A Acceptability of food, factors influencing 45 Acceptability test

3. Linseed oil. 34. Lion. 80,82,83. Lithium chloride. 2,3,48. -treated meat. 157. Long term consequences of ... Mountain sheep. 21. Musk deer. 99. Mus...
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INDEX Ants 99 Area attractants, food odors as 31 Armadillo 8 L-Aspartyl-L-phenylalanine 3 Astringents 31 Attractant(s) 93 coyote 84,86 Acid(s) (see also specific kinds) 2,94 feline 99 fraction 70,75 food odors as area 31 Adaptiveness of wild birds and Attractancy to odorants 88 mammals, physiological and Aversions, conditioned 155 behavioral 21 Aversive (repellent) taste stimuli 22 Additives used toflavorfeeds 138 Additive, rice volatile 36 Β Aerobic bacteria in red fox anal sac secretions 81 Bacteria in red fox anal sac Agents, empirical screening of secretions, aerobic 81 flavoring 31 L-Alanine 2,3 Bacterial action and chemical signalling in mammals 78 Alarm 93 31,32 substance 99 Bait additives 158 Alcohol 46 Bait shyness 70 Alkaloids 3,31,94,152 Bases fraction Bears 100,102 Altered taste threshold as a function 100 of body state 48 Beetles, carrion Amino acids 118,124 Behavior, biochemical and physio­ logical aspects of animal 92 2-Amino acids 113 D-Amino acids 2 Behavioral adaptiveness of wild birds and Aminoethanol 94 mammals 21 5-Aminovaleric acid 83 events exhibited 72,73 Ammonium chloride 3 influences 27 N-Amylamine 34 studies 86 Anal sac 79 testing associated with development micro-ecosystem 80 in animal foods, methology of .. 43 secretions, aerobic bacteria in variables 43 red fox 81 30 Angiosperms 151 p-Benzoquinone Berylium chloride 3 Animal(s) Bioassay of urine fractions 67 behavior biochemical and physio­ logical aspects of 92 Biochemical aspects of animal behavior 92 diets for food-producing 129 14,22,152 flavor research 1 Bird(s) food preference behavior in 21 foods, methology of behavioral pest 30 testing associated with physiological and behavioral development in 43 adaptiveness of wild 21 poison avoidance by 155 repellent 158 protein requirements for the world (methiocarb) 30 population, meat and milk wild 29 supplying 130 psychophysics 44 Bitter stimuli, responses of mammals to Aniseed 138 natural 6 Antelope 21,93

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A Acceptability of food, factors influencing 45 Acceptability test, conditions of the .... 49 Acceptance 149 Acetic acid 3,30,136,137



Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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Bitter (continued) substances 8 (sucrose octaacetate) 9 threshold in cancer patients 48 Black-tailed deer 36,78 Blood glucose-homeostasis mechanism 24 Blood glucose, level of circulating 25 Blowflies 12 Bodily constitution 44 Body state, altered taste thresholds as a function of 48 surfaces of living animals 78 wisdom 47 Boll weevil 95 Br0nsted acid 121 Brucine 3 Buckwheat 62 Buffalo 130 N-Butyldiethanolamine 34 Butyric acid 3 Butyryl choline chloride 108, 111, 112 Buzzards 100

Caecotrophe 28 Caffeine 3 Caloric regulation 26 Calorically balanced diets 25 Calves, dairy 139 Camphor 96,99,136,137 Canadian peas 46 Cancer patients, bitter threshold in .... 48 Canned fabrication 146 Canned food flavor 32 Capsicum 138 Carbocaine 136 Carbohydrates 29 Carbonyl compounds 119 Carnassials (shearing teeth) 103 Carnivore 4 to amino acids, taste responses of 124 fungiform papillae taste system 121 heterocyclic stimuli in the 125 in nutritional ecosystem 103 taste systems,flavorchemistry of ... 102 Carrion beetles 100 Cat(s) 8,14,36,46,79,93,102 chemosensory neural groups in the geniculate ganglion of 108 civet 100 domestic 6,9 fungiform papillae taste systems .106,110 geniculate ganglion chemoresponsive units of 107

