A Abbott Laboratories 131, 134 Abderhalden, Ε ... - ACS Publications

Abbott Laboratories. 131, 134. Abderhalden, Ε. 237. Abegg, R. 219. Abhandlungen der kôniglichen. Akademie der Wissenschaf ten in Berlin. 97. Abridge...
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A Abbott Laboratories 131, Abderhalden, Ε Abegg, R Abhandlungen der kôniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaf ten i n Berlin Abridgement Class, Classifica­ tion and Index K e y (patents) Abstract Bulletin, A l u m i n i u m Laboratories, Kingston, C a n ­ ada Abstracting Abstracting Service Consultative Committee Abstracts O f declassified reports O f dissertations O f Dissertations A c c e p t e d i n Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the D e ­ gree of Doctor of Philoso­ phy, 1945-1947 O f Dissertations Presented b y Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, A u t u m n Quarter, W i n t e r Quarter, 1940-1941 O f doctoral dissertations. . . . Indexing of Indexing authors' names of. . O f masters' theses O f Theses Accepted i n Partial Satisfaction of the Require­ ments for the Doctor s D e ­ gree, 1940 O f Theses, Faculty Bibliog­ raphy, and Research Prog­ ress Academic Dissertations Accessibility O f British University Thesis Literature O f knowledge O f thesis literature of the U n i t e d States Acheson Colloids C o Acrylo N e w s A C S A p p l i e d Publications A C S Directory of Graduate Re­ search A c t a Academiae Scientarium Imperialis Petropolitanae. . . . Adams, F . W Addinall, C . R

134 237 219 97 223 222 33 108 186 116


117 116 35 35 117

117 117 Ill 113 268 120 132 132 177 114 96 251 121

A D M Kaleidoscope 132 Administration Reports, Science Information Exchange Re­ ports 192 Adressbuch deutscher Chemiker 1959/60 141, 143 Advances i n Chemistry Series No. 4 1, 134 N o . 10 1, 13 Afhandlingar i Fysik, K e m i och Mineralogi 86, 97 Agricultural Index 229 Agricultural N e w s Letter 131 Agrochemistry papers 164 A i r Reduction, Inc 132 Airco N e w s . 132 Akademiska avhandkingar v i d Sveriges universitet och hogskolor lasaren 1890 to 1909-10 114 1910-11 to 1939-40 114 Alexander, Α. Ε 219 Alexander, Jerome 242 Alexander, M 13 Allen, E . F 108 Allen, J. Τ 219 Allgemeine chemische Bibliothek des Neuzehnten Jahrhunderts 86 Allgemeine Nordische A n n a l e n der Chemie 90 Allgemeine Nordische Annalen der Chemie fur die Freunde der Naturkunde u n d Arzneiwissenschaft 97 Allgemeines Journal der Chemie 86, 97 A l l i e d Chemical and D y e C o r p . , National A n i l i n e D i v i s i o n . . . . 131 Allison, F . C 143 A l l o y Pot 133 Almanach de l a chimie 86 A l m a n a c h fur Scheidekuenstler Apotheker 86,87,96 Alphabets, foreign l a n g u a g e . . . 76 A l u m i n u m Digest 132 Amber-hi-Lites 132 Amdur, L . . H 219, 224 American Chemical Journal. . . . 87 American Chemical S o c i e t y . . . . 114, 120, 251 Division of Chemical L i t e r a ­ ture 19 American Chemist 87 American C o u n c i l on Education 120 305

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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American C y a n a m i d C o 132, Lederle Laboratory D i v i s i o n . American Documentation Insti­ tute American D r u g Index American Druggist Blue Book. . American Dyestuff Reporter. . . American Institute of Physics. . American Instrument C o American Journal of Pharmacy. American Journal of Science. . . 85, 97, 100, American Laboratory American L i b r a r y Association. . American M e d i c a l Association. . American Mineralogical Journal American Patent System American Scientist A m i n c o Laboratory News Analyzer, The Anderson, F . J Andrews, Clement W a l k e r Andrews, D . D Andrews, Ε . 0 Angewandte Chemie Annalen der Chemie 17, 102, 107, Annalen der Physik 84, 97, Annales de chimie et de phy­ sique Annales des Mines Annales d u musée d'histoire naturelle A n n a l i d i chimica A n n a l i d i chimica applicata. . . . A n n a l i d i chimica e storia naturale, ovvero raccolta di memorie sulle scienza arti e manufatture ad esse relative Annali di fisica A n n a l i d i fisica, chimica e matematica A n n a l i d i fisica, chimica e scienze affini Annals of Chemical M e d i c i n e . . Annals of C h e m i c a l Philosophy. Annals of Chemistry and Practi­ cal Pharmacy Annals of Philosophy 87, Announcer of Scientific E q u i p ­ ment Annuaire de C h i m i e Annuaire des sciences chimiques A n n u a l Reports of the Progress of Chemistry Annuario delle scienzi chimiche farmaceutiche e medicolegal. Ansul Chemical C o A n s u l N e w s Notes Antibiotiki (Antibiotics) Apotekens Register over Standardforpackade L a k e m e d e l . . .

134 131 118 125 125 222 103 132 97 107 87 112 125 97 224 108 132 131 233 298 193 193 141 137 107 95 97 97 87 89

96 90 87 87 87 87 87 97 131 87 87 87 87 132 132 164 125




Apotekens Specialitetsregister. . Application of scientific princi­ ples to scientific publications. A p p l i e d physics papers A p p l i e d Science and Technology Index 23, 24, 26, Arbeitsgemeinschaft technischwisserischaftliche Bibliotheken Archer-Daniels-Midland C o A r c h i v der Agriculturchemie fur denkende Landwirthe A r c h i v fiir Chemie u n d Météor­ ologie A r c h i v fur Gesammte Naturlehre 87, A r c h i v fiir die gesamte Physi­ ologie A r c h i v de Pharmacie Archiv der Pharmacie und Berichte der deutschen pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft. . . A r c h i v fiir pharmakologische und pathologische C h e m i e . . . A r c h i v fiir die theoretische Chemie Arend, A . G A r m e d Services Technical In­ formation Agency Armour and C o . , A r m o u r C h e m ­ ical Division Armstrong, Η. Ε Armstrong M a c h i n e W o r k s . . . . Armstrong T r a p Magazine A r m y Research and Develop­ ment Arnold, C . Κ Arsberattelse om Framstegen i Fysik och K e m i till K o n g ligsche Vetenskaps-Akademien Ashthorpe, H . D Asinger, F A S L I B (Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux, L o n d o n ) Aslin, N . S Association of Research L i b r a r ­ ies 112, Association of Special L i b r a r i e s . Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux Pro­ ceedings A S T I A ' s Technical Announce­ ment Bulletin Atlas Powder C o Atomic Energy and C i v i l D e ­ fense Price L i s t Atomic Energy Commission. .119, Bibliographies of Reports

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

125 268 164 99 137 132 97 87 97 107 85 97 87 87 251 187 132 52 132 132 187 268

97 280 237 120 251 115 118 113 181 132 187 185 186 187


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INDEX Atomnaya Energiya (Atomic Energy) Attaclay Pesticide Digest Auerbach, F r Auslands Patentlisten auf den Gebieten der reinen u n d angewandten Chemie Australia, academic dissertations from universities of Austria, academic dissertations from universities of Austria, Codex A u s w a h l aller eigenthumlichen Abhandlungen u n d Beobachtungen i n der Chemie Ausziige aus den Patentanmeldungen 142, Avram, M . H Avtomaticheskaya Svarka ( A u ­ tomatic W e l d i n g )

164 133 219 219 112 112 125 87 143 222 164

Β Babcock and W i l c o x C o Baer, E l l a M a e Bagley, P . R Bailey, C . F Bailey, M . F 207, 219, Baily, K . C Bakélite Extruderitems Baker, A . W Baker Chemical C o . , J. Τ Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corp.. Ball, Ν. Τ Barber-Coleman C o . , Wheelco Instruments Division Barden, W . A Barker, Κ. Τ Barrows, F . Ε 108, 208, 219, Barzun, Jacques Bassett, F r e d J 23, Basterman, Τ Bay, J. C Beckman Bulletin Beckman Infrared Notes Beckman Instruments, Inc Scientific and Process Instru­ ments Division Bedevian, Α. Κ 122, Bedford, C . W Beil, W Beilstein-Institut fiir Literatur der organischen Chemie Beilsteins H a n d b u c h der organ­ ischen Chemie 18, 28, 29, Beitrâge z u den chemischen Annalen von Lorenz C r e l l . . . Beitrâge zur Chemie Beitàge zur chemischen Kenntniss der Mineralkôrper Beitrâge zur Erweiterung u n d Berichtigung der C h e m i e . . . .

