A Kinetic Study of the Hydrolysis of Pyrophosphates1 - Journal of the

David Owen Campbell, and Mary L. Kilpatrick. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1954, 76 (3), pp 893–901. DOI: 10.1021/ja01632a076. Publication Date: February 1954...
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Feb. 5 , 1954






A Kinetic Study of the Hydrolysis of Pyrophosphates' BY DAVIDOWENCAMPBELL AND MARYL. KILPATRICK RECEIVED OCTOBER5, 1953 Most studies of the hydrolysis of HdP207 (or of one of its salts) have been concerned with the rate of disappearance of pyrophosphate from a medium in which the hydrogen-ion concentration, and consequently also the reacting species, were changing. We have investigated the hydrolysis over a wide range of hydrogen-ion concentration and, by the use of P32as an analytical tool, have kept the phosphate concentration so low that only minor changes of hydrogen-ion concentration occurred even in dilute solutions of strong acids. Adsorption of pyrophosphate on the walls of the vessel prevented the use of such low concentrations of pyrophosphate as to be altogether negligible in comparison to the concentration of acid catalyst. Velocity coefficients for the reactions of HsP207- and of HZPz0,2-with water and with the hydrogen ion have been estimated a t 50,60 and 70" for an ionic strength of 0.15 (mostly sodium chloride), and in addition that for the reaction of H p ~ 0 7 ~with ~~with increasing buffer water has been estimated at 70'. In carboxylate buffers the rate of hydrolysis of H Z P Z O decreases concentration at a given buffer ratio and ionic strength; this phenomenon, which was not observed in p-bromoaniline and the carboxylic acid. In the separation of pyro- from ortho buffers, may be due t o complex formation between H~Pz07~phosphate, the precipitation of zinc pyrophosphate was found superior to that of cadmium pyrophosphate, because with the former, coprecipitation was smaller, and was more reproducible under the (constant) conditions employed.

Previous work on the hydrolysis of pyrophosphates2 has been done chiefly for the purpose of determining the conditions for stability, rather than for studying the kinetics. Pyrophosphates are quite stable in alkaline solution. The hydrolysis is catalyzed by strong acids, and a kinetic study of the hydrolysis of H4P207 alone (or one of its salts) is complicated by the change in hydrogenion concentration with the progress of the reaction H4Pz01 Hz0 +~ H ~ P O I owing to the fact that HdP207 is a stronger acid than H3P04.3 The more reliable of the earlier results were therefore obtained in solutions where the concentration of catalyzing acid was high relative to the initial concentration of pyrophosphate. Of these, the most extensive are the results of MU US,^^ who carried out two series of experiments; in one, the solutions were 8.07 X M in NadPz07, 0.034 to 0.124 M in HC1 and 1 M in KC1, while in the other there was no KC1. Measurements were made a t 20 and 40°,the solutions being analyzed colorimetrically for orthophosphate. The hydrogen-ion concentration was computed from values of the first three dissociation constants of HdPZOT, which hluus determined electrometrically in 1 M KC1 solution a t 20'. hluus found the reaction to be of the first order in pyrophosphate


-d [PzO~] /dt


k [ PzO,]


(where [PzO,] represents the stoichiometric concentration) with k constant throughout an experiment. Muus found k/ [ H + ](where [H+]represents the concentration of the solvated proton) to be constant for the first series of experiments, and nearly constant for the second, and to be smaller for the first series (with KC1) than for the second. She pointed out that if a water reaction and a ( 1 ) Abstracted from the dissertation submitted by David Owen Campbell t o the Faculty of the Graduate School of Illinois Institute of Technology in January, 1953, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. (2) For a review see (a) R. Watzel, Die Chemic, I S , 356 (1942); (b) R.N.Bell, Ind.,Eng. Chem., 39, 136 (1947); (c) B. Topley, Quarf.

Rev., 3,345 (1949). (3) (a) G. A. Abbott, THIS JOWRNAL, 81, 763 (1909); (b) L. Pessel, Monofsh., 43, 601 (1922); (c) S. J. Kiehl and W. C. Hansen, THISJOURNAL, 48,2808 (1926); (d) J. Muus, 2. fihysik. Chcm., 1698, 268 (1932); (e) I. M . Postnikov, Vcslnik Moskoo. Uniu., I , No. 5 , 63 (1960); (f) S. L. Friesn. THIS JOURNAL, 74, 4027 (1952).

hydrogen-ion-catalyzed reaction exist for each species, one would have -d[Pz07]/dt = ki'[HaPz07] kz'[H~PzO7-] . . . h"[H+][ H ~ P Z O ~ ]kz"[H+][H3P207-] . . . (2a) or since in a constant medium K1 = [H +I [H~PzO~-] / [H~PzO~], etc., -d [PzO7l/dt = [H+lf ki [HZ2071 kz [Hd'z07-1 4-



