A First-Year Chemistry Undergraduate “Course Community” at a Large, Research-Intensive University Brian J. De La Franier, Jenny Diep, Perry J. C. Menzies, Barbora Morra, Katherine J. Koroluk, and Andrew P. Dicks* Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, 80 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3H6, Canada S Supporting Information *
ABSTRACT: This article describes the integration of a cocurricular “Community” into a first-year undergraduate chemistry course at the University of Toronto. The Community has been in existence since 2006, with over 700 students being involved. Its broad objectives have been three-fold: to inform course members about departmental resources and their significance, to teach skills and provide tips away from formal class content, and to promote the importance of undergraduate research/highlight available opportunities. The Community has received very positive feedback over a number of years and has resulted in a large increase in the number of students enrolling in second- and fourth-year undergraduate science research courses. KEYWORDS: First-Year Undergraduate/General, Curriculum, Collaborative/Cooperative Learning, Communication/Writing, Ethics, Green Chemistry, Student/Career Counseling, Undergraduate Research
(NSSE) stressed the importance of advising on college campuses, stating that “... advisors may also promote engagement in effective educational practices by guiding students’ educational decisions and providing helpful information about special programs and events”.12 This statement is related to development of “Supportive Environment” as a NSSE student engagement indicator. This paper describes the establishment of a cocurricular assistance program for first-year chemistry undergraduates at the University of Toronto, and benefits the enterprise has engendered based upon qualitative and quantitative feedback. These include a greater knowledge about departmental amenities and initiatives, improved preparation for universitylevel writing, and access to research information that is applicable to all science courses. The program has engaged a relatively small group of first-year students at an otherwise large, research-intensive institution of over 68,000 undergraduates13 and provided opportunities for peer support and receipt of personal insight from upper-year mentors.
n an undergraduate science education, it is important for students to be mentored to increase their success and wellbeing.1 Mentorship is especially crucial for first-year students who are making a challenging transition from high school studies and can potentially come from graduate students, faculty members, and upper-year undergraduates. One chemistry initiative involved graduate students providing office hours for undergraduates, with an increase in course passing grades observed after implementation.2 Faculty mentorship and recruitment advisor assistance were also significant for student success and retention within science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) programs.3−5 Support from upperyear students improved chemistry grades of first-year undergraduates across different institutions,6,7 and a study by Arrington and colleagues indicated that senior mentors piqued student interest in collaborative laboratory work.8 A further investigation compared underprepared chemistry students who chose to teach their more experienced peers with their colleagues that did not act as mentors. Students who were initially underprepared that elected to mentor had the greatest overall academic performance of all three groups on completion of an introductory course.9 This indicates that gains to mentors themselves have also been noticeable. In comparison, fewer studies have assessed the effects of “non-academic” mentorship in chemistry.10,11 One report concluded that mentorship focusing on presentation abilities, leadership, and community building greatly increased the number of science students choosing to become chemistry majors.11 The 2014 National Survey of Student Engagement © XXXX American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
FIRST-YEAR CHEMISTRY OPTIONS AND THE “COMMUNITY” First-year science undergraduates have a choice between three chemistry offerings at the University of Toronto. Two of them (CHM 138H: Introductory Organic Chemistry I) and CHM 139H (Chemistry: Physical Principles) are single-semester courses intended for life scientists who require chemistry or