134 127 280 280 223 242 134 280 131 131 223 132 194 14 224 268 252 120 303 132 132 132 131 126 223 143 139 139 96 87 87 87

Beitrâge zur physiologischen und pathologischen C h e m i e . . 87 Bendix G - 1 5 D 279 Bennett, H 134, 172, 176 Bensing Brothers and Deeney Sales C o 132 Berle, Α. Β 13, 224 Berlin, University of 118 Berlinisches Jahrbuch der Phar­ macie 87, 96 Bernoulli, Ε 125, 126 Berolzheimer, D . D 251 Berry, M . M 280, 281 Berry, S. G 194 Better L i v i n g 134 Better Report W r i t i n g 269 Beveridge, W . I. Β 24,31 Beyling, C 223 Bibliographic Index 94, 120 Bibliographie der deutschen Zeitschriftenliteratur 98 Bibliographie der fremdsprachigen Zeitschriftenliteratur. . 99 Bibliographie des travaux scien­ tifiques publiés par les soci­ étés savantes de la F r a n c e . . . 98 Bibliography Agriculture 229 O f Chemical Reviews 230 O f Doctorate Theses i n Sci­ ence and Arts, Accepted by Indian Universities of D i f ­ ferent Years 113 O f Petroleum and A l l i e d Sub­ stances 229 F o r the T V A Program 193 O n Theses i n A m e r i c a . . . .112, 115 Bibliothek der neuesten physischchemischen, metallurgischen, technologischen u n d pharmaceutischen literatur. . 96 Bibliotek d i Farmacia 89 Bibliothèque Brittanique, Sci­ ences et arts 97 Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. . 118 Bibliothèque universelle des sci­ ences, belles-lettres, et arts. . 97 Biesterfield, C . H 224 Billiter, J 219 Biochemistry papers 164 Biokhimiya (Biochemistry) . . . . 164 Biological sciences papers 164 Biofizika (Biophysics) 164 Biological Abstracts 4, 23, 229 Bjorksten, J 268 Blake, J. Τ 223 Bledsoe, Β 115 Bolton, H . C . .98, 113, 114, 115, 298 Bolze, C . C 280 Bonn, George S 285 Booth, R. Ε 281 Borden C o 131

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Borden's Review of Nutrition Research Boston Journal of Chemistry. .88, Botanical drug literature, searches i n Bowker, R. R Bradford, S. C Brauer, A Brennstoff-Chemie Brightman, R British Abstracts 2 3 , 2 4 , 2 6 , 27, 95, 102, See also British Chemical A b ­ stracts. British Chemical Abstracts. See British Abstracts British M u s e u m British M u s e u m Catalogue of Printed Books British Patent Office Brooks, B . T 237, Broughton, G Brown, A . C r u m Brown, Β. M Brown, D . F B r o w n , J. L Brownson, H . L Buhle, E . L Bulletin analytique Bulletin of Bibliography 112, Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle Bulletin des sciences mathéma­ tiques, astronomiques, phy­ siques et chimiques Bulletin de la Société C h i m i q u e de France Bulletin de la société industrielle de Mulhouse Bunbury, H . M Bureau O f Abstracts O f the Census 182, O f Foreign Commerce O f P u b l i c Roads O f Reclamation O f Standards 181, Voor Technische A d v i e z e n , Amsterdam Burrell Announcer Burrell C o r p Bush, Vannevar Business and Defense Services Administration ( B D S A ) Business Service C h e c k l i s t . . . 178, By Gum Byulleten' Izobretenii (Bulletin of Inventions)

Cady, E . L .

131 100 121 99 251 219 222 251 219

118 99 223 242 220 52 281 243 225 194 280 152 115 223 88 23 97 220 108 219 183 183 190 195 225 131 131 242 179 183 132 164





Caesar, A . D 224 C a h n , R. S 81 Cain, 1 120 California, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . 116 California State College 116 Calvert, R 224 Cameron, G . R 108 Canada, academic dissertations from universities of 112 Canadian Chemistry and Process Industries 222 Canadian Graduate Theses i n the Humanities and Social Sciences 113 Canadian Patent Office R e c o r d . 228 Cancer Chemotherapy Reports. 191 Cantrell, C . H 117 Capell, Leonard Τ 58, 65 Caprio, A . F 194 Carbide and Carbon Chemicals Co 134 Carpenter, R. A 280 Carter, H . D 220 Casalonga, A 225 Case Institute 268 Casey, R. S 11, 13, 14, 14, 280, 280, 281 Catalog O f Publications of Societies and of Periodical Works Belonging to the Smith­ sonian Institution 98 O f Scientific Serials 98 O f Scientific and Technical Periodicals 98 O f Theses and Dissertations Accepted for Degrees by South A f r i c a n Universities 1918-1941 114 Des Theses et escrits aca­ démique 113 Catalogue v a n academische geschriften in NederlandschIndie verschenen 114 Celanese C o r p . of A m e r i c a . . . . 133 Celanese Plastics 133 Cenco N e w s Chats 131 Census Bulletin 219 Centralblatt fiir Agriculturchemie, etc 88 Central Scientific C o 131 Ceramic Abstracts 219 C h a m p i o n Paper and Fibre C o . . 134 Chemical Abstracts 58, 63, 93, 94, 95, 100, 102, 111, 144, 219, 303 Coverage of journals b y 39 Directions for Abstractors.. . 39 Indexes of 17,25,43 Nomenclature used b y . . .40, 41, 60 Patents abstracted b y 198 Quality of abstracts i n 40

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.


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INDEX Chemical Abstracts S e r v i c e . . . 33, 108 Organization of 38 Chemical Age 222 Chemical Briefs for I n d u s t r y . . . 133 Chemical Bulletin 303 Chemical and Engineering News 46, 114, 115, 173, 222, 269 Chemical Engineering Progress. 120, 269 Chemical Engineering Reports. 269 Chemical Foundation 219 Chemical Gazette 88 Chemical Industries 173, 222, 268 Chemical Materials C a t a l o g . . . . 130 Chemical and Metallurgical E n ­ 222 gineering Chemical News 88 Chemical Progress, News of A p ­ plied Chemistry 133 Chemical Review 88 Chemical and Rubber Industry Report 179 Chemical Society, L o n d o n 118 Chemical technology p a p e r s . . . 164 Chemical Times 90 Chemical Titles 19, 230 Chemical Trade Names and Commercial Synonyms 233 Chemical Week 233 Buyers Guide 130 Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik . . . . 141 Chemiker-Zeitung 142, 222 Cheminform Institute 172 Chemisch - Technische Mittheilungen der neuesten Z e i t . 88 Chemisch-technisches Ubersicht 219 Chemisch W e e k b l a d 222 Chemische Ackersmann 88 Chemische Annalen fiir die Freunde der Naturlehre 88, 96 Chemische Annalen fur die Freunde der Naturlehre A r z neygelâhrtheit, Haushaltungskunst, u n d Manufacturen. . . 96 Chemische Berichte 137 Chemische en phijsische oefeningen voor de beminnaars der scheien naturkunde 88 Chemisches A r c h i v 88, 96 Chemisches Journal 88, 96, 136 Chemisches Zentralblatt. . 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 95, 102, 103, 111, 137, 138, 139, 143, 152, 220, 229, 230 Indexes of 26 Chemist, T h e 88, 269 Chemist (London) 17 Chemist Analyst 127, 131 Chemists' C l u b L i b r a r y Description of 282 Holdings of 282 Journals i n 282

Chemists Journal Chemist's Profile Redrawn Chemistry papers Chemmunique Chereau, L Cherry, C Cheyney, L . Ε Chicago Chemical Library Foundation American Chemical Society, C h i ­ cago Section 22, Chimia C h i m i e et Industrie 220, Chimiste (agricultural) Chimiste (distillers) Chlorination Topics Christiansen, J . A C i b a C o . , Inc C i b a Review Clapp, V . W Classification des brevets d'in­ vention appliquée à partir des brevets de l'année, Bureau de la propriété industrielle Classification systems for inor­ ganic compounds. See Inor­ ganic Compounds, classifica­ tion systems for Classification systems for organic compounds. See Organic Compounds, classification systems for Clute, W . Ν 121, Cochran, S. W Cockburn, J. G Cohn, Ε. M Cole, B . J Coleman, Η. Ε 112, Colten, O . A Columbia-Southern Chemical Corp Columbia-Southern Chemicals. C o l u m b i a University Colver, Ε Commentarii Académie Scientarium Imperialis Petropolitanae Computers Concise Chemical and Technical Dictionary Conference of Biological Editors Connolly, A . G 13, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome Consolidated Engineering C o r p . Copper Industry Report Correspondence, searches i n . . . Corrosioneering N e w s Corrosionomics Coulson, Τ 242, Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

88 268 164 132 226 268 134 303 242 141 222 88 88 132 268 131 131 194


126 251 31 194 13 115 195 133 133 100 223 96 279 134 108 251 118 133 179 5 133 133 251 125

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Courtois, Β 85, Courtois, G 122, Cox, E . W Cox, G . H Crandall, G . S Crane, E . J 7, 13, 31, 32, 38, 107, 108, 207, 219, 233, 243, Creiçhton, H . J Crell's Chemical Journal Cross, R u t h Crown C r o w n Cork and Seal C o Culhane, P . J 13, Cummings, A . E 140, Cumulated Index M e d i c u s . . . . Cumulative Quarterly Index Medicus C u r r a n , Carleton E Current Review of the Soviet Press Current Review of the Soviet Technical Press Cyanograms

91 126 193 281 280 81, 251 220 88 227 133 133 251 143 191 122 60 185 180 131

D D a g Dispersions Daniel, J D'Ans, J Danton, J. Ρ Daubert, B. F Davidson, A Davie, F Davis, C . C Davis, R. F 13, Davis, T . L Davis, W Davison, W . Η. Τ Dawley, E . R Day, M . S Day, W . R Dean, R. Β . DeCamp, L . S Deco Trefoil Definitive rules F o r nomenclature of amino acids, steroids, vitamins, and carotenoids ( I U P A C ) F o r nomenclature of organic chemistry ( I U P A C ) Délier, A . W 219, 224, Deniker, J Denmark, academic dissertations from universities of Denver E q u i p m e n t C o Department of Defense Department of Scientific and In­ dustrial Research, L o n d o n . . . D e r o v o o b r a b a t y v a y ushchaya Promyshlennost ( W o o d Processing I n d u s t r y ) .

