Indiana State Teachers College, Terre Haute, Indiana. A FULL page ad in the recent McGraw-Hill puhlica- tions states "Here's why it pays you to read t...
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JULY, 1951




FULL page ad in the recent McGraw-Hill puhlications states "Here's why it pays you to read the advertising. The advertising is a rich source of valuable information-leaders in business and industry turn to the advertising because they've discovered it helps them run their business more profitably-when you read all the ads in this magazine the chances are good that you'll get a lead that d l materially help you do a better job." The American Chemical Society's journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry began in September, 1950, issuing "I & EC Fact Cards" advertising in terms of physical and chemical information on 5- X 7-in. cards that could he filed for future reference. This is hut another example of the solicitude that the public relations and ad~ert~ising departments have for users of chemicals. This is the third of a series in THIS JOURNAL-the previous articles were in September, 1944, and April, 1948. Here are listed more recent pamphlets and brochures dealing with various chemical prohlems. We have all found there are many problems in chemistry and also in chemistry tearhing that are difficult, to solve or to answer-and some concerning which it is

very difficult to get much information. The advertising and public relations departments have done much to give in their published works, accurate, specific information on their particular,products. For example, if you want a neat, concise summary of the history of chemistry there is nothing that even approximates the excellence of Mallinckrodt's "An Outline of the History of Chemistry." If you want some specific information on the storage battery, try "How a Storage Battery Works" and "The Storage Battery, Its Fundamentals, Use and Maintainence" by the Electric Storage Battery Company. A storehouse of facts in a pamphlet on "Ammonia" is available from Commercial Solvents Corporation. Are you interested in glycerin? The Glycerine Producers Association has available "Why Glycerine?," "Why Glycerine in Textiles?," "Why Glycerine in Drugs & Cosmetics?," "Why Glycerine in Foods?" Do you want some information on Met,hionine? Dow Chemical Company has an excellent pamphlet on that topic. The following list of availahle information should make it easier to solve some problems as a result of specific, accurate, first-hand information from the rhemical industries themselve.

JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION INORGANIC NH8 Its Uses and Prop- Commercial Salventn Carp. erties 17 E. 42nd Street New York 17, New Yurk Allegheny metal in Chemi- Allegheny-Ludlum Steel Corp Rrsokenridge, Pennsylvania cal Processing Graphic Baking Powder Jaquea .Manufacturing Co Chart (J. R. Chittick) 111 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago 4, Illinois Leavening Agents The .Miracle of Calrium National Carbide Corp. Air Reduction Co. Cmbidr ti0 East 42nd Street New York 17, New York A Chart of Induat,rial Use8 Liquid Carbonic Corp. 3100 South Kedzie Avenue of Dry Ice & COz Chicago 23, Illinois The History of Copper American Brass Co. Advertising Department. and Brafis 25 Broadway New York 1,New York Solvay Sales Division Liquid Chlorine 87 Chlorine Blnnoh Solutions Allied Chemical & Dye Corp. 1 Piorth LaSslle Street 814 Chicago 2, Illinoifi The Chlorine Handbook The Ilalown Fluorides

Diamond Alkali Co. Cleveland 14, Ohio (Chem. Reviews, December, 1947) Courtesy of: Harshaw Chemical Co. 1945 East 97th Street Cleveland 6, Ohio

Liquid Glass and Solid Philadelphia Quartz Co. r Solutions(from J . C m . 1125 Public L ~ d g e Building Eouc., 19,239 (1942)) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pittsburgh Plate Glsss Co. The Romance of Glass 632 Duquesne Way Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania DuraglasCenter(Rese~~.ehOwens-Illinois Glass Ca. in Glass) 14th & Adams Toledo, Ohio The Art of Making Fine Cambridge Glass Co. Cambridge, Ohio Glassware An Outline of the History Mallinckradt Chemical W a r s 20 Mellinck~.odtStreet of Chemistry St. Louis 7, lMimouri Metal Hydrides, Inc. Metal Hydrides 12-24 C o n g r e ~Street ~ Beverly, Massachusetts

Xickel Alloy Steel Cast- Intwnstional Nickel Co., Inc 67 Wall Street ings in Industry New York 5, New York Nuclear Physics Charts Westinghouse School Servirr ($1.00) 306 4th Avenue Pittsburgh 30, Pennsylvanis Chart of Nucleides & Iso- Educational Service tape8 General Electric Apparatus Drpt. High Accuracy Therma4966 Woodland Avenue Clrvdand 7, Ohio couple Wire Permanent Magnets Potassium Permanganate Carus Chemical Co., Ine. for Farm & Home Use 1337 8th Street LaSalle, Illinois The Story of Diamond Diamond Crystal Salt Co., Inc. St.. Clair, Michigan Crystal Salt Salt & the Chemist E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., Ine. Wilmington 98, Delaware Silver News L e t t r ~ (Monthly) Sodium

Curley Precision Standards of Maas, Volume, Length Steel Making in America

Steel-F~nm Mine t o You


Mefford Chemical Co. 1026 Santa Fe Avenue Los Angeles 21, California Chilean Iodine Educationnl Bureau. Ine. 120 Broadway New York 5, New York

Lithium in Modern In- Foote Minerel Co. dustry (FootePrints,21, 18 West Chelten Avenue No. 2,1950) Philadelphia 44, Pennsylvania Properties of Magnesium American Magnesium Corp. Pmducta 801 Gulf Building Pit,tsburgh 19. Pennaylvanin