Cat (continued)

group, molecular circuitry associated with receptor activation by a 123 skulls 103 taste neuron responses to compounds infleshfoods 118 taste preferences 4,10 wild 5 Catnip 99 Cattle 8,93,130 Cavy 5,8,10,14 Cereal flavor 32 Change-over-delay (C.O.D.) 61 Chemical fractionation 67 fractions from estrus urine attractive to the coyote 66 input signals 120 senses and feeding 104,136 sensory systems 104 signalling in mammals, bacterial action and 78 stimulus factors in carnivore fungiform papillae taste systems 121 signals, microbially generated 78 Chemoreception 23,105 Chemoresponsive neural groups 106 Chemoresponsive units, cat geniculate ganglion 107 Chemosensory neural groups, the geniculate ganglion 108 Chenopodium vulvaria




Chloride salts ( see also specific kinds )

Chloroethane 99 Chromatogram of acids fraction 75 Chromatography, gas-liquid 70 Circadium rhythms 25 Circuitry associated with receptor activation, molecular 123 Citric acid 3,6,36 Civet cats 100 Clostridium perfrigens


Cod liver oil 34 Column description 97 Component identification 67 Compounds and oil yield with selected grasses 97 Concurrent reinforcement schedules .58,60 Conditions of the acceptability test ... 49 Consummatory effort, principle of least 50 Control, food odors as area attractants to rodents for 31 Controller of feeding behavior on physiological systems, dependence of 135

Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



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Corn oil 34 Corn seed planting 161 Cost of growing a steer 134 Coumarins 3 Cows, grain rations fed to milking 132 Coyote(s) 22,82,93,102,157 attractant(s) 84, 86 chemical fractions from estrus urine as a 66 fermented egg product as a 86 estrus urine acids, methyl esters in .. 76 test area 68 Creatine 118 Creatinine 118 Criteria for making food available 59 Crops from vertebrate pests, repellents to protect 150 Cyanide 22 2-Cyanomethylenecyclohexyl glucoside (simmondsin) 152 Cyclamate(NA) 3 L-Cysteine 108 D Death 93 Deer 93 black-tailed 36,78 musk 99 Defense 93 of plants, chemical 151 Demethyl disulfide 79 Denatorium benzoate (bitrex) 3 Diazomethane 67 Diet(s) calorically balanced 25 for food-producing animals 129 formulation 131 spiced 31 Dihydroethylaniline 34 Dipeptides 117 Diphosphate nucleotides 119 Discharge patterns of cat geniculate ganglion chemoresponsive units .. 107 Dog 79,83,102 chemosensory neural groups in the geniculate ganglion of the 108 foods, semi-moist 142 fungiform papillae taste systems .... 110 skull of 103 Domestication, effects of 26 Dove, mourning 152,154 Dove weed, seeds of the 152 Drugs 48 Ducks 130

£ Ecological influences, behavioral 27 Ecosystem, carnivores in nutritional .. 103

Endrin 158 Energy available for growth, dependence of grain rate on net.. 134 Enhancers, sweetness 31 Egg product as a coyote attractant, fermented 86 Elk 21 Environmental fermentative scent sources 84 origin, microbially generated chemical signals of 78 scent sources 78 Escherichia coli

Essential oils of plants Estrus cycle Estrus urine acids, methyl esters of coyote attractive to the coyote, chemical fractions from collection Etheral Ethyl alcohol Ethyldiethanolamine Ethyl-terf-butyl ether Experience in food selection modification offlavorpreferences by individual previous Extracted compounds, intensifying flavor with


99 25

76 66 66 96 94 34 99 15 11 48 33

F Fabrication canned 146 dry 146 product 145 semi-moist 146 Factors influencing the acceptability of food 45 Fat 137 Fatty acids 33,82 Fecal matter, food habit studies with 28 Feed(s) additives used for flavor 138 ingredients 131 intake and production, voluntary .... 132 Feeding 93 activities of grackles 161 behavior on physiological systems, dependence of controller of 135 chemical senses and 104,136 experiences, maternal 28 responses of red-winged blackbirds 159,160 Felids 102 Feline attractant 99

Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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68 Fennel 138 Fractionation procedure, urine 5,6,26,52,115 Fenugreek seed 138 Fructose 106 Fermentative scent sources 79,83 Fungiform papillae taste system cat 106 Fermented egg product as a coyote major chemical stimulus factors in attractant 86 carnivore 121 Ferret 88 neurophysiology of 104 Fiber content of the food 25 34 Fir seeds, Douglas 156 2-Furaldehyde Fixed-interval cells 56 Fixed-ratio (FR) cell 55 Flavor 3,6 chemistry 117 Galactose 70 of carnivore taste systems 102 Gas-liquid chromatography 26 components of whole grain 36 Genetic factors enhancers, protein 31 Geniculate ganglion chemoresponsive units of cat 107 with extracted or volatilized compounds, intensifying 33 Geniculate ganglion of the dog and cat 108 99 feeds, additives used to 138 Geraniol 22,79 imprinting, olfactory or food 27 Gerbils Ginger 138 preferences by individual experiwild 153,154 ence, modification of 11 23 research, animal 1 Glucoreceptors in the liver 3,5,6,14,22,23,26 Flavoring agents 31,33 Glucose homeostasis mechanism, blood 24 Flesh foods, cat taste neuron level of circulating 25 responses to compounds in 118 3 Floral 96 Glucoside Glucostatic theory 24 Flowering time of wild ginger, 2,3 slugs and 154 Glycine Glycyrrhizin ammoniated 138 Food(s) 8,130,136 available, criteria for making 59 Goats 153 aversion process, conditioned 11 Goldfish Grackles 158 cat taste neuron responses to feeding activities of 161 compounds in flesh 118 Grain for domestic pets, developing flavor components of whole 36 palatable 141 pigeon's choice of 47 factors influencing the acceptquality for the pigeon 62 ability of 45 flavor imprinting 12,27 rate on net energy available for growth, dependence of 134 habit studies with stomach content rations fed to milking cows 132 or fecal matter 28 Grasses, compounds and oil yield methodology of behavioral testing with selected 97 associated with development 30 in animal 43 Great Tit Growth, dependence of grain rate on odors as area attractants to net energy available for 134 rodents for control 31 Guinea pig 4,6,9,27,78,83 preference behavior in birds and 136 mammals 21 Gustation -producing animals, diets for 129 Gustatory chemical stimuli, species response to 93 selection and chemical senses 104,136 Gustatory sensitivity of vertebrates selection, preferences, experience, and some invertebrates 94 neophobia, and neophilia in .... 15 136 Fox(es) 36,102 Gymnemic acid red 27,85 anal sac secretions, aerobic H bacteria in 81 Hamster 78,79 bacterial action and chemical 47 signalling in 78 Head receptors 14 tissue extract 86 Hedonic factors Fractionation, chemical 67 Hedonic (pleasurable) taste s t i m u l i 2 2

Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.


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Hemp 62 Herbivore 4 Heterocyclic compounds 119 associated with meatflavorin humans 125 neural responses elicited by 114 Heterocyclic stimuli in the carnivore .. 125 Hexanoic acid 34 N-Hexylamine 34 D-Histidine 3 Hogs 22 Homeostasis mechanism, blood glucose24 Hormones, sexual 25 Human(s) 93 to amino acids, taste responses of .... 124 comparisons 122 heterocyclic compounds associated with meatflavorin 125 Humen, dried 32 Hungers, specific 11 Hyaenas 102 Hydrochloric acid 3,30 I Imidazole compounds 118 Imidazole ring 106 Indian mongoose 83,85 Indole 83,125 Ingestion, immediate consequences of 46 Ingestion, long term consequences of 47 Ingestional methods 44 Ingredient selection 144 Inorganic salts, monovalent 117 Inosinic acid 136 Insects 93 Instrumental method 52 Instrumental test apparatus 54,59 Insulin level 25 Intake of saccharin 51 Intake of sucrose 51 Interval cells,fixed-and variable56 Iodobenzene 136,137 Iridolactones 99 Isobutylamine 34 L-Isoleucine 108 Isovaleric acid 79 Isovaleric aldehyde 34 Invertebrates gustatory sensitivity of .. 94 J Jaguars Jojoba, seeds of