132 220 219 115 220 108 269 223 219 223 120 281 120 194 224 13 224 131

268 268 251 98 113 131 187 118 164


Derwent Belgian Patents Report 22, 240 Derwent patents gazette 240 Derwent Petrochemicals Patents Journal 228 Descharmes, R 98 Detroit Public L i b r a r y 292 Deutsche Bibliographie der Zeitschriften 136 Deutsche Bibliothek 143 Deutsche Farber-Zeitung 222 Deutsche Gesellschaft fur D o k u mentation, Frankfurt am M a i n 118 Deutsches Patentamt 143 Dewar, James 52 D e W i t t , J. Β 194 Dexter, G . Η 251 Digest of Patents, U n i t e d States, 1790 to Jan. 1, 1839, U . S . Patent Office 1840 224 Dingier's polytechnisches Jour­ nal 95,107 Directory of Continuing N u ­ merical D a t a Projects 193 Directory of House Organs. . . . 134 Dispensatory of the United States of A m e r i c a 126 Dissertation Abstracts 115 Dissertations 113 Academic 110 Academic, accessibility o f . . . 110 Academic, lists of 110 Academic, searches for 110 Academic, searches in 110 Dixon, Η. Β 52 Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities. . 112, 115 Doctorate Production i n U . S . Universities 1936 to 1956 w i t h Baccalaureate Origins of Doctorates i n Sciences, Arts, and Humanities 115 Conferred in Chemistry by American Universities, 1922-1925 115 Conferred i n M e d i c a l Sciences by American Universities, 1922-1925 115 Conferred i n Science by American Universities. . 115, 116 Doctors of Philosophy Degrees i n Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Granted i n the U n i t e d States from June 1951 through December 1951. . . . 114 Documentation, Journal of. . . . 120 Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R. (Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences, U S S R ) 164 Dokumentation 138 Dokumentation-FachbibliothekWerksbucherei 137, 138

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.


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INDEX Donnelly, M . V Doorman, G Doss, M i l b u r n Ρ 233, D o w Chemical C o 131, Dow Diamond D o w n to Earth Doyle, Α. M Drekopf, Κ Drotschmann, C Drucker, Finkelstein D r u g and Cosmetic Industry. 173, D r u g Topics R e d Book Drugs Compendia of Folklore of M e r c k & C o . , names for. . . . Trade names of D u c a , Anne D D u M o n t Laboratories, Inc., Allen Β D u M o n t Oscillographer Dunlop, W . W D u Pont Magazine D u Pont de Nemours & C o . , Inc., Ε. I Dyes and Chemicals Division Elastomer Division Electrochemicals D e p t Engineering D e p t Fabrics and Finishes D e p t . . . Industrial and Biochemicals Dept Durez M older Durez Plastics News D u t c h Boy Paint Dealer Dyestuffs Dyson, G . M 13, 33, 83, 108, 251,

194 225 235 134 134 131 220 223 223 223 222 125 125 121 124 123 282 131 131 194 133 134 133 131 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 131 281

Ε East European Accession Index Eastman Kodak C o Eberback and Son C o Economic Surveys O f A r t h u r D . L i t t l e , Inc O f Foster D . Snell O f Roger W i l l i a m s O f Stanford Research Institute Edge-Notched Cards E d i n b u r g h Journal of Science. . 88, E d i n b u r g h N e w Philosophical Journal E d i n b u r g h Philosophical Journal Education Index Education, Ministry of Egloff, G 8, 13, 219, Einstein, Albert Electronic Age Electronic Engineering Patent Index E l i L i l l y and C o

185 131 131 119 119 119 119 119 273 97 97 97 120 113 251 217 132 220 132

Ellis, A 108, 268 Ellis, C 237, 246 Ellis, G . Ρ 13, 252 Ellis, R 224 Ellsworth, H e n r y L 197, 207 Ellsworth, Oliver 197 Elseviers Encyclopaedia of O r ­ ganic Chemistry 139 Emilio, B . R 14, 15, 252 Emmett, P . Η 242 Encyclopedia of American Asso­ ciations 119,120 Endeavour 132, 268 Engelhardt, V 220 Engineer 268 Engineering College Research Council, American Society for Engineering Education 115 Engineering College Research Review 115 Engineering Index 23, 24, 26, 99 Engineering News 133 Engler, C 238 English Abstracts of Selected A r ­ ticles from Soviet Bloc and Mainland China Technical Journals 180, 185 Entdeckungen i n der C h e m i e . . 88 Environmental Effects on M a t e ­ rials and Equipment Abstracts 193 Escales, R 223 Esso O i l Ways 132 Esso Research and Engineering Co 2, 243 Esso Standard O i l C o . 132 Esterquest, R. Τ 304 Ethyl Corp 133 E t h y l News 133 Eucken, A 140 Evans Research and Develop­ ment C o r p 132 Experiment Station R e c o r d . . .99, 229 Explosives Engineer 132 Extra Pharmacopoea 126 F Faculties, Publications, and D o c ­ toral Theses i n Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at U . S . Universities Fahey, J. J Faith, W . L Fansteel Metallurgical C o r p . , Chemical Equipment Division Faraday, J. Ε Farmakologiya i Toksikologiya (Pharmalocology and Toxi­ cology) Farmaseutisia ja Kemiallisia Synonymeja Faust, 0

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

114 194 238 133 238 165 125 219

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Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Federico, P . J 207, Fellmer, I. J Fery, C Fettchemische U m s c h a u Fieser, L . F 122, 126, Fieser, M 122, 126, Findley, L . D Finkel, M . J Finkelstein, J Finishes First Fischbach, H Fischer, F Fishbein, Ε . Ρ Fishenden, R. M Fisher, C M Fisher Scientific C o Fizette, M . Y F i z i k a Metallov i Metallovedenie (Physics of Metals and M e t a l ­ lography) F i z i k a Tverdogo T e l a (Solid State Physics) Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal SSSR i m . I. M . Sechenova (I. M . Sechenov Physiological Jour­ nal) Fiziologiya Rastenii (Plant Physiology) Fleischer, Joseph 197, 208, Fleischer, M i c n a e l Flesch, R Flow Line F M C Flask Folklore, as source of scientific data F o o d Machinery a n d C h e m i c a l Co Foote M i n e r a l C o Foote Prints Foreign Commerce W e e k l y . . . . Foreman, Ρ Foster Wheeler C o r p France Academic dissertations from universities of Ministry of Education, Cata­ logue des Thèses et éscrits académique Frank, 0 Frankland, E . F F r e n c h Bibliographical Digest. . F r e n c h C u l t u r a l Services i n N e w York French Doctoral Theses Pharmacy and Medicine, 1951-1954 Science, 1951-1953 Freyder, M Friedlânder, Ρ 18, 21, Fritzsche Brothers, Inc

120 224 224 223 222 268 268 280 126 220 133 143 238 194 194 224 132 252 165 165

165 165 224 194 268 133 134 120 134 133 133 183 252 133 113 113 108 52 113 113 113 113 304 219 132




Fritzsche L i b r a r y Bulletin F u e l Abstracts Fumi, R Furnas, C . C

132 4 125 220

G Gale Research C o Gallagher, Barbara A Gamble, D . F Gardner, W Garfield, Eugene 281, Gazzetta chimica italiana Gazzetta eclettica d i chimica farmaceutica Gazzetta eclettica d i chimica technologia Geer, Harriet A Gehes Codex der pharmazeutischen Spezialprâparate mit A n gaben iiber Zusammensetzung, Indikationen, Zubereitungsformen u n d H e r s t e l l e r . . . Geigy Chemical C o r p 132, General Aniline and F i l m C o r p . General M i l l s , Inc Generator Genin, G Geochemistry papers Geokhimiya ( G e o c h e m i s t r y ) . . . Geological Survey ( U . S . ) Geological Survey Research 1960 Geologiya N e f t i i G a z a (Petro­ leum Geology) German Book Digest German Patent Office, publica­ tions of German Patents Gazette Germany, academic dissertations from universities of Gibbs, J. W Gilbert, C . L Gilbert, W . C Gilbert's Annalen Giornale d i Farmacia C h i m i c a . . Giornale d i fisica, chimica, e storia naturale 89, Givaudan-Delawanna, Inc Givaudan Flavorist Givaudan Flavors, Inc., Asso­ ciated w i t h Givaudan-Dela­ wanna, Inc Givaudanian Glasstone, S Glidden Co G l i d d e n Industrial R e v i e w . . . . Glockler, George G m e l i n Information Service. . . Gmelin-Institut Gmelins H a n d b u c h der anorganischen Chemie