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Table 1. Timetable of the 2014/15 CHM 151Y Community Sessions Dates
Session Goals
Session 1 September
(1) Community introduction (2) Prepare students for university level laboratories (3) Introductory feedback
Session 2 September/ October
(1) Formal laboratory report introduction and expectations (2) Define academic integrity and how to avoid plagiarism
Session 3 October
(1) Introduce green chemistry ideas (2) Discuss extracurricular activities with chemistry involvement
Session 4 November
(1) Provide perspective into graduate student life and possibilities after university (2) Introduction to chemistry searching and drawing
Session 5 November/ December
(1) (2) (3) (1)
Session 6 January
Make faculty more accessible to students Introduce departmental research Encourage positive study skills Feedback on Community and survey
(2) First tour of chemistry building, including NMR facility and library Session 7 January/ February
(1) Introduce ways to get involved in research (2) Present possible research projects
Session 8 February
(3) Introduce students to potential research supervisors (1) Research applications (2) Second tour of chemistry building
Session 9 March
(1) Draw awareness to building energy use and waste (2) Introduce students to second-year courses and subject POSts
Session 10 March
(1) Final Q&A session for examination preparation and a chance to relax (2) Get final feedback on Community
Activities (Timing) Introduction (30 min) Notebook preparation (20 min) Safety presentation (20 min) Survey (10 min) Writing presentation (30 min) Laboratory report activity (10 min) Academic integrity presentation (20 min) Academic integrity activity (10 min) Quiz (10 min) Green chemistry initiative (30 min) Green chemistry trivia (10 min) Extracurricular activities discussion (40 min) Quiz (10 min) Graduate student speaker (40 min) Tutorial of online resources (20 min) Tutorial of ChemDraw (10 min) Quiz (10 min) Faculty speaker (40 min) Study skills (30 min) Quiz (10 min) Survey and group discussion (30 min) NMR and library tour (40 min) Quiz (10 min) Research presentation (30 min) Research supervisor speakers (40 min) Quiz (10 min) Writing research applications (30 min) Tour of analytical facilities (40 min) Quiz (10 min) Building demands presentation (30 min) Subject POSt presentation (40 min) Quiz (10 min) Study advice (20 min)
Interactive Components Icebreakers, safety game and quiz
Find errors in a “model” report, spot academic offenses in a sample report
Trivia game with prizes, extracurricular discussion
Q&A with graduate speakers, interactive use of ChemDraw to create and search for structures
Q&A with faculty, sharing effective study habits
Group discussion, Q&A with tour guides
Q&A with potential supervisors
Completing mock research applications, Q&A with tour guides
Q&A with building manager about energy costs of chemistry, Q&A about subject POSts
Answer trivia questions as groups, Q&A with mentor about examination preparation
Trivia game (40 min) Year-end survey (20 min)
students unsure of which academic program of study (POSt) to select. The two classes are large with 600−1000 students enrolled in each course during every fall and spring semester. Many undergraduates who take CHM 138H and CHM 139H pursue programs in the biological sciences, although 5−10% typically complete a chemistry POSt. The remaining first-year chemistry option (CHM 151Y: Chemistry: The Molecular Science) is more specialized and
designed for students interested in following a chemistry program. CHM 151Y has a maximum enrollment of 128 students within a single lecture section. CHM 151Y is a twosemester course incorporating theoretical and practical sections on organic, physical, and inorganic chemistry. During the past decade, CHM 151Y has additionally featured a unique cocurricular mentorship program not found in other science courses (the “Community”). The program began during the B
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well as to provide advice on how to best deliver material and engage the students. The director was paid as a teaching assistant (TA) as part of their required departmental instructional hours. The mentors were additionally paid a small stipend (for what amounted to around 30 hours of work each), and the faculty advisor was given 15 hours credit that contributed to their annual teaching commitment.
