization of sty­ rène and acrylamide. M. Nomura, H. Ichikawa, T. Watanabe, K. Fujita 8:50—51. Emulsion polymerization kinetics in phase-separated latex particles. Y. G. Durant, D. C. Sundberg 9:10—52. Ultrasonically initiated free-radicalcatalyzed polymerizations. J. O. Stoffer, H. C. Chou, H. L. Kao, C. R. Morales, Y. Kim, O. C. Sitton 9:30—53. Predominant droplet nucleation in emulsion polymerization. F. J. Schork, J. L. Reimers, S. Wang 9:50—54. Determination of particle number from rates of polymerization. R. J. Warner, P. E. Gloor, D. D. Schatz

T-l. Min, A. J. Paine, Presiding 10:30—55. The fate of polyvinyl alcohol) in the emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate using polyvinyl alcohol) as emulsifier. M. S. El-Aasser, G. S. Magallanes, V. L. Dimonie, D. E. Sudol 10:50—56. Effect of copolymerization variables on the development of latex particle morphology. D. C. Sundberg, K. Lee


OCTOBER 16,1995 C&EN

New Polymer Synthesis II

2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—81. Aliphatic polysulfoxides: Novel aprotic polar polymers. T. Oyama, J. Ozaki, Y. Chujo 2:25—82. Synthesis of organoboron poly­ mers by phenylboration polymerization. Y. Sasaki, Y. Chujo 2:45—83. Synthesis of poly(amide-imide)-silica gel hybrids containing metal salts. C. Ver Avadhani, Y. Chujo 3:05—84. ESR studies of radical polymeriza­ tion of deuterated monomers. B. Yamada

Y. Kawakami, Presiding 3:35—85. Synthesis and characterization of polydimethylsiloxane macromonomer. Y. Kawakami 3:55—86. Reactions of organometallic poly­ mers having cobaltacyclopentadiene moi­ eties in the main chain. I. Tomita, J-C. Lee, A. Nishio, T. Endo 4:15—87. Synthesis of polyphenols via enzy­ matic oxidative polymerization. S. Koba­ yashi, H. Kurioka, H. Uyama 4:35—88. Polymerization of hexafluoro-1,3butadiene and some characteristics of the polymer thin film. T. Narita, T. Hagiwara, H. Hamana, S. Nishimura, A. Takahashi Enhancement of Polymer Properties

J. E. McGrath, Organizer, Presiding 2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—89. Study of structural effects on the performance of polyurethane dispersions. Y-T. Hwang, C. C. T. Hung, H. T. Lee, Y. H. Jan, H-C. Li 2:25—90. Electron curing of fiber-reinforced composites: An overview. A. Singh, C. B. Saunders, V. J. Lopata, W. Kremers, M. Chung 2:45—91. Curing kinetics and free-volume properties of epoxies with varying chain length. J. Gonis, G. P. Simon, W. D. Cook, A. J. Hill 3:05—92. Tribromophenyl maleimide-styrene copolymers produced via emulsion poly­ merization. M. Narkis, Y. Yuan, A. Siegmann, J. P. Bill

J. R. Riffle, Presiding


Κ. Β. Wagener, Organizer Y. Chujo, Presiding 2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—73. Synthesis of polyphosphate and polyphosphate ester having pendant amine salt groups. S. Nakamura, C. Wang 2:25—74. Preparation and swelling of polyelectrolyte complexes. D. Van Luyen, P. T. Binh, T. T. Thuy, D. D. Long 2:45—75. Macrocyclic polyimides by DielsAlder polyaddition. E. Klemm, G. Alhakimi, N. Kottner 3:05—76. Novel regular polyelectrolytes. W. Jaeger, M. Hahn, A. Zimmerman, A. Lieske

S. Nakamura, Presiding 3:35—77. Synthesis of linear and network rotaxane polymers by new telechelics hav­ ing cyclic onium salt groups. Y. Tezuka, S. Hashimoto, K. Nishizawa, T. Shiomi

3:35—93. Chemorheology for the curing of the dicyandiamide-epoxide system. Y. Wang 3:55—94. Physical strength of two-network elastomers. S. Kaang, D. Gong 4:15—95. Enhancement of properties via in­ corporation of hydrolytically stable aryl phosphine oxide comonomer. J. E. Mc­ Grath, D. Riley, D. B. Priddy, T. H. Yoon, A. Gungor, S. C. Liptak, C. D. Smith, I. Wan 4:35—96. Properties modification by proton irradiation of polystyrene and low-density polyethylene. J. Cardoso, R. G. Eilliman, M. E. Martinez-Pardo, H. Vazquez, M. Aguilar Bipolymers and Polymer Degradation R. Faust, Organizer J. J . Meister, Presiding 2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—97. Conformational analysis of α-helical polypeptides in two opposite screw forms: A combined use of 2H-NMR and MD simula­ tion. H. Furuya, S. Okamoto, A. Abe 2:25—98. Synthesis, characterization, and degradation of biodegradable polydepsipeptides. C. Samyn, M. Van Beylen, A. Maes

2:45—99. Sodium polyaspartate: A biode­ gradable dispersant. M. Β. Freeman, Y. H. Paik, G. Swift, S. K. Wolk, K. M. Yocom 3:05—100. Phase behavior of polyanionpolycation systems. J. Kotz

O. Haratake, Presiding 3:35—101. Fungal biodégradation of thermoplastics from lignin and styrene. J. J. Meister, O. Milstein, R. Gersonde, A. Huttermann, M. J. Chen 3:55—102. Targeted delivery of pesticides from Matricap compositions: Aquatic studies. R. Levy, M. A. Nichols, W. R. Opp 4:15—103. Syntheses and biological activities of polymers containing 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine. W. J. Cho, W. M. Choi, C-S. Ha 4:35—104. Mechanisms of flocculation processes by cationic polyelectrolytes in the presence of fulvic and humic acids. N. Narkis Emulsions, Suspensions, and Dispersions

R. Faust, Organizer S. P. Sawan, Presiding 2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—105. Crack tip propagation in tough polymer blends. H. Beh 2:25—106. Multiphase structures and their formations in segmented polyurethanes. T. K. Chen, C. Y. Chiu 2:45—107. Analysis of the microrheological behaviors of polymer blends by using quartz crystal analyzer. S-M. Chang, J-M. Kim, C-S. Ha, H. Muramatsu 3:05—108. Effect of reactive compatibilization on the physical properties of PBT-TLCP blends. S. S. Hwang, J. Lee, J. Jang, S. M. Hong A. F. Fehervari,


3:35—109. The role of soluble organic polymers in water and wastewater treatment. B. A. Bolto 3:55—110. Hydrophobic effects on latex stability. E. C. Kostansek 4:15—111. Catalytic oxidation of polyvinyl toluene) in aqueous emulsion. P. Li, T. K. Wong, H. P. Yie, J. H. Liu 4:35—112. Recent advances in organic aerogel technology. R. W. Pekala, C. T. Alviso Polymer Synthesis and Properties R. Faust, Organizer J. J. Ο'Mai ley, Presiding 2:0fJ—Opening remarks 2:05—113. Highly ordered polymers from ring-opening metathesis polymerization of norbornene derivatives. F. Stelzer, M. Schimetta, R. Schitter, M. Ungerank, B. Winkler 2:25—114. Copolymerizations of ethylene with α-olefin using various kinds of metallocenes. M. Watanabe, N. Yabunouchi, K. Yokata, T. Okamoto, N. Tani 2:45—115. Glow-discharge-initiated vaporphase grafting of vinyl monomers on wet­ tability of polyethylene. Y-L. Hsieh, W. Lin 3:05—116. Functionalization of polymers by free-radical addition-substitution mecha­ nism. D. Colombani, P. Chaumont

R. Faust, Presiding 3:35—117. Microwave and thermal cure ki­ netics of epoxy resins. D. D. J. Hill, G. A. George, D. G. Rogers 3:55—118. Novel photoresists employing on­ ium salt photoinitiators. K. Davidson, P. C. Hadley 4:15—119. Novel copolyesters containing naphthalene structure. I. From bis(hydroxyalkyl)naphthalate and bis(4-[2-hydroxyethoxy)]aryl) compounds. Y. M. Sun, C. S. Wang 4:35—120. Preparation of functionalized polystyrene by reactive extrusion and its blend with polyamide 6. W. H. Jo, C. D. Park, M. S. Lee

WEDNESDAY EVENING Poster Session: Emulsion, Suspension, and Dispersion Polymerizations

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 121. On effect of polymer-polymer interaction on stability of emulsifier-free acrylate la­ texes. T. Aslamazova 122. A mathematical model for microemulsion polymerization. E. Mendizabal, J. Flores, J. E. Puig, F. Lopez-Serrano, J. Al­ varez, I. A. Katime 123. Synthesis of monodispersed silica parti­ cles using sol-gel technique and flowinduced evolution of microstructure of the dispersion. S-M. Yang, J-D. Lee 124. Rheological characteristics of the phos­ pholipid vesicles surface-modified with oli­ gosaccharide. S. Takeoka, K. Soh, S. Arase, H. Sakai, E. Tsuchida 125. A novel reactive polymeric micelle: Polymeric micelles with aldehyde groups on their surface. C. Scholz, M. lijima, Y. Nagasaki, K. Kataoka 126. Synthesis of hyaluronic acid derivative conjugated with thymine base and applica­ tion to a photoresponsive controlledrelease system. T. Wada, S. Chirachanchai, Y. Inaki, K. Takemoto 127. Hydrogel nanoparticle formed by self-as­ sembly of functional amphiphilic polysac­ charides: Utilization in DDS. K. Akiyoshi, I. Taniguchi, S. Kobayashi, J. Sunamoto 128. Mechanism of membrane protein trans­ fer. Y. Okumura, K. Suzuki, J. Sunamoto 129. Immobilization of bioreceptors in poly­ phenols for biosensing. L. A. Samuelson, K. S. Alva, S. D. Kamtekar, J. Kumar, K. A. Marx, S. K. Tripathy 130. NMR investigation of glycophorin Am/ lipid bilayers. Z. Zhou, Y. Okumura, J. Su­ namoto 131. Syntheses of copolymers of lactic acid and amino acids having reactive groups by ring-opening polymerization and their biodegradability. Y. Ohya, T. Nozaki, I. Fujimoto, T. Ouchi 132. Viscoelastic rheological properties dur­ ing imposed shear of aqueous polymer dispersions. A. Motyka, D. McMahon, G. Broze 133. Solution viscosity behavior of polysty­ rene-based cationic ionomers and their in­ tramolecular interactions. N. Ohtani, Y. Inoue, Y. Kaneko, E. Kiyama, A. Sakakida, I. Takeishi, H. Furutani Poster Session: Enhancement of Polymer Properties

