A B C 339

oxides. 279, 294. Marine sediments. 57. Master variables. 45. Mean ionic diameter. 92. Membrane potentials. 79. Meromictic lake. 327. Metallic species...
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A Activation energy volume Activity coefficient definition scales infinite dilution ionic medium Adsorption and crystal structure isotherms linear prediction rates sites on silica surfaces specific Affinity Albite Alcoholic fermentation Algae Alkali metal chlorides, molal volumes of the Alkaline environment water Alkalinity total A1 0 Aluminosilicates Aluminosilicate-solution equilibria Aluminum species Ammonia Amorphous surface layer Anaerobic bacteria Anaerobic systems Analysis of water for trace metals Andalusite Andesine Anhydrite Anhydrous oxides Anoxic systems Apatite equilibrium Aquatic conditions, redox processes for . . environment, potentials in the . . organisms 2


75 77 96 50 45 48 48 123 139 136 122 176 171 123 5 250 279 320 95 293 241 51 260 133 143 64 192 21 278 168 321 279 30 148 223 235 130 288 153 253

Aqueous surface chemistry of oxides and complex oxide minerals . . Aragonite 235, 247, Artinite Asterionella Atomic absorption spectroscopy . . Average composition of sediments

121 265 235 323 32 297

B Bacillus circulans 323 Bacteria populations in water 321 Barium in sea water 42 Beggiotoales 327 Biochemistry of elements 326 Biological activity vs. equilibrium composition of natural waters . . . . 319 cycle 325 enzymes 276 mediation of redox processes . . . 271 Biota on water chemistry, effects of 323 Biotite 223 Bismuth ion hydrolysis 189 Brucite 236 Buffer capacity 16, 184

274 270 320

C Calcite 235, 247, Calcium carbonate equilibria minerals salts in sea water sulfate Carbonate concentration geochemistry Carbonates heterogeneous equilibria involving in sea water, solubility equilibria of Carbon dioxide, reduction to . . . . Carbonic acid, dehydration of . . . . Carbon system Cations gallium-containing isopolyCharge development

339 Stumm; Equilibrium Concepts in Natural Water Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.

265 247 153 155 260 277 51 265 299 196 212 307 77 278 184 184 132

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Charge (Continued) origin on oxides and hydroxides prediction reversal Charging hydroxylated surfaces . . Chelating agents Chemical composition of minerals of springs and lakes Chemical thermodynamics in natural water systems Chemolithotropic organisms Chlorella pyrenoidosa Chloride coordination Chlorite Chlorobacteriaceae Chlorobium Chromatography, partition Chromatium Chrysotile Clathrate-like cages 84, Clay diagenesis minerals Closed isothermal systems Closed systems Cluster models 84, Coagulation effects Coal C0 changes Coesite Colorimetry Common elements Complexation Complex oxide minerals, aqueous surface chemistry of Composition of the Great Lakes of sea water Concentration -dependent transitions of elements quotient Coordination chemistry of the oceans entity fluoride number Coprecipitates silica-alumina Si0 -Fe 0 Cristobalite Critical concentration Cryoscopy, fused salt Crystal field stabilization energy . . Crystallinity Crystal structure, adsorption and . . C u ( O H ) , solubility constant of . . C u O , solubility constant of Cybotactic swarms 2





123 124 122 132 125 257 289 222 1 326 321 259 62 327 328 185 328 150 88 65 134 3 2 88 122 187 314 329 164 32 296 330 121 243 257 97 326 48 255 256 259 128 150 151 164 95 186 129 132 123 209 209 87





D Debye-Hiickle theory Definition of p H Dehydration of carbonic acid Dense species Detritus Diagenetic processes Dimers Dissolution of carbonates patterns Distribution coefficient Dodecantimonates Dodecatungstate Dolomite 235, 251, equilibrium Dynamic models

92 197 77 89 62 288 86 293 172 77 190 192 265 249 12



55 Elements biochemistry of 326 common 296 concentration of 326 Electrical double layer 125, 134 Electroanalytical methods 35 Electrode 271 potential 279, 283 Electron activity 52, 272 Emission spectroscopy 31-32 Equilibria in organic geochemistry 312 Equilibrium composition of natural waters, biological activity vs 319 constant 6, 48 model 8, 58, 68, 216 of the Great Lakes 243 Errors in trace analysis 40 Eucken's polymer model 86 Eutrophic lakes 327 Evaporative concentration 232 e vs. p H diagrams 288 Exchange current 280 h

F Facultative bacteria Fe O Fe 0 Fe in sea water Feldspars Felsic rocks Fermentation Ferredoxin Ferric oxide Flame photometry Flickering clusters Flocculation Florida red tide Flotation ion precipitate Fluidized vacancies Fluoride coordination Fluorite 2




Stumm; Equilibrium Concepts in Natural Water Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.