+ +


+ . .. I




Since the hydrolysis is so slow in alkaline solution, she considered that the reactions of H p z 0 ~ ~ and Pz07*- could be neglected. Since the ratio k / [ H + ] was found constant, and since the initial concentration of H3Y20,-in her solutions was more nearly constant than thst of H4P207 or H2P~07~-, Muus concluded, as Abbott had done previously, that the kinetic equation was probably -d[PzOr]/dt

= k'[H+][HaPz07-]


I t appeared to us desirable to examine the hydrolysis over a wider range of hydrogen-ion concentration to learn, if possible, more about the relative reactivities of the various species. We planned to use radioactive phosphorus in the kinetic study in order to keep [P,O7] very low and yet not sacrifice analytical accuracy. Although the theoretical limit of concentration using readily available P32is ca. M , adsorption of the phosphates on the walls of the container forced us to employ initial values of [P207] as high as M in the experiments a t low hydrogen-ion concentration. Even so, however, i t proved possible to demonstrate the reactions of four individual species, H4P207, H3P207-, H2P207*- and HPzOT3-,and to evaluate velocity coefficients for several of the reactions a t 50,ciO and 70'.

Experimental Part Counting Apparatus.-The

radioactivity was measured with instruments manufactured by the h'uclear Instrument and Chemical Corporation; the scaling unit, with highvoltage supply, was their Model 61, and the counting tube their Model D-11or D-12. The radioactive samples were counted, except in a few cases, to a 0.9 error of 1%, or more than 27,000 counts. Thermostats.-The oil-filled thermostats regulated to &O.0lo. The Beckmann thermometers were calibrated, a t intervals, against a platinum resistance thermometer certified by the National Bureau of Standards. Since the kinetic meawremmts were carried out over a period of three years, during which time the settings of the regulators



changed slightly, the rate constant has been corrected, when necessaryd to the selected temperature: 39.85, 49.83, 59.87 or 69.40 . Materials.-All reagents, except the radioactive phosphorus, and the fi-bromoaniline, were of C.P. or Analytical Reagent grade. Once-distilled water was used in preparing the solutions, since it gave the same results in the kinetic experiments as redistilled. j-Bromodniline from Eastman Kodak Co. was subjected to several recrystallizations ill the form of the base and in the form of its hydrochloride. The radioactive phosphorus (P3*,S-3) was procured as an acid solution of orthophosphate from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A level of radioactivity convenient for measurement was obtained by dilution of the radiophosphate to ca. 10 liters per millicurie. Preparation of Radioactive Pyrophosphate .-The method fmt tried was the dehydration of X \ ; B H ~ P radiophosphate O~,~ plus XaHZP04 carrier being heated a t 255'. The yields of pyrophosphate were low, however, except when relatively large amounts of carrier were used. The method finally adopted was the dehydration of the disodium salt,5 our procedure for which follows. Two or three mc. of the radiophosphate (usually less than 1 ml.) was transferred to a small platinum crucible, and neutralized to the phenolphthalein end-point with dilute sodium hydroxide. The carrier, 27 mg. of NazHPO4.10Hs0, was then added, and when it had dissolved, the solution was slowly evaporated to dryness, after which the crucible plus contents was heated to 700-750' for a t least four hours. The product obtained was dissolved in water and transferred to a Pyrex flask; although the solution was alkaline, it was stored on ice. After dilution to yield a radioactivity convenient for analysis, the concentration was initially ca. 2 x 10-6 llf, By this method we obtained products in which ca. 90% of the total radioactivity was pyro-, the rest orthophosphate. The presence of the orthophosphate was due to the fact that in the preparation a little more caustic was added than needed for the conversion of the radiophosphate to Xa2HPOd; this was done in order to prevent the formation of XaH,P04, which would yield more highly condensed phosphates than the pyro- a t 700". The Procedure for the Kinetic Experiments.-The solution was made up in a volumetric flask of either 100- or 250i d . capacity, and this usually served as the reaction vessel. The material of the vessel (Pyrex or Exax glass, or polyethylene) was without effect upon the rate. Five-milliliter aliquots were removed a t selected times, the same pipet being used throughout an experiment. Each aliquot was discharged from the pipet into an excess of caustic in a 15-m1. centrifuge tube, and if the analysis was not to be made within a few hours, it was stored on ice, or frozen. The reaction was followed by precipitation of pyrophosphate as zinc pyrophosphate; the procedure for the analysis will be given later. In the case of the experiments carried out with hydrochloric or perchloric acid, aliquots of the completely hydrolyzed solution were titrated with standard sodium hydroxide with methyl red as indicator. The computation of the hydrogen-ion concentration from the titer will be described later. The logarithm of the radioactivity of the ZntPz07 precipitate was plotted vs. time, and if a linear relationship was found, the first-order velocity coefficient was computed by the method of least squares. Most reactions were followed for a t least three half-t'mes, during which cn. 15 aliquots were taken. It had been previously demonstrated by Hull' that there is no exchange of phosphorus between ortho- and pyrophosphates. The Analysis for Pyro- and for Orthophosphate.-To obtain quantitative precipitations, which require concentrations of a few thousandths molar, it was necessary to add inactive phosphate carrier to the reaction solution, in which { [PO4] -t [P,O,] J was usually of the order of loA4M . In consequence the analytical problem became the separation of pyro- and orthophosphates a t concentrations which were determined by the amount of carrier and reagent added, and which could be kept practicallv constant. Kiehl and Coates' precipitated ZnaPpOl from solutions (4)

D.E, Null, TBIE


E.P. Partridge. V. Hick8 and 0 W. Smith, i b l d . , 63,4.94 (1941). 9. J. Kinhl and H. 6obte4, Ibld., 49, 3180 (19271.