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 134. Mechanical properties of composites of bamboo-fiber-filled maleic-anhydride-modified polypropylene. C-M. Chan, Y. L. Mi, X-Y. Chen 135. Studies on thermotropic liquid crystal­ line polymers part XIV: Synthesis and properties of liquid crystalline poly(imideester)s by direct polycondensation. T-C. Chang, T-C. Hung 136. Direct polycondensation of polyamideimide (PAI). K-Y. Choi, Y-T. Hong, M. Y. Jin 137. Synthesis of cross-linked electrically conductive polymers. A. H. Ponsonby, K. Davidson 138. Preparation and properties of water-sol­ uble, comblike, and amphiphilic polymers. L Gargallo, A. Leiva, D. Radie 139. Viscosity of spherical polymer having long alkyl groups and behavior of that as hardener for epoxy resin. M. Kawashima, K. Horiuchi 140. Epoxidation of polyolefins by in situ-gen­ erated peroxy acid. Y. Kurusu 141. Effect of drawing conditions on orienta­ tion and structure of aliphatic polyesters. K. H. Lee, S. H. Lee, H. M. Cho 142. Effect of methylene and ether groups on the thermal properties of polyimides. C. J. Lee, B. C. Kim, S. K. Park, S. Y. Kim, K. R. Ha

143. Synthesis and characterization of solu­ ble aromatic polyimides based on 2,2bis(3-amino-4-hydroxyphenyl)hexafluoropropane. D. Likhatchev, C. GutierrezWing, R. Vera-Graziano, I. Kardash 144. Polymers with bulky side chains. D. Radie, N. Gatica, F. Martinez, L. Gargallo 145. Self-organization of charged macromolecules via ionic interaction: Interamidation of polyacrylic acid-piperazine complex salt. N. Biçak, G. Koza, A. B. Soydan, B. F. Senkal 146. Reversible photo-cross-linking of polyacrylates with pendant 4-methyl coumarin chromophores. Y. Chen, J-L. Geh 147. Benzocyclobutene: A nontoxic crosslinking agent. M. F. Farona, T. L. Fishback 148. Dependence of melt viscosity on structures of the comb-shaped copolymers. K. Horiuchi, M. Kawashima, T. Sakuramachi, S. Satoh, T. Kojima 149. Structure and properties of hard elastic polyethylene samples crystallized under different conditions. E. A. Karpov, E. Y. Rosova, G. K. Elyashevich 150. Relationships of processing-structure property in the dry jet-wet spinning process of acrylic polymers. B. C. Kim, B. G. Min, S. G. Kim, C. J. Lee 151. Effect of soft segment length on the morphology and properties of thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers. D. J. Martin, G. M. Renwick, G. F. Meijs 152. Interaction of supercritical fluids with crystalline and amorphous polymers. S. P. Sawan, G. Manivannan, P. H. C. Lee, Y-T. Shieh, J-H. Su, W. D. Spall 153. Corrosion inhibition of poly(/7-butyl vinyl dithicarbamate). E. Sezer, A. S. Sarac, B. F. Senkal, N. Bicak 154. Incorporation of reactive chemical groups in Starburst dendrimers. P. Singh 155. Unusual solubilization of hydrophobic compounds by copolymers of maleic acid and alkyl vinyl ethers. U. P. Strauss, V. S. Zdanowicz 156. Esterification cross-linking of cellulose: A route to formaldehyde-free durable press cotton and cellulosic fabrics. B. A. Kottes Andrews, N. M. Morris, B. J. Trask-Morrell 157. Morphology and fractal behavior of the interface of phase-separated block copolymers. R. Xie, B. Jiang 158. Single-pack self-curable anionic PU dispersions. K-N. Chen Poster Session: New Polymer Synthesis

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 159. Characterization of novel poly(amideimide)s. J. M. Adduci, B. Zhang 160. Radiation-sensitive organosilicon poly­ mers. E. D. Babich 161. Radiation polymerization of 1,2-diallylcarbonate-1'-benzoate glycerol. D. Lopez, V. J. L. Reyes, B. G. Burillo, A. P. Plata H. 162. Chain transfer by addition-fragmentation mechanism. Investigation of the 1,5intramolecular homolytic substitution on weak bonds as a new trend in radicaltransfer processes. D. Colombani, P. Chaumont 163. Polymerization of styrene and methylmethacrylate with supported nickel acetylacetonate/methylaluminoxane catalysts. M. L. Dias, M. C. M. Gonçalves, L. C. Santa Maria, F. M. B. Coutinho 164. Hybrid styryl-based polyhedral oligosilsesquioxane (POSS) polymers and copolymers. T. S. Haddad, J. D. Lichtenhan 165. Anionic polymerization reactivities of A/-(4-substituted-phenyl)maleimides. T. Hagiwara, H. Hamana, T. Narita 166. High-pressure, solid-state polyamidation of nylon monomer crystals. T. Ikawa 167. Synthetic uses of the electrochemically activated polyacrylamide derivatives. M. Ishifune, A. Takatani, N. Yamashita 168. Severely hindered propagation and termination allowing radical polymerization of α-substituted acrylates. S. Kobatake, O. Konosu, B. Yamada 169. Hydrogels based on fluorosiloxanes. J. Kunzler, R. Ozark 170. Synthesis and structure of soluble rigid polyamides derived from 2,5-bis(4-diaminophenyl)-3,4-diphenylthiophene and 2,5dialkoxy terephthaloyl chlorides. K-S. Lee, W-K. Lee, H-H. Song, S-M. Lee

171. Block copolymers based on hydroxylterminated liquid natural rubber. P. H. Ly 172. Functionalized cross-linked polystyreneresin-supported β-ketoimine metal com­ plexes. L. S. Molochnikov, S. Yu. Men'shikov, A. V. Vurasko, L. B. Petrov 173. Helix-sense-selective radical polymer­ ization of bulky methacrylates. T. Nakano, Y. Shikisai, A. Matsuda, Y. Hidaka, Y. Okamoto 174. Polymerization reaction mode of 1,1,2trifluoro-1,3-butadiene. T. Narita, T. Hagiwara, H. Hamana, S. Nishimura 175. Synthesis of polyfunctional vinyl ether derivatives containing silicon by the addi­ tion reaction of glycidyl vinyl ether with silyl chlorides and their photoinitiated cation­ ic polymerization. T. Nishikubo, H. Itoh, A. Kameyama 176. Polymerization of diphenylfulvene by metathesis catalysts. M. Tlenkopatchev, E. Miranda, T. Ogawa 177. Synthesis of siloxy-containing polyamines by the polyaddition of n-silylated amines to bisepoxides. Y. Oishi, H. Sekiguchi, T. Asamizuya, H. Hirahara, K. Mori 178. Enzymatic synthesis of alternatingly 6-o-methylated cellulose. E. Okamoto, S. Shoda, S. Kobayashi 179. Effect of solvents on ultrasound-induced synthesis of some polycarbonates. A. G. Pinkus, A. Ayambem 180. Polymer-supported Ziegler-Natta cata­ lysts for the polymerization of α-olefins. R. Ran, J. Shen, C. U. Pittman Jr. 181. Synthesis of stereoregular organometallic polymers having A/-4-cyclobutadienecobalt moieties in the main chain. I. L. Rozhanskii, I. Tomita, T. Endo 182. On the preparation of polyvinylamines from polyvinyl alcohol. B. F. Senkal, N. Bicak 183. Formation and reactivity of long-lived propagating polymer radical in the gels formed by low molecular weight gelling agents. M. Seno, T. Sato 184. Organic-inorganic polymer hybrids start­ ing from natural organic polymers. R. Tamaki, T. Fujita, Y. Chujo 185. Branched conjugated polymers contain­ ing thiophenes. S. Tanaka, M. Kumei 186. Matrix polymerization of acrylamide us­ ing stereoregular poly(methyl methacrylate) as a template. N. Yamashita, M. Ishi­ fune, N. Nakao 187. A surface-mediated chromism of func­ tional polysilylene in LB films. M. Yoshida, F. Nakanishi, T. Seki, K. Sakamoto, H. Sakurai 188. Cationic polymerization of vinyl mono­ mers initiated by bis-1,3-dithiolium salt. E. Yoshida, T. Kitao 189. New results of the free-radical ringopening polymerization. E. Klemm, T. Schulze, S. Fernandez 190. Synthesis and properties of poly(aryl ether ketone)s possessing cross-linking groups. Y. Taguchi, H. Uyamma, S. Kobayashi 191. Synthesis of new branched polysaccha­ rides. K. Hatanaka 192. Synthesis and thermostabilities of Λ/-[4(/V-substituted aminocarbonyl)penyl]maleimide polymers. T. Oishi, K. Sase 193. Bulk copolymerization of 2-(diethyl methylphosphonate)-2-oxazoline with 2-methyl-2-oxazoline. R. E. Hermes, R. D. Thompson, J. R. Duke, L. S. Valdez 194. Polymerization factors for high molecu­ lar weight polyvinylalcohol from polyvinylacetate. B. C. Kim, W. S. Lyoo, S. Y. Shin, S. G. Kim, K. Joo, J. R. Han 195. Molecular motion of isolated singlechain of PE in vacuo. M. Sakaguchi, S. Shimada, Y. Hori, M. Sakai 196. Synthesis and characterization of novel polyesters and polyurethanes containing 9,10-diethynylanthracene and pyromellitic diimide fragments. L. Fomina 197. Cyclic polysiloxanes. S. J. Clarson Poster Session: Polymers for Advanced Optical Applications

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 198. Aromatic amine-containing polymers for organic electroluminescent devices. G. Harada, J. Kido, M. Komada, K. Nagai 199. Synthesis and electroluminescent prop­ erties of PPV derivatives. H-K. Shim, l-N. Kang, T-H. Zyong, J-J. Kim

