97331, 1973. $1 0, paper. Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1974. $10, Pittsburgh

Resource Recovery from Municipal. Solid Waste: A State-of-the-Art. Study. National Center for Resource. Recovery. xiii + 182 pages. Lexing- ton Books,...
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BOOKS Mercury in the Western Environment. Donald R. Buhler, Ed. x 360 pages. Continuing Education Publications, Waldo Hall 100, Corvallis, Ore 97331, 1973. $1 0, paper.


Proceedings based on workshop on Mercury in the Western Environment held in Portland, Ore., February 1971. Explores the effects of mercury contamination in fish and wildlife, the analysis of mercury, and the nature and occurrence of mercury-related damage to man. Book also provides status report of contemporary research on mercury pollution and toxicity Environment and Man. 2nd ed. Richard H. Wagner. xiii 528 pages. W. W. Horton & Co., Inc., 500 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10036. 1974. $7.95, hard cover.


Update of the 1971 edition, this systematic study of environmental problems is for student and general reader alike. I t provides a balanced treatment of such contemporary problems as air and water pollution, biocides, urban planning, population control, and the energy crises. I t seeks to answer how industrial man and a clean, healthy environment can coexist.

Air Quality Abstracts. 773 pages. Pollution Abstracts, Inc., P.O. Box 2369, La Jolla, Calif. 92037. 1974. $75, paper. This one-volume reference from Air Quality Abstracts summarizes and organizes significant air quality literature published since 1970. I t contains nearly 6000 full abstracts covering the areas of emission sources, atmospheric interactions, air quality measurements, control methods, legal and administrative problems, and basic sciences and technologies. Air pollution effects on humans, animals, plants, and materials also are considered.

Ecology: Selected Concepts. David 6 . Sutton and N. Paul Harmon. xv 287 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1973. $3.95, paper. Intended to provide the reader with an understanding of the basic concepts of ecology and the major human implications of these concepts. Intended as a teaching device, the book both asks questions to provoke thought, and answers these questions somewhere in the textual material. I t utilizes many graphs, charts, and illustrations in presenting this information.

Pollution Engineering Techniques: An Overview Introduction to the Problem. 227 pages..Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1974. $10, paper. Includes papers submitted to the 2nd Annual International Pollution Engineering Congress in Philadelphia, October 1973. The book considers virtually all principal problems encountered in pollution control, with some basic guidelines and proposals for solutions. The views are primarily those of industry and government persons. However, some academic Papers are included.

Pollution Control in the Dairy Industry. Harold R. Jones. i x 277 pages. Noyes Data Corp., Park Ridge, N.J. 07656. 1974. $24, hard cover. Based on authoritative government reports, book attempts to clarify the ways and means open to the alert dairy processor who must keep his polluting wastes down to a minimum. Important processes are interpreted and explained by actual case histories. I t reflects on problems brought about by increasing costs, most stringent effluent discharge requirements, and land limitations because of urbanization.

Regional Growth and Water Resource Investment. W. Cris Lewis et al. xi 172 pages. Lexington Books, 1 2 5 Spring St., Lexington, Mass. 021 73. 1973. $1 4.50, hard cover.

Environmental Health and Safety. Herman Koren. xxii 315 pages. Pergamon Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, N.Y. 10523. 1974. $8.75, paper. $16, hard cover. Makes available information for the design and practice of environmental health and safety programs. I t is designed both for the health professional and for the student. The book focuses mainly on the hospital, but its procedures are applicable for other institutions as well. Infection control, patient and employee safety, and special programs and techniques, all are considered.

Proceedings of Second Joint Conference on Sensing of Environmental Pollutants. 377 pages. Instrument Society of America, 400 Stanwix St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222. 1973. $40, hard cover. Contains 45 papers on in-situ and remote sensing techniques of a biological, chemical, and physical nature. I t focuses on sensing techniques rather than programs or platforms. These papers, first presented at the conference conducted in Washington, D.C., December 1973, cover instrument quality and measurement standardization, remote passive sensing of atmospheric pollutants, and l l other topics.

Seeks to illustrate the way in which investment in water resources might influence the pace and direction of regional economic growth. The state in question is Utah, but many of the findings are generally applicable. The book attempts to broaden the stock of knowledge on this question, and thereby increase the rationality under which such investment decisions are made.

Resource Recovery from Municipal Solid Waste: A State-of-the-Art Study. National Center for Resource Recovery. xiii 182 pages. Lexington Books, 125 Spring Street, Lexington, Mass. 02173. 1974. $13, hard cover. Presents an overview of the state of the art in resource recovery as it pertains to municipal solid waste. The report aims to provide the reader with background information on the subject, and serve as a reference point for further detail. I t does not attempt to cover each subject or system in minute detail. I t is one of a series of reports on solid waste.

Recycling and Disposal of Solid Wastes: Industrial, Agricultural, Domestic. T. F. Yen, editor. viii 372 pages. Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1974. $20, hard cover. Book covers a wide range of expertise concerning the energy and biological aspects of solid wastes. Also considered are polymer-gas reactions, ionene polymers to flocculate colloids, glass and metal container recycling, protein production from cellulosic wastes, polymers for stabilizing mineral wastes. leachate formation in sanitary landfills, and animal, farm, and field waste problems.







Plants and Environment: A Textbook of Plant Autecology. 3rd ed. R. F. Daubenmire. ix 422 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1974. $1 3.50, hard cover. Third edition of this textbook deals with autecology, the study of plant ecology that considers the interrelations between the individual plant and its environment. Elucidation of basic principles is the book's primary objective. Attention is given to the choice of pertinent examples, and also to the practical application of ecological principles.


Volume 8 , Number 7 , July 1974