a completely new concept in water quality monitoring - ACS Publications

SYSTEM SIMP1 / C I T Y . . . with minimum controls, a large 3% digit display and interchangeable components account for excep- tional ease of calibrat...
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Field expandable to grow with your analysis needs Uep1P

tions f from least 2.5 to 265 pCi/m3 and these on f the fission event from which they originated had occurred 4-6 days previously. There is no way that the January 24, 1976 Chinese test could have produced measurable concentrations of tellurium-132 or even of 8day iodine-I31 during the sampling period April 18 to June 18, 1976. I remain puzzled as to the choice of tellurium-132-iodine-I32 for the purposes indicated in their letter. Andrew P. Hull Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, L.I., N.Y. 11973

Air pollution Dear Sir: In his article on "Air Pollution Damage Functions" ( E S T , October 1976, p 992), Hershaf? makes a major misinterpretation of the relation he cites between SO2 and mortality. While a change in the annual average SO2 level may be reflected in a change in the annual mortality rate, there is no basis for applying a damage function derived from a regression of daily mortality changes on daily SO2 levels to predict changes in the annual death rate from changes in the annual average SO2 level. Further, the inappropriately calculated predicted change in urban annual mortality rate is then multiplied by the total number of deaths in the U.S. as a whole, although there is no evidence that either the damage function or the exposure term (urban SO2 levels) are appropriate for non-urban deaths. The number of deaths calculated in the article corresponding to changes in SO2 levels are, therefore, completely groundless. Samuel C. Morris Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, L.I., N.Y. 11973

Smelter emissions Dear Sir: We very much enjoyed the article on "Progress in Smelter Emission Control" (ES&T, August 1976, p 740). We regret that your article did not mention the use of nahcolite for SO2 control in smelters followed by the disposal of the waste sodium sulfate by the FERSONA process (ES&T, July 1975, p 627) in conjunction with cement copper operations. A report of this use was presented at the 104th annual meeting of the American Institute of Metallurgical Engineers, February 1975, New York City. Jacques M. Dulin Industrial Resources, Inc. Chicago, Ill. 60603

a completely new concept in water quality monitoring @ N E W N O /O G Y . . . from sensor to finished data, provides unparalleled system flexibility in measuring avariety of parameters including DissolvedOxygen,Conductivity, pH, Temperature, ORP, Specific . . . Ions, Depth, etc. . ... . mdrvlduallyor in mmhnahm. o w . . .to measurement problems from the simplist to the very complex is achieved with system elements which may be factory or customer assembled in innumerable ways to generate, collect, transmit, dispTay or store environmental or related data.

SYSTEM SIMP1 / C I T Y . . . with minimum controls, a large 3% digit display and interchangeable components account for exceptional ease of calibration, use and maintenance. DIGITAL INTERFACE. . . options provide for easy systems use of the 8000 Series instruments. RFWARL! . . . for approaching v u Darticular DrOblem in the rightway isreliabilityand economy. Let Hydrolab" show you why the 8000 Series is the right way.

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Volume 11, Number 4, April 1977