200. An organized liquid crystalline network for second-harmonic generation. A. Huit, M. Trollsàs, F. Sahlén, U. W. Gedde 201. Thermally stable polyimide-based NLO materials for photonic devices. H. K. Kim, J. H. Lee 202. Molecular design and synthesis of poly(1,6-heptadiyne)-based photorefractive materials. J. H. Lee, H. J. Lee, S. K. Choi, H. K. Kim 203. Synthesis and characterization of poly(alkylvinylether)s for nonlinear optical applications. J-Y. Lee 204. A study of photoconductivity of aliphatic polyimides. S. A. Lee, T. Yamashita, K. Horie 205. Nonlinear optical properties of sol-gel silica glass with hemicyanine-type chromophore. K-S. Lee, Y. H. Min, C. S. Yoon, K-S. Kim, K-J. Moon, H-K. Shim 206. Synthesis and third-order nonlinear optical properties of polyazines containing aromatic units. H. S. Nalwa, A. Kakuta 207. Synthesis and characterization of some novel anthracene-containing polymers. L. Formina, H. Q. Florentino, S. Fomine, T. Ogawa 208. EO polymer channel waveguide devices and some novel applications. D. K. Paul 209. Synthesis of polymers with nonlinear optical properties: Second harmonic generation of corona-poled thin films. C. Samyn, M. Van Beylen, A. Persoons 210. Controlled thin-film morphology of rigidrod and ladder polymers. H. H. Song, W-K. Lee, J-H. Park 211. A novel synthesis of amorphous poly(pphenylenevinylene). M. Galvin, S. Son, F. Papadimitrakopoulos 212. Influence of the mesophase structure on the β-relaxation in comblike polymethacrylates. A. Schônhals, D. Wolff, J. Springer 213. Thermal stability of second-order NLO chromophores. I. J. Goldfarb, H. Feng 214. Local field-enhanced hyperpolarizability of organic chromophores for second harmonic generation. G. Decher 215. Bilayer aggregates of amphiphiles at the air-water interface and their LangmuirSchàfer transfer. G. Decher, F. Ebler, F. Klinkhammer, A. Gluck, R. Gompper 216. Synthesis and monolayer studies of side-chain-modified sytrene maleic anhydride copolymer and characterization of Langmuir-Blodgett films formed thereof. G. Radhakrishnan, N. I. Mary, S. J. Collins, A. Dhaihaihroyan 217. Some dynamical and optical phenomena in hydrogels. A. Vilessov, T. Pakula 218. High-power polymer optical fiber amplifiers in visible wavelength region. A. Tagaya, S. Nakatsuka, S. Teramoto, E. Nihei, K. Sasaki, Y. Koike 219. Multilayer organic electroluminescent devices having 1,2,4-triazole derivatives. C. Samyn 220. New chromophoric glassy polymers and the fabrication of thermally stable, secondorder nonlinear optical films. G. Lindsay, K. J. Wynne, A. P. Chafin, R. A. Hollins, L. Merwin, E. Nickel, J. D. Stenger-Smith, R. Yee, W. H. Herman

THURSDAY MORNING Adhesion Science: Surfaces and Interfaces

H. Brown, Organizer E. P. Chang, G. A. George, Presiding 8:00—221. Surface topographical and mechanical imaging of polymer blends. T. Kajiyama, A. Takahara, S-R. Ge, K. Tanaka 8:30—222. Recent breakthroughs in thermally resistant cyanoacrylate adhesives. S. Attarwals, J. T. O'Connor 8:50—223. Newly developed interlayer film for architectural use. H. Shohi, O. Nakanishi 9:10—224. Analysis of gradient structure for blends of acrylate adhesive and fluoro-copolymer. Y. Kano , S. Akiyama 9:30—225. Filled siloxane elastomers. J. G. Matisons, P. S. Arora, P. Kohli, P. D. Folland, R. St. C. Smart, D. R. G. Williams 9:50—226. Molecular bonding and frontier orbitals in adhesion. L-H. Lee

OCTOBER 16,1995 C&EN


MEETINGS T. Kajiyama, H. Yu, Presiding

B. Freeman, K. Nakamae, Presiding

10:30—227. Self-assembling block copolymers at solid oxide surfaces. R. Pai-Panandiker, J. R. Dorgan 10:50—228. Molecular and surface structure analysis of in situ deposited polyaniline thin films by atomic force microscopy. J. Y. Josefowicz, J. K. Avlyanov, A. G. MacDiarmid 11:10—229. Polymeric monolayer coatings. G. Liu, J. Tao, A. Guo 11:30—230. Interlayer diffusion and stabilization of Langmuir-Blodgett films studied by energy transfer technique. M. Yamamoto, S. Ito 11:50—231. Interpénétration of PS-PEO diblock copolymers with polystyrene chains in a colloidal particle. H. D. OuYang, L. E. Dewalt, V. L. Dimonie 12:10—232. Study of the morphology and interface of triblock copolymers. B. Jiang

10:30—251. Application and performance of microporous membranes in lithium batteries. W. J. Schell 10:50—252. Incorporation of hydrogels in composite membrane structures for bioseparations and cell encapsulation. T. A. Barbari, S. F. A. Hossainy, W. Dai, J. B. Ptak, Y. Cunningham 11:10—253. Enantioselective permeation through a polymer membrane surfacemodified by (-) oligo[methyl(10-pinanyl)siloxane]. T. Aoki, A. Maruyama, K-l. Shinohara, T. Kaneko, E. Oikawa 11:30—254. Oscillation of membrane potential in chemically modified poly(a-amino acid) membranes. A. Higuchi 11:50—255. Studies on Langmuir-Blodgett membranes of diacetylene-containing benzoic acids. M. P. Carreon, G. Burillo, T. Ogawa, U. Agabekov 12:10—256. New membranes for environmental protection. V. D. Grebenyuk, O. V. Grebenyuk

Enhancement of Polymer Properties

J. E. McGrath, Organizer C. R. Choe, T. C. Ward, Presiding 8:00—233. Recent advances of aromatic polyimides in optical applications. S. Z. D. Cheng, F. Li, E. P. Savitski, S-H. Lin, J-C. Chen, F. W. Harris 8:30—234. Linear and nonlinear conductive spectra of ion-conducting polymers. Y. Tajitsu 8:50—235. Polyurethane and polyurethane ionomers having shape memory effects. B. K. Kim, S. Y. Lee, M. Xu 9:10—236. Syntheses and characterizations of electrochromic polyaniline composites. M. O. Tjia, M. Abdullah, F. Fitrilawati, R. E. Siregar 9:30—237. Photochromism of novel spirooxazine. A. T. Hu 9:50—238. Enhancement of dielectric properties on polyester zwitterionics. J. Cardoso, R. Manrique, H. Vazquez, M. AlboresVelasco

J. K. Yeo, D. C. Perry, Presiding 10:30—239. Synthesis of highly branched polymers with enhanced properties. J. M. J. Fréchet 10:50—240. Chiral separation on polysaccharide derivatives—From mechanism to industrial application. H. Nishimura 11:10—241. ESR study on radical polymerization of vinyl and diene compounds. M. Kamachi 11:30—242. Orientation induction in blends containing an elastomer and a side-chain liquid crystalline polymer. Y. Zhao, G. Yuan 11:50—243. Large-scale fractionation by continuous countercurrent extraction. B. A. Wolf 12:10—244. Free volume and mechanical behavior of polyvinyl alcohol). R. M. Hodge, T. J. Bastow, A. J. Hill Membrane Technology

I. Pinnau, Organizer I. Pinnau, Y. Tsujita, Presiding 8:00—245. Gas transport properties of polyimides with rigid side chain. Y. Tsujita, S. Kodama, H. Yoshimizu, T. Kinoshita, T. Nihira, T. Abe, N. Kohtoh 8:30—246. Molecular design and preparation of high-performance polyimide membranes for gas separation. Y. Mi 8;50—247. Exploitation of solubility selectivity to tailor vapor-permanent gas separation membranes. B. D. Freeman, A. Morisato, A. Singh, I. Pinnau 9:10—248. Sorption isotherms and diffusion through poly(trimethyl silyl propyne). G. C. Sarti, F. Doghieri, D. Biavati 9:30—249. Preparation and gas permeability of copolymer membranes of 1 -trimethylsilyl-1 -propyne/1 -phenyl-1 -propyne and their homopolymer blend membranes. T. Nakagawa, M. Mori, K. Nagai 9:50—250. Gas transport properties of poly(p-phenylenebenzobisoxazole) (PBO). C. Z. Hotz, W. E. Rochefort, R. A. Wessling, P. E. Pierini


OCTOBER 16,1995 C&EN

New Polymer Synthesis

Κ. Β. Wagener, Organizer W. Daly, T. Nishiura, Presiding 8:00—257. New synthetic methods for poly­ imides and related condensation polymers by high-pressure polycondensation and microwave-assisted polycondensation. Y. Imai 8:30—258. New ring-opened metathesis polymers and copolymers from cyclohexenylbornene and related Diels-Alder adducts of cyclopentadiene with vinyl and divinyl cyclohydrocarbons. D. R. Kelsey, H. H. Chuah, R. H. Ellison, D. L. Handlin Jr., Β. Μ. Scardino 8:50—259. Synthesis and properties of nov­ el polyaspartimides from 2,7-bis(4maleimidophenoxy)naphthalene and aro­ matic diamines. C-S. Wang, H. J. Hwang 9:10—260. Narrow polydispersity block co­ polymers by free-radical polymerization in the presence of macromonomers. G. Moad, J. Krstina, E. Rizzardo, C. L. Winzor, C. T. Berge, M. Fryd 9:30—261. A novel palladium-catalyzed homocoupling of alkynylstannanes. M. E. Wright, C. Buckley, Β. Β. Cochran 9:50—262. Synthesis of novel polymers con­ taining discrete conjugated units. S. Fomine, T. Ogawa

9:10—272. Diffusion of additive particles during in situ suspension polymerization. M. F. Cunningham 9:30—273. Synthesis and characterization of poly(styrene-co-/7-butyl acrylate) beads. S. H. Hong, V. M. McHugh, T. E. Rosso 9:50—274. Polystyrene/hydrogel composite microsphere. Y. Nakazawa, K. Fujimoto, H. Kawaguchi, N. Yuguchi, H. Urakawa, K. Kajiwara

M. S. El-Aasser, F. Candau, Presiding 10:30—275. Narrow particle size distribution in latex agglomeration. A. J. Paine 10:50—276. Synthesis of super polyacrylamide super hydrogels by inverse microemulsion polymerization. J. E. Puig, E. Mendizabal, J. C. Sanchez-Diaz, V. M. Castano, E. Vallès, I. Katime 11:10—277. Functional hydrogel microspheres. H. Kawaguchi, Y. Nakazawa, M. Kashiwabara, Y. Ariyoshi, M. Shidara, K. Fujimoto 11:30—278. Particle size control in the preparation of polyurethane dispersion. J-H. Kim, S-H. Son 11:50—279. Synthesis of hydrophilically modified PMMA dispersion polymerization process. S. M. Ahmed 12:10—280. Copolymerization of acrylamide with poly(ethylene glycol) acrylate macromonomers in inverse microemulsion. H. N. Xiao, Y. N. Deng, R. H. Pelton, A. E. Hamielec Polymers for Advanced Optical Applications

S. A. Jenekhe, Organizer M. E. Galvin, Presiding 8:00—281. Efficient photorefractive polymers. N. Peyghambarian, B. Kippelen, K. Meerholz, B. Volodin, Sandalphon 8:30—282. Photorefractive properties of carbazole-containing polymers. H. Sasabe, T. Wada, Y. Zhang 8:50—283. Azobenzene-containing polymers: Digital and holographic storage. A. Natansohn, P. Rochon 9:10—284. Photoinduced refractive index changes in polymer thin films with photochromic dyes. S. Morino, K. Horie 9:30—285. Analysis of relaxation processes in electro-optic polymers. D. M. Burland, T. Verbiest, C. A. Walsh 9:50—286. Optical damage in NLO polymer waveguides. H. N. Yoon, M. Mortazavi, K. Song

