A computer program for producing hydrogen atom electron density

Feb 1, 1973 - A computer program for producing hydrogen atom electron density plots in three dimensions. Frederick W. Parrett and Evalds Peterson. J. ...
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LeChatelier's Principle and a Rubber Band A note in this journal' discussed how arubber band could be used t o illustrate that aspontaneaus process (the contraction of a stretched ~ b b e band r when warmed by a portable hair dryer) yields information concerning molecular arrangement. This same demonstration is also anideal illustration of LeChatelier's principle. Since stretching a rubber band is an exothermic process, LeChatelier's principle predicts that heat applied t o a stretched rubber band will contract it.

'Laswick, P. H., J. CHEM. EDUC., 49,469 (1912). Middle Georgia College Cochran, Georgia 31014

122 /Journal ot Chemical Education

Ronald DeLorenzo