A Critical Investigation of Hydride Generation-Based Arsenic

May 26, 2009 - Samples were taken in the Lower Geyser Basin from the source of the hot spring Ojo Caliente and its corresponding drainage channel at 3...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2009, 43, 5007–5013

A Critical Investigation of Hydride Generation-Based Arsenic Speciation in Sulfidic Waters B R I T T A P L A N E R - F R I E D R I C H * ,† A N D ¨ GER‡ DIRK WALLSCHLA Environmental Geochemistry, Bayreuth University, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany, and Environmental and Resource Sciences Program, Trent University, 1600 West Bank Drive, Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8, Canada

Received January 17, 2009. Revised manuscript received April 6, 2009. Accepted April 28, 2009.

In sulfidic environments, hydride generation-based approaches arenotsuitableforarsenicdeterminationbecausethioarsenates which can constitute the predominant arsenic species under these conditions (>80% of total arsenic) are completely ignored. Sample acidification for preservation or during hydride generation leads to loss of total inorganic arsenic due to precipitation of arsenic-sulfur phases. Total concentrations can be determined correctly using 1% potassium iodide as prereducing agent while with L-cysteine (0.16 mol L-1), transformation of tetra-, tri-, and dithioarsenate to arsenite remains incomplete. By decreasing the original sample pH, hydride generation destroys thioarsenate species distribution because only monothioarsenate is stable over the whole pH range. Dithioarsenate transforms to arsenite below pH 4. Tetrathioarsenatetransformstotrithioarsenate(pH11.9)whichsubsequently transforms to arsenite (pH 5.6), followed by precipitation of arsenic-sulfur phases below pH 5. It is thus impossible to determine thioarsenates by hydride generation. The “As(III)”fraction contains tetra-, tri-, and some dithioarsenate as well as arsenite, while monothioarsenate is determined with arsenate as “As(V)”. Different analytical setups have substantial impact on thioarsenate hydride-generation behavior, thus provide little comparability and render reinterpretation of existing arsenic hydride-generation speciation data from sulfidic environments impossible. In natural geothermal water samples from Yellowstone National Park, total arsenic concentrations determined by ICP-MS and by HG-AFS with prereductant agreed well (