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

120 177 194 134 281 222 88 89 270

125 133 134 132 134 223 164 165 190 190 165 140 141 142 113 92 252 194 84 89 97 132 132 132 132 220 133 133 194 140 140 140


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INDEX Godfrey, J. W Gomory, Α. Β G o o d C h e m C o News Goodrich Chemical C o . , Β. F . . . Goodyear Chemical R e v i e w . . . . Goodyear Tire and Rubber C o . Gordin, H . M 122, Gordon, M Government Printing Office (U.S.) Government publications Depositories of Searches i n Graduate Degrees A w a r d e d and Titles of Theses, 1894-1940. . Graduate Theses and Disserta­ tions 1892-1937 1894-1940 115, Graf, Dorothy Graff, H . F Grandine, J. D . , 2nd Grant, J Gray, C Gray, D . Ε Great Britain Academic dissertations from universities of University theses Green, J. C 194, Green, J. H . S Greenfield, M . A Greer, P . S Gregory, W Grivet, Τ Gruppeneinteilung der Patentklassen (German Patent Office) Gruppenliste der deutschen Patentschriften mit Angabe der zu jeder Klasse, Unterklasse und G r u p p e gehôrenden n u m mern Guide T o Bibliographies of Theses, U n i t e d States and Canada 112, T o Reference Books T o Technical Reports Gulf O i l Corp G u l f Research & Development Co 254, Gull, D . D Gummi-Zeitung Gunning, R Guttman, 0

268 224 133 133 133 133 126 281 178 177 177 117 117 117 195 268 281 220 252 194 113 120 195 219 172 194 99 108 223


115 120 269 134 257 194 222 268 223

Η H a c k h , I. W . D Haivelek, A Halama, M

220 102 222

Hammond, C. R 252 Handbook of Material Trade Names 135 H a n d b u c h der Bibliographie. . . 120 Handlingar Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Academiens . . . . 96 Harcourt, A . G . Vernon 52 Harden, F 252 Hardie, Β. G 13 Harmon, L . R 115 Harris, L . Ε 194 Harris, M i l t o n 220 Hartnell, E . D 280 Harwell, G . C 268 Haskell, D . C 21 Hauber, H 220 Hauser, E . A 223 Hawelek, A 109, 143 Hayne, R. L 281 H e a l d , J. H 194 Heat Engineering 133 Heilbron, I. M 108, 202 Heinrich, A 108 Helwig, Β 125 Hennion, G . F 13, 252 Henry, T . A 122, 126 Hercules Chemist 132 Hercules M i x e r 134 Hercules Powder C o . . . 127, 132, 134 Hermans, P . H 222 Herner & C o 43 Heumann, K . F 194 Heuser, E 222 Heyel, C 14, 14 Hill, E. A 32 Hill, N . C . . 14,14 Histoire de l'académie royale des sciences 96 Histoire de l'académie royale des sciences et des belles-lettres de Berlin 96 Hoar, R. S 224 Hoefer, H 238 Hoffeins, F . M 195 Hoffman, M . Κ 32 Hoffman, T h e l m a 227 Hollmann, W 108 H o l m , Théo 125 Holmes, H . L 123, 126 Hooker-Electrochemical Co., D u r e z Plastics Division 133 Hooker, Marjorie 195 H o p p , R. H 252 Horwitz, D . D 220 Horwitz, L 142, 143 Hoseh, M 14, 78, 8 1 , 1 4 4 , 171, 225 Hottenroth, V 222 Houben, J 220 House Magazine Directory. . . . 134 House Organs 127 Advertising i n 128 Circulation of 129

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.



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House Organs, continued Definition of 127 List of 131 Procuring of 129 Howerton, P . W 14 Hulla,G 8,13 H u m a n Communication 268 H u m b l e O i l & Refining C o 134 Humble W a y 134 Huntress, Ε . H 14, 21, 32, 47 Huttner, Ε 225 Hylander, C . J 195

Iberall, A . S 281 I B M Journal of Research and Development 132 Ideas i n Development 132 Ilberg, K o n r a d 22, 22 Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd 132 Index Catalogue of the L i b r a r y of the Surgeon-General's O f ­ fice 99 Index Chemicus 230 Index M e d i c u s 99, 191 Index to Periodical Literature. . 98 Index to Theses Accepted for Higher Degrees i n the Univer­ sities of Great Britain and Ireland 113 Indexed Bibliography of T V A . . 193 Indexes R i n g Index 45 U s e of 4, 16, 23 India, academic dissertations from universities of 113 India Rubber Journal 222 Industrial Arts Index 24, 99 Industrial Bulletin 132 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 222, 269 Industrial Laboratories 269 Industrie C h i m i q u e 222 Informal Listing of Bibliogra­ phies of A t o m i c Energy L i t ­ erature 186 Information Bureaux, L o n d o n . . 118 Inhaltsverzeichnisse Sowjetischer Fachliteratur 139 Inorganic Compounds, nomen­ clature systems for 64 Institute for Advancement of Medical C o m m u n i c a t i o n . . . . 193 Instrumentation 132 Interchemical C o r p . , Printing Ink Division 132 R B H Dispersions D i v i s i o n . . . 133 International Business Machines Corp 132




International Catalogue of Sci­ entific Literature International Federation of N a ­ tional Standardizing Associa­ tions International Index to Periodi­ cals International Institute of Intel­ lectual Cooperation 105, International N i c k e l C o 132, International U n i o n of Pure and A p p l i e d Chemistry 103, Inter-University Board of India, Bibliography of Doctorate Theses i n Science and Arts, Accepted b y Indian Universi­ ties of Different Years Introduction aux observations sur la physique, sur l'histoire naturelle, et sur les arts Iowa, academic dissertations from universities of IPI Quarterly Iron A g e Ivestia A k a d e m i i N a u k SSSR (Bulletin of Academy of Sci­ ences, U S S R ) Izvestiya Vysschikh U c h e b n y k h Zavedeniï Tekhnologiya Tekstil'noi Promyshlennosti (Technology of Textile Indus­ try)

98 103 99 108 133 268

113 96 116 132 222 165


J Jackson, Ε . Β JAco News Letter Jacobson, C . A Jacobson, Ρ Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Chemie u n d Minéralogie 89, Jahresberichte der Agriculturchemie Jaresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Physischen W i s senschaften Jahresverzeichnis der deutschen Hochschulschriften Jahresverzeichnis der . an deut­ schen Universitàten erschienen Schriften Jahrbuch der Erfindungen u n d Fortschritte auf den Gebieten der Physik u n d Chemie Jalander, Y . W Janicki, W 14, Japp, F . R Jargon Jarrell-Ash C o Jeffrey, E . J John Crerar L i b r a r y 108, 297,

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

195 133 220 221 97 89 89 113 113 89 125 114 52 266 133 207 303

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John Crerar L i b r a r y , continued Description of 297 Holdings of 297 Journals i n 297 Translations i n 300 Johnson, H . F 269 Johnson, Matthey and C o . , L t d . . 132 Johnson, Ρ 219 Johnson, R. Κ 195 Jones, Β. Ρ 14 Jones, Η. Β 14 Jonker, Frederick 281 Journal of the American Leather Chemists' Association 222 Journal of A p p l i e d Chemistry. . 89 Journal of C h e m i c a l E d u c a t i o n . 115, 120, 269 Journal fiir Chemie u n d P h y s i k . 97 Journal fiir die Chemie, Physik, u n d Minéralogie 97 Journal de chimie médicale, de pharmacie et de toxicologie.. 89, 97 Journal de l'école polytechnique 96 Journal of the F r a n k l i n Institute 97, 100 Journal of the Institute of Petro­ leum 229 Journal fur makromolekulare Chemie 137 Journal des mines 96 Journal of the National Cancer Institute 191 Journal of natural philosophy, chemistry and the arts 89, 97 Journal der Pharmacie fur Aerzte u n d Apotheker 96 Journal de pharmacie et de chimie 95 Journal der Physik 84, 96 Journal fur Pnysik u n d physikalische Chemie des A u s landes 89 Journal fur praktische C h e m i e . . 86, 107, 137 Journal fur die reine u n d angewandte Mathematik 107 Journal des savants 96, 97 Journal of the Society of C h e m i ­ cal Industry 18, 222 Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists 222 Journal fiir technische u n d okonomische Chemie 89, 97 Journals Bibliographies of 98 Citation forms for 70, 102 Early 83, 92 German 136 Russian, distribution of 160 Russian, list of 164 Russian publications 144