JOURNAL, 68, 1209 (1941).

Vol. 76

containing other phosphates, and for a series of 27 mixtures had an average deviation of 0.9% between PzOr taken and found. Less consistent results were obtained by N y l & ~by ,~ Madorsky and Clark,*and by Hull.4 Hull, in his study of exchange, found the precipitation of Cd2P207preferable t o that of Zn2P207,and a little later Kolthoff and CohnQinvestigated carefully the conditions for the separation of orthoand pyrophosphates by precipitation of Cd?P?O7. I n our work, however, precipitation of Zn,Pz07 was found preferable to that of Cd2P207. And for the determination of orthophosphate, precipitation with ammonium molybdate reagent, as described by Jones,'o was found satisfactory. It was necessary, in our work, to determine the extent of coprecipitation of ortho- with pyrophosphate, and to correct for it, since otherwise the hydrolysis, toward the end, would appear too slow. The determination was made by precipitating pyrophosphate from a solution containing radioactive orthophosphate and inactive pyrophosphate, and counting the precipitate. The total radioactivity was determined by counting the evaporate of an aliquot of the solution. The coprecipitation with Zn2P207was (0.5 zt 0.05)Yo of the orthophosphate activity. That with Cd2P207was ca. l % , and was much more dependent on experimental conditions. It may be mentioned that our gelatinous CdpPpO? precipitates did not become crystalline on standing, which is contrary to the observation of Kolthoff and Cohn. The details of the analysis for pyrophosphate are as follows. To the 5-ml. aliquot of reaction mixture there were added 2.6 ml. of 0.02 M NadPz07 solution, 2.0 ml. of buffer solution of pH 3.6 also containing orthophosphate (1 M in ammonium acetate, 8 M in acetic acid, 0.2 M in HaPOa), and finally 4 ml. of zinc reagent (0.2 M in zinc acetate, 1.7 M in acetic acid). After standing for a t least 20 minutes, the Zn2Py07was centrifuged out. The precipitate was washed twice with 5 ml. of mater, slurried, transferred quantitatively with a medicine dropper to an aluminum counting pan, dried under an infrared lamp, and counted. A few drops of alcohol added to the slurry caused it to spread evenly over the pan. The analysis for orthophosphate was as follows. TOthe 5-ml. aliquot were added 0.5 ml. of 0.04 M H3P04 solution, 1 ml. of 0.02 M NarP207,1 ml. of phosphate-free detergent (to reduce the creeping of the precipitate), and 6 ml. of ammonium molybdate reagent prepared according to the directions of Jones.10 After 15 minutes the precipitate was centrifuged out. It was washed with 1 ml. of saturated NHdXOa solution diluted with 4 ml. of water, then with 4 ml. of water, and transferred and counted as above. If some of the precipitate adhered to the side of the centrifuge tube it was dissolved in 3 M ammonia and transferred to the pan. With the ammonium phosphomolybdate precipitate there was a demonstrable effect of the presence of the precipitate upon the count. Thus, when to 1-ml. aliquots of radioactive solution there xas added the precipitate from 0.33 to 1.50 ml. of inactive orthophosphate carrier solution, for the pans with added precipitate the count was ca. 8% higher than that of the evaporate alone. Probably some of the radiation TYas reflected from the interface between precipitate and pan. With ZnzPz07,on the other hand, a similar test showed no difference, beyond the counting error, between pans with and without added precipitate. Since the assay of the batches of radioactive pyrophosphate (whose preparation was described in a preceding section) depends upon the molybdate precipitation, in determining the percentage of orthophosphate the total radioactivity was measured by precipitating ammonium phosphomolybdate from a completely hydrolyzed aliquot. In determining the percentage of pyrophosphate the total activity was taken as that of an evaporated aliquot. All counts were corrected for background, for coincidence loss, and when necessary, for decay. All pyrophosphate counts were in addition corrected for coprecipitation of orthophosphate. Adsorption.-The early kinetic runs were made in perchloric acid solution more concentrated than 0.1 M , with the initial pyrophosphate concentration [P&Ji of the order __~___ ( 7 ) P. Nyldn, 2. onovg. Chem., 209, 36 (1936). ( 8 ) S . Madorsky and K. Clark, I n d . En#.Chcm., 82, 244 (1940). (9) I. M . Kolthoff end C . Cohn, I n d . E#& Chum., A n d . Ed., 14, h30 [ 1942).