2006/07 academic year and has continued annually since. The Community involved regular biweekly sessions with two combined laboratory sections (approximately 20−30 students) convening with one fourth-year undergraduate mentor who was enrolled in a chemistry POSt. The three overarching Community goals were as follows: (1) To educate students about departmental resources they would otherwise not see during their first-year university studies. (2) To introduce potential second-year and upper-year research opportunities. (3) To provide students with an appropriate perspective regarding CHM 151Y and upper-year chemistry courses/ programs. The first goal was achieved via a variety of guest speakers and tours of several laboratories and facilities. The second was closely linked to the Faculty of Arts & Science Research Opportunity Program (ROP 299Y),14 which aligns second-year undergraduates with faculty research groups. Students were exposed to the ROP 299Y program before applications were due each February by having professors come and discuss specific research projects. Finally, the third goal was met by the mentors giving short presentations about future chemistry options and teaching skills to promote success. A similar operation at the University of Toronto is the more general First-Year Learning Communities program (FLC), which provides upper-year support to students in a variety of broad disciplines.15,16
Session Organization and Content
CHM 151Y is divided into eight laboratory sections, which meet biweekly in the same way as CHM 138H and CHM 139H. Each Community group met during the weeks opposite their laboratories for 80 min. A consistent attendance of over 75% was observed. All hours were held in small, flexible rooms containing projection facilities to encourage group work and interactivity (sample session slides are included in the Supporting Information). At the beginning of the fall semester, the director attended each initial session to provide mentor feedback and guidance for future weeks. All sessions involved discussions that avoided formal lecture and laboratory content (for an in-depth scrutiny of course materials, CHM 151Y has weekly tutorial sections that meet with a separate TA). However, at the end of each Community session, there was an academic quiz prepared by the TA, with quizzes contributing 5% of the final course grade. The quizzes encouraged regular attendance throughout the year. There were also periodic surveys distributed, including one at the initial session, which asked about high school preparation and what students would like to experience during the year. A “wrap-up” survey gauged student responses to the Community and their opinion on each session, which was meaningful for future planning. Since 2006, several different approaches were tried and modified in the Community to make it as useful and relevant to students as possible. The first session routinely involved icebreaker games to introduce new undergraduates to each other and their mentor for the year. It continued preparing students for upcoming laboratory work by illustrating how to keep an accurate notebook and demonstrating safety aspects. Practical preparation was further reinforced during the second session, where the departmental undergraduate writing program coordinator17 delivered an interactive presentation on constructing laboratory reports and academic integrity issues. Many students had never written a conventional scientific experimental account, so the presentation assisted in the composition of all subsequent chemistry reports. The Community therefore provided an avenue to significantly bolster the material previously provided to students in terms of laboratory training. The department is additionally home to the Green Chemistry Initiative (GCI), a graduate student-run organization dedicated to increasing the safety and sustainability of chemistry at the University of Toronto.18 GCI members were invited to speak to students during fall semester Community time to provide insight into the importance of green chemistry and what it meant for them during their undergraduate education. Several CHM 151Y students joined the GCI as junior members after such sessions and have subsequently contributed to ongoing initiatives. As an extension, one spring semester session focused on energy management and waste production within the department. The Community also functioned as an introduction to other science based extracurricular groups and related departmental/university events.
Table 1 shows the organization of sessions for the 2014/15 academic year and indicates that many diverse topics were covered throughout the Community. The topics included tips for laboratory preparation, academic integrity issues, information about green chemistry, departmental facility tours, undergraduate research opportunities, and chemistry POSts. Such specific elements were included to expand upon what was already offered in CHM 151Y in terms of the Community goals and, importantly, to group together seemingly disparate subjects during a regularly timetabled session that ensured student availability. Planning and Preparation
The Community was coordinated by a dedicated faculty advisor (A.P.D.) who selected a graduate student director each year. The director planned the biweekly Community sessions and prepared preliminary content for them. The sessions were overseen by one upper-year undergraduate mentor per group, with a maximum of four groups. The mentors had generally taken CHM 151Y as students, but it was not an absolute requirement. However, all were involved in research work (through the faculty Research Opportunity Program, departmental summer research scholarships, or via a fourth-year project). Once the director had been hired, they worked closely with the faculty advisor to choose four mentors, who underwent an official interview process. Each mentor oversaw the same Community group for the entire academic year. Throughout the semester, the Community director met weekly with the faculty advisor to review previous sessions as well as to plan lessons and activities for upcoming weeks. The director then met biweekly with the mentors to discuss ideas as C