321 132 132 54 223 232 275 274 279 32 87 331 262 194 194 86 259 153



Fragilaria Frequency shifts Fresh water scale Fused salt cryoscopy

323 100 48 186

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G Galena Gallium -containing cations Geochemical balance Geochemistry carbonate equilibria in organic Gibbs energy of the solid-liquid interface Gibbsite 223, Gibbs phase rule 57, Glauconite Gran functions Granitic rocks Graphical presentation of solubility equilibria Graphite Great Lakes composition of the equilibrium models of the Ground water




294 193 184 57 265 312 3 207 250 244 63 51 223 203 307 243 243 231



H Hafnium Heat of transport 78, Heptamolybdate anions Heterogeneous equilibria involving oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, and hydroxide carbonates Hornblende Humic acids Huntite Hydration of ions negative numbers Hydrocarbons Hydrogen bonds stabilization Hydrogen ion concentration Hydrolysis bismuth ion lead ion phenomena Hydromagnesite Hydrous oxides Hydroxide carbonates heterogeneous equilibria involving in sea water, solubility equilibria of Hydroxides charge on heterogeneous equilibria involving ,.

191 91 186 196 223 257 235 92 93 92 313 106 103 198 189 188 183 237 130 196 212 124 196

Hydroxides (Continued) in sea water, solubility equilibria of Hydroxo complexes 126, Hydroxyapatite Hydroxylated surfaces, charging . . Hydroxyl number

212 259 253 125 189

I Ice-lattice models Ice structures IEP(s) Illite Index of refraction of water Infinité dilution activity scale Infrared spectra of water Inorganic solute species Intrinsic viscosity Inverse polarography Ion exchange capacity flotation Ionic diameter, mean medium activity scale medium method 47, Iron (III) compounds native in rocks, oxidation state of Isoelectric point 121, Isolated systems Isopolyanions Isopolycations Isopolymolybdates Isopolytungstates Isothermal compressibility of water

84 84 123 62 73 48 107 183 186 35 137 194 92 48 49 305 309 297 126 2 184 184 193 186 74

K Kaolinite Kerogen K-feldspar Kinetics of reactions K -mica Kyanite

60, 150, 223, 223,


250 314 250 11 250 148

L Labile complex Lakes chemical compositions of composition of the Great equilibrium models of the Great water chemistry Langmuir isotherm Lansfordite Lead ion hydrolysis Ligands Light-scattering Linear adsorption isotherms Living organisms Lizardite

Stumm; Equilibrium Concepts in Natural Water Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.

258 222 243 243 247 175 235 294 188 257 186 136 274 150



Logarithmic diagram Log K

45 52

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M Magnesite Magnesium Magnetic susceptibility of water . . Manganese oxidation of oxides 279, Marine sediments Master variables Mean ionic diameter Membrane potentials Meromictic lake Metallic species, oceanic Metal oxides Metamorphic processes Metastable solids Metastability Meteoritic organic matter Methane fermentation Mica 60, Minerals aqueous surface chemistry of complex oxide chemical composition of in vein association in Langban . . Mixed potentials M n O , slaking of Mn0 122, 132, Model sea water M O H acidity M O H groups Molal volumes of the alkali metal chlorides Molar surfaces Molybdate-active silicic acid Monolayers of palmitic acid Monomeric water molecule Monomers in water Montmorillonite ..62, 64, 223, 228, Moplis 2




Nonequilibrium processes Nonstoichiometry Nuclear magnetic resonance . . . 107,

317 132 187

O 235 261 107 24 294 57 45 92 79 327 261 299 288 210 313 317 278 223 121 289 290 283 294 135 49 125 124 95 208 161 79 89 104 250 57

N Native iron lead metals Natural water systems, chemical thermodynamics in Negative hydration Nernst potentials Nesquehonite Neutron activation inelastic scattering spectra Nitrobacter winogradskyi Nitrogen system Nitrosomonas europaea Nonelectrolyte solutions


309 289 291 1 93 279 235 36 110 101 327 278 327 Ill

Oceanic metallic species Ocean models 60, Oceans, coordination chemistry and the Ocean sediments Oligeneric silicic acid Olivine Open systems Operational definition Optical methods Organic geochemistry, equilibria in Organic matter, oxidation of . Organisms Oxidation of manganese of organic matter processes -reduction systems state of iron in rocks Oxide minerals, aqueous surface chemistry of complex Oxides aqueous surface chemistry of . . . charge on heterogeneous equilibria involving in sea water, solubility equilibria of and sulfides ZPC of complex Oxidizing intensity

261 67 255 62 161 149 12 50 31 312 299 314 24 299 299 270 297 121 121 124 196 212 288 137 272

P Palmitic acid, monolayers of Particle size effect Partition chromatography PDI pE scale Pelagic sediments redox processes in Perielase Petroleum pH -controlling redox reactions definition of in sea water Phase rule, Gibbs Phillipsite Phosphate equilibria minerals Photosynthesis Pigments Plagioclase feldspars

Stumm; Equilibrium Concepts in Natural Water Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.