(io) L. T.Jones, Ind. Eng. Chem., 14,836 (1943).

Feb. 5, 1954


of 10-6 M , and straight lines were obtained when log (ZnzP207 radioactivity) was plotted us. time. Later, when the acid concentration was lowered below ca. 0.04 M , curvature appeared; cf. curve A of Fig. 1. To test for possible interaction with the surface of the container, an experiment was performed in which the volumetric flask that served as reaction vessel was partially filled with broken glass, making the surface/volume ratio ca. five times as large as originally. The plot showed the same sort of curvature as before, but the initial slope was steeper. A check of the total radioactivity was made from time to time during the run by evaporation of an aliquot withdrawn from the region just above the glass; after three days the count was lower than the initial count. A t the end of the run the broken glass was washed with water, dried and counted; i t was found to be radioactive. This experiment constituted proof of adsorption, and led us to make two series of tests: in one, we examined various materials for adsorption of phosphates, in the hope of finding one on which adsorption would be negligible; in the other, we studied the effect of container material, and of initial pyrophosphate concentration, upon the rate plots. Adsorption tests were made in 0.005 M perchloric acid on Teflon, Tygon, polyethylene, Exax glass, Pyrex glass, quartz, platinum, silver, aluminum and copper. All adsorbed, glass the least, the metals most. Additional tests were made with glass and with polyethylene, as follows: Since there was always some orthophosphate in the radioactive pyrophosphate solution, a direct test of the adsorption of pyrophosphate alone could not be made; however, when sufficient inactive orthophosphate was added to the solution to make the specific activity due to orthophosphate too low for detection, the adsorption a t first increased with time, then decreased, which indicates that pyro- is adsorbed in preference to orthophosphate. Soaking the adsorbent in a solution of inactive phosphate before placing it in the radioactive solution retarded the appearance of radioactivity on the sample, but after ca. 50 hours the result was the same. The adsorption on glass was dependent on the mode of cleaning, being considerably greater on glass cleaned with chromic acid than on glass cleaned with a detergent. Regarding the removal of radioactivity from the samples, it was found that washing with water caused no reduction in radioactivity after the first few rinses, but that washing with molar acid or base quickly reduced it to a small fraction of the original value. Adsorption was also tested in acetate buffers of PH 3.5-5, and found to be about the same as in 0.005 Af HClO4. There was no measurable adsorption in three days' time from 0.2 M HClO4, but from 0.1 M there was adsorption. Thus adsorption occurred in the region of existence of the HzP20.1~-and HzP04- ions, and on all the materials examined. Similar results for the adsorption of orthophosphate a t $H 2-3 were reported by Tompkins and Bizzell.I1 In the kinetic tests, the rate of disappearance of pyrophosphate was studied using glass flasks, and polyethylene bottles. The bottles were placed in copper cans for protection from the thermostat oil, additional heating being provided around the top of the can to maintain temperature in the solution. The glass and the polyethylene caused the same sort of curvature a t low values of [H+] and [Pz07]t. Since every material we had tried did adsorb phosphates, I t seemed necessary to increase [ P z O ~to ] ~the point where adsorption would have a negligible effect. This was done, but with reluctance, since the increase in [P207]i made the evaluation of [H+] more difficult, and partially nullified the advantages of the radiochemical method. Curves B and C in Fig. 1 show the result of addition of inactive Na4P207 to bring the pyrophosphate concentration to the stated value. Curve B is linear to ca. 94% of reaction, curve C to 97.575, which is as far as the reaction was followed. The individual points are covered in the figure by the solid curves. The values of the second-order velocity coefficient K/[H+] computed from curve C and from the linear portion of curve B are 12.29 and 12.31 1. mole-' hr.-*, respectively. These experiments were carried out in glass flasks, but similar experiments in polyethylene bottles gave the same result, showing that there is no catalysis of the hydrolysis by the surface of the vessel. The conclusion indicated by these experiments, uiz., that curvature is eliminated from the rate (11) (1 950).

P.C . Tamptins afid 0.M. Birrell,

I n d . Eng. Chem., 42, 1469



40 60 80 100 Hours. Fig. 1.-The effect of pyrophosphate concentration on the linearity of the rate plot: A, Pzo7 = 4 X fir, HClOc 0.00485 M; B, Pzo7 = 8 X M,HCIO, = 0.00495 M; C, P& = 2 X 10-4 M , He104 = 0.00503 &I. 20

plots if the initial pyrophosphate concentration is as high as

2 X lod4M , was borne out by the subsequent work. The Hydrogen-Ion Concentration.-After hydrolysis was essentially complete aliquots of the solution, containing perchloric or hydrochloric acid, and orthophosphate, were titrated with standard sodium hydroxide solution to the methyl red end-point or, alternatively, were titrated to the end-point using a pH meter. The titer gave [H+] [HaPo,], a t room temperature. Letting Kj' represent the jth dissociation constant of orthophosphoric acid, and the subscripts i and f initial and final values of the concentration, respectively, a t the end of the reaction one has