M. E. Wright, C. S. Wang, Presiding 10:30—263. New polymer synthesis under cold plasma conditions: A mechanistic approach. F. Denes, R. A. Young, A. M. Sarmadi 10:50—264. Preparation of polyphenylenes by Suzuki reaction via 2,5-diheptylbenzene-1,4-bis(trimethylene boronate). K. Kaeriyama, M. Tanigaki, H. Masuda 11:10—265. Controlled free radical polymer­ ization of aromatic polymers by enzymecatalyzed reactions. J. A. Akkara, M. A. Ayyagari, D. L. Kaplan 11:30—266. Uniform polymer architecture via end-functionalized uniform PMMA as building blocks—Uniform block, star, and comb polymers. T. Nishiura, K. Hatada, T. Kitayama, K. Ute, O. Nakagawa, S. Hirotani, M. Tsubota 11:50—267. New copolymers for oxygen/ nitrogen separation: Synthesis and char­ acterization of poly-1 -phenyl-1 -butyne and copolymers of 1-phenyl-1-butyne with 1 -trimethylsilyl-1 -propyne. W. K. Miller, D. T. Friesen, B. M. Johnson, S. B. McCray 12:10—268. Effect of arènes on cationic polymerization of 1,3-pentadiene. Y. X. Peng, J. L Liu, L. F. Cun, H. S. Dai

M. F. Rubner, Presiding 10:30—287. For ultimate functional polymer material: Conjugating polymer superlattice and porphyrin array connected with molecular wire. T. Shimidzu 10:50—288. Layered organic nanomaterials: The quest for order, orientation, and optical properties. G. Decher 11:10—289. Layer-by-layer self-assembly of thin-film heterostructures of light-emitting polymers. M. F. Rubner 11:30—290. Nanostructured polymer systems for optoelectronics and photonics. S. A.Jenekhe 11:50—291. Critical and noncritical phasematched SHG in main-chain polymers. S. Miyata, X. T. Tao, M. Nakayama, T. Watanabe 12:10—292. Electro-optic effects in colloidal crystals. T. Okubo, M. Stoimenova


Emulsion, Suspension, and Dispersion Polymerizations

Biorelated Polymers

M. S. El-Aasser, Organizer R. G. Gilbert, J. E. Puig, Presiding

S. W. Kim, Organizer R. M. Ottenbrite, S. C. Kim, Presiding

8:00—269. Novel particulate polymerization process. H. K. Mahabadi 8:30—270. Perfluorocarbon fluids: Universal suspension polymerization media. D-W. Zhu 8:50—271. Newer aspects of particle formation in VCM suspension polymerization. T-l. Min, D. H. Lee, D. Y. Kim, Y. M. Choi

8:00—293. Reconstitution of artificial cell wall on carrot protoplast using hydrophobized polysaccharide. Z-J. Guo, J. Sunamoto 8:30—294. Tailor-made polymers as a tool to model photosensitized cross-linking of proteins. H-R. Shen, P. Kopeckova, J. D. Spikes, J. Kopecek

8:50—295. Polymer-drug conjugates: Manipulating drug delivery kinetics using LCST systems. C. G. Pitt. S. S. Shah. J. Wertheim 9:10—296. Development of a tetracycline delivery system for the treatment of periodontal disease using a semisolid poly(ortho ester). J. Heller, K. V. Roskos, Β. Κ. Fritzinger, S. S. Rao, G. C. Armitage 9:30—297. Role of free mobile thermosensitive end chains in biointerface. T. Okano. A. Kikuchi, T. Aoyagi, Y. Sakurai 9:50—298. End-group-functionalized polymer-lipid conjugates: Synthesis and appli­ cation in liposomal drug delivery. S. Zalipsky

S. Zalipsky, T. Okano, Presiding 10:30—299. Effect of molecular architecture on temperature-responsive bioconjugates. M. Matsukata, T. Aoki, K. Sanui, N. Oga­ ta, A. Kikuchi, Y. Sakurai, T. Okano 10:50—300. Binding, dissociating, and ex­ changing reactions of 0 2 and CO in hemo­ globin-polymer composite films. S. I. Park, J. E. Chung, H. Sakai, S. Takeoka, E. Tsuchida 11:10—301. Physiological evaluation of he­ moglobin vesicle solution as a red-cell substitute. H. Sakai, K. Hamada, S. Takeoka, H. Nishide, E. Tsuchida 11:30—302. Biorecognizable water-soluble carriers of anticancer drugs. P. Kopecko­ va, V. Omelyanenko, J-G. Shiah, C. Gen­ try, J. Kopecek 11:50—303. Reconstitution of polyphospholipid vesicles and their reappearing abili­ ties of the vesicular size. T. Ohgushi, S. Takeoka, E. Tsuchida 12:10—304. Substitution of spherical dex­ trose for sorbitol in the cryoprotection of surimi. S. Rogols, T. C. Lanier, M. C. Wu Polymer Degradation and Stabilization

G. Loom is, Organizer N. Y. Rapoport, K. Kobashigawa, Presiding 8:00—305. Environmental degradation mech­ anisms in commercial thermoplastic polyes­ ters. J. H. Hodgkin, R. Johnstone, R. J. Varley 8:30—306. Kinetics and mechanisms of mechanochemical degradation. T. Q. Ngu­ yen, H. H. Kausch 8:50—307. Comparison of new hydrolytically stable phosphorous stabilizers in polyolefins. G. J. Klender 9:10—308. Accelerated weathering-induced degradation of unprotected multilayer polyethylene slabs. A. Ram, G. Yanai. J. Miltz, C. Krohnke 9:30—309. Ultraviolet irradiation of polyethyl­ ene-starch polyblend. N. M. Surdia, B. Anwar, D. Mardiana 9:50—310. Thermal stability of irradiated eth­ ylene tetrafluoroethylene copolymer sys­ tems. C. J. Wolf, S. C. Hager

A. Ram, C. J. Wolf, Presiding 10:30—311. Polyelectrolyte complex from chitosan and some natural polyanions. D. Van Luyen 10:50—312. Preparation and physical prop­ erties of flexible and semirigid biodegrad­ able polyurethane foams derived from mo­ lasses. K. Kobashigawa, S. Hirose, H. Hatakeyama, N. Morohoshi 11:10—313. Monte Carlo simulation of the effect of polymer stretching and tensile stress on polymer durability in the oxida­ tive environment. Ν. Υ. Rapoport 11:30—314. Rigorous testing of the Arrhenius extrapolation assumptiom for several thermally aged elastomers. K. T. Gillen. J. Wise, R. L. Clough 11:50—315. Structural effects on hydrogen atom abstraction from amides by excitedstate ketones: Initiation of amide oxidation. R. B. Heath, K. A. Horn, M. Zhang, G. B. Schuster, C. Devadoss 12:10—316. Photoinitiated degradation of polymers by metal chlorides. J. F. Rabek, L. A. Linden, H. Kaczmarek, A. Kaminska

Enhancement of Polymer Properties



J. E. McGrath, Organizer M. Guyver, A. R. Zigman, Presiding

Housing Reservation Form

4th Pacific Polymer Conference

8:00—317. Effects of twisted monomers on aramid properties. R. S. Irwin 8:30—318. Polyimide alignment layers of fer­ roelectric liquid crystals with different sur­ face treatments. S-M. Kim, Y-M. Koo, J-D. Kim 8:50—319. Reactive processing of polyethyl­ ene naphthalate)-polycaprolactone blends. H-J. Kang, K. Han 9:10—320. Characteristic barrier behavior of PE-nylon blend system. B. H. Lee, W. Doh, M. S. Lee, Y. G. Cho, K. S. Jung 9:30—321. Upgrading of acrylic resins by re­ active extrusion. E. A. Flexman 9:50—322. Improvement of some properties of natural rubber blends using compatibilizers. S. Bualek, C Promchaitawat, A. Visetsillapanont

Dec. 12-16

Hyatt Regency Kauai, Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii

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Title Address.

S. Z. D. Chang, Presiding


10:30—323. Nitrile functional polysiloxane materials for high-performance adhesives and sealants. J. S. Riffle, V. Venkatesan, S. Lin, C Li 10:50—324. Association and complexation of SEBS-based block copolymers in solu­ tion and bulk. M. Jiang, W. Liu, C Wu, K. Woo 11:10—325. Structure and role of linked and mixed fatty acids in natural rubber. S. Kawahara, Y. Tanaka, N. Nishiyama 11:30—326. Perfluoroelastomers: Selection of cross-linking chemistry to enhance physical properties. A. L. Logothetis 11:50—327. Effect of palm oil on the me­ chanical and physical properties of natural rubber latex films. C. C. Ho, K. Ahmad 12:10—328. Toughening by rubber precipita­ tion during epoxy cure. C. W. Wise, W. D. Cook, A. A. Goodwin




Arrival date.



Reservations must be received by Nov. 10. Room rate is $150 per night single or double. Children under 18 stay free when sharing a room with parents. If more than two people are sharing a room (18 years or older) add $25 per night per person. Maximum 4 people per room. Group rate available Dec. 6-21. D Single D One bed D Smoking

M. Jaffe, Organizer F. C. Chang, M. Jaffe, Presiding


. Country.


Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Blends

• Double D Two beds D Nonsmoking

Departure date.



Request for specific accommodations will be hon­ ored on first come, first served basis at check-in. Current tax rate on room is 10.167%, subject to change. Mandatory porterage charge of $4.00 per person, round trip, plus 4.167% state tax. Rate is based on two bags per person and is subject to change. Charge will be posted to your room. Check-in time is 3 PM and check-out time is noon. D Handicapped accessible D Other disability (explain)

8:00—329. On toughening mechanism of polymer blends. B. Jiang, W. Jiang, H. Li­ ang, D. He 8:30—330. Interfacial debonding in mul­ tiphase materials monitored by tensile test. B. Fisa, A. Meddad 8:50—331. Morphology and mechanical prop­ erties of polyolefins/polystyrene blends us­ ing reactive compatibilizers. J. K. Kim, S. Kim, C E. Park 9:10—332. Reactor-produced high-perfor­ mance polyolefin alloys: Hivalloy engineer­ ing resin technology. A. J. DeNicola, J. C Haylock 9:30—333. Compatibilization of styrenebutadiene rubber/poly(vinyl chloride) blends by acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber and convulcanization. C-M. Chan, S-H. Zhu 9:50—334. Property modification of polymer blends on exposure to high-energy radia­ tion: A review. A. Singh

Cancellation policy. I understand that I am lia­ ble for one night's room and tax, which will be deducted from my deposit or billed through my credit card in the event that I do not arrive on the arrival date indicated, or cancel at least 72 hours in advance of arrival date.

