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A friend taught us how to handle tough chemicals. T h e principle b e h i n d J u m b o ' s t r u n k is the same one employed by our new transfer system for dry f l o w a b l e m a t e r i a l s . It's at the modernized T B S distribution facility in Elizabethport, New Jersey. T h e system utilizes a vacuum. R a t h e r t h a n forced air. Forced air, as you know, can degrade a delicate material. Ours won't. It has no rotary valves to wear, clog or abrade. What's more, without valves there's no way to contaminate one chemical with another. This system is no slow-poke, either. I t can move a product from a railroad covered hopper t o a t r u c k a t a r a t e of 48,000 to 60,000 pounds per hour.
Handling toluene di-isocyanate is a different story. Chemicals like this need absolutely dry air. So we have another system that transfers with the driest, cleanest air on the East Coast (dew point: —40°F). Both systems are among the innovations at Elizabethport. Which means if you market in the east, you can get this materials-handling ability, plus all the advantages of TBS. (TBS — Through Bulk Service — is a way to ship in bulk by the carload, then deliver by the truckload to your customer.) If you're in the neighborhood, why not drop in and take a look at Elizabethport (just outside of N e w a r k ) . We'll show you a better, faster, cheaper way to distribute your product. Which is what TBS is all about. Write or call Jim Suthann, Chemical Market Manager, One Charles Center, Baltimore, Md. 21201. (301) 237-2787.
THE C & O / B & O RAILROADS Cleveland 44101 · Baltimore 21201