[POaIf [HsPOII~ LHzPOI-]~= 2[Pz071i [HsPOII~= 2[H+]f[PzO7li/(K1' [H+lfI (4) The value of [ H s P O ~was ] ~ obtained from the titer by successive approximation, [H+] being taken equal to the titer for the f i s t approximation. From inspection of the dissociation constants of orthoand pyrophosphoric acids it will be seen that titration to the methyl red end-point corresponds to the end-point for HzPz07*- as well as for HzPO4-, L e . , titration of the solution a t the start of the reaction would require the same volume of caustic, as a t the end. This was also observed experimentally. The solution contained initially, besides the hydrogen ion, H4P207,,HaP207-and HzPz072-. However, in sufficiently acid solution for [H4P207]to be significant, the correction to the titer owing to the presence of the phosphates becomes very small. Assuming that [H,P207] may be neglected [ P z O ~= ] ~[H1Pz07-]i [H~P207~-]i, and [HsP~07-]i = [H+]i[Pz07]i/(K~ [H'li) (5) The value of [H+] obtaining when half the pyrophosphate has hydrolyzed may be taken, to a good approximation, as the average of [H+]i and [H+]f, or as the titer minus { [HaPOrlt [H3PzOI-]ij/2, a t room temperature. The value wanted, however, is that a t the temperature of the kinetic experiment. Since K 2 and K1'are not known for the conditions employed, and since in any case the corrections to the titer are small, it was assumed for the purposes of the calculation that K2 = KI' = K (6) and that a t the half-time






[H+l = titer - 3[H+][P~07l1/2{K [€I+]) (7) [H+] was obtained by a series of approximations, with [H+] on the right-hand side of (7) taken equal to the titer for the first approximation. Finally fH+] was corrected to the temperature af the experiment by miiltiplying by the mtin



of the density of water at that temperature t o the density of water a t room temperature. The correction to the titer owing t o the presence of the phosphates amounted t o a t most 675, using reasonable values of K , and for acid concentrations above 0.02 M it was negligibly small. The change in hydrogen-ion concentration accompanying hydrolysis was too small t o be detected on the rate plots. When the reaction was carried out in a buffer solution, the hydrogen-ion concentration was computed from the composition of the buffer, and the dissociation constant of the buffer acid. Each case nil1 be discussed as it arisei: I n preparing the solution for a kinetic experiment, the radioactive hTa4P207solution TI as neutralized t o the proper pH, the buffer was added, and the solution was warmed and made up t o the mark a t 70".




1 2 3



4 .i

.noioxg .00201g ,003037









.ion0 .15116,

IOb a




10-4 10-4

.001002 z x ,001943 2 X 10-4 ,002918 2 x 1 0 - 4 ,00484


,00977 ,01966 ,0494~ .ow4 .1480


x x x x x

2 2 2 2 X

k k/[H+] P 0.01030 2 2 . 5 0.1514 ,01106 1 i . n ,01204 6.20 . r 1 1 3 4 ~ 4.59




.0202~ 2 . m , 0 2 8 8 ~ 1.47 .om 1.12 1.10 ,108~ 1.10 ,1643


in-( 10-4 10-4

X Z ~

.i.514 .I512 ,1511 . i m

,i.m ,130fi

.im ,1493 ,1497

Hydrochloric acid. Ionic strength 0.15, NaCl added.

The Kinetic Results S o S a c 1 added. In Solutions of Strong Acids.-One experiment pass through a minimum was carried out a t 39.85' under conditions similar order constant k/[H+] to those of hluus, aiz., in 0.1177 M hydrochloric a t a hydrogen-ion concentration somewhat less M ; k/[H+] than 0.1; this is seen most clearly in the experiacid solution, with [P207],8 X was 0.133 1. mole-' hr.-l. By plotting Muus's ments a t 49.83' because here higher acid concentraki[H+] ns. [H+I1l2, a straight line was obtained, tions were investigated. The most striking trend, as [H+l from which kl [H'] a t M ~ c =l 0.1177 was found however, is the great increase in k/[H+] becomes very small. And if k is plotted V ~ S . [H+] by a short extrapolation to be 0.135. The results is increasing with are identical when a correction is made for the over the range where k/[H+] the curve obtained will ^be seen decreasing [H+], difference in temperature of 0.15". Our results a t 49.83, 59.87 and 69.40' are reported to have an intercept well above zero on the k axis. in Tables I, I1 and 111. The second column of This is shown in Fig. 2 for the data a t 69.40". each table gives the acid normality a t room temTABLE I11 perature, obtained by titration of the completely KINETIC EXPERIMEXTS AT 6R.40° reacted solution, as described. The third column k Titer [PzO7]i P k/[H+I IHI' gives [H+] a t the temperature of the experiment, 0.2341 2.73 0.298.5 n . 2332, B x 10-5 0.639 calculated from the titer assuming K2 = K,' = ,228 2.63 6 x 10-5 ,232 .228 ,600 K = 0.01 (cf. equation 7). ,197 2.56 ,201 1 x 10-5 ,503 197


