9 - American Chemical Society

veloped a method to accomplish this; however, the open chain hydrocarbon was also formed (eq 2).l We now report another. 1. C6HjSH. 2. LiAlH,. 3. CH,S...
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J . Org. Chem., Vol. 43, No. 2,1978


Preparation of Cyclopropanes from a,P-Unsaturated Aldehydes, Esters, and Ketones

Table I . Cyclopropyl Sulfones from 0,P-Unsaturated Carbonyl Compounds Sul-

Summary: cu,P-Unsaturated carbonyl compounds are effi-

fone tosylate,=

ciently transformed into the corresponding cyclopropanes by a sulfone-mediated bond formation.

Cyclopropyl sulfone (% yield)


Sir: In connection with natural product synthesis, we have

Carbonyl compd


been concerned with the problem of converting a,p-unsaturated compounds into cyclopropanes (eq 1)and recently de-



veloped a method to accomplish this; however, the open chain hydrocarbon was also formed (eq 2).l We now report another



II 0

3 . CH,SO,Cl/Pyr 5. L i / N H , 5

R* (2) R approach which cleanly gives the desired goal. The new strategy is summarized in eq 3. It was hoped that

-RyR' 1. C.H.SH C,H,SH 2. L:A