R. Kumpf, K. W. Cho, Presiding


10:30—335. Molecular motion of polyethyl­ ene chain-end radicals tethered on the surface of polytetrafluoroethylene in vac­ uo. M. Sakaguchi, S. Shimada, Y. Hori, M. Bandow, M. Sakai 10:50—336. Solid-state 13 C- and 2H-NMR studies of motion in polymer blends. A. Whittaker, K. Jack 11:10—337. Miscibility and properties of poly(butylene terephthalate)-amorphous ny­ lon blends. C-S. Ha, T. K. Kang, Y. Kim, W. J. Cho 11:30—338. Free-volume behavior of poly­ mer blends examined by positron annihila­ tion lifetime spectroscopy. M. D. Zipper, K. J. Heater, A. J. Hill 11:50—339. Characteristic properties of commercial linear low-density with lowdensity and high-density polyethylene blends. S. Choe, H. Lee, K. C. Cho 12:10—340. Environmental stress cracking of styrenic polymer alloys in CFC vapor. K. Cho, M. Lee



Sharing room with.

Guaranteed by one of the following: Π Deposit of $


D American Express D MasterCard


D Other Expiration date.

Credit card number: Print name as it appears on card.

Return completed form with deposit to Hyatt Regency Kauai, Attn: Reservations Manager, 1571 Poipu Rd., Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii 96756. For changes or cancellations dial direct (808) 742-6244, (808) 742-1234, or fax (808) 742-6265. L Olefin and Diolefin Catalysis D. Y. Sogah, Organizer T. Narita, D. R. Kelsey, Presiding 8:00—341. Recent progress in heteroge­ neous metallocene catalysts. K. Soga 8:30—342. Ethylene polymerization catalyzed over metallocenes entrapped inside supercages of NaY. S. I. Woo, Y. S. Ko, T. K. Han 8:50—343. Effect of monomer concentration on propagation and chain-transfer rates in propene polymerization with the rac-ethylenebis(l-indenyl) zirconium dichloride/ methylalumoxane catalyst. L. Resconi, A. Fait 9:10—344. Polysiloxane-supported metallo­ cene catalysts for olefin polymerizations. T. Arai, B. T. Hoang, T. Uozumi, K. Soga

J 9:30—345. Propene polymerization with MgCI2-supported XTiCI3 (X = Cp, Ind, etc.) catalysts. T. Uozumi, Y. Suzuki, E. Kaji, K. Soga 9:50—346. Regulation of radical polymeriza­ tion using transition-metal complexes: Stereocontrol and asymmetric induction in methacrylate polymerization. T. Nakano, Y. Okamoto

T. C. Chung, D. Y. Sogah, Presiding 10:30—347. Kinetic and morphological stud­ ies on homogeneous and supported met­ allocene catalyst systems in ethylene homopolymerization and ethylene/a-olefin copolymerization. P. J. T. Tait, A. I. Abozeid, M. G. K. Monteiro

10:50—348. In situ catalyst systems for the ring-opening metathesis polymerization of cyclic olefins by reaction injection molding. D. R. Kelsey, D. L. Handlin, B. M. Scardino 11:10—349. Ethylene and styrene polymer­ izations initiated with siloxane-bridged dinuclear metallocene and MAO catalyst systems. D-H. Lee, K-B. Yoon, S-K. Noh, W-S. Huh 11:30—350. Synthesis of functional polyolefins using metallocene catalysts. T. C. Chung 11:50—351. Living free-radical polymeriza­ tion of acrylates by organocobalt porphyrin complexes. M. Fryd 12:10—352. Design and synthesis of new nitroxyl radicals and their effect on freeradical polymerization of styrene. D. Y. Sogah, R. D. Puts, A. Trimble

OCTOBER 16, 1995 C&EN


MEETINGS Polymers for Advanced Optical Applications

New Polymer Synthesis II

B. Gordon, Presiding

S. A. Jenekhe, Organizer D. M. Walba, J. L. Bredas, Presiding

M. Baker, Organizer B. A. Howell, Presiding

8:00—353. Structure and electro-optic prop­ erties of ferroelectric liquid-crystalline poly­ mers. R. Shashidhar 8:30—354. Ferroelectric liquid crystals for nonlinear optics applications. D. M. Wal­ ba, D. J. Dyer, P. L. Cobben, T. Sierra, N. A. Clark, R. Shao 8:50—355. Main-chain ferroelectric liquidcrystalline polymers. P. Keller, R. Shao, D. M. Walba, R. H. Grubbs 9:10—356. Novel low-molar mass, glassforming liquid crystals: Molecular design, synthesis, and morphological stability. S. H. Chen, J. C. Mastrangelo, H. Shi 9:30—357. Correlation of model compounds and polymers designed to exhibit smectic C mesophases. C. Pugh 9:50—358. Dipole-dipole interactions in controlled-refractive-index polymers. J. P. Harmon, P. R. H. Bertolucci

2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—373. Globular carbohydrate macromolecules: Sugar balls. K. Aoi, K. Itoh, M. Okada 2:25—374. Synthesis and characterization of alternating copolycarbonates by melt transesterification. D-J. Liaw, P. Chang 2:45—375. Synthesis and properties of hyperbranched aliphatic polyesters. M. Jo­ hansson, E. Malmstrom, A. Huit 3:05—376. Block copolymer synthesis by a nitroxide-mediated living free-radical poly­ merization process. M. K. Georges, N. Listigovers, R. P. N. Veregin, G. K. Hamer

3:05—392. Characteristics of the tensile stress-strain behavior of cis- and transpolyisoprene with different degrees of cross-link. R. Yan, W. H. Zhe, X. Q. Eu 3:30—393. Compressive strength of highperformance polymeric fibers. S. Kumar 3:50—394. A look at chain scission events on a molecular level. S. Fitzwater 4:10—395. Macromolecular surfactants for coupling plastic to wood. J. J. Meister, S. Zhang, M. J. Chen 4:30—396. Withdrawn

I. D. Parker, S. H. Chen, Presiding 10:30—359. Creating and annulling lumines­ cence with conjugated polymers. F. Wudl 10:50—360. Polymer LED utilizing arylene vinylene copolymers as a light-emitting material. T. Ohnishi, S. Doi, Y. Tsuchida, T. Noguchi 11:10—361. Organic electroluminescent de­ vices based on dye-dispersed polymers. J. Kido, G. Harada, H. Shionoya, K. Nagai 11:30—362. Electronic properties of elec­ troluminescent conjugated polymers. J. L. Bredas, J. Cornil, D. Beljonne, D. A. dos Santos, Z. Shuai 11:50—363. Application of thin films of con­ jugated polymers in novel LEDs and liq­ uid-crystal "light valves." A. G. MacDiarmid, H-L. Wang, J-W. Park, J. K. Avlyanov, A. J. Epstein, Y. Z. Wang, D. D. Gebler, R. Shashidar, T. M. Swager, J. M. Calvert, R. J. Crawford, T. G. Vargo, K. J. Wynne 12:10—364. Failure mechanism of lightemitting diode with conjugated polymer as light-emitting layer. S-A. Chen, K-R. Chuang, C-l. Chao

FRIDAY AFTERNOON New Polymer Synthesis I

Κ. Β. Wagener, Organizer B. Keoshkerian, Presiding 2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—365. Stereoregulation via bulky alumi­ num phenoxide in methacrylate polymer­ ization. T. Kitayama, K. Hatada 2:25—366. Preparation of 1,2,3-triazole polysulfone derivatives by 1,3-dipolar cycload­ dition reactions of azide precursors and substituted ethynyl compounds. M. Guiver, G. P. Robertson, A. M. Ahmed 2:45—367. Recent advances in fluoropolymer technical development and market trends. Y. Kometani 3:05—368. Water-soluble polymers by a liv­ ing aqueous polymerization process. M. Georges, B. Keoshkerian

Y. Kometani, Presiding 3:35—369. Enantioface differentiation by chiral polymers derived from (+)-camphor. J-H. Liu, Y-C. Chong, F-R. Tsai 3:55—370. Copolymehzation of carbon mon­ oxide and norbornene with a palladium catalyst. D-J. Liaw, B-F. Lay 4:15—371. Synthesis and characterization of phase-transfer proteins with responsive microdomains for water remediation. C. L. McCormick, G. Cannon, J. Kahalley, M. Richardson, G. Martin 4:35—372. Poly[(2-cyanoacetamido)phenyl methacrylates]. J. C. Wilson


OCTOBER 16,1995 C&EN

M. K. George, Presiding 3:35—377. Synthesis of block copolymers based on HTPB via metathetical polymer­ ization. V. Vasudevan, G. Sundararajan 3:55—378. Synthesis and properties of nov­ el self-doped polyanilines. S-C. Ng, H. S. 0. Chan, P. K. H. Ho, P. Wong 4:15—379. Characteristics of nitroxyl-mediated styrene polymerization. B. A. Howell, 1. Li, D. B. Priddy 4:35—380. Fabrication and characterization of planar and channel polymer waveguides. L. A. Cintavey, D. B. Zeik, J. R. Dugan, D. W. Schroeder, J. W. Baur, S. J. Clarson

Polymer Characterization and Processing

R. Faust, Organizer S. Fitzwater, Presiding 2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—397. Excitation energy transfer in poly[methyl-3-(9-carbazolyl)propyl]siloxane at low temperature: Experimental and theo­ retical analysis. B. Raju B., B. Mollay, H. F. Kauffmann 2:25—398. Solution properties and spectro­ scopic characterization of polymeric pre­ cursors to SINCB and BN/BNC ceramic materials. E. E. Remsen, V. L. Chlanda, T. Wideman, L. G. Sneddon 2:45—399. Spinodal decomposition in liquidcrystalline polymer blends. J. R. Dorgan 3:05—400. Average molecular weights in nonlinear polymers general method. J-A. Vaca-Garcia, V. M. Gonzalez-Romero

2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—381. Photoinitiated polymerization of polymeric dental composites. L-A. Linden 2:25—382. Solution turbidity improvement in medical packaging. S. Shang, L. Buandelos Santos 2:45—383. Nonthrombogenic silicone devic­ es by surface modification with endothelial cell surface heparin sulfate: ESHS prepa­ ration, structure, immobilization, stability, and toxicity tests in in vivo and in vitro blood tests. H. Baumann, R. Keller, U. Baumann 3:05—384. Design and synthesis of biologi­ cally useful synthetic polymers. H. R. Allcock, S. R. Pucher, A. A. Ambrosio, K. B. Visscher