1 519 1.484 1.001 1,026

n . 504 ,504

,507 ,507 ,495








.133R .13?3 ,133 ,0972 ,0928




x x



,0815 ,0829

2 . no ~ 0 7 3 , 00282 2 .ono~7;. 2 2 ,1583 2 ,1362 4 ,0795 2 .n8105

13.4 14.0 18.7 44.1



10-4 10-4

,4263 ,728 ,22517












10-4 10-4 10-4 10-1 10-6

2 2


2 2


. 00307

.00297 ,00248




.n n m



zx 4 x 4 x

.o n m


x x x


2 4 2




x x x


. 4 258

1350 ,1350 0881


10-4 10-4


10-4 10-4

,0445 .Ol46

15.00 I 4 97




33.R x in-4 , n3xz x 10-4 ,0374 41.0 x 10-4 ,0348 71 0 a Hydrochloric acid; others, perchloric acid. streiipth 0.1.5. XaC1 added.


On0976 . on052



.on0912 .00049O

,105 ,1607 ,1823 ,1311 ,1311 ,1306 ,1986 ,0813 .088R ,0452 ,0209 .008U ,0061 .onti0

. on53 ,0051 ,0039 ,0022

. 1871

2.72 2.72 2.87 2 84 3.31 3.32 4.36 4.10 7.07 7.31 10.34 10.38

10-4 10-4

. 165.5


,0573 ,0573 ,0527 ,0387



2.43 2.64 2.69 2.88





10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4

8 X 10-5



.a67 .3603 ,3608 ,344


. o m

10-5 1 10-6 5 X 10-5

,04182 ,04192

,470 .43J ,437 ,432 ,463

,296 ,0271 234 ,167 ,1041 ,0720 ,0627


x x


,1696 ,1595

10-8 10'5



. non~ I8

10-5 10-

2.7T, 2 73 2.64 3.10 2.98 2 64 3 71 5.34 9.12 12.4 12.5

.0041R .nom


10-5 10-5 10-5 2 X 10-3 2 2

. nn.508



The concentrations are in units of moles per liter. The fifth column gives the first-order constant k in reciprocal hours, calculated using natural logarithms ; the sixth gives the second-order constant k/[H+] in 1. mole-' hr.-l. The last column gives the ionic strength. The values of the first-order constant k decrease with decreasing [H+]. The values o f the secnnd-


z x 2 x



,1310 ,1310 ,1305 .n9.54 ,0911 .OS88


,00790 . 00506 ,00495

,1494 ,1486

.1510 ,1510 ,1514 ,1514

Hydrochloric acid; others, perchloric acid. strength 0.15, NaCl added.

,1640 ,1650 ,1639

1 4

. n2nn7 .onxis

.i.x17 . I :,OR



.1790 .16S5 ,160.5 ,160.;

,0794 ,0808 ,0406 ,0206

. 1506

x x x


,197 ,1828



I570 ,1503 .1518

. 1,317 . l5lG ,1512 1.517 ,1515 1,712 1510 ,1510 ,1511 ,1311 ,1515 ,1513 ,1314





Feb. 5 , 1954




4 0.4



0.01 0.02 Hydrogen-ion concentration. Fig. 2.-The rate constant a t 69.40' for hydrogen-ion concentrations to 0.02 M: 0, (A), 0.15 ionic strength, hTaCl added; 0 , (B), no NaCl added.

0 Fig. 3.-The

0.5 1.0 1.5 Hydrogen-ion concentration. rate constant a t 49.83' for hydrogen-ion concentrations t o 1.5 M.