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question are indicated in Figure 1 and highlighted that the majority of students were particularly satisfied with the Community (90% of students across all three years ranking as a 3, 4, or 5). The responses indicated a strong correlation between the students who enjoyed CHM 151Y and those who were satisfied with the Community. However, there were students (approximately 5%) who rated the Community positively but gave the overall course a negative rating, suggesting that the Community was seen as useful to some undergraduates who did not enjoy chemistry. Many students indicated in their written responses that the Community increased their course enjoyment. In the 2014/15 survey, a question was added that asked if students found the information presented valuable for first-year studies and beyond, with a rank of 1 being “nothing was valuable” and a rank of 5 representing “everything was valuable.” Only 2% of the students surveyed gave a rank below 3, with the remainder expressing a positive view toward the Community value. Therefore, even though the Community did not focus on applied academic material, students considered that the sessions would be valuable past their first year of university. Generally, students rating the Community sessions positively wrote approving descriptions of the quality and mentioned specific aspects of enjoyment. One student commented that “the Community was a unique and satisfying experience, which should be extended to the “focused” first-year courses in other faculties.” The Community was also commonly highlighted as a place to gain skills and expertise that would otherwise be challenging to obtain, for example: “it was a lot of knowledge I feel many other first-years would not have access to unless they specifically searched for it.” Many students additionally explained how the Community had been constructive in facilitating friendships, with one stating: “The quality is awesome! I felt like I was part of a small family, and the information presented was very useful,” and another noting: “Nice atmosphere of bringing together students in the same laboratory section with a mentor, in an otherwise large class, (good way to meet people, study friends, etc.) and also the mentor gave us a lot of valuable info. and tips for chemistry at U of T.” Therefore, the “kinship” aspect of the initiative was successful, and numerous students found themselves making course collaborations. Another Community component was assisting students to plan their undergraduate career paths by including sessions about course selection, research opportunities, and potential programs of study. Students frequently mentioned this was something they found timely, for example: “Course Community was really cool, it helped me plan what I’ll be doing next year, and was a nice change of pace from the lectures.” Numerous student statements highlighted multiple aspects of the Community and suggested it had been profitable in different ways.
Several sessions showcased both professorial faculty and graduate student guest speakers. These helped make instructors more visible, accessible, and approachable as well as engendering a perspective from graduates pursuing research degrees. Professors offering second-year undergraduate research positions were regular presenters so that potential projects were described to students, and mentors assisted with the application process. Such presentations were significant for producing strong researchers out of the undergraduate program. Another important Community aspect was facility tours arranged with assistance from departmental staff. Students learned about modern instrumentation and methods of molecular analysis, and they observed instruments discussed during lectures. Tours of NMR, mass spectrometry, and X-ray crystallography laboratories illustrated how the different instruments operated. As students routinely came into contact with those facilities later in their academic careers, such tours helped provide a head-start regarding their locations and uses. Each year, the mentors took time to give an individual perspective on second-year courses in various chemistry subdisciplines and described the different subject POSt options available to students.
Survey Responses
During the final Community session each year, an anonymous survey was distributed with a focus on determining how students felt about chemistry, CHM 151Y, and the Community itself (see Supporting Information for survey and results). In the three years between 2012 and 2015, a total of 201 students completed the survey. One of the Likert-scale questions19 asked if CHM 151Y had been enjoyed as a course overall. Students were requested to rate the course out of 5 (1 being “did not enjoy at all”, and 5 being “favorite first-year course”), with the results breakdown shown in Figure 1. Responses to this question were positive, with 71% of students throughout the three years giving the course a rank of 4 or 5.
Research Course Enrollments
Figure 1. Student ranking of CHM 151Y (1 = “did not enjoy at all”; 5 = “favorite first-year course”) and the Community (1 = “glad it’s over”; 5 = “will miss everything about it”) (2012−2015, n = 201).