J. Sunamoto, Presiding 3:35—385. Unique oral drug delivery system. R. M. Ottenbrite, R-F. Zhao 3:55—386. Supramolecular polypeptide as­ sembly in lipid bilayer membrane, airwater interface, and vesicular self-assem­ bly. Y. Imanishi, S. Kimura 4:15—387. Porous silk fibroin {Bombyx mon) materials as drug delivery systems. M. Tsukada, Y. Gotoh, N. Minoura, G. Freddi, J. S. Crighton 4:35—388. Polyurethane in biomaterials and medical devices. J. H. Chen, S. F. Jiang, K. Y. Chang, H. M. Ding, B. C. Ho, T. W. Tseng

S. El-Shall, Presiding 3:35—401. Water uptake into the microstruc­ ture of wool using atomic force microsco­ py. L. A. Titcombe, M. G. Huson 3:55—402. Application of electron paramag­ netic resonance imaging spectroscopy to the characterization of Ultem exposed to 1-MeV electrons: Correlation of radical density data to tiger code calculations. N. K. Suleman, S. Thibeault, E. Long Jr. 4:15—403. New trends in computer simula­ tion of plasticating extruders. P. G. Lafleur, E. Gamache 4:35—404. Application of chemometrics in investigations of cellulosic polymers. S. Kokot Polymer Synthesis and Properties

R. Faust, Organizer B. Anderson, Presiding 2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—405. Recent development of ad­ vanced functional polymers for semicon­ ductor devices and electronic applications. N. Yoda 2:25—406. New concepts for light-emitting materials based on oligomers and poly­ mers—Synthesis and structure-property relationships. A. Greiner 2:45—407. Molecular structure and physical property of polypropylene gel. T. Nakaoki, H. Hayashi, R. Kitamaru 3:05—408. Behaviors of iodine species in aqueous PVA solution. T. Yokota, Y. Kimura

Polymer Properties

R. F. Storey, Presiding

R. Faust, Organizer K. Davidson, Presiding

3:35—409. Interpenetrating polymer net­ works of polyaniline and maleimideterminated polyurethanes. K. H. Hsieh, D. C. Liao, K. S. Ho 3:55—410. A novel polymer-based immobili­ zation technique for the fabrication of en­ zyme electrodes. K. S. Alva, L. A. Samuelson, J. Kumar, K. A. Marx, D. L. Kaplan, S. K. Tripathy 4:15—411. Is methyl methacrylate propaga­ tion at high-conversion diffusion con­ trolled? Information from the propagation transition state. S. Fitzwater 4:35—412. Synthesis and polymerization of a new expansion monomer. A. B. Clayton, J. G. Matisons, P. C. H. Eichinger, M. L. Williams

2:00—Opening remarks 2:05—389. Characterization of the pyrolysis of inorganic polymers used as dispers­ ants. W. D. Samuels, G. J. Exarhos, D. J. Stasko 2:25—390. Processibilities and mechanical properties of the surlyn-treated starch/ LDPE blends. O. O. Park, Y. J. Kim, H. M. Lee 2:45—391. Damage growth in graphiteepoxy composite plates under low-energy impact. R. Boukhili, S. Martin

Poster Session: Adhesion Science— Surfaces and Interfaces

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 413. Effects of water absorption on the frac­ ture of thermosetting polymer-glass inter­ faces. Y. Doi, M. Kawagoe, N. Fukuda, T. Yasuda, K. Takada, J. Qiu, M. Morita 414. Analysis of the electrochromic behav­ iors of electrochemical-polymerized polypyrrol thin film by using QCA and UV spectroscopy. Y-S. Kwon, S-M. Chang, J-M. Kim, Y. K. Chang, H. Muramatsu 415. Star block copolymers with mixedmolecular-weight endblocks and their pressure-sensitive adhesive performance. J. Ma, M. Nestegard, D. Majumdar 416. Electrochemical and microscopic stud­ ies of ultrathin LB films of amphiphilic polypyridine complexes. S-G. Park, J-J. Na, l-H. Choi, K-J. Lim, J-S. Lee 417. Polyelectrolyte-surfactant ion interac­ tions. T. Shimizu Biorelated Polymers

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30

Biorelated Polymers

S. W. Kim, Organizer J. H. Hrkach, Y. H. Kim, Presiding


418. Thermodynamic studies on prevention of senescence of biological membrane by α-tocopherol. A. Kagemoto, A. Fujiwara 419. Thermodynamic interactions between anticancer drug and condensed DNA in­ serted into vesicle of phosphatidylcholine. Y. Baba, Y. Momohara, A. Kagemoto 420. Molecular imprinting: Synthesis of a glu­ cose oxidase specific binding polymer. M. Burow, N. Minoura 421. Bioartificial polymeric materials pre­ pared by template polymerization. P. Giusti, M. G. Cascone, L. Lazzeri. N. Barbani, C. Cristallini, G. Polacco 422. Amperometric glucose sensors based on ferrocene-containing polymer hydrogel and immobilized glucose oxidase. H. L. Lan, C. H. Kuo 423. Antibacterial dental polymer containing immobilized bactericide. S. Imazato, W. Yokota, Y. Tsuchitani, M. Torii, R. R. B. Russell 424. Biopolymer-polypyrrole hybrid materi­ als. E. Khor, D. C. L. Goh, H. C. Li, C. F. Tee, S. H. U, J. L. H. Whey, A. Wee 425. Effect of environment on strength of spider dragline silk. M. Kitagawa, H. Sasagawa 426. Biospinning. J. Magoshi, Y. Magoshi, M. A. Becker, S. Nakamura 427. Attachment and growth of L-929 cells on silk protein. N. Minoura, M. Higuchi 428. Ordered structure formation of water-polysaccharide gel systems. K. Nakamura, Y. Nishimura, T. Hatakeyama, H. Hatakeyama 429. Complexation and dissolution behavior of medicinal drugs roll-mixed with β-cyclodextrin. Y. Nozawa, Y. Sadzuka, A. Miyagishima, S. Hirota 430. Preparation of poly(p-hydroxyalkanoates) bearing hydroxyl groups on the side chains. J. Romero, J. Corefio, E. AriasMarin 431. Enzymatic-mediated polymerization of aniline derivatives by peroxidase from Capsicum annuum var. fruit. J. Romero, E. Arias-Marin,A. Ledezma-Peréz 432. Addition polymers of methylene bisacrylamide and diacryloyl piperazine with amines. A. B. Soydan, N. Coskun, N. Biçak, M. Mustafaer 433. Phase transition of galactomannan polysaccharide-water systems. R. Tanaka, K. Nakamura, T. Hatakeyama, H. Hatakeyama 434. A series of product developments of Chinese EU gum. R. Yan, Z. H. Xue, D. A. Yang, X. Q. Lu, W. H. Zhe 435. Application of gluten plastic to an agricultural material. M. Yasui, K. Miki, T. Hirai 436. Molecular shape recognition by α-heli­ cal poly(y-methyl l-glutamate). H. Ihara, Y. Morimitsu, S. Nagaoka, C. Hirayama 437. Polyelectrolyte complex formation of chitosan. J. Kotz 438. Cytotoxicity and mutagenicity of Kevlar: An in vitro evaluation. A. Katzer, J. V. Wening, H. Marquardt, K. H. Jungbluth

439. Polymers in artificial ligament replacement: What does the ideal material look like? À. Katzer, S. Schulz, K. H. Jungbluth, J. V. Wening 440. Enhanced insulin-binding activity of reconstituted insulin receptor on artificial vesicles by using direct protein transfer. T. Ueda, J. Sunamoto 441. Cell adhesion and growth on positivecharge gradient surfaces. J. H. Lee, B. J. Jeong, H. B. Lee 442. Leukocyte response to RGDS-carrying microspheres. H. Gakumazawa, Y. Kasuya, K. Fujimoto, H. Kawaguchi 443. Protein reconstitution from cell membrane to monolayer using direct-transfer technique. G. Gluck, Y. Okumura, J. Sunamoto 444. A free-volume approach to characterization of the swelling process in biological polymer hydrogels. R. M. Hodge, A. S. Hoffman, D. A. Miller, D. G. Williams, G. P. Simon 445. Rubber elastic behavior and microstructure of a protein fish gel. K. Nakamura, M. Kawagoe, Y. Kinoshita, J. Qiu, M. Morita, Y. Funatsu 446. Hyaluronic acid derivatives conjugated with thymine base: An approach to a controlled-release system. S. Chirachanchai, T. Wada, Y. Inaki, K. Takemoto Poster Session: Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Blends

Ε. Η. Jonnson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 447. Embrittlement behavior of crystalline/ amorphous polymer blends on heat aging. M. K. Akkapeddi 448. Fracture of toughened ductile polymer blends. H. Beh, G. H. Edward 449. Analysis of microrheological behaviors of polymer blends by using quartz crystal analyzer. S-M. Chang, J-M. Kim, C-S. Ha, H. Muramatsu 450. Impact modifiers for chlorinated polyvi­ nyl chloride. R. D. Deanin, K. B. Garni 451. Polyblends of polypropylene with ethylene-vinyl acetate. R. D. Deanin, C. J. Parikh, V. Ghiya 452. Dynamic mechanical properties and ad­ hesive joint strength of PVAC-PVAisocyanate system. Y. Hatano 453. Mechanical behavior of ethyl-cyanoethyl cellulose/polyacrylic acid composites. Y. Huang, S. Jiang, J. Shen 454. Preparation and properties of liquidcrystalline polyester and nylon-6 blends. D. W. Kang, Y. M. Lee, N. J. Jung 455. Dual-phase continuity and properties of soft polymer blends. J . LyngaaeJorgensen 456. Thermal decomposition behavior of cellulose-poly(methyl acrylate) blends con­ taining grafted product as compatibilizers. N. Nishioka, M. Uno 457. Toughening of cyanate ester resins with functionalized polysulfone. C. E. Park, J. W. Hwang, S. D. Park 458. Fatigue processes of injection-molded polypropylene and its blends with a liquidcrystalline polyester. M. Kawagoe, W. Mizuno, S. Yamamoto, H. Matsubara, J. Qiu, M. Morita 459. Mechanical properties of a rubber-PET composite material. F. Olguin, R. Mercado, A. Sevilla 460. Thermal characteristics and mechanical behavior of poly(phenylene sulfide)-thermoplastics blend. S. Lim, J. Kim, M. Park, C. R. Choe 461. Structural evolution in polymer blends during phase separation. A. Ribbe, T. Hashimoto 462. Properties of polyvinyl alcohol)-silk fi­ broin blend films. K. Yamaura, T. Tanaka, T. Tanigami, S. Matsuzawa 463. Reactive blending via metal-olefin coor­ dination in diene polymers—Solid-state properties that support the concept of a network structure. L. A. Belfiore, F. Bossé, P. Das 464. 2,6-Dialkyl-substituted poly(4-vinyl phenol) blends. M. M. Coleman, G. J. Pehlert, X. Yang, P. C. Painter 465. Polymeric additives: Effects on sugar mill evaporator scales. W. O. S. Doherty, E. Senogles, O. L. Crées 466. Effect of soft-segment cross-linking on dynamical mechanical properties. J . D. Lee, G. F. Lee, J. Fedderly, B. Hartmann

