A Copper Analog of the Alkali Tungsten Bronzes - Journal of the

A Copper Analog of the Alkali Tungsten Bronzes. Lawrence E. Conroy, and M. J. Sienko. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1957, 79 (15), pp 4048–4051. DOI: 10.1021/...
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free energy of formation of Cr+f+(aq) which can then be combined with our free energy of formation of Cr207=(aq) to give AF" and E o for the Cr+++/ Crz07=couple. Or the heat of reduction of Cr207" (as) to Cr+++(aq) can be combined with an estimated entropy of Cr+++(aq), and our entropy of Cr207=(aq) t o give AFO and E o for the Cr+++/ Crz07= couple. Data from the literature for the pertinent heats3.l4are so unreliable as to make these calculations virtually meaningless. From the results of the investigation by Davies and PrueY of the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant for reaction 7 we calculate AS," = 8.5 cal./deg. mole Cr207= and AH," = 4.64 kcal./mole Crz07=. These data have been combined with our heat of formation and entropy of Crz07=(aq) and the National Bureau of Standards values for water to give the heat of formation of HCrOl-(aq) as -205.0 kcal./mole and the entropy as 47.8 cal. deg./mole. We also have calculated the standard free energy of formation of HCr04- to be - 179.0 kcal./mole.

comparison with hlnO4- (45.4),s ReO4- (4S.3),I5 and Clod- (43.2).3 We also see that the entropy of ionization of HCr04- (-38.6) as calculated from our entropy is in accord with the entropies of ionization of HS04- (-36.3), I-TS03- (--%), I-IJ'OI- (-29.9), HC03- (-35.1) as takeii from Latimer. 3 Our heat of solution of KzCr04(c)(lZI:) is i i i good agreement with the results obtained h y earlier workers.' Our heat of solution of I