79 208 206 185 126, 153 52, 272 55 288 301 293 314 50 286 197 50 57 62 45 249 153-4 273 317 223



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Plasma spectroscopy 32 Platinum 280 Polarization curve 280 Polarography 35 Polymorphous modifications, solubility of 206 Potential-determining ions 123, 126, 153 rate 149 Potentials in the aquatic environment 270 Potentiometrie titration 185 Precipitate flotation 194 Precipitation reactions 329 Protolysis 329 Pseudomonas . . . . 320

Q Quartz

62, 164, 223

R Raman spectra 107, Redox couples equilibria potentials 52, for aquatic conditions . . . . . . . processes in pelagic sediments . . processes, biological mediation of reactions 52, Red tide Reduction of carbon dioxide sulfate Respiration Robust complex

186 271 270 272 274 301 271 330 262 307 305 275 258

S Saline waters Salting out Scale, fresh water Scenedesmus obliquus Scheelite Sea water 46, barium in calcium in composition of model strontium in Sedimentation Sediments average composition of some . . . marine ocean Self-diffusion Sepiolite Serpentine minerals Sierra Nevada spring waters Sierra waters

241 Ill 48 321 153 113 42 260 257 49 42 122 297 57 62 186 235 235 150 223 232

Significant structure theory 86 Silica 124, 142, 235, 250 -alumina co-gels 134 coprecipitates 150 modifications 164 Silicate equilibria 249 reactions 304 stability 250 Silicates 146, 223, 254 Silicic acid 161 oligeneric 161 molybdate-active 161 Silicon concentration 323 Sillimanite 148 SiO->-Fe20s coprecipitates 151 Slaking of M n O 294 Soil waters 228 Solid-liquid interface, Gibbs energy of 207 Solid solution 211 Solubility constants 197 of C u O 209 of C u ( O H ) 209 of ZnCOg 200 equilibria graphical presentation of 203 of oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, and hydroxide carbonates in sea water . . . . 212 of polymorphous modifications . . 206 product of ZnO 208 Solute-solvent interactions 70 Solute species, inorganic 183 Solution medium 190 Sorption 331 Space charge 132, 134 Specific adsorption 123, 133 Spectrophotometry 186 Springs, chemical compositions of 222 Stabilization hydrogen bond 103 structural 103 of water structure 112 Standard hydrogen electrode 52 Steady-state system 216 Stishovite 164 Stoichiometric constants 197 Strontium 261 in sea water 42 Structural charge 134 Structural stabilization 103 Structure of water 70, 84 Sulfate, reduction of 305 Sulfates 299 Sulfides 294 and manganese oxides 290 Sulfur system 276 Surface charge 126 Surface hydroxide groups 124 Surfaces, charging hydroxylated . . 125 2

Stumm; Equilibrium Concepts in Natural Water Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.







W Tabellaria

Talc Tannins Temperature and time Ternary systems M e - H 0 - C 0 2 . . 2 +

Thalassiosira nana


Thermal conductivity of water . . . Thermodynamic constants Thermodynamics in natural water systems, chemical

Downloaded by on May 27, 2017 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: January 1, 1967 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1967-0067.ix001


Thorium solutions Time and temperature Ti0 Total alkalinity Trace analysis errors in metals, analysis of water for Transport, heats of Tridymite Two-state theory of liquid water . . 2

323 235 257 190 196


74 197 1


187 190 132 260 31 40 30 91 164 85

U Ultracentrifuge Ultrasonic absorption

186 86

V Variables, master Vitreous silica

45 164

Water composition infrared spectra of index of refraction of isothermal compressibility of . . magnetic susceptibility of monomers in -solute interactions structure of structure, stabilization of thermal conductivity of two-state theory of liquid -water interactions Weathering of rocks

229 107 73 74 107 104 70 70 112 74 85 99 223

X X-ray analysis X-ray crystal structure

32 185

Z Zeolite Zero point of charge Zinc carbonate Z n C 0 , solubility constants of ZnO, solubility product of ZPC of complex oxides non-oxides Zircon Zirconium



Stumm; Equilibrium Concepts in Natural Water Systems Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1967.


63 134 199 200 208 134 137 153 149 191