5 152 Κ



L Laboratory procedures 53 Lactic acid 3 Lactose 3 Leopards 5,102 D-Leucine 3 L-Leucine 3 Linseed oil 34 Lion 80,82,83 Lithium chloride 2,3,48 -treated meat 157 Long term consequences of ingestion 47 Long term tests 49 M Magnesium chloride 3 Magnesium sulfate 3 Malic acid 36,112 L-Malic acid 108 Maltose 3,6,52 Mammalian fermentative scent sources 84 Mammalian origin, microbially generated chemical signals of 78 Mammals 93 bacterial action and chemical signalling in 78 body surfaces of living 78 food preference behavior in 21 to naturalflavor,stimuli, responses of 6 physiological adaptiveness of wild .. 21 to synthetic tastants, responses of .... 9 Marketing, test 148 Matching law „ 61 Maternal feeding experiences 28 Maternal pheromone 28 Meat flavor in humans, heterocyclic compounds associated with 125 protein material 144 supplying animal protein require­ ments for the world population 130 Medicine effect 12 Menthol 94 Mestranol 158 Metabolic reflex, preparative 46 Methiocarb bird repellent 30,158,160 Method, instrumental 52 Methodology of behavioral testing associated with development in animal foods 43 Methyl esters of coyote estrus urine acids 76 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one 99 Mice 12,26,27,33,46,78

Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



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Microbially generated chemical signals of environmental and mammalian origin Micro-ecosystem, anal sac Microflora Microtine rodent population levels ....


78 N-Octylamine 80 Odor(s) as area attractants to rodents 80 for control, food 27 preference test Microtus montanus 95 primary Milk-supplying animal protein repellent effects requirements for the world sensation population 130 time spent at Millet, white 46 Odorants, attractancy to Mimicry model of selective prédation 30 Mink 80,83 Oil(s) of plants, essential Molasses 137 yield with selected grasses Momentary satiation 57 Monellin 3 Olfaction Mongolian gerbil 79 Olfactory chemical stimuli, species Mongoose, Indian 83,85 response to Monkey 85 imprinting squirrel 8 inputs Monosodium glutamate 136,138 Monosodium-L-glutamate 31 Omnivore Morphine 46 Opossum Mountain sheep 21 Oral chemoreception, sensory structures in Musk deer 99 Musky 96 Organic conditions Organic states, special Organics of plants, volatile Oxygen compounds Ν Oxygen factor Naringin 3 Neophilia in food selection 15 Neophobia 48 in food selection 15 Nepetalactone 99 Neural groups, chemoresponsive 106 groups, geniculate ganglion of the dog and cat chemosensory 108 responses elicited by heterocyclic compounds 114 Neuron responses to compounds in flesh foods, cat taste 118 Neurophysiology of fungiform papillae taste systems 104 Nicotine 3 Nitric acid 3 Nitriles 152 Nitrogen factor 121 Nitrogen heterocycle pK values Ill Nucleotides 108,118 Nucleotide factor 121 Nutrient requirements 129 Nutritional ecosystem, carnivores in 103 factors 23 guidelines 149 Nutritious diet 14 a

34 31 34 96 33 96 72 88 33 99 97 136 93 27 11 4 100 105 46,48 46 99 118 121


P. miragilis

Palatability Pandas Peanut oil Peas, Canadian Pelargol Pepperminty Peptides Peripheral stimulation Pest birds Pest, vertebrate Pets, developing palatable foods for domestic Phenolics Phenylacetic acid D-Phenylalanine L-Phenylalanine Phenylethanol Phenylpropionic acid Pheromone maternal O-Phophoral ethanolamine Phylogeny Physiological adaptiveness of wild birds and mammals

Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.