A key Community intention was the introduction of students to available research opportunities. The 2014 NSSE defined six “high-impact practices” based upon conclusive evidence regarding student learning. Two practices were “work with a faculty member on a research project” and “culminating senior experience”, which is often a research activity of some description.20 However, 23% of first-year students surveyed through NSSE who selected a response other than “not applicable” stated they received “very little” information regarding such special opportunities. The University of
The same undergraduates were also specifically asked about their satisfaction with the Community portion of the course, with a rating of 1 representing “glad it’s over” and a rating of 5 being “will miss everything about it”. Students were additionally required to write one sentence describing their perceived quality of the Community. The results of the satisfaction D
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CONCLUSION The CHM 151Y Community has been in operation for nine years and impacted a minimum of 700 first-year undergraduates during that time. As a brief Community outline was built into the official CHM 151Y description,21 students were aware of it as an integral part of the course when enrolling, and viewed it as an original initiative. Students felt the Community was supportive in many different ways and provided them with guidance and viewpoints, which would have otherwise been difficult to receive. One relevant area was undergraduate research, both in terms of skills learned by undertaking it and available positions. A noticeable increase was apparent in Community students selecting research courses, both in chemistry and other science disciplines. In closing, one former CHM 151Y student had the following to say about the Community, “When signing up for my first year undergraduate university courses, the number of options available overwhelmed me. However, I knew that CHM 151Y was the best choice to fulfil my Year 1 chemistry requirement when I read about the course Community. Although I knew relatively little about what this entailed, it sounded interesting and different so I decided to enroll in the course. This seemingly flippant decision ultimately led me to enroll in a biological chemistry specialist program and helped foster friendships with my chemistry classmates. The Community helped me to adjust to university life both academically and socially and provided an opportunity to interact with a senior student mentor in a relaxed environment. I enjoyed the experience so much that I sought out the opportunity to be a mentor myself in my fourth year; I hoped to give back to the Community program to help create an experience for first-year students that was similar to my own.”
Toronto undergraduate ROP 299Y course extends across many departments and connects students with faculty researchers working on specific projects.14 The Chemistry department has long offered ROP 299Y opportunities to students, which were thoroughly outlined in the Community. Potential supervisors presented their interests, and mentors gave an overview of the application process and discussed the program in other Faculty of Arts & Science departments. Before the Community inception, relatively few CHM 151Y students undertook a ROP 299Y project during their secondyear, and many did not perform undergraduate research during their graduating year (Figure 2). After introduction of the
Figure 2. Student enrollment in a second-year research course (ROP 299Y) or a fourth-year research course in chemistry (CHM 499Y)/ another science (SCI 499Y) according to CHM 151Y enrollment year (“2002” = the 2002−2003 academic year).
Community in the fall of 2006, an increase in the number of students enrolling in chemistry ROP 299Y research projects was clearly evident. A total of 17 students undertook a ROP 299Y chemistry course who were enrolled in CHM 151Y during the years 2002−2006, whereas the corresponding number was 38 students from 2006−2010. In addition, 31 students performed fourth-year research in chemistry (CHM 499Y) or another science (SCI 499Y) who took CHM 151Y between 2002 and 2006, compared to 53 from 2006 to 2010. These numbers illustrate that the Community impacted student education regarding the advantages of an undergraduate research experience at the university in general, rather than specifically in chemistry (a statistical analysis is provided in the Supporting Information). One of us (B.M., a CHM 151Y laboratory coordinator) has personally benefited from the opportunity to share available ROP 299Y research projects with the Community. In 2013, the class was informed about the prospect of developing a new practical experiment for a second-year organic chemistry course. The response and interest were tremendous and resulted in a partnership with two highly motivated students. They designed and incorporated a new laboratory exercise into CHM 249H (a second-year organic course) that complemented lecture material and employed interesting techniques while highlighting principles of green chemistry. The Community continues to afford first-year students and faculty the ability to collaborate on research projects, develop pedagogical materials, and create productive relationships.
S Supporting Information *
The Supporting Information is available on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00280. Sample Community session presentation slides and activities from mentors and guest speakers, student surveys, and results (PDF)
Corresponding Author
[email protected]. Notes
The authors declare no competing financial interest.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are extremely grateful to the Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto for a President’s Teaching Award (A.P.D.) and for support via the Student Experience Fund and the Curriculum Renewal Initiatives Fund. We also thank Jennifer Tran, Ken Greaves, Mike Dymarski, Mark Lautens, Laura Reyes, and Laura Hoch for providing the sample presentation slides available in the Supporting Information. Armando Marquez is acknowledged for researching many of the enrollment statistics in this paper.
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