5th Medicinal Chemistry Symposium - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - The 5th Symposium of the Division of Medicinal Chemistry of the ACS will be held in t h e Kellogg Center for Continuing Education at Mic...
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Chemistry and Chemotherapy of Experimental Virus Infections HEINZ L. FRAENKFT ,-CONRAT.


cal Studies on Tobacco Mosaic Virus. FRANK M. SCHABEL, JR.

Recent D e -

velopments in Experimental Virus Chemotherapy. GERALD E. UNDERWOOD. T h e Antiviral

Activity of Diearbonyls and Related Compounds.

Spectroscopy Symposium The 10th anniversary Symposium o n Molecular Structure a n d Spectroscopy, which is sponsored by the department of physics a n d astronomy a n d t h e graduate school of Ohio State University, National Science Foundation, a n d the Office of Naval Research, will b e held June 1 1 to 15 at Ohio State. T h e meeting of t h e joint commission on spectroscopy of the International Union of Pure a n d Applied Physics a n d the International Astronomical Union Kellogg Center a t Michigan State University will b e held in conjunction with t h e symposium. The annual symposium dinner will be held June 1 3 at the Southern Hotel. Speaker will b e Bryce L . Crawford, Jr., The 5 t h Symposium of t h e Division chemist visitors. F o r chemists a n d of the University of Minnesota, w h o of Medicinal Chemistry of t h e ACS chemical engineers residing i n t h e U . S., will talk on Consumer Relations i n will b e held in t h e Kellogg Center for not members of the ACS, t h e fee is $14. Infrared. Continuing Education at Michigan At t h e b a n q u e t to b e held June 2 1 , The technical program will include State University c a m p u s , East Lansing, M. L . Tainter of Sterling-Winthrop R e - 138 papers in sections o n electronic June 2 0 to 2 3 . Advance registrations search Institute will b e t h e speaker. b a n d spectra, infrared spectroscopy of will b e accepted i n t h e order of r e - A ladies' program is being arranged molecules, atomic spectroscopy, theory ceipt a n d m u s t b e in t h e hands of t h e which includes guided tours to plants, of the spectra of molecules., electronic committee b y J u n e 1 1 . As space fa- sightseeing, a n d a t e a or luncheon. b a n d spectra, infrared spectroscopy of cilities are limited attendance will b e For further information, write Medic- solids, infrared spectra—high dispersion, limited to 3 5 5 . Registration fees are inal Chemistry Symposium, Continu- microwave a n d Raman spectroscopy, $8.00 t o A C S members, chemistry or ing E d u c a t i o n Service, Michigan State industrial infrared spectroscopic probchemical engineering majors, a n d non- University, E a s t Lansing, Mich. lems, chemical infrared spectroscopy, vibrational spectra of molecules, intensities a n d line breadths, infrared instruPROGRAM mentation a n d applications, and chemiTHURSDAY MOBNING LEONARD COOK. Comparative Pharma- cal physics infrared spectroscopy. cologic Properties of Chloropromazine and Radioisotopes in Medical Research Other Psycho-pharmacologic Agents. CHARLES HEIDELBERGER. Radioisotopes Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference BERNARD B. BRODÉE. Interrelationships in Biochemistry. Between Chloropromazine and Reserpine HARVEY M. PATT. Radiobiology. The 14th annual Pittsburgh DiffracL E E EDWARD FAJRR. Radioactivity in on Neuro-Humoral Agents in the Central tion Conference will b e h e l d Oct. 3 1 t o Medical Diagnosis and Therapy. Nervous System. Nov. 2 a t t h e Mellon Institute i n Pittsburgh. Papers on the following subTHURSDAY AFTERNOON jects are solicited: small angle scatterFRIDAY AFTERNOON Recent Advances in the ing, high a n d low temperature diffracSIDNEY UDENFRIEND. Implication of Chemotherapy of Helminthiases Serotonin Biochemistry on Psycho-pharma- tion studies, structural aspects of solid GILBERT F . OTTO. Problems in Anthelstate physics, instrumentation a n d mintic Chemotherapy and Laboratory cology. methods, a n d neutron diffraction. ProMERRTLL E . SPEETER. The Chemistry Evaluation of Anthelmintics. and Structure-Activity Relationship of gram chairman is A. Taylor, WestingFRANKLIN W . SHORT. Chemical ConSerotonin and Related Indoles of Pharma- house Research Laboratories, Beulah stitution of Intestinal Anthelmintics. Road, Pittsburgh 35, Pa. Titles should cologic Interest. Film: . The Human Blood Fluke. SIDNEY ABCHER. Chemical Constitution L. J. MEDUNA. The Site and Mecha- b e submitted to him before Sept. 1 a n d of Antischistosome Agents. nism of Action of Psycho-pharmacologic abstracts b y Sept. 20. HAROLD W . BROWN. Clinical EvaluaAgents and Their Role in the Management tion of Anthelmintic Drugs. of Neuro-psychiatric Disorders. Arizona Symposium

5th Medicinal Chemistry Symposium


Drugs Affecting Mental State A. J. PLUIVIIVTER. Pharmacological Properties of Rautoolfia Alkaloids.