149 102 34 46 99 96 118 47 30 150 141 152 79,83 3 3 99 83 99 28 112 15 21

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Physiological ( continued ) aspects of animal behavior 92 influences 24 systems, dependence of controller of feeding behavior on 135 variables 43 Phytic acid 108,112 Pigeons 26,30,43,46,56,58,61 grain quality for the 62 preferences of 47,59 Pigs 130,137,138 Plants chemical defenses of 151 essential oils or volatile organics of 99 substances, secondary 152 Poison avoidance by animals 155 Poisons 48 Polecats 36,80 prey-catching behavior of 27 Polyamines 118 Polydipsia 25 Porcupines 8,9 Potassium chloride 3 Potentiators 31 Prédation, mimicry model of selective 30 Preference(s) bait additives 32 behavior in bird and mammals, food 21 effect, rice varietal 28 in food selection 15 by individual experience, modification of flavor 11 of pigeons 47,59 ratio 58,61 responses of chickens, taste 29 ofricefieldrats for rice 35 test, odor 34 testing 149 Preparative metabolic reflex 46 Previous experience 48 Prey-catching behavior of polecats ... 27 Primary odors 96 Principle of least consummately effort 50 Product fabrication 145 Projection zones of cat geniculate ganglion chemoresponsive units .. 107 L-Proline 108 2-Proline 115 Pronghorn 79 N-Propylamine 34 N- ( η-Propyl ) benzylamine 34 Protein flavor enhancers 31 material, meat 144 source or concentrate, vegetable ... 144 supplement, ration-balancing 144

Protein (continued) requirements for the world population, meat and milksupplying animal sweet-sensitive

130 94

Psychobiologists Psychophysics, animal Pungent Putrid Pyridine compounds Pyrole

43 44 96 96 118 125

Proteur spp

Quail bobwhite Quelea Ouinine(s) compounds hydrochloride



30 156 21,31 14,22,94 3 7,30,108,136

R Rabbits Raccoons Radish, wild Raffinose Rat(s)

8,9 100 94 3 11,22,23,26,27,31, 33,43,50,56,85,155 instrumental testing apparatus for the 54 laboratory 6,9 Norway 25 pups 138 rice bait consumption of 29 ricefield 25,28,35 sucrose intakes in 47 sweet tooth of the 46 taste preferences 4,10 Ration-balancing protein supplement 144 Ratio(s) cell, (FR), fixed55 cell, (VR), variable55 preference 58,61 schedules 57 Receptor activation by a cat group, molecular circuitry associated with 123 Receptors, head 47 Red fox (see Fox, red) pepper 138 squill 48 Red-winged blackbird 30,155,158-160 Reinforcement ratio 61 schedules, concurrent 58 schedules, simple 55

Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.

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Repellency, applications of conditioned Repellant(s) bird (methiocarb) effects, odor to protect crops from vertebrate pests Reproduction 5-Ribonucleotides Rice bait consumption of rat colonies preference of ricefield rats for varietal preference effect volatiles additive zinc phosphide-treated Rodents for control, food odors as area attractants to heteromyid population levels, microtine Rosetone Rubbing-rolling

156 93 30 33 150 93 31 29 35 28 36 36 22,93 31 152 27 99 71

S S. faecalis


Saccharin 3,26,46,48,50 concentrations 54 intake of 51 Salicylaldehyde 30 Salience of stimuli 14 Salt 94 Salts, inorganic 118 Salty stimuli, responses of mammals to natural 6 Salty substances 8 Sassafrass oil 34 Satiation, momentary 57 Scent marking 74 Scent sources environmental 78,84 fermentative 79,83,84 carrion 83 mammalian 84 Schedules concurrent 60 reinforcement 58 ratio 57 simple reinforcement 55 Scraping 74 Screening offlavoringagents, enhancers, and spices, empirical 31 Sebaceous tissue 80 Secondary plant substances 152 Seed(s) Douglas fir 156 dove weed 152 jojoba 152

