A Farewell Message - Organometallics (ACS Publications)

A Farewell Message. Dietmar Seyferth ... Publication Date (Web): December 7, 2009. Copyright ... size Free first page. View: PDF | PDF w/ Links | Full...
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Organometallics 2009, 28, 6621–6621 DOI: 10.1021/om9009476


A Farewell Message This is the last Editor’s Page that I write as editor of Organometallics. On December 31st of this year I am stepping down. I have been editor of Organometallics for 28 years, since it was founded in 1982, and, before that, I was a regional editor of the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry for 17 years. That adds up to 45 years as a journal editor. Time for a rest! The search for my successor is underway. Who will be the new editor and when the new editorial office will be operational are not known at the time I write this farewell message in early November. To ensure a smooth transition, I have agreed to continue my editorial duties as Editor Emeritus until the new editor is ready to take over. It remains for me to say my farewell to all of you who have had any connection with Organometallics during the years that I have been its editor, be it as authors, as reviewers, as members of the Editorial Advisory Board, as Associate Editors past and present, or as readers. Thanks to all of you, Organometallics has flourished and grown and has been well received during those years. I owe special thanks to the many authors who have contributed accounts of their research results which sparked the interest of our readers. The high quality of your papers ensured that the rankings of Organometallics consistently were near the top of the lists of both inorganic and organic chemistry journals. I acknowledge with most sincere gratitude the many colleagues worldwide who have served voluntarily as reviewers of the manuscripts that were submitted for publication in Organometallics. Your sage advice to the Associate Editors and me helped us to maintain the high quality of Organometallics from Year One to the present day. My sincere thanks also go to my Associate Editors, whose efforts contributed so greatly to the success of Organometallics. I shall continue to read Organometallics with great interest to see what new and exciting chemistry it brings. I have greatly enjoyed my interactions with all of you. They have made my years as editor very rewarding and happy ones. I have come to look on many of you as friends, whether or not we have ever met face to face. I wish all of you continued success in your research and happy days in your professional and personal lives.

Dietmar Seyferth Editor

r 2009 American Chemical Society

Published on Web 12/07/2009