EDWARD D . SCHWADE. The Significance

of Drug Therapy in Psychiatric Practice, Panel Discussion. Screening for Psychopharmacologic Agents. Moderator: BERNARD B. BRODLE.

The Chemistry of Lignin, Polysaccharides, a n d Related Substances is t h e topic of a symposium that will b e sponsored b y t h e department of chemistry JUNE 4, 1956 C & E N


ASSOCIATIONS of the University of Arizona in coopera­ tion with the Southern Arizona Section of the ACS. It will be held Sept. 28 and 2 9 at the University of Tucson as a memorial to Ernest Anderson. Papers will b e given by Erich Adler of Goteburg, Sweden; Holger Erdtman, Stockholm; G. Aulin-Erdtman, Stockholm; J. Κ. Ν. Jones, Kingston, Ont.; D . P. S. Rao of Dehra Dun, India (by proxy), and by L. E. Wise of Appleton, Wis. As there is room on the program for a few more papers, anyone interested should write to the'chemistry department of the university.

• Short paint course for high school chemistry teachers will be held at North Dakota College June 19 to 2 6 . Tt is being sponsored by the Federation of Paint and Varnish Production Clubs as a part of its over-all program to attract technical personnel to the paint industry.

alloys, cermets and plastics, and use of statistical methods. Oct 23 to S 6 : South Central region, Gunter Hotel, San Antonio. Symposia on utilities In­ dustry, high temperatures, transporta­ tion industry, cathodic protection, p r o ­ lines, and oil and gas well equipment Nov. 15 to 16: North Central region, Hotel Starler, Detroit. Symposia «on automotive, construction, chemical, smd utilities and power industries.

• National Association of Corrosion Engineers has scheduled technical meetings of three regional divisions for this fall. Oct. 15 to 17: Northeast re­ gion, Drake Hotel, Philadelphia. Sym­ posia on protective coatings, metals and

• Dodge & Olcoii, Inc., wiD present its annual award of a gold medal and §1000 during the 1956 meeting of She American Meat Institute. Nominations are open t o any contribution to She growth and general welfare of €he meat packing industry that is of recent origin, but in use long enough to have proved advantageous in some phases of the industry. It is no longer limited, to achievements made public during A e award year. Nominations should be received by Aug. 1 by Achievenfeent Award, Dodge & Olcott, Inc., ISO Varick S t , N e w York 14, Ν. Υ. • The XX!X*m* Congres International de Chimie Industrielle will be helof. in Paris Nov. 18 to £ 4 , simultaneofasly with the European Congress on Cor­ rosion and with the Conference Euro­ péenne d e Genie Chimique. It -wall overlap with the IV® Salon de la Chimie, Caoutchouc, Matières Plastiques, which runs from Nov7- 25L to Dec. 3 . • The Trenton Section of the ACS ^vill hold its regular monthly meeting J«ine 12 at the Nineteenth Hole Restaurant in Trenton. Speaker, Oscar Sisuaaa, will talk on the Effect of Gamma Radiation on Polymers. • A Packaging Clinic a n d Exhibit -will be held June 2 5 to 27 at t h e Hotel Statler in N e w York City by [National Retail Dry Goods Association.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS The demand for lumber treated with Cliromate-salt formulations is increasing* due to the ability of these preservatives to provide a long, useful life for wooden structures. In addition to making lumber resistant to fixe, fungi and termites, these effective chromate compounds give the wood, clean, odorless, paintable surfaces. Mutual does not make these formulations, but is a leading manufacturer of the Chromium Chemicals called for in government and industry specifications for water-borne preservatives.

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American Chemical Society 130th National Meeting. Atlantic City, N. J. Sept 16-21, 1956. 131st National Meeting, Miami, Fia. j%priî 7-12, 1957. 132nd National Meeting, New YoaA, 2Sfi. Y. Sept. 8-13, 1957. Division of Analytical Ghemisby and Analytical CJiemistsy. 9th Sunxmer Symposium. Los Angeles. June 14r—16. Division of Colloid Chemistry, National Colloid Symposium. Madison, ^Wis. June 18-20. Division of Medicinal Chemistry 5th National Symposium. Kellogg Ceaiter, East Lansing, Mich. June 21—23. Division of Physical and Inorganic Qaernistry (joint with Division of Cbeooieal Physics of American Physical Society and Wisconsin Section, ACS), \Madison, Wis. June 20—2$,