467. Swelling and mechanical properties of hydrogels containing /V-vinylpyrrolidone. Y. Long, D. I. Perera, R. A. Shanks 468. Thin dielectric films of composites of rodlike and flexible polymers prepared from soluble flexible precursors: Phase mixing, structure, and properties. Y. Kim, M. Ree, T. Chang, C. S. Chang 469. Structure-property relationships in thin films of highly rigid rodlike polymers. M. Ree, K. Kim, H. S. Chang 470. Studies on mechanical properties of polyvinyl chloride composites. S. Mishra 471. Effect of compatibilizer on PS-LCP in situ composite. T. O. Ahn, M-H. Oh, S. W. Lee 472. Flow and mechanical behavior of PPLPDE blends. J-Z. Liang, C. Y. Tand, H. C. Man 473. New technology for solid-state polymerization and alloying of polyesters-PET S.S.P.A. A. G. Hussain 474. Polymer blends from ion-containing polymers. L. M. Leung Membrane Technology

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 475. Dehydration of alcohols using organicinorganic composite membrane in pervaporation. W. H. Hong, K. M. Song 476. Effect of molecular mass and deforma­ tion conditions on formation of porous sys­ tems via extension of hard elastic polyeth­ ylene samples. E. Y. Rosova, E. A. Karpov, G. K. Elyashevich 477. Sorption, diffusion, and partial molar volumes of hydrocarbon gases in rubbery polymers. Y. Kamiya, K. Terada, Y. Naito, K. Mizoguchi, J-S. Wang 478. VOC removal from aqueous streams through vacuum membrane distillation. G. C. Sarti, S. Bandini, A. Saavedra 479. Novel polyurethane-fluoropolymer dualmembrane system for isocyanate sam­ pling. W. E. Rubzinski, A. Denny, R. Bell, T. M. Aminabhavi 480. Effect of surface swelling by case II dif­ fusion on mechanical properties of poly(methyl methacrylate). M. Nakanishi, M. Kawagoe, K. Nakamura, J. Qiu, M. Morita 481. Consideration for flowing through an in­ clined elastic tube. M. Sasano, A. Takami Polymer Degradation and Stabilization

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 482. Alkalain degradation of polyacrylnitril in so­ lutions: Random coil-globule structural transi­ tion. S. A. Agranova, I. G. Ruminskaya 483. Thermal degradation of poly-2- and poly-4-vinyl pyridines and the polymeriza­ tion mechanism of corresponding mono­ mers. T. A. Antonova, L. A. Shibaev 484. Structural changes in poly(methyl meth­ acrylate) during synchrotron X-ray lithog­ raphy. M. Hess, O. Schmalz 485. Kinetic analysis of effects of cellulose, lignin, and hemicelluloses on pyrolysis of wood. T. Hirata 486. Morphological study on biodégradation of poly(tetramethylene succinate) single crystals and spherulites. S. S. Im, E. S. Yoo, K. J. Ihn 487. Characterization and degradation studies of fumarate-based polyesters and composites. G. B. Kharas, K. C. Beinlich, J. D. Simantirakis, G. A. Caywood 488. Oxidation of some natural polymers by electrogenerated oxygen species at a Pt. S. Kokot, V. Fredline, L. Marahusin, P. Schweinsberg 489. Bioplastics from seed protein. J . Magoshi, Y. Magoshi, S. Nakamura 490. 13C-NMR study on the distribution of acetyl groups in polysaccharides within acetylated wood. M. Ohkoshi, A. Katoh, N. Hayashi 491. Structure of a cross-linked quasiglobule after degradation of polyacrylnitril molecules. I. G. Ruminskaya, S. A. Agranova 492. Degradation and cross-linking of PTFE due to irradiation. M. Tutiya 493. Potential uses for water-soluble oxidized starches. R. E. Wing 494. New reaction mechanism of thermal decomposition of nitrocellulose: A chemiluminescence study. J-l. Kimura

Multifunctional and Smart Materials

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer


7:30-9:30 495. Copolyesters of poly(ethylene terephthalate-co-isophthalate) and poly(ethylene glycol). M-S. Chen, C-H. Cheng 496. Ni and Pd organometallic polymers. A. Furlani, M. V. Russo, G. lucci, I. Fratoddi, P. Altamura, G. Polzonetti 497. Multifunctional and smart materials. H. Uchida, M. Kawashima 498. Preparation and characterization of amphiphilic membranes using photosensitive polymers. J-H. Liu, Y-C. Chong, M-T. Lin 499. Humidity-sensitive composite film de­ rived from poly(o-phenylenediamine) and polyvinyl alcohol), and application to a hu­ midity sensor. K. Ogura, M. Nakayama, K. Kokura, H. Shiiki 500. Blends of thermoplastic and liquid-crystal­ line polymers studied with broadband dielec­ tric spectroscopy. A. Schônhals, H-E. Carius, D. Guigner, T. Sterzynski, W. Brostow 501. Reduction and sorption properties of the polyfunctional sulfur-containing fibrous sorbent. L. S. Molochnikov, E. Y. Kalontarova, H. G. Kalontarova 502. Amperometric ascorbate sensors based on redox polymers and ascorbate oxidase system. T. Kaku, L. Charles, H. Karan, Y. Okamoto 503. Characterizations of comb-shaped acrylic copolymers with polyethyleneglycol side chains. T. Kurihashi, H. Uchida, M. Kawashima 504. Synthesis and properties of poly(dipropargy-16-crown-5). H. N. Cho, J. Y. Lee, S. H. Kim, S. K. Choi, C. Y. Kim 505. Preparation of poly(cc-hydroxy acrylic acid) gel by γ-ray irradiation and swelling behavior. D. D. J. Hill Polymer Characterization

Ε. Η. Jonsson, Organizer 7:30-9:30 506. Acoustic microscopy evaluation of poly­ propylene composite filled with surfacemodified fine calcium carbonate. K. Mitsuishi, M. Kawano, N. Nagayama 507. Characterization of polymer mixtures by size-exclusion chromatography with multi­ ple detection. T. Chang, H. C. Lee 508. Chemical composition distribution of poly(methylmethacrylate)-graft-poly(dimethyl siloxane) determined by demixing sol­ vents fractionation and high-performance liquid chromatography. T. Kawai, S. Tana­ ka, S. Maeda, S. Teramachi 509. Chemically modified electrodes: Char­ acterization and properties of liquid-crystal polymer-coated electrodes. T. Gennett, L. Duane, C. Hart 510. Electrochemical and spectroscopic in­ vestigation of macromolecule-metal com­ plexes in aqueous solution. A. S. Sarac, E. Sezer, Ô. Yavuz 511. Hydrogen bonding effect on probe diffusion in semidilute polymer solutions: Chain structure dependence. T. Chang, H. S. Park 512. In situ polymerization methods to prepare polymeric porous layer open-tube columns for GC application. T. C. Shen, M-L. Wang 513. Infrared characterization of highly irradiated PVC. E. Adem, G. Burillo 514. Rheological and rheo-optical characterization of high molecular weight syndiotactic and atactic polyvinyl alcohol) solutions in dimethylsulfoxide. B. C. Kim, W. S. Lyoo, W. S. Ha, C. J. Lee 515. A microscopic analysis of the effects of recycling on polypropylene nucleation and crystallization kinetics. Y. Long, B. E. Tiganis, R. A. Shanks 516. Low-temperature molecular motion of copolycarbonates containing sulfone and ether linkages. J. Y. Jho, B. U. Kang, T. O. Ahn 517. Ultrastructural studies of polysaccharides and polysaccharide networks by atomic force microscopy. V. J. Morris 518. To be decided 519. To be decided 520. The use of 31P-NMR to identify color bodies in γ-irradiated BPA-PC. A. Factor, P. E. Donahue

Biorelated Polymers J. Kopecek, Organizer Y. Suda, S. W. Kim, Presiding 8:00—521. Intelligent bioconjugate poly­ mers. N. Ogata 8:30—522. Blood compatibility of hydrophilichydrophobic IPNs. S. C. Kim 8:50—523. Chemistry of nontoxic silicone biofoul release coatings. J. Stein, J. A. Cella, T. B. Brunell, G. Swain 9:10—524. Properties of novel biocidal poly­ mers. S. D. Worley, G. Sun, T. Y. Chen, W. Sun, W. B. Wheatley 9:30—525. Novel surface modification for blood compatibility and calcification resis­ tance. Y. H. Kim, K. D. Park, D. K. Han 9:50—526. Cartilage regeneration using polymer as template. Y. Ikada

J. Kopecek, N. Ogata, Presiding 10:30—527. In situ control of bioactivity us­ ing conducting polymer polyelectrolyte complexes. G. G. Wallace, A. J. Hodgson, M. Kelso, M. John 10:50—528. Poly(/V-vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone) as a vitreous substitute. A. Jefferson, T. V. Chirila, P. D. Dalton, Y. Hong 11:10—529. Poly(lactic acid-co-lysine-γamino acid) graft copolymers: Modifica­ tions for tissue engineering. J. S. Hrkach, R. Langer 11:30—530. Mitogenic activity of a synthetic polyanion polymer for cultured fibroblasts. T. Sawa, Y. Okumura, J-L. Ding, R. M. Ottenbrite, J. Sunamoto 11:50—531. Interaction between heparin and platelets. Y. Suda, S. Kusumoto, M. Sobel 12:10—532. Junction zone formation of hya­ luronic acid hydrogels. T. Hatakeyama, F. X. Quinn, M. Takahashi, H. Hatakeyama Enhancement of Polymer Properties J. E. McGrath, Organizer A. J . Hill, Y. S. Kang, Presiding 8:00—533. Synthesis and characterization of new thermally stable processible polyimides based on the semiflexible mixed ali­ phatic-aromatic diamine. H. M. Gajiwala J. Oketta, R. D. Patil 8:30—534. Synthesis and properties of new amorphous high-temperature polycarbon­ ates. W. G. Paul, U. Grigo, P. N. Bier 8:50—535. Effect of annealing on the physi­ cal properties of biaxially oriented liquidcrystalline copolyester films. S. M. Hong, K. U. Kim, J. Economy 9:10—536. The use of aliphatic polyesters to generate polyimide nanofoams. J. L. Hedrick, T. P. Russell, M. Sanchez, R. DiPietro, D. Mecerreyes, R. Jerome 9:30—537. Optical recording media using charge-transfer complexes. K. Y. Park, J. S. Kim 9:50—538. Molecular engineering for organ­ ic nonlinear optical media. N. Kim P. Valint,