Κ Kamran, G . S 195 Kanegis, James 195 Kaplan, A 125 Karo, W 220 Karratt, W m . J 225 Kast, H 223 Kauchuk i Rezina ( C r u d e and Finished Rubber) 166 Kausch, 0 222 Kekulé Bibliothek, Farbenfabriken Bayer, Leverkusen. . . 118 K e m i och mineralogi 87 K e m p , J. A 225 Kent, A l l e n 280, 281 Keyword-in-Context (KWIC ) system 19 Killeffer, D . H 269 Kinetika i Kataliz (Kinetics and Catalysis) 166 K i r k , R. Ε 220 Kirner, W . R 195 Kissling, R 238 Klaften, Β 143 Kleine physikalisch-chemische Abhandlungen 90 Klosky, S 220 Kobe, K . A 238, 252, 269 Koehler, H . J 220 Kohnke, E . L 8, 14 Koks i K h i m i y a (Coke and B y ­ product Chemistry) 166 Koller, H . R 281 K o l l o i d Zeitschrift 222 Kolloidnyi Zhurnal (Colloid Journal 166 Kopp, H 239 Korrosion u n d Metallschutz. . . . 222 Krczil, F 238 Kresge-Hooker Science L i b r a r y Description of 288 Holdings of 288 Journals i n 288 Kritische Zeitschrift fur Chemie, Physik u n d Mathematik 90 Kristallografiya ( Crystallog­ raphy) 166 Krueger, D 222 Kuetzel, L . Ε 281 K u h l m a n n , Ν. Ε 224 Kuipers, J. W 281 Kurschners deutscher Gelehrten Kalender 141 L Laakso, P . V Lab Fax Lablog Laboratorium Laboratory, The

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

32 134 134 90 132

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Lab-Oratory 133 L a b o v , Teresa Gnasso 102 Ladas, S. Ρ 225 Laist, J. W 252 L a m p , The 134 L a n d r u m , R. D 220 Lane, John C 14, 254, 269 Lange, Ν. A 107, 108, 275 Lange, 0 220 Langner, Parry, C a r d & Langner 225 L a n h a m , Β. E . . 1 4 , 195, 207, 219, 233 Lass, Α. Η 268 L a u n d r y Bundle 132 Lavine, 1 135 Lavoisier, Antoine 48, 53 Lebeau, Ρ 122, 126 LeBlanc, M 220 L e b o w , Irving 194 Lederle Bulletin 131 Lederman, L . F 134, 195 Leeds and N o r t h r u p C o 133 Lehmann, H 125, 126 Leibowitz, J 14, 219 Leighty, J. A 252 Leiter, Joseph 195 Lenoir Rhyne College 2, 16 Lewenz, G . F 8,14 Lewis, W . Κ 220 Lewton, L . 0 14, 252 L i b r a r y of Congress 115, 185 Bibliographies of 185 L i b r a r y Literature 120 L i e b i g , Justus von 124, 239 Liebig's A n n a l e n der Chemie. See Annalen der Chemie L i l l y and C o . , E l i 134 L i l l y Review 134 Lindenmeyer, H . F 195, 207, 216, 225, 233 Lipscomb, A . G 222 Lists O f American Doctoral Disser­ tations Printed i n 19121938 115 O f Journal Articles by Bureau of Mines Authors, P u b ­ lished July 1, 1910, to Jan. 1, 1960 189 O f Periodicals Abstracted b y Chemical Abstracts 102 O f Publications Issued by the Bureau of Mines from July 1, 1910, to Jan. 1, 1 9 6 0 . . . 189 Liteinoe Proizvodstvo (Foundry Production) 166 Literature reports 263 Critical 263 F o r m of 263 Format of 267 Organization of 263, 267 Review of 263, 268 Style of 263, 268




Literature reports, continued W r i t i n g of 263, Little, A r t h u r D . , Inc Little, E . L Little, G . C Livingston, G . A LKB-Produkter Fabrieksaktiebolag Log, The Lotsch, J. L Lovett, G . A Lowe, D . J Lowry, W . K . . Lubrication Ludwig, H 125, L u h n , Η. Ρ L u n d b e r g , S. G ' Lyons, A . B . . 122,

266 132 108 14 280 132 134 224 224 195 195 132 126 21 114 126

M Maandblad voor toegepaste Scheikunde 91 M c C r u m , Β. Ρ 14 M a c h i n e Methods 270-281 M c l l r o y , R. J 126 M c K e t t a , J. J 238 McMurray, G . S 195 Madaus, Gerhard 122, 126 M a g a z i n fur Apotheker, Chemisten, u n d M a t e r i a l i s t e n . . . . 96 M a g a z i n fur die hohere Naturwissenschaft u n d C h e m i e . . . . 90 Magazin fur die Neuesten Erfahrungen 90 Magazin fur den neuesten Zustand der N a t u r k u n d e . . . . 97 M a g a z i n fur Pharmacie 97 M a i z e l l , R. Ε 195 Makromolekulare Chemie 137 M a n d e l , Siegfried 269 Manpower and Education Re­ ports 192 Manske, R. H . F 122, 123, 126 Mantell, C . L 220 M a n u a l of Classification of Patents 228 M a n u a l de Especialidades Médi­ cinales 125 M a n u a l of Foreign Patents. .208, 216 Manual of physicochemical symbols and technology 268 Marchionna, F 223 Marden, E . C 281 Marder, D a n i e l 269 Mark, H . F 220 Marple, H . A 269 M a r r , Ε . B . . . .7, 13, 81, 108, 248, 251 Marshall, A 220, 223 Marshall, M . J. M 112 Marx, C 219 Massachusetts, academic disser­ tations from universities o f . . . 116

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.


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INDEX Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology 47, 116 Master of Arts and Master of Science Theses and Projects, 1950-57 116 Masters Theses i n Science, 1952 115 Materials and Methods 222 Mathis, H . M 269 Mechanic and Chemist 90 Mechanical Engineer 269 Mechanical Topics 133 Medical L i b r a r y Association Bulletin 134 M e d i c a l Literature, searches i n . 121 Medicinal Plants of North America 125 Meinhard, Ρ 225 Mélanges physiques et chi­ miques tirés d u Bulletin de St. Petersbourg 90 M e l l i a n d Textilberichte 222 M e l l o n Institute 255, 257 Mellon, M . G . . 14, 67, 81, 92, 107, 108, 219, 252 Mellor, J. W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Mémoires de l'académie i m ­ périale des sciences de St. Petersbourg 97 Mémoires de l'académie royale des sciences et belles-lettres.. 96 Mémoires de l'académie royale des sciences de l'Institut de France 97 Mémoires de l'académie des sci­ ences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon 96 Mémoires de l'Institut National des Sciences et Arts 97 Mémoires de Muséum Nationale d'Histoire Naturelle 97 Mémoires de physique et de chimie de la société d'Arcueil 97 Mémoires des savants étrangers 100 M e m o i r i degli spectroscopisti italiani 100 Memoirs of the American A c a d ­ emy of Arts and S c i e n c e s . . . . 96 Memoirs of the C o l u m b i a n Chemical Society 90 Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 92 97 M e r c k & Co.,' Inc.*. *. '. '. ". '. 121* 1 3 2 , ' l 3 4 M e r c k and C o . , publications of. 124 Merck, Ε 124 Merck, H e i n r i c h E m a n u e l 124 M e r c k Index 125, 126 Merck Manual 125 M e r c k Report 125, 132 Merck Review 134 Merck's Archives of the Materia M e d i c a and Its Uses 125

Merck's 1901 M a n u a l 125 Merck's M a n u a l of Materia Medica 125 Merck's M a r k e t Report and Pharmaceutical 125 Merril, E . D 108 M e t a l Finishing 222 M e t a l Industry 222 M e t a l Powder Press. 133 Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov ( M e t a l ­ lography and Heat Treating) 166 Metallurg (Metallurgist) 166 Metals and Alloys 95, 100 Metschl, John 254 Meyer, M 223 Meyer, R. J 220 Mezhenko, I U . A 98 Miall, L . M 220 Miall, S 220 Michel, A . J 225 Microfilm Abstracts 116 M i d w e s t Inter-Library Center. . 304 Mikrobiologiya (Microbiology) 166 M i l l e r , Eugene 195 M i l l e r , John 211 Miller, Matthew W 1 M i n e r a l Facts and P r o b l e m s . . . 189 Minerals and Chemical Corp. of America 133 Minerals Yearbook 189 Minerva-Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt 143 M i n i c a r d system 279 Minneapolis-Honeywell Regula­ tor C o 132 Minnesota, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . 116 Miscellanea Berolinensia ad Incrementum Scientarium ex Scriptis Societas Regiae Sci­ entarium 96 Mitchell, A . D 81 M i t c h e l l , Η. Κ 50 Modern Drug Encyclopedia. . . 126 M o d e r n D r u g Encyclopedia and Therapeutic Index 126 Modern M o l d Finishing 133 M o d e r n Plastics 222 M o d e r n Precision 133 M o d e r n Researcher 268 M o d e r n Technical W r i t i n g 269 Moderne Arzneimittel 125 Mohat, Halador 195 Moissan, Pascal 220 Monatsregister deutscher P a tentanmeldungen 142, 143 Monsanto C h e m i c a l C o 134 Monsanto Magazine 134 M o n t h l y Catalog of U . S. Government P u b l i c a t i o n s . . . . 178

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M o n t h l y Index of Russian A c ­ cessions 185 M o n t h l y News Bulletin 134 Mooers, C . Ν 281 Moore, Α. M 280 M o r a n , Μ. Κ 281 Morley, H . F 52 M o r v e a u , G u y t o n de 48, 49, 58 Miïller, Ε 225 Mueller, F 143 Mummendey, R 108 M u n a f o , Gertrude A 235 Murraye, Thomas 211 M u r p h y , Walter J 1, 14 Myers, W . L 281 Ν Nachrichten der Chemischen Technik Nachrichten fur Dokumentation Naphtali, M National Academy of Sciences. . National Academy of SciencesNational Research C o u n c i l . . 115, National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Bureau of Standards. See Bureau of Standards National Institutes of H e a l t h . . . National L e a d C o National L i b r a r y of M e d i c i n e . . National Research C o u n c i l . .119, National Science F o u n d a t i o n . 192, Report. Organization of the Federal Government for Scientific Activities Research and Development Reports Science Information Service Established Naturhistorische u n d chemische technische Notizen Naturwissenschaften N a v a l Research Reviews Nebraska, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . N e e d for imagination and skep­ ticism when making literature searches Negwer, M Nelson, A Nelson, J. R Neoprene Notebook Netherlands Academic dissertations from universities of Instituut voor Documentatie en Registratuur, The Hague

