7-Azaindole. VI. Preparation of 5- and 6 ... - ACS Publications

VI. Preparation of 5- and 6-Substituted 7-Azaindoles1. Michael M. Robison, Bonnie L. Robison, and Florence P. Butler. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1959, 81 (3)...
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Feb. 5, 1959

5- AND


zations from benzene as white prisms, m.p. 138.5" (reported" m.p. 137.5-139"). Anal. Calcd. for CcH7NO: N, 12.84. Found: S , 12.65. The picrate formed yellow needles from methanol, m.p. 189-190" .g6 Reaction of V with Ammonia.-.& mixture of 0 . 5 g. of 2chloro-3-cyanomethylpyridine, 0.1 g. of hydrated copper sulfate and 15 ml. of concentrated ammonium hydroxide was heated in a sealed tube at 135 f 10" for a period of 42 hours. Insoluble material was separated by filtration and the filtrate was evaporated to dryness in vacuo and treated with 5 ml. of cold water. T h e tan solid was separated and recrystallized from acetic acid-water to yield 105 mg. (19y0) of white crystals, m.p. 215-217" dec. The analytical sample had m.p. 219-221.5' dec. after recrystallizations from the same solvent. The 2-aminopyridine-3-acetic acid (VIII), which is somewhat hygroscopic, was dried at 110' in vacuo for analysis. Anal. Calcd. for C~H~NZOZ.'/ZHZO: C, 52.17; H, 5.63. Found: C, 52.47; H, 5.78. The aqueous filtrate from the crude product was treated with hydrogen sulfide, the resulting small quantity of copper sulfide separated and the filtrate evaporated to dryness in vacuo. The residue was extracted with hot absolute ethanol, which was evaporated. The new residue was dissolved in 5 ml. of absolute ethanol, 30 ml. of acetone was added, a small amount of insoluble material was separated and the solution was concentrated to one-third volume. The 0.11 g. of pale-orange precipitate was recrystallized ( 2 5 ) H. C . Chitwood, U. S. Patent 2,551,076, June 19, 1951; C. A , , 4 6 , 145 (1952), reported m.p. 187-188°.






from absolute ethanol-benzene and from water. There resulted 23 mg. (4.6%) of 2-hydroxypyridine-3-acetic acid, m.p. 240-241' dec. This material showed no meltingpoint depression on admixture with authentic compound prepared from the 2-chloropyridine-3-acetic acid (vide infra). 2-Hydroxypyridine-3-acetic Acid.-A solution of 0.16 g. of 2-chloropyridine-3-acetic acid in 10 ml. of 57, sodium hydroxide was heated in an autoclave a t 200" for 4.5 hours. The brown mixture was filtered, acidified with concentrated hydrochloric acid and evaporated to dryness. The residue was extracted with boiling methanol and the solid from evaporation of the extract was recrystallized from water and from methanol. There was thus abtained 95 mg. (66.57,) of xhite crystals, m . p . 240-241" dec. The compound, which gave a red c d o r with ferric chloride, was dried at 110" in vucuo. Anal. Calcd. for CiH;N03: N, 9.15. Found: N, 9.12. 7-Azaoxindole (IX).-One-tenth gram of VI11 was heated under nitrogen at 225' for 10 minutes, after which the residue was subjected to sublimation at 170" (10 mm.). The white needles, m.p. 175', weighed 56 mg. (67% on the basis of the hemihydrate of 1-111). The analytical sample, prepared by another sublimation, had the same melting point; KHgilgreported m . p . 175'. Anal. Calcd. for CiHoS20: S , 20.89. Found: N, 21.18. Absorption Spectra.-Ultraviolet spectra were determined with a Beckman model DU quartz spectrophotometer from lo-' M solutions in cyclohexane, unless otherwise specified. AMHERST, MASS.


Preparation of 5- and 6-Substituted 7-Azaindoles'

BY MICHAEL M. ROB IS ON,^ BONNIEL. ROBISON AND FLORENCE P. BUTLER RECEIVED AVGUST29, 1958 7-Azaindoline (2,3-dihydro-7-azaindole) behaves, as expected, like a substituted 2-aminopyridine and undergoes substitution reactions in the pyridine ring without accompanying reaction at the 3-position. Thus the substance was transformed via 1-nitro-7-azaindoline to the 5-nitro and &amino compounds, while treatment of 7-azaindoline-7-oxide with acetic anhydride produced two derivatives bearing oxygenated functions a t the 5- and 6-positions, respectively. Since the substituted azaindolines could be dehydrogenated to azaindoles, these reactions provide a reasonably convenient route to this hitherto inaccessible class of substitution products.