Bullrt,in 1500

W.h L. E. Curley Troy, New York LT. 8. Steel Corp. 71 Broadway Seu York fi, Xew Yorb llrrreriran Iron & Steel Inatitnt~ 350 5th .4venue Xm York 1, New York

Maintenance Edison & His Storage Battery

T. .iI.:rlison, . Inc. \Vest Orange, Piew Jersey

Modern Sulfur Mining

Tvus Gulf Sulfur Co. 75 East -15th Street X\TIW YoP~;,Piew York

Water-Your Most Im- Hall Laboratories, Inc. portant Raw Material Ilagan Building Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania The Zinc Industry

Hydrofluoric Acid Anhy- Hamhaw Chemical Co. Clevelsnd 6, Ohio drous Iodine

Silver Users Association 1730 Eye Street N. W. Washington, D. C. Kst,ional Distillers Chemical C o t y . 120 Broadway Piew York 5, New York

Amerioan Zinc Institute, 1111.. 60 E. 12nd Street New York l i , New Yorli

ORGANIC Piealeo-Industrial ha1

Alco- Momanto Chemied Co. Merrimar Division Everett Station Boston, M~machusetts

The Chemistry of Fatty h m o u r Chemicals Division Amines Armour h Ca. 1355 Went 31st Street Chirngo 9, Illinois Aromatic Industrial Sol- Bawutt Division Allied Chemical & Dye Corp. vents 40 Rector Street SPT\'01.1< 6, Piew York

JULY, 1951 Benzoie .4oid Benzoates

and the Monsrtnta Chemical Co. 1702 South 2nd Street St. Louis 4, Mi~souri

General Mills Department of Public Services 400 2nd Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota The Story of Corn and Its Corn Industries Researoh Foundation 3 E. 45th Street New York 17, New York

Plastics from Cellulose

Polyethylene Glyrol Esters Kessler Chemical Co., Inc. State Road & Cottman Avenue Philadelphia 35, Penn~ylvmia. Esters

Glyoo Products Co. 26 Court Street Brooklyn 2, Xew York

Olin Industries, Inc. East Alton, Illinois Why Glycerine in Drugs Glycerine Producers Association & Cosmetics? 295 Madison Avenue New York 17, New York Why Glycerine? Why Glycerine in Foods? Why Glycerine inTextile~? Monoaorlium Glutamate Amino Products Division International Minerals & Chemicals Corp. Box 177, 20 N. Walker Chicago 6, Illinois National Starch Products Co. How t o Prepme & Use Glues, l'wt,es & Gums 270 Madison Avenue New York 16, New Yark Phillips 66 Hydrocarbons Phillips Petroleum Co. Chemical Products Department Rartlesville, Oklahoma Dow Chemical Co. Midland, Michigan Metasap Chemical Co. Mrtallir Soxps Harrison, Kew Jersey The Phy8ica.l Properties Carbide and Carbon Chemical Corp. of Synthetio Organic 30 E. 42nd Street New York 17, New York Chemical Surlxrr Active Agents Atlas Powder Co. Industrial Chemicals Depmtment Wihuington 99, Delaware Facts About Toxsphene Naval Stores Department Toaaphene Kills Grass- Hercules Powder Co. hoppers Wilmington 99, Delaware Current Developments hy A. M. Asherrnan Cyanamid Amerioan Cyanamid Co. (Literature of various 30 Rockefeller Plaza new pmduots) New York 20. New York

Sugas Information, Inc. 52 Wall Street X e a York 5, New York

Sugar as a Food

MISCELLANEOUS Testing in Modern Industry Testing Price List Trends in Industrial Research & Patent Practices The Public's Stake in Pa& ents A Seminar on Whet Inventions Can Mean to You A Symhol of Progress

U. S. Testing Co., Inc. Hohoken, New Jersey

Photographic Chemicals

\Iwllinckrodt Chemical work^ 20 Mallinckrodt Street St. Louis 7, Missouri

h Cnvalcade of Chemistry

1:. I. DuPont de Nemours k Co., Inc. Mrilmingtan 98, Delaware

Explorive P n x l u r t ~

National Association of Manufac turers I4 West 49th Street New York 20, New York

Siuelair Research & Development J,ah. Harvey, Illinois

Health from the Ground Publio Rdatians Department lip International Harvester Co. 180 Michigan Avenue Chicago 1, Illinois S y n t h e t i c Detergent,s J. W. .MeCutcheon ($1.00) 175 5th .Avenue Sew York 17, S e w York The Incandescent Light

T. A. Edison Foundation, Inc. .\Isin Street a t Lskeside Avenue West Orange, S e w Jersey

The Railmad Story

An~ericenEducational Press, Inc. 400 South Front Street Columhus 15, Ohio

50,000 Years of Protection Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. k Decoration (History Pit,tshurph 22, Pennsylvsnin of Paint & Color) Enrirhed Bwnd

4maricen Institute of Baking Consumer Service Deoartment 1135 Fullerton Avenue Chicago 14, Illinois

A Research Man Speak8 Education Service on Chemical Problems Department of Public Relations of the Automobile General Motors Building Detroit 2, Michigan The Story of General Elec- Educational Service trie Rewmeh I River Road Schenectady 5, New York