143 137 238 193 120 188 191 133 191 193 195 195 192 196 90 137 187 116 269 126 114 269 131 114 118




Neues allgemeines Journal der Chemie 97 Neues allgemeines Journal fiir Chemie 86 Neues Journal der Pharmacie. . 97 Neues Journal der Physik 84, 97 Neuesten Endeckungen i n der Chemie 96 Neuestes Chemisches A r c h i v . . . 97 N e w Jersey Zinc C o 133 N e w and Nonofficial D r u g s . . . . 125 N e w Serial Titles 185 N e w York, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . 117 N e w York M e d i c a l and Philo­ sophical Journal 100 N e w York M e d i c a l Repository. . 100 N e w York P u b l i c L i b r a r y Description of 285 Holdings of 285 Journals i n 285 Newcombe, L . . 113, 120 Newman, Ε. 1 195 News and T i p s 132 N i c k e l Bulletin 132 Nickerson, M . H 14, 14 Nicol, H 252 Niçois, W . Τ 269 Nikitin, P. 1 108 Nomenclature Archaic 49 Cryptograms i n 54 Difficulties i n the use of 53 Future of 56 Of inorganic chemistry, American version w i t h com­ ments ( I U P A C ) 269 Organic 47, 58 Rules of 265 Nopco C h e m i c a l C o 133 N o p c o News 133 Nordische Blatter fiir C h e m i e . . 90 Norgaard, Margaret 269 N o r t h Carolina, academic disser­ tations from universities of. . . 117 North, J. Β 195 Norton, T . R 281 Notational systems 265 Nouveaux Mémoires de l'Aca­ démie royale des sciences et belles-lettres 96 Nova 140 N o v a A c t a Academiae Scientar i u m Imperialis Petropolitanae 96 N o v i Commentarii Academiae Scientarium Imperialis Petro­ politanae 96 Nuclear Safety 187 Nuclear Science Abstracts 103, 119, 186

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.



Nummernliste der deutschen Patentschriften mit Angabe der Klassen, Unterklassen u n d Gruppen, herausgegeben v o m Reienspatentamt N u o v a raccolta d'opuscoli scitifici e fiologici Nutting, H . S Nydick, A . J

Ott, Ε Ottervik, G Oxford University 224 96 65 224

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Ο Oakite N e w s Service 132 Oakite Products, Inc 132 Oatfield, H 14, 195, 252 Observations sur l'histoire natur­ elle, sur l a physique, et sur la peinture 96 Ockert, K . F 195 Odling, W 52 Osterreichisches Spezialitàtenverzeichnis 126 Office of Business E c o n o m i e s . . . 184 Office of N a v a l Research 195 Office of Technical Services, U . S. Department of C o m .merce 119, 179, 300 Publications of 179 Translation lists of 180 Official Gazette of the U . S. Patent Office 7 , 1 7 3 , 228, 257 Ohio, academic dissertations from universities of 117 Ohio State University 117 Ohio University Graduate C o l ­ lege 117 O i l , Paint and D r u g Reporter. . 220 O i l Paint and D r u g Reporter Green Book 130 O i l Power 133 O l i n Mathieson Chemical C o r p . 197, 208 Olsen, G . F 252 Ooms, C . W 224 Opler, Ascher 280, 281 O p t i k a i Spektroskopiya (Optics and Spectroscopy) 166 Orange Disc 134 Orange Peal 133 Organic Chemical B u l l e t i n . . . . 131 Organic compounds Classification systems f o r . . . . 27-30 Nomenclature systems f o r . . . 64 Organisch-Chemische Arzneimittel u n d ihre S y n o n y m a . . . 126 Orne, Jerrold 195 Osol, A 126 Ostrold, H 252 Otdelenie Khimicheskikh Ν auk (Division of C h e m i c a l Sci­ ences) 165 Othmer, D . F 220 f

222 114 118

Padwe, M . M 14 Pafford, J. Η. Ρ 120 Page, Charles G 207, 212 Paint Progress 133 Palfrey, T . R 112, 115 Paper M a k e r 132 Papier-Fabrikant 222 Parks, A . F 195 Parr, G 268 Partington, J. R 83, 91 Patent A c t of 1952 224 Patent Applications i n the F i e l d of Fischer-Tropsch and A l l i e d Reactions 221 Patent Office. See U . S. Patent Office Patent Office Society 225 Patent searches 4, 10, 197, 208, 227, 248 Patents Abstracting of by Chemical Abstracts 198 Abstracts of 229, 236 Bibliographies on 219 British 210 British classified abridgements 211 Classification systems for. . . . 223 Classification of U . S 204 Files of 254 Foreign 208 Foreign, classification systems for 209 French 213 F r e n c h classification 213 German 141, 142, 214 German applications 141 German classification 214 M a n u a l of Classification of U. S 203 Percentage of chemical 198 Publication of 141 Russian 217 Searches i n 202, 227, 235 Searching i n foreign 208 Structure of U . S 200 Patent searches, reporting of. . . 231 Patterson, Α. M 7, 13, 60, 65, 81, 107, 108, 243, 251 P D C Newsletter 193 Peakes, G . L 280 Peek-A-Boo M e t h o d 278 Pennsylvania, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . 117 Pennsylvania Salt Manufactur­ ing C o . Pennsylvania, University o f . . . . 117

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Penny Mechanic and Chemist. . 90 Periodica C h i m i c a 136, 137 Perkin-Elmer C o r p 133 Perkin-Elmer Instrument N e w s for Science and Industry. . . . 133 Perkin, W . H 33 Perkins G l u e C o 133 Perkins G l u e L i n e 133 Perry, H a r r y 194 Perry, J. F 11 Perry, J . W 13, 14, 14, 281, 281 Peterson, I. Ή 195 Petrochemicals Patents Journal. 240 Petroleum Refiner 229 Pfaudler C o 133 Pfeffer, H a r o l d 281 Pfizer & C o . , Charles 136 Pflucke, M 32, 102, 108, 143 Pharmaceutical Times 90 PharmAgraph 134 P h . D . Theses i n Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 114 Phelps, R. H 14, 14 Philadelphia Quartz C o 133 Philosophical Collections of the R o y a l Society of L o n d o n . . . . 96 Philosophical Magazine 97 Philosophical Transactions of the R o y a l Society of L o n d o n . . . . 96 Photographic film devices for information retrieval 278 Physicians' Desk Reference to Pharmaceutical Specialties and Biologicals 126 Physik och C h e m i 87 Pictet, A 66 Pietsch, Ε . H 140, 143 Piper, H 269 Piskur, M . M 242 Pittsburgh Plate Glass C o 133 Plasticheskie Massy ( P l a s t i c s ) . . 166 Platinum Metals Review 132 Pochvovedenie (Soil S c i e n c e ) . . 166 Poggendorf s Annalen 84 Poggendorffs Biographisch-literarisches Handworterbuch der exakten Naturwissenchaften. 141 Poole, W . F 98 Porter, J. D 281 Postell, P . Ε 195 Potchefstroom University for Christian H i g h e r E d u c a t i o n . . 114 Potter, Ε . Ρ 195 Potter, G . J. C 14, 23, 252 Potts, Η. Ε 224, 225 Power and Fluids 132 Power Reactor Technology. . . . 187 Power, R u t h Τ 92 Powers, W e n d e l l Η 288 Powers-Weightman-Rosengarten Co 124 P P G Products 133




Prager, Bernhard 22, Premo, J. G 14, 195, Prevention of Deterioration A b ­ stracts Price, Μ. 0 14, 219, Prickett, C . S Prince, Charles Printers' Ink Prinzhorn, F Pritzker, G . G Process Industries Quarterly. . . Propellant Information A g e n c y . Proskauer, E . S . Psychopharmacology Service Center Bulletin Public Availability of Reports Abstracted in Nuclear Science Abstracts Publications Abbreviations used i n Difficulties w i t h O f the Geological Survey Indexing of Symbols used in Titles of Varieties of Publishers, Russian P u l p , Paper, and Board Industry Report P u l p and Paper Research Insti­ tute of Canada Pulse of Pharmacy Punched Cards Use of, i n literature searches. Purdue University Putscher, R. Ε

221 252 193 252 195 225 134 108 242 133 194 220 191 186 69 67 190 73 69 67 92 145 179 23 132 276 11 67 281

Q Quarterly Journal of Literature and A r t



R Rabinow, J 14 Raccolta fisico-chimica italiana. 90 Raccolta d'opuscoli scientifici e fiologici 96 Radt, F 221 Rainbow, The 134 Randall, L . Ε 14 Ravenscroft, B. G 142, 226 Rayon and M e l l i a n d Textile Monthly 222 R B H Trends 133 Reactor Core Materials 187 Reactor F u e l Processing 187 Read, W . Τ 196, 252 Readers' G u i d e to Periodical Literature 99 Recordings 133