ture. It will also be seen from Table IV that the However, in 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution no decrease in k with increasing concentration of hydrolysis was observed in 41 days a t this tem- carboxylate buffer is accompanied by an increase in perature. Figure 2 also shows that the reaction TABLE IV has a negative electrolyte effect. The variation of k with [H+] a t larger values of [H+] is illusTHEEXPERIMENTS IN BUFFERSOLUTIONS trated by Fig. 3. Temp., 69.40'; [P?Oy]i,2 X IO-' M In Buffer Solutions.-The results of the experiAcid Base [H +I k No. P ments carried out in buffer solutions are given in Acetic acid-sodium acetate Table IV. The usual procedure of making suc0.0280 0.0045 1 0.00285 0.0045 9 . 5 X cessive dilutions of a stock solution was employed; 2 1.04 X lo-' ,0256 .020 .0011 .0018 in the table, experiments performed a t the same .020 X ,0238 .0008 .0021 6 3" time, and using the same stock buffer solution, are ,0282 .020 4 ,0090 1.09 X .0087 grouped together. Where the ionic strength is ,0289 .020 .0010 1.63 X 10-6 .0010 5 higher than that due to the charged constituent of .020 .0284 ,0020 ,0020 1.67 X 6 the buffer, sodium chloride was added. .020 7 ,0278 .0050 ,0050 1.70 X lo-' In the computation of [Hf ] in the acetate buffers, 1.73 X ,0279 ,020 .0100 .0100 8 the values of the dissociation constant of acetic 1.5 X ,0277 ,005 ,0050 ,0050 9 acid were estimated from equation (15-8-2) of ,150 1 Ob .150 .I50 2.44 X .0285 Harned and Owen,12 extrapolated to 70". The ,0275 ,150 .lo0 2.44 X 10-5 ,100 values obtained are: 1.36, 1.73 and 2.44 X lod6 1 1 b .050 3.44 X lo-' ,0284 12 .OS0 ,150 a t ionic strengths of 0, 0.02 and 0.15, respectively. ,150 2.44 X 10+ ,0293 ,020 ,020 13 In order to obtain a value of the classical dissocia,150 ,005 ,005 2.40 X lo-' ,0300 14 tion constant of formic acid a t 70" and p = 0.15, it was assumed that the ratio of this constant to 2 . 5 X 10-6 .00724 1jC ,150 .150 .150 the thermodynamic constant a t 25' is the same for 16* .150 ,150 2 . 6 X 10-6 ,00224 ,150 formic and acetic acids. The dissociation constant Formic acid-sodium formate of the p-bromoanilinium ion is not known for the 0.150 2.44 X lo-' 0.0301 0.150 17b 0.150 conditions of our experiments; however, i t is of 18b .IO0 .lo0 2.44 X .0305 ,150 the same order as that of formic acid, and has been .050 .050 2.43 X ,0327 .150 lgb taken equal to that of formic acid in estimating

[H+I. I t will be seen that increasing the concentration of the carboxylic acid and its conjugate base, a t constant ionic strength, resulted in a decrease in rate of hydrolysis. Moreover, a t the higher concentrations of the carboxylate buffers, curvature appeared in the rate plots, the initial specific rate being ca. 57& greater than the final; the values reported for k , in the experiments with curvature, are the initial rates. It will be recalled that in the experiments with strong acids maintenance of [P,O.i]i a t 2 X lod4 M sufficed to eliminate curva(12) H . S. Harned and B . B. Owen, "The Physical Chemistry of Electrolytic Solutions." Reinhold Publ. Corp., New York, N. Y..1950, p. 523.

20 21 22

23 24 25

,020 .OD5 ,002

.020 .005 .002

2.40 X lo-' 2.23 X 2.0 X

.0329 .0329 ,0335

.150 ,150


p-Bromoaniline hydrochloride-p-bromoaniline 0.00415 0.00415 2 . 2 X lo-' 0.0329 0.150 .00852 ,00852 2 . 3 X lo-' ,0338 ,150 ,0181 ,0181 2 . 4 X lo-' ,0345 .150

Ammonium chloride-ammonium hydroxide 10-10 0.00082 0.001 0.001 0.010 ,008 ,002 10-8.6 ,0043 ,008 0.01 M in tetrapropylammonium chloride; contained basic impurity. Curved rate plots; true rates may be Experiment a t 49.83'. slower. Experiment a t 69.87'. e Solvent salt, NaC1. 26 27



["I, especially for the formate buffers, so if the results were corrected for change in [H+1, the trend in k would be still more pronounced. The experiments with p-bromoaniline buffers, on the other hand, show an increase in k with increase in buffer concentration ; the results cover only a narrow range, however, because of the limited solubility of the base. Discussion Any explanation of the kinetic results must be based upon a consideration of the successive dissociations of pyrophosphoric acid. This was pointed out by MUUS,but her data covered too narrow a range of hydrogen-ion concentration to demonstrate the reactivity of species other than H3PzO;-. Although the dissociation constants are not known for the conditions of the kinetic experiments, i t will be helpful to tabulate the existing values. To this list there may be added the equilibrium constant for the reaction Na+

given by Monk13as 4.5 X


~ 2 0 7 4 -

a t 25'.

ion; as pointed out above, the reaction is not accelerated by the buffer constituents, but instead is retarded by them to a slight extent. Since k changes by only 30y0 between [ H + ] = and 2 X 10-5, the reaction must be chiefly one with water. Below 2 X k drops off more rapidly, which can be attributed to the increase in [HP20j3-],/ [Pz07]. Since HP2073- reacts with water more slowly than HzPz072-,and since in these solutions [HPzOi3-] is considerably less than [H2Pz072-], the hydrolysis of HPzOi3- may be neglected without causing serious error. To explain the increase in rate with increase in [ H f ] two courses are open: the acceleration may be attributed to hydrogenion catalysis of the hydrolysis of H2Pz0T2-, or i t may be attributed to the reaction with water of H3P207-, present a t a concentration much less than the analytical concentration. Letting k, be the velocity coefficient for the water reaction of H4P207, k2 that for the water reaction of H3P207-,etc., and letting kl' be the velocity coefficient for the reaction of HdP20; with H30+, kz' that of H3P207- with HsO+, etc., the reactions involved are either ki ' H2P2OiZ- f H30+




1 0 7 ~ ~


18'" 0.14 0.011 2.9 36 180b .. ... 2.1 4.06 20', 1 M K C l C 2 ,027 30 ... 30°d .. ... 1.98 1.32 " G . A. Abbott and IV. C. Bray, THISJOURNAL, 31, 729 (1909). I. M . Kolthoff and W. Bosch, Rec. trav. chim., 47, 826 (1928). J. Muus, 2. physik. Chem., 159A, 268 (1932). d C . Morton, J . Chem. Soc., 1401 (1928).