Although 7-azaindole can be prepared in about 50% yield by cyclization of 2-formamido-Xpicoline, the extremely harsh conditions of the cyclization render impractical attempts to extend the preparation to azaindoles containing functional groups. Further, the 3-position of 7-azaindole, like that of indole, is most susceptible to substitution reactions, 3a,4 so that the azaindole nucleus itself does not offer ready entry into its pyridine ring. The possible biological interest of azaindoles bearing substituents in the six-membered ring prompted a search for methods of introducing such groups. The most promising approach to the problem of blocking the pyrrole ring and allowing substitution in the pyridine ring appeared to be via 7azaindoline (I). The structure of this substance, (1) This investigation was supported by a research grant, number C-2574, from t h e National Cancer Institute of t h e Piational Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, ( 2 ) C I B A Pharmaceutical Products, Inc., Summit, N. J. (3) (a) M. M. Robison a n d B. L. Robison, THISJOURNAL, 77, 457 (1955); (b) 77, 6554 (1955). (4) bf. RI. Robison and B. L. Robison, ibid.. 78, 1247 (19.X).

which was first prepared by K r ~ b e r ,was ~ not demonstrated with certainty, though ultraviolet measurements appeared to substantiate it.6 The success of several substitution reactions involving the reduction product, however, definitely confirms the 2,3-dihydro formulation. The reaction of I with fuming nitric acid and sulfuric acid a t low temperature produces 1-nitro-7azaindoline (11) in high yield. The position of the nitro group was indicated by a negative activehydrogen test and by analogy to the similar reaction which takes place with 2-methylamin0pyridine.~ The nitro compound I1 on warming with sulfuric acid, is converted to the isomeric 5-nitro-7-azaindoline (111), the site of substitution in which was again indicated by inference from the known case.' Further, reduction of the benzoyl derivative of I11 to l-benzoyl-5-amino-7-azaindoline and treatment of the amine with nitrous acid afforded a ~

( 5 ) 0. Kruber, B e y . , 76, 128 (1943). (6) M M. Robison, F. P. Butler and B. L. Robison, THISJ O U R N A L 79, 2513 (1957). ( 7 ) A. E Chichibabin and A W. Kirssanov, B e y , 61, 1223 (19L'Y).



normal diazonium salt, which could be coupled with @-naphthol. On treatment with palladium-charcoal, 111 can be dehydrogenated to 5-nitro-7azaindole, which, in turn, can be hydrogenated to 5-amino-7-azaindole (IV). For comparison, the nitration of 7-azaindole itself was investigated. I t was found that the unreduced substance reacts very readily a t low temperature to form an acidic mononitro compound. Consideration of other electrophilic substitutions of the nucleus together with the acidic properties of the product lead to its formulation as 3-nitro-iazaindole.



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I11 H IV H -1second approach to substitution in the pyri-

dine ring involved reactions of i-azaindoline-7oxide (1'). This derivative, which was prepared by treatment of 1-carbethoxy-7-azaindoline with peracetic acid and subsequent removal of the carbethoxy group, reacts with acetic anhydride to produce rearrangement products bearing acetoxy groups in the pyridine ring. Although this reaction of aromatic N-oxides with acetic anhydride is well known with unsubstituted heterocycles or their alkyl homologs, it has not, apparently, been reported for pyridines bearing functional groups in the a- or y-position, except for 2-aminopyridine-Noxide. In this case,a rearrangement does not occur








and only the rliacetyl derivative of the N-oxide is produced. From the reaction of V two products were obtained, both of which had the compositions of diacetpl derivati\Tcs of hydroxyazaindolines. These were readily separated since one, 1-acetyl-hcetoxy-i-azaindoline (VI), is soluble in dilute acid, while the other, l-acetyl-A-acetoxy-7azaindoline (VIJ), is not. The weakly basic character of VI1 is consistent, for it has been found in this Laboratory t h a t ,?-acetamido-G-acetoxypyridineg is also insoluble in cold, dilute hydrochloric acid. Further evidence for the constitution of VI1 was provided by hydrolysis t o 2,Xdihydro-1H-pyrrolo [2,3-b]pyrid-(i(iH)-one (1'111) whose infrared spectrum exhibited absorption a t ( 8 ) R. Adams a n d S. hfiyano, T H I SJ O U R S A L . 7 6 , 2783 (1934). [