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INDEX Recueil des mémoires les plus intéressants de chimie et d'historié naturelle, contenus dans les actes de l'académie d'Upsala et dans les mémoires de l'académie royale des sci­ ences de Stockholm Recueil des travaux chimiques. Reese, Janet Referativnyi Zhurnal, Fizika (Abstract Journal, P h y s i c s ) . . Referativnyi Zhurnal, K h i m i y a (Abstract Journal, Chemistry) 27, Referativnyi Zhurnal, M e t a l lurgiya (Abstract Journal, Metallurgy) Regelsberger, R Register of P h . D . Degrees C o n ­ ferred by the University of Minnesota, 1888 through June 1938 Reichhold Chemicals, Inc Reinglass, Ρ Reitstotter, J Répertoire de chimie et de physique Répertoire de chimie pure et appliquée Repertorio Terapeutico Repertorium fur Chemie, Phar­ macie, u n d Arzneimittelkunde Repertorium Commentationum a Societatibus Litterariis E d i tarium Secundum Disciplinarium O r d i n e m Digessit. . . . Repertorium fur organische Chemie Repertorium fur die Pharmacie. Repertorium der technischen Journal-Literatur Reports Company 119, Critical Internal 119, Literature s Research Searches i n Technical Research, academic Research Comments, Facts and Trends Research Today Resin Review Reuss, J. D Revus Générale des Matières Plastiques Revue Scientifique et Indus­ trielle Reyling, Ρ Reynolds Metals C o 132, Reynolds Technical A d v i s o r . . .

96 222 281 152 102 166 221

116 132 221 219 90 90 125 96

98 90 90 98 263 263 263 263 119 5 263 110 132 132 133 98 222 90 269 133 133

Rhodes, F . H Richter, F 22, 139, 143, Richter, M a x M o r i t z 18, 29, Riegel, E . R Rienstra, H . S Rijn, L . J. van 122, R i n g Index Rivise, C . W Robbins, L . J 142, Robinson, A . M . L Robinson, C . S Robinson, R Robinson, R i c h a r d Rockwell, H . E Rockwell Manufacturing C o . , Nordstrom Valve D i v i s i o n . . . Rodney H u n t Machine C o Rohm and Haas C o . , Resinous Products Division 132, Rohm and Haas Reporter Rosa, M . C Roscoe, H . E Rose, A Rose, E Rosenberg, R. Ρ 112, Rossini, F . D Rossman, J 221, Rostler, K . S Rote Liste Verzeichnis pharmazeutscher Spezialpràparate. . Rotsipen, A r n o l d Royal Society 105, Scientific information confer­ ence Royer, M . H Ruffin, Β Ruhrchemie and I. G . Farbenindustrie Russia Abstracting journals i n Academic dissertations from universities of Academies in Journals published in Patents i n Publications of Publications, Bibliographies of Regional academies i n Russian, transliteration of Rust, W

269 221 32 221 193 126 61 224 143 114 223 120 111 281 133 133 133 132 224 52 134 134 115 196 225 252 126 211 109 103 134 117 221 151 114 144 144 154 144 162 147 77 109

S Sabine, G . H Sabrosky, G . W Sadtler, R Sammlung der deutschen A b handlungen der koniglischen Akademie der Wissenchaften z u Berlin Sampey, J. R Ε . H . Sargent and C o

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

117 234 225

96 115 132

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Schaar and C o 133 Schaler, Charlotte M 2, 14, 252 Scheiderman, M a r v i n 195 Scheikundige onderzoekingen, gedaan i n het laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool 91 Scher, V . A 225 Schmitz, W . Ζ 252 Schneider, G 120 Schoengold, M . D 243 Schorger, A . W 222 Schubarth, E . L 98 Schudder, S. H 98 Science and the scientist 120 Science Tools 132 Scientific Apparatus and Methods 132 Scientific Glass Apparatus C o . . . 133 Scientific M o n t h l y 268 Scientific and Technical Socie­ ties of the U n i t e d States and Canada 119, 120 Scott, E . W 196 Scott, J. D 14, 66 Searches Definition of 3 Files for 254 Foreign patents as a source for 208 Forms for 258 German sources for 136 Government publications as source for 177 Headings for 247 Information desired f r o m . . . . 5 K e y words for 4, 19 L i m i t s of 6 Mechanized systems f o r . . .270-281 Nomenclature evolution a n d . 4 7 , 58 Organization of 243, 154 Patent 4, 10 Patents as a source for 197, 208, 227, 235 Preparation for 75 Presentation of results of. . . . 10 Purpose of 3, 243 Reporting of 264 Russian publications for 144 Scope of 85 Trade-marks as a source for. . 172 Types of 10 Use of bibliographies in 3 Sedlaczek, Ε 221, 238 Seifensieder Zeitung 222 Seitner, P . G 280 Selected Bibliography of C h e m ­ istry 113, 113, 114, 115 Selected U . S. Government P u b ­ lications 178 Seminar Report 132 Seriya Fizicheskaya (Physical Series) 165




Seriya Geofizicheskaya (Geo­ physics Series) 165 Seriya Geologicheskaya ( Geo­ logical Series) 165 Serpinsky, V . V 32 Serralach, M 109 Severance, Β 226 Sewell, W 252 Shankle, G . Ε 109 Shapley, H a r l o w 110 Sharpnach, D . M 14 Shaw, R. R 281 Shell Development C o 227 Shell, Ε . Ε 50 Shell M o l d i n g News 133 Shell News 134 Shell O i l C o 134 Shepard, Η. Η 196 Shepard's Citations 225 Shera, J. Η 281 Sherman, T . A 269 Shipman, J. C 14 Sholl, W . S 223 Short, M . A 14, 252 Shull, C . A 109 Siegmund, Ο. H 126 Silbermann, H 221 Silicate P's and Q's 133 Sinclair Refining C o 2 Sindar C o r p 133 Sindar Reporter 133 Singer, Β 226 Singer, T . E . R 1, 14, 24, 32, 75, 109, 143, 252, 269 Skeen, John R 1 Skolnik, H e r m a n 127 Slamecka, V l a d i m i r 136 Smith, E . G 281 Smith, Julian F 2, 14, 14, 16, 24, 32, 143, 196, 219, 281 Smith, W . W 252 Smithsonian Institute. . .113, 114, 115 Société de C h i m i e Industrielle, Paris 118 Societies, Scientific Abstracts of .papers of 119 Meeting papers of 120 Preprints of papers of 120 Society of Chemical Industry. . . Ill Society of Technical Writers and Editors 269 Socony M o b i l O i l C o . , Inc 133 Soûle, B. A . . . . 15, 82, 107, 109, 219, 234, 252 South Africa, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . 114 Souther, J. H 269 Southern, W . A 143 Soviet Academy of Sciences. . 117, 120 Spamer, Otto 220 Specia, Paris 118 Special Libraries Association. 120, 207

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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Special L i b r a r y Resources.. .118, 120 Spencer, R 226 Spitzer, E . F 15, 26, 32, 136, 143 Sprague de C a m p , L 13 Springer, Julius 221 Squires, L 220 Star (Steel) 166 Standard O i l C o . of C a l i f o r n i a . . 133, 134 Standard O i l C o . ( N e w Jersey) 134 Standard Oiler, T h e 134 Stanford University 116 Stanly, A . L 269 Starr, Ε . M 281 Stecher, P . G 121, 126 Steinkopff, Τ 221 Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics) 167 Stelzner, R 29, 32 Stephens, Irlene Roemer 110, 263, 269 Stephenson, H . J 109 Stern, D o r a 22 Stern, Joshua 281 Sternberg, V i r g i n i a 196 Stettbacher, A 223 Stevens, Η. Ρ 223 Stevens, L . J 143 Stichworterverzeichnis, alphabetische Zusammenstellung technischer Gegenstànde mit Angabe der dazugehorigen Patentklassen, G r u p p e n u n d Untergruppen 224 Storch, H . A 246 Stores, C D 252 Strieby, I. M 252 Stuber, P . J 269 Subern, Κ 221 Summaries of Doctoral Disserta­ tions, July 1938-June 1939. . 117 Sunray News 134 Sunray O i l C o r p 134 Survey of Current B u s i n e s s . . . . 184 Svarochnoe Proizvodstvo ( W e l d i n g Industry) 167 Swan, L . Β 207 Sweden, academic dissertations from universities of 114 Swedish Books and Publications on Science, M e d i c i n e and Humanities, 1937-1947 114 Swedish Institute 114 Swedish Patent Office 224 Switzerland, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . 114 Synergism: 2 + 2 = 5 (or more) 269 Szafranski, Β . M 126

