91304 Organic Contaminants in Textile Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. 8

Recovery, Separation, and Iden- tification of Organic Pesticides from. Aqueous Solutions. S. D. Faust, Rut- gers University, New Brunswick, N. J. 0890...
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NEWS 9:50 Characterization of Organics in Natural Waters. Ihor Lysyj, Rocketdyne Corp., Canoga Park, Calif. 91304 10:10 Recovery, Separation, and Iden­ tification of Organic Pesticides from Aqueous Solutions. S. D. Faust, Rut­ gers University, New Brunswick, N. J . 08903 10:45 Research Program at the Na­ tional Water Quality Laboratory, Duluth, Minnesota. John I. Teasley, Donald Mount, National Water Qual­ ity Laboratory, Duluth, Minn. 55800 11:05 Organic Contaminants in Textile Plant Effluents. A. W. Garrison, Southeast Water Laboratory, Athens, Ga. 30601 11:25 Organic Contaminants Charac­ terization of a Treated Kraft Pulp Mill Effluent. L. H. Keith, Southeast Wa­ ter Laboratory, Athens, Ga. 30601



Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. 8

3:25 Critique on Thermal Pollution Problems. Frank L. Parker, Peter A. Krenkel, Vanderbilt University, Nash­ ville, Tenn. 37203 SESSION 8B INSTRUMENTAL TECHNIQUES FOR THE ANALYSIS OF POLLUTANTS 3:45 The Application of High Resolu­ tion NMR Spectroscopy to Pesticide Characterization. Ann L. Alford, Southeast Water Laboratory, Athens, Ga. 30601 4:00 Applications of Mass Spectrom­ etry of Pesticide Residue Analysis. Mary M. Walker, Southeast Water Laboratory, Athens, Ga. 30601 4:15 Infrared Techniques in Surface Chemistry. W. R. Payne, Jr., South­ east Water Laboratory, Athens, Ga. 30601 4:30 Fluorometric Determination of Lignin Sulfonates in Natural Waters. A. D. Thurston, Jr., Southeast Water Laboratory, Athens, Ga. 30601


Thursday Morning, Oct. 10



2:00 Experiences in Operating the Transuranium Analytical Facility at ORNL. H. C. Meyer, Oak Ridge Na­ tional Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 2:25 Facilities, Equipment and Tech­ niques for Analytical Control of Cur­ ium Production at the Savannah River Laboratory. E. K. Dukes, G. A. Carothers, Savannah River Laboratory, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Aiken, S. C. 28901 2:45 Combustion Micro-Manometric Determination of Carbon in Pluto­ nium Sulfide. C. S. MacDougall, M. E. Smith, G. R. Waterbury, University of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, Ν. Μ. 87544 3:20 Detection of Light Element Im­ purities in High Purity Plutonium-238 by Gamma Spectroscopy. Joseph Bubernak, Marion S. Lew, George M. Matlack, University of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, Ν. Μ. 87544 3:40 The Preparation of an 18-Microgram Enriched ^ U Source. K. Wolfsberg, Bruce J. Dropesky, John W. Barnes, University of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Ala­ mos, Ν. Μ. 87544 4:00 The Flame Spectrophotometric Determination of Ruthenium. M. H. Barsky, A. F. Panek, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, III. 60439

SESSION 8A ANALYSIS OF POLLUTANTS IN WATER O M. Derryberry, Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401, Presiding

2:00 Environmental Health Implica­ tions of Regional Development. Ο. Μ. Derryberry, Tennessee Valley Author­ ity, Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401 2:25 Role of Soil and Sediments in Water Pollution Control. G. W. Bailey, Southeast Water Laboratory, Athens, Ga. 30601




John H. Cooper, Oak Ridge National Labora­ tory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830, Presiding


G. Phillips, Atomic Energy Research Estab­ lishment, Harwell, England, Presiding

9:00 Controlled-Potential Coulometric Apparatus Based Upon Modular Electronic Units, and Its Application to the Analysis of Uranium, Neptun­ ium, and Plutonium Containing Ma­ terials. G. Phillips, G. W. C. Milner, Atomic Energy Research Establish­ ment, Harwell, England 9:20 Determination of Traces of Iron, Nickel, and Chromium in Plutonium Nitrate Solutions, Without Previous Separation of Plutonium, by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. M. Ganivet, A. Benhomou, Centre D'Etudes Nucléaires DeCadaroche, Cadaroche, France 9:40 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Equipment Used for HighLevel Alpha Radioactive Samples Analysis. M. Ganivet, A. Benhomou, Centre D' Etudes Nucléaires DeCadaroche, Cadaroche, France 9:55 Measuring Fission Products Activity in Uranium Containing 232U Daughters. A. R. Flynn, Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 10:30 A Study of Parameters Affecting Analytical Alpha Spectrometry. J. H. Cooper, T. H. Handley, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830 10:45 Analysis of Irradiated Fuels for Impurities by Carrier Distillation Technique in Hot Cell. O. R. Simi, R. T. Phelps, University of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, Ν. Μ. 87544 11:05 Low-Level Gamma Ray Spec­ trometry for Geochemical and Lunar Samples. J. S. Eldridge, V. A. McKay, G. D. O'Kelley, R. E. Wintenberg, Oak Ridge National Laboatory, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 37830; P. R. Bell, N.A.S.A. Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas 11:25 Spectrophotometric Determina­ tion of Fission Zirconium—Applica­ tion to Burnup Analysis. George Buzzelli, Richard H. Smith, Gulf Gen­ eral Atomic, San Diego, Calif. 92112

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VOL. 40, NO. 11, SEPTEMBER 1968


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