A dish for toxicity tests - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Ind. Eng. Chem. Anal. Ed. , 1931, 3 (4), pp 358–358. DOI: 10.1021/ac50076a008. Publication Date: October 1931. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Ind. En...
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After trials of a number of types of distillation, the use of steam distillation was decided upon as the type which could be used with the utmost simplicity, neatness, and economy of time. When the ordinary distillation was attempted, the foaming was so uncontrollable as to require constant watching. Typical experiments and some of the experimental results obtained are as follows: (1) Twenty grams of a freshly prepared mixture, accurately weighed, were transferred to an 800-ml. distilling flask; 25 ml. of water plus 10 ml. of dilute sulfuric acid were added. The contents of the flask were then steam-distilled so that about 110 drops distilled over each minute, the volume in the flask being kept nearly constant. Various fractions of the distillate were collected, by definite volumes, in volumetric flasks. The formaldehyde in each fraction was determined in accordance with the cyanide method as sketched above, and given in detail after the conclusion. Qualitative tests for the presence of formaldehyde in each fraction were also made. For this purpose Schiff's reagent was used. In place of listing each distillation separately, the results of a typical set of distillations is arranged in Table I. All distillations were run on freshly prepared samples. Table I-Typical S e t of Distillations (Charge contains 0.0210 gram of formaldehyde in polymerized form) COLOR TESTWITH FORMALDEHYDE FOUNDIN DISTILLATE SCHIFF'S REAGENT 2 3 4 5 6 A v . 1st 50ml. 2nd50 ml. 3rd 50 ml.

4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

60 ml. 50 ml. 50 ml. 50 mi. 50 mi.

Total Error







48 24 3 12.8

49 25 13 7 4 2

50 24 12 6 3 3

47 26 14 6 3 3

48 25 13 7 4 4

48 25 13 7 4 3 0

99 -1

101 $1


4.3 2.4

0.5 .. .. -.. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ,

99.0 -1

100 0

98 -2

Deep Deep Moderate Less Weak Perceptible Traces No color

Vol. 3, No. 4

in mind that the distillation was studied -within limited range. Transfer 20 grams of the sample to an 800-ml. Kjeldahl flask. Add 25 ml. of water and 10 ml. of dilute sulfuric acid. Add paraffin to prevent foaming. Steam-distil rapidly (about 110 drops per minute, keeping the volume in the distilling flask fairly constant), catching the first 300 ml., or 200 ml. if extreme accuracy is not desired, in a volumetric flask. Into each of two 50-ml. volumetric flasks run, accurately, 9 ml. of 0.1 N silver nitrate. Add 6 drops of concentrated nitric acid. To one of the flasks add an excess of potassium cyanide solution. A 0.1 N solution is easiest. Make up to the mark with water, shake, and filter. Pipet 25 ml. of the filtrate into a flask, add 5 ml. of ferric alum indicator, and titrate the excess silver nitrate with standard thiocyanate solution. This serves as a control. Pipet 25 ml. of the distillate into a small beaker. Add the same amount of cyanide solution that was added to the control, and stir well. Transfer this solution to the other small volumetric flask, make up to the mark with water, shake, and filter Pipet 25 ml. of this filtrate into a flask, add 5 ml. of ferric alum indicator, and titrate the excess of silver nitrate with the standard thiocyanate solution. The per cent of formaldehyde in polymerized form is as follows:


If 300 ml. have been distilled, (ml. KCNS for sample ml. for control) X normality of KCNS X 3 6 If 200 ml. have been distilled, (ml KCNS for sample ml. for control) X normality of KCNS X 2 6


The charge taken and the aliquots used, as well as the amount of the cyanides and the strengths of the standard solutions, all depend, of course, on the amount of formaldehyde present. Literature Cited (1) Assocn. Official Agr. Chem., J . Assocn. O f i C Z d ~Agr. Chem , 8, 67 (1925). (2) Romjin, 2. anal. Chem., 36, 18 (1897). (3) U. S. Dept. Agr., Bur. Chem, Bull. 132,49 (1910).


( 2 ) This work was repeated with several different mixtures and identical results were obtained. It must be remembered, of course, that the volume of liquid in the distilling flask and the rate of distillation were both kept very much the same for each distillation. (3) Charges were varied so that it was necessary to distil amounts of formaldehyde ranging from 0.02 gram to 0.20 gram. In all cases similar results were obtained for each set of distillations in that the formaldehyde was practically completely carried over in 300 ml. (4) Fprmaldehyde was added to the contents of the flask and distilled. One hundred per cent recovery was obtained, but determinations were made only within the range indicated ,in paragraph 3 above.

From a study and consideration of the foregoing results the following conclusions must be drawn: (1) Within the range studied, practically all of the formaldehyde present is in the first 300 ml. distilled over. (2) All but 5 to 10 per cent of the formaldehyde present is in the first 200 ml. distilled over. Therefore, for most purposes, and since the formaldehyde content of many commercial products is so small, it is sufficient to distil over only 200 nil. (3) The error of 1 per cent is probably an error inherent in the manipulations. Method for Determination of Paraform This method, or the operative details of it, is based on the results of the trial distillations and the conclusions drawn therefrom. It has been used for the determination of paraform in many different mixtures and has been found reliable and accurate. In performing this distillation, certain theoretical considerations endemic t o every steam distillation must be remembered. If the same percentage of formaldehyde is to be found in the same volume of distillate, the volume of liquid in the distilling flask and the rate of distillation as indicated here must be adhered to. It should also be kept

A Dish for Toxicity Tests' A. S . Daniels SOUTHERN PACIFICLINES,HOUSTON, TEXAS

T HAS been pointed out that in testing the toxic properties Ifactory of certain wood preservatives, the Petri dish is not satisas it may permit the volatilization of 9pme of the substance under test ( I ) . Schmitz (2) has recommended placing the inoculated Petri dishes under small bell jars set on glass plates. Bateman and Henningsen ( I ) suggest glass-stoppered Erlenmeyer flasks in place of Petri dishes. Both of these methods have serious disadvantages, particularly when incubator space is limited. The writer has found that the use of Stender dishes offers distinct advantages over any of the methods suggested. Cultures are plated and inoculated in Petri dishes in the usual way. A sterile 100-mm. Stender dish is then inverted on the table. The bottom is raised a few inches and the prepared Petri dish slid on to the Stender dish cover. The cover of the Petri dish is removed, the ground groove in the Stender dish cover is filled with melted hard vaseline, and the Stender dish gently lowered and fitted back in to the Vaseline-filled 1 groove of the cover. Cultures so prepared can be stacked up to the capacity of the incubator, they are readily available for observation, and they effectually prevent the volatilization of any appreciable portion of the substance under test. Literature Cited (1) Bateman and Henningsen. Proc. A m . Wood-Preservers' Assocn., 19, 136 (1923). (2) Schmitz, IND. ENG. CHEM.~ Anal. E d , 1, 76 (1929). 1

Received May 29, 1931.