Τ Taschenbuch fiir die gesammte Minéralogie 95 Taschenbuch fiir Scheidekunstler u n d Apotheker 86, 87 Tashof, L P 225 Taste and O d o r Control Journal 132 Taube, M o r t i m e r 196, 281 Tauber, M . F 115 Tavero, P . de 121, 126 Taylor, F . L 14 Technica 132 Technical Bulletin 133 Technical Publications An­ nouncements 188 Technisch-chemisches Jahrbuch 91 Tekno-kemisk Journal 91 Tennessee V a l l e y A u t h o r i t y . . . . 192 Terminology, chemical 265 Testing Topics 131 Texaco Star 134 Texas C o 132, 134 Textilchemische Erfindungen. . 221 Textile Institute Journal 222 Theses Accessibility of 110 Lists of 110 Searches for 110 Searches i n . 110 Thiokol Chemical C o r p 133 T h i o k o l Facts 133 Thomas, C . A 269 Thomas, Ε 225 Thomas' Register of American Manufacturers 130, 233 Thompson, A . F 196 Thompson, M 221 Thomson, J. M i l l a r 52 Thomsons Annals of Philosophy 100 Thorp, J. F 221 Tidsslcrift for avendt C h e m i . . . 91 Tidsskrift for Physik og C h e m i samt disse videnkabers A n vendelse 91 Tidsskrift voor wetenschappelijke Pharmacie 91 Titles of Theses Submitted for Doctoral Degrees i n Chemis­ try and Chemical Engineering at American Educational In­ stitutions 114 Toegepaste Scheikunde 91 T o l p i n , J. G 226, 252 Topchiev, Α. V 238 Toulmin, H . A 225 Toulmin, H . S 10, 15 Trade-marks 172, 265 List of sources for 174 Trade N a m e Index 233 Trade names 172 Derivation of 173

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

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Trade names, continued L i s t of sources for 174 Uses of 173 Trade Publications 126, 127 Procuring of 130 Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society 222 Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 96 Transactions of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 97 Transactions of the Royal Soci­ ety of E d i n b u r g h 96 Trelease, S. F 269 TrommsdorfFs Taschenbuch fur Chemiker u n d Pharmaceuten. 86, 87 Trytten, M . H 115 Tsment (Cement) 167 Tsventnye M e t a l l y (Nonferrous Metals) 167 Tuneld, J 114 Tuska, C D 225 Tyler, A . W 281 U Ubersicht der gebrauchlichen u n d neueren A r z n e i m i t t e l . . . Ueber die neuren Gegenstànde i n der Chemie Ullmann, F Underwood C a r d Digest of Patent Cases UNESCO U n i o n Carbide Corp., U n i o n Carbide Chemicals C o U n i o n Carbide Metals R e v i e w . . U n i o n List of Higher Degree Theses i n Australian Univer­ sity Libraries U n i o n L i s t of Serials i n Libraries of the U n i t e d States and Canada 7, U n i t e d States Academic dissertations from universities of Atomic Energy Commission. . Bureau of Mines Congress, Report of Investiga­ tion of U . S. Patent Office. 85th Congress Department of Agriculture. 188, L i s t of available publica­ tions of J^ist of publications and mo­ tion pictures of Department of Commerce. . . 179, 195, Department of Commerce Publications ( 1 7 9 0 - 1 9 5 0 ) . 179,

125 91 221 225 103 133 133 112




U n i t e d States, continued Department of Health, E d u ­ cation and Welfare Department of the Interior. . Dispensatory Government, patent abstracts and lists Government Printing Office. . Government Research Re­ ports 178, Patent O f f i c e . . . 184, 197, 224, L i b r a r y of Search room of Patents Quarterly U . S . I . Chemical News U . S. Industrial Chemicals C o . . U . S. Pharmacopeia Uniterm indexing Universal D e c i m a l Classification Universal O i l Products C o University of Iowa University of M i c h i g a n University of Minnesota University of Minnesota Bulletin University of Nebraska Unlisted Drugs Unpublished data Accessibility of Searches for Searches i n Untiedt, F . H Upjohn C o Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk (Advances in Physical Sci­ ences) Uspekhi K h i m i i (Advances i n Chemistry) Uspekhi Sovremennoi Biologii (Advances i n M o d e r n B i o l ­ ogy)

191 190 123 221 196 180 225 208 203 225 134 134 123 20 20 221 116 116 116 116 116 123 110 110 110 219 23 167 167 167

V 99 114 119 189 223 196 196 189 189 196 183

Vanadium C o r p . of A m e r i c a . . . V a n Arsdell, P . M Vancoram Review Vanderbilt C o . , R. Τ Vanderbilt News V a n Doren, L van Haagen, Ε 76, Van Luik, J Veley, V . Η Verzeichnis iiber die seit dem Jahre 1872 u n d der philosophischen Facultât der U n i versitât in Wien, eingereichen und approbierten Dissertationen Vidal, L Vierteljahresschrift fiir technische Chemie Vinal, G . W

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

132 13 132 134 134 225 82 15 52

112 126 91 223


INDEX Vince, S 140, 143 Virginia, academic dissertations from universities of 117 Voigt, M . J 13 Vojacek, J 226 von Hohenhoff, E 219, 242 Voprosy Virusologii (Problems of Virology) 167 Vuchinich, A 118, 120 Vysokomolekulyarnye Soedineniya (Polymer Science) . . . . 167

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W Wachtel, Irma Wade, W Waeser, B Wagner, F . S Wagner, R Wagners Jahresbericht der chemischen Technologie. . . . Waksman, S. A Waldo, W . H 269, Walker, D . F Wallace and Tiernan Wallerstein C o Wallerstein Laboratories C o m ­ munications Warheit, L A Washington, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . Watt, James Watt, S. D Watts W a y n e State University Wehmer, C 122, W e h r , H . W . , Jr Weidlich, Blum W e i l , Β. H 15, Weisse, E . F W e l t , I. D Wescott, E . C West, C . J West, P . Β West V i r g i n i a P u l p and Paper Co What's D o i n g What's N e w What's N e w for the Laboratory Wheelco Comments Wheeler, Ε Whitcombings White, B. J White, W . W 142, 143, Whiteley, M . A W h i t i n M a c h i n e Works Whitin Review Whitmoyer Laboratory Wiedemann's Annalen Wilcox, J. Κ Wildhack, W . A Wilkinson, John

281 15 221 196 239 18 207 281 65 132 132 132 196 117 211 221 221 288 126 15 226 269 143 196 194 221 226 132 133 131 133 132 222 132 196 226 221 132 132 134 84 196 281 211

Williams, A . S Williams, R. J Williamson, A . W Williamson, M . A W i l s o n , J. H Wilson, L . D Wimmersperg, H . V Winchell, C M Winkelmann, H . A Winther, A Wisconsin, academic disserta­ tions from universities of. . . . Wiselogle, F . Y Wissenschaftliche Vereine u n d Gesellschaften Deutschlands i m neunzehnten Jahrhundert. W i t c o Chemical C o Witcombings Wohlauer, Gabriele Wolcott, C L W o l f e n , John Casper Wood, G . C W o o d , James L Woodling, G . V Worden, E . C 207, 221, 222, 223, 240, Worischek, A r t h u r 208, 217, World List O f Bibliographies O f Scientific P e r i o d i c a l s . . . 103, O f Scientific Periodicals P u b ­ lished i n the Years, 19001921 O f Scientific Periodicals P u b ­ lished i n the Years 19001933 O f Scientific Periodicals P u b ­ lished i n the Years 19001950 W o r l d Trade Information Serv­ ice Worthington C o r p Worthite News Wright, Norman W r i t i n g , technical Wuester, Ε Wurtz, A . D Wyandotte Chemical C o r p . . . 131, W y e t h , Inc Wylie, G . J

280 50 52 269 269 304 15 120 223 221

Young, G . H .


Zart, A Zavodskaya Laboratoriya (In­ dustrial Laboratory) Zeitschrift fiir analytische Chemie

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.

117 280 99 132 132 227 225 211 196 102 225 242 219 120 137 109 109 109 183 132 132 280 263 143 221 135 132 15

223 167 107

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Zeitschrift fur anorganische u n d allgemeine Chemie Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Chemie 18, Zeitschrift fiir Chemie Neuerscheinungen Zeitschrift fiir das chemische Grossgewerbe Zeitschrift fiir das gesamte Schiess- u n d Sprengstoffwesen Zeitschrift fiir Naturforschung. Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie Zeitschrift fiir physiologische Chemie Zellstoff u n d Papier Zhurnal Analiticheskoi K h i m i i (Journal of Analytical C h e m ­ istry) Zhurnal Eksperimentarnoi i Teoreticheskoi F i z i k i (Journal of Experimental and Theoreti­ cal Physics) ;

222 222 140 91 222 137 137 107 222 167





Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii (Journal of Physical Chemis­ try) Zhurnal M i k r o b i o l o g i i E p i d e m i ologii i Immunobiologii (Jour­ nal of Microbiology E p i d e m i ­ ology and I m m u n o b i o l o g y ) . . Zhurnal Neoganicheskoi K h i m i i (Journal or Inorganic Chemis­ try) Zhurnal Obshchei K h i m i i (Jour­ nal of General C h e m i s t r y ) . . . Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii (Journal of A p p l i e d Chemis­ try) Zhurnal Strukturnoi Khimii (Journal of Structural C h e m ­ istry) Zhurnal Teknicheskoi Fiziki (Journal of Technical Physics) Zimmerman, Ο. Τ 109, Zpravy spolku C h e m i k u ceskych

SEARCHING THE CHEMICAL LITERATURE Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1961.


167 168 168 168 168 168 135 91