Seed(s) (continued) mottled and grey 154 planting, corn 161 Senses, food selection and chemical 104,136 Sensory information 14 structures in oral chemoreception .. 105 systems, chemical 104 Sexual hormones 25 Sheep 8,130,136 bulbectomized 137 Short term tests 49 Shrews 27 Signals, chemical input 120 Signals, microbially generated chemical 78 Signalling in mammals, bacterial action and chemical 78 Simmondsin, (2-cyanomethylenecyclohexyl glucoside) 152 Simple reinforcement schedules 55 Skunk 80,93 Slug, native 153,154 Smell 92,99 Sniffing 71,136 Sodium 23 chloride 2,3,6,30,115 fluoride 3 saccharin (sweet) 9 Sorghum 31 Sour stimuli, responses of mammals to natural 6 Sour substances 8 Soy sugar 32 Soybean oil 34 Special organic states 46 Species/response arrangements 53 Species response to gustatory and olfactory chemical stimuli 93 Spiced diet 31 Spices, empirical screening of 31,33 Steer, cost of growing a 134 Stimulation, peripheral 47,48 Stimuli, salience of 14 Stimulus factors in carnivore fungiform papillae taste systems, major 121 Stomach content, food habit studies with 28 Streptococci 80 Strychnine 3 Sublethal illness effects 25 Succinic acid 3,36 Sucrose 3,5,6,22,50,56 intake of 47,51 octaacetate (bitter) 3,9,22,30 Sugar(s) 2,32,94,137,144

Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.



Sweet to humans, compounds tasting sensitive protein sodium saccharin stimuli, responses of mammals to natural substances tooth of the rat Sweetness enhancers Synthetic taste compounds

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Tigers 3 Time spent at odor 94 Tissue extract, fox 9 Toxicological problems Trimethylamine 6 Triphosphate nucleotides 5 L-Tryptophan 46 Turtles, snapping 31 D-Tyrosine 9 L-Tyrosine

5,80 72 86 14 83,84 119 3,108 12 3 3


Tastants, responses of mammals to Urea 3 synthetic 9 Urine acids, methyl esters of coyote estrus 76 Taste 57,92 attractive to the coyote, chemical neuron responses to compounds in fractions from estrus 66 flesh foods 118 collection, estrus 66 preference fractions, bioassay of 67 cat, rat, and cavy 10 fractionation procedure 68 chickens 29 rat, cat, and guinea pig 4 responses of carnivore and man to V amino acids 124 Valerone 34 stimuli, hedonic (pleasurable) or 94 aversive (repellent) 22 Vanillin 56 stimuli and responses 2 Variable-interval cells,fixedand Variable-ratio (VR) cell 55 systems Vegamine 32 cat and dog fungiform papillae 106,110 Vegetable protein source or concentrate 144 flavor chemistry of carnivore 102 Veltol plus 32 major chemical stimulus factors in carnivore fungiform papillae 121 Vertebrates, gustatory sensitivity of .. 94 Vitamin A deficiency 24 neurophysiology of fungiform papillae 104 Volatilized compounds, intensifying flavor with 33 thresholds as a function of body 9,27,33 state, altered 48 Voles Teeth, shearing (carnassials) 103 W Terpene hydrocarbons 3 Terpenoids 3,152 Water activity 142 Territorial markers ...93,99 Weasels 102 Test Wheat 62 area, coyote 68 White millet 46 durations 4 Wintergreen oil 34 marketing 148 Wolf 86,93 Tetramethylthiuramdisulfide (TMTD) 158 X Tetrasodium pyrophosphate 112 Theobromine 3 Xylose 3,29 Thiamin compounds 118,119 Thiamine (vitamin Bi) deficiency 23 Ζ Thiamine in chickens and rats, rice 36 appetite for 24 Zinc phosphide-treated Thaumatin 3 Zymino 32

Bullard; Flavor Chemistry of Animal Foods ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1978.