A Blast Lamp for Natural Gas'

injector principle of the Bunsen burner (4) in preparing a mixture ... In the great war with insects man has a new and promising and the AIalay Penins...
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hydrocarbons, as these have approximately the same dispersion scale reading as other aliphatic compounds; consequently, if petroleum hydrocarbons are present, they must be determined in some other manner. They may be distinguished from aromatic hydrocarbons by the solubility of the latter in fuming sulfuric acid; or, if the hydrocarbon

Vol. 2 , s o . 1

content of a thinner is determined by two methods: ( a ) from the dispersion scale reading, ( b ) from the per cent insoluble in 75 per cent (by weight) sulfuric acid, then a marked difference between these two determinations may be taken as indicating the presence of petroleum hydrocarbons, in amount approximately equal t o the difference.

A Blast Lamp for Natural Gas’ Harold H. S t r a i n C A R N E G I E INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON,



HEN natural gas is burned in a blast lamp difficulty is experienced in obtaining a well-defined, hot flame t h a t will not blow away from the burner. Although these difficulties have been partially overcome by the construction of blast lamps utilizing a mixture of gas and air (1, S ) , such burners do not lend themselves t o the ready


1 Figure 1-Blast


Lamp for Natural Gas

adjustment demanded by many technicians, particularly glass blowers. After experimenting with several burners, the writer de1

Received December 9, 1929.




vised a blast lamp for use with natural gas which is easily adjusted and produces a very pointed, hot flame. This lamp, shown in cross section in Figure 1, makes use of the injector principle of the Bunsen burner ( 4 ) in preparing a mixture of gas and air which is then burned as in the ordinary blast lamp. The burner consists of a cylindrical tube, B , mounted on a metal block, H , which is pivoted on a metal stand, I . The burner tube, B, is provided with a sliding tip, F , and a rotating air shutter, D , similar to that of a Meker burner. The gas enters the burner through jet C in the burner tube base. The compressed air enters the burner through the curved tube G, and is emitted through jet E. Jets E and C, which mere made in several sizes, screw into place as do those in many blast lamps and Afeker burners. To operate the burner, the air shutt’er, D, is first closed. A moderate supply of gas is then turned on and lighted a t the open end of the burner tip, F . Then the air shutter is opened until a blue flame is obtained. Finally compressed air is blown through jet E, producing the typical blast lamp flame. As the composition of the air-gas mixture depends largely upon the rat’e of flow of gas through jet C (.$), the air shutter, D, needs little adjustment. Moreover, the gas-air mixture has a sufficiently high rate of flame propagation so that i t may be burned in the usual manner without danger of t’he flame “blowing off” (2). The construction of a hand torch for use with natural gas and embodying the principles here described is now in progress. L i t e r a t u r e Cited (1) Chapin, J. I N D . B N G . CHEM., ?, 46 (1915). (‘2) Glaser, Z . angeu. Chem., 36,38 (1923). (3) hfccullough, J . A m . Ckem. SOL.,37,144 (1913). (4) Pfotenhauer, C. .4., 9, 8 5 i (1915).

New Insecticide I n the great war with insects man has a new and promising weapon in the form of rotenone, a crystalline material which is both a contact and stomach poison This insecticide is especially welcomed by scientists a t this time, when they are looking for organic compounds to take the place of lead arsenate, which leaves an undesirable residue on fruit. T h e demand for organic insecticides is much greater than the supply, according to R. C. Roark, of the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils, United States Department of Agriculture. The most widely used materials in this class are nicotine and pyrethrum flowers. Nicotine is derived only from the stems and floor sweepings of tobacco. Pyrethrum flowers are grown to a limited extent in California, but practically all of the 11 million pounds used annually in this country is imported from Japan. This leaves rotenone in a field where there is little competition. This material has been obtained mostly from the roots of derris, a plant grown in the rubber plantations of Sumatra

and the AIalay Peninsula. Another promising source of rotenone is “cube,” a wild plant which grows in t h e mountains of Bolivia and Peru. On account of the limited supply of nicotine and the dependence upon Japan for pyrethrum flowers, scientists of the department are looking t o the production of insecticides of plant origin in the Cnited States. Derris and cube are both promising sources of rotenone, although cube contains nearly three times as much of the active ingredient. Careful tests have shown t h a t roots of this plant contain as much as 7 per cent rotenone. It is thought t h a t derris might be grown in t h e southern part of Florida. Cube grows a t high altitudes in Bolivia and Peru and might be suited t o the Southwestern States. Very little is known about the plant a t present. I t s correct botanical name is not even known, but its action on aphids and other insects warrants a thorough study as to the possibilities of growing the plant in this country.