10:30—539. Biodegradability of polyesters and copolyesters based on 1,4;3,6-dianhydrohexitols and aliphatic dicarboxylic acids. M. Okada, Y. Okada, A. Tao, K. Aoi 10:50—540. Design of systems and polymer blends to degradable applications. G. Chapman 11:10—541. Integrally skinned asymmetric membranes for gas separation. Y. S. Kang, B. Jung, J. Kim, H-W. Rhee 11:30—542. Dehydration of acetic acid and pyridine by pervaporation through in situ complex membrane based on polyacrylonitrile. Y. M. Lee, Β. Κ. Oh 11:50—543. Monolayers of PS-PEO block copolymers at the air-water interface. J. M. R. d'Oliveira 12:10—544. Degradation of vinylidene chlo­ ride copolymers in the presence of transi­ tion-metal formates, decanoates, and halides. B. A. Howell, C. V. Rajaram, A. Q. Campbell, J. R. Keeley

OCTOBER 16,1995 C&EN



Mechanical Behavior of Polymer Blends

Polymers for Advanced Optical Applications

Waterborne Coatings

Multifunctional and Smart Materials

M. Jaffe, Organizer W. H. Jo, A. Whittaker, Presiding

S. A. Jenekhe, K. Wynne, Organizers S. A. Jenekhe, W. C. Chen, Presiding

R. F. Storey, Organizer C-S. Ha, R. F. Storey, Presiding

K. Havelka, Organizer P. Prasad, S. Kobayashi, Presiding

8:00—545. Relation between mechanical properties and structure in blends of Vec­ tra A and vectra B. H. G. Zachmann, S. Dreher, S. Seifert 8:30—546. Effect of strain rate on the fracture of SAN-rubber blends. R. J. Gaymans, A. C. Steenbrink, E. van der Giessen 8:50—547. Morphology and properties of styrene-butyl acrylate gradient polymers. C. F. Jasso-Gastinel, E. Castellanos, B. N. Sanchez, O. Laguna-Castellanos 9:10—548. Study of thermoplastics polyurethane elastomer and polyvinylidene fluo­ ride blends. M. Yue, K. S. Chian 9:30—549. Blends of linear low polyethylene with thermoplastic polyurethanes. P. A. van den Bergen, G. H. Edward, M. For­ syth, G. P. Simon, A. J. Hill, R. Y. Wu, L D. McCarthy 9:50—550. Dynamic mechanical properties of SBR-silicone blends. E. P. Chang

8:00—557. Specificity and limits of organicbased electronic devices. F. Gamier 8:30—558. Arrays of polymer grid triodes with common grid: Smart "neural net­ works" for image processing. A. J. Heeger, D. J. Heeger, J. Langan, Y. Yang 8:50—559. Polymer microsphere laser. K. Takeda, M. Kuwata-Gonokami 9:10—560. Tuning the chromophoric proper­ ties of conjugated polymers—Synthesis and processing. K. Mullen, B. Keegstra, U. Scherf 9:30—561. Synthesis of vinyl monomers bearing chromophore moieties: Their poly­ mers and the photochemical behavior thereof. F-M. Li 9:50—562. Preparation of poly(a-hydroxy acrylic acid) gel by γ-ray irradiation and swelling behavior. T. Tamura, S. Yoshida, S. Kawauchi, M. Batch, Y. Komiyama

8:00—569. Study of structural effects on the performance of polyurethane dispersions. Y. T. Hyang, C C T. Hang, Y. H. Jan, T. T. Lee, H-C Li 8:30—570. Aqueous cationic polyurethane dispersions. H. X. Xiao, S. Yang, K. C Frisch, B. Suthar 8:50—571. Adsorption of telechelic HEUR polymers on colloidal surfaces. H. D. OuYang, L. E. Dewalt 9:10—572. Synthesis and UV curing charac­ teristics of waterborne unsaturated polyes­ ter. C-S. Ha, S. J. Jeong, W. S. Kim, S. J. Lee, E. S. Kim, W. J. Cho 9:30—573. Cosolvent-free alkyd and polyes­ ter coatings. K. R. Lane 9:50—574. Waterborne chlorinated polyolefin adhesion promoters for low-surface-en­ ergy plastics. J. O. Stoffer, J. M. Land, W. L. Dechent

8:00—581. Electrochromic systems based on multilayer sol-gel processing. H. K. Schmidt 8:30—582. Ion-track pore films as artificial intelligent valves. M. Yoshida, A. Safranj, M. Asano, H. Omichi, R. Katakai, N. Reber, R. Spohr 8:50—583. Materials containing cross-linked polyols with multifunctional properties and intelligent attributes. T. L. Vigo 9:10—584. Synthetic and biosynthetic poly­ mers with responsive microdomains foi phase transfer/remediation. C. L. McCormick, M. C. Kramer, J. Kahalley, M. F. Rich­ ardson 9:30—585. Development of an electrical con­ ductive composite sensible to the pres­ ence of organic solvents. A. Marquez, R H. Cruz, J. Uribe 9:50—586. Effect of dopants on thermal sta­ bility of polypyrrole. C. Y. Kim, D. Y. Kim J. S. Choe, J. Y. Lee

L. S. Park, B. Jiang, Presiding 10:30—551. Effect of phase separation on dynamic viscoelasticity of polymer blends. T. Masuda, O. Araki, M. Takahashi 10:50—552. Yield behavior of polyesterpolycarbonate blends as related to the free volume probed by positron annihila­ tion lifetime spectroscopy. A. J. Hill, G. M. Stack, M. R. Tant 11:10—553. Core-shell rubber-modified pseudoductile thermoplastic polymers: New theoretical concept about rubber cav­ itation and relation with impact toughness. G. Groeninckx, D. Dompas, T. Hasegawa, M. Isogawa, M. Kadokura 11:30—554. The toughenability of thermo­ plastic copolyesters. E. J. Moskala 11:50—555. Toughened polypropylene with core-shell morphologies. Y. Long, R. A. Shanks, B. E. Tiganis 12:10—556. Mechanics and mechanisms of toughening in polymer-blend matrix com­ posites. S. V. Nair, A. Subramaniam, L. A. Goettler

I. J. Goldfarb, F-M. Li, Presiding

R. F. Storey, Presiding

10:30—563. Third-order optical properties of C 60 polymer composites. Ζ. Η. Kafafi 10:50—564. Preparation of gradient-index (GRIN) polymer fibers for imaging applica­ tions. W. C. Chen, J. H. Chen, S. Y. Yang, J. Y. Cherng, J . J. Chen 11:10—565. Optimization of modal and ma­ terial dispersions in high-bandwidth graded-index polymer optical fiber. T. Ishigure, E. Nihei, Y. Koike 11:30—566. Transparent birefringence-free copolymer. S. Iwata, H. Tsukahara, E. Ni­ hei, Y. Koike 11:50—567. Characterization of the molecu­ lar properties of chitosan. R. Samuels, C Cha 12:10—568. An alternative scheme for theo­ retical study of nonlinear optical properties of conjugated molecules. M. O. Tjia, R. E. Siregar, M. Abdullah

10:30—575. Low- and no-VOC waterborne coatings formulated from solventless la­ texes. S. F. Thames, R. Hariharan 10:50—576. Silicone rubber latex in waterbased coatings. D. T. Liles 11:10—577. Two-phase acrylic acid copoly­ mer systems. A. F. Fehervari, D. R. Koretsky, D. W. Avison 11:30—578. Pollution prevention in the mag­ netic tape industry: Waterborne coating formulations for magnetic tape manufac­ ture. D. E. Nikles, S. Cheng, H. Fan, N. Gogineni, B. Jacobs, Y. Ye, J. W. Harrell, I. A. Jefcoat, A. M. Lane 11:50—579. Studies on graft copolymerization of glycidyl methacrylate onto casein as hydrophobic coating material for leath­ er. G. Radhakrishnan, Y. Lakshminarayana, S. N. Jaisankar, T. Ramasami 12:10—580. Toward a better understanding of the chemistry of paint weathering. C. A. Lukey, A. P. Lang

K. Havelka, C. McCormick, Presiding 10:30—587. Multifunctional polymers and composites for photonics. P. N. Prasad 10:50—588. Super ion-conducting polymers for solid polymer electrolytes. N. Ogata 11:10—589. Hydrogel-conducting polymer composites. G. G. Wallace, C. Small, S. Mansouri 11:30—590. Nontraditional, multifunctional nanocomposite materials: Barrier and ten­ sile properties of polymer-clay hybrid com­ posites. T. J. Pinnavaia, T. Lan, P. D. Kaviratna 11:50—591. Peculiar phase transitions in poly(3-alkylthiophene)s revealed by a calorimetric investigation. Y. Zhao, G. Yuan, A Massicotte, M. Leclerc 12:10—592. Roles of inorganic particulate and Langmuir-Blodgett layers in light-emit­ ting diodes. C. Yuan, G. Wang, Y. Wei


Alexander Rich to receive 1995 Pauling Award Alexander Rich, professor of biophys­ ics at Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology, will accept the 1995 Linus Pauling Award of the ACS Puget Sound, Oregon, and Portland Sections. The award, which consists of a gold medal, recognizes outstanding achieve­ ment in chemistry. Rich's undergraduate studies at Harvard Uni­ versity centered on phys­ ics, chemistry, and bio­ chemical sciences. He re­ ceived an M.D. degree at Harvard Medical School in 1949, and joined the chemistry department at California Institute of Technology to do post­ doctoral work with Li­ nus Pauling. While at Caltech, he initiated Xray diffraction studies on 124

OCTOBER 16,1995 C&EN

both small molecules and polymeric nu­ cleic acids. From 1954 to 1958 he was head of the section on physical chemis­ try at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., and was a visiting scien­ tist at the Cavendish Laboratory in Cam­ bridge, England, in 1955, working with various colleagues. Rich discovered the three-dimensional struc­ ture of collagen. He also discovered the first hy­ bridization reaction in which two unstructured polynucleotides combine to form a double helix. This reaction became one of the major analytical tools in the development of molecular biology. It also demonstrated that the RNA molecule, like DNA, could exist as a

stable double helix. A year later, he dis­ covered the nucleic acid triple helix. In 1958, Rich moved to the biology de­ partment at MIT, where he is now Sedgewick Professor of Biophysics. One of his major accomplishments at MIT is formation of a hybrid helix containing a DNA strand and an RNA strand. He discovered and characterized polyribosomal structures involved in protein synthesis and also discovered DNA in chloroplasts. Rich's group was the first to obtain high-resolution crystals of transfer RNA. He then proceeded to find its three-dimensional folding and to un­ cover the fine details of its molecular structure. Further work in this field led to the discovery of a left-handed form of the DNA double helix. Rich is the author of 500 publications, and has received many honors and awards, including a 1995 National Med­ al of Science. The Pauling Award Sym­ posium will be held Saturday, Oct. 28, at 1:30 PM in Willamette Hall, Room 100,