A Brave New Year! - Journal of Proteome Research (ACS Publications)

William S. Hancock. J. Proteome Res. , 2006, 5 (1), pp 9–9. DOI: 10.1021/pr062679x. Publication Date (Web): January 6, 2006. Note: In lieu of an abs...
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E ditor - in - chief


William S. Hancock

Barnett Institute and Department of Chemistry Northeastern University 360 Huntington Avenue 341 Mugar Bldg. Boston, MA 02115 617-373-4881; fax 617-373-2855 [email protected]

Associate E ditors Joshua LaBaer Harvard Medical School György Marko-Varga AstraZeneca and Lund University Cons u lting E ditor Jeremy Nicholson Imperial College London E ditorial adv isory board Ruedi H. Aebersold ETH Hönggerberg Leigh Anderson Plasma Proteome Institute Ettore Appella U.S. National Cancer Institute Rolf Apweiler European Bioinformatics Institute Ronald Beavis Manitoba Centre for Proteomics John J. M. Bergeron McGill University Richard Caprioli Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Christine Colvis U.S. National Institutes of Health R. Graham Cooks Purdue University Thomas E. Fehniger AstraZeneca Catherine Fenselau University of Maryland Daniel Figeys University of Ottawa Sam Hanash Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Stanley Hefta Bristol-Myers Squibb Denis Hochstrasser University of Geneva Donald F. Hunt University of Virginia Barry L. Karger Northeastern University Daniel C. Liebler Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Matthias Mann Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry David Muddiman North Carolina State University Robert F. Murphy Carnegie Mellon University Gilbert S. Omenn University of Michigan Aran Paulus Bio-Rad Laboratories Jasna Peter-Katalini´c University of Muenster Ruth VanBogelen Pfizer Global Research & Development Peter Wagner Zyomyx Scot R. Weinberger GenNext Technologies Keith Williams Proteome Systems John R. Yates, III The Scripps Research Institute

© 2006 American Chemical Society

A Brave New Year!


e have reached the happy stage in the life of the journal when we put out the print version monthly. It is interesting to note that such a step is important even in the era of the Internet. Part of the reason is that we still must consider the practical issues of page numbers and the availability of reprints. But the print version still has intrinsic value: Holding an issue in one’s hands and flipping through it stimulate the tactile senses. Even so, the last few issues of JPR were a little too much stimulation and a little too heavy on the wrist. Another big milestone for a new journal is the publication of >200 research articles in a year. Well, we blew through that milestone as we grew from 140 manuscripts published in 2004 to 276 published in 2005—and we achieved that growth without lowering our standards. In fact, I have noted that with our high impact factor (6.91) the reviewers are taking a more stringent approach to the review process. Another measure of our progress is that we used to consider it a good month if we received a manuscript a day; now, we receive two almost every day, and the rate continues to climb. The addition of Jeremy Nicholson as an editor has resulted in a healthy increase in the number of submissions in the field of metabonomics and metabolomics. Another highlight in 2005 was the special issue on biomarkers, which contained excellent invited papers on this important topic. Every year, we emphasize a different topic of particular importance to the field. We also select a new protein for the front cover—2006 will be the year of the metabolome. It will be the topic of the special issue, and our protein of the year is ATP synthase, an important metabolic enzyme.

Journal of Proteome Research • Vol. 5, No. 1, 2006