The Results in Solutions of Strong Base.--Since in 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution we detected no reaction in forty-one days a t 70°, the hydrolyses of P2074-and NaPzOj3- are negligible. The Results in Buffer Solutions.-Runs 26 and 27 of Table IV show that the HP20i3- ion does hydrolyze. Since the concentration of the solvent is so much greater than those of the buffer constituents, and since [H+] for run 27 is close to the middle of the range of existence of HPz0T3-, i t is logical to attribute the rate constant, k = 0.0043 hr.-l, to the reaction between HPz0j3- and HzO. For run 26, a t p H 10, k is only one-fifth as large as in run 27, and if i t is assumed that the buffer constituents have no effect upon the rate, this means that the pyrophosphate exists as four parts PZOT4(or an unreactive association product) and one part HP2OT3-; K 4 calculated on this basis is 4 X in reasonable agreement with the tabulated values. It will be seen from Tables I-IV that k does not change greatly with change in hydrogen ion concentration over the range from l o A a to 10-5. I n this region the HzPz072- ion predominates. At 70°, k decreases from 0.038 a t [H+] = to 0.033 a t 2 X and to 0.028 a t 2 X 10-6. In the experiments with carboxylate buffers H2P20i2- can react with water or the hydrogen (I, 0.0004. If KZis taken 3.0 3.9 ,2297 -2.9 -0.9 1.8 as 0.01, a t [H+] = 0.02, HdP207 constitutes O3y0 ,08103 -7.2 -4.3 -2.2 -1.1 ,4265 -10 ,1562 of the pyrophosphate if K1 is as large as 2, and 12% -0.9 -4.1 -2.2 ,1563 ,4258 -10 -7.0 if K1 is as small as 0.1. We shall assume that av. dev. for 10 points 0.93 0 86 0.83 0.85 1.1 K1 is sufficiently large so that [PzO,] = [HsP207-] 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.6 for all points [H~Pz07~-] to a good approximation. Assuming that a water reaction and a reaction with the Table V I shows the application of equation 10 hydrogen ion exist for each species, and using the to the 70' data, using runs 32-41 of Table 111. same symbolism as before, one has First, for the chosen Kz, [H+] in a given experik[P2071 = Ikz kz'[H+l~[H~PzO~-l ment was calculated by equation 7, with K in 7 -d[PzOz]/dt equal to K2. Second, having k and [H+],the paramk3 k3' [H +I I FM"072-l eters of 10 were evaluated by the method of and upon putting in for [H3P207-]and [H~P207~-]least squares; cf. the figures a t the top of the table. their values in terms of [Pz07],and rearranging, Third, k was computed from U I , U Z , a8 and [H+]. one obtains The first column of Table VI gives [H+] calculated from 7 with K = Kz = 0.01, as in the third column k(Ks [H+l) = kaKz (ka'K2 kz)[H+l kz'[H+le of Table 111; the second column gives the ob(9a) served first-order velocity constant. At the bottom On the other hand, if there are no hydrogen-ion of Table VI are given the average values of 100 reactions, and if part of the hydrolysis takes place (ka8~a.- k o ~ a . ) / k o b , . for the ten runs for which via HdPz07, present a t a concentration much less [H+] < 0.03,and in addition, those obtained when than the analytical concentration, one obtains 10 is extrapolated to include the runs for which [H+] > 0003. kfK2 [H+]l RaKn R s [ H + ] ( k i / K i ) [ H + J ' (Qb)
















k3'K1 kn' [H+l



0.01 0.00968 .0238 ,761

+ kr

RATECONSTANTS AT 59.87 ASD 49.83" 49.83 0.01 0.002576 .00593 ,283

% deviation



59.87 0.004 0.00943 .0167 .828


0.01030 .0110e .0120( .013& ,01564

0.1 -0.3 1.4 -0.4 -1.1

-1.2 -0.5 1.8 0.4 -0.7

I7. 000474 .00102P,

.00192( .002946 ,004834

0.00272 .00288 .003235 .00352 .00113

.00977 ,01966 .04948 ,0984 .1489

.02026 .02896 ,0560 .I080 .l643

0.3 0.0

0.1 0.0 -3.5 - 12 - 17

,00972 .01961 .04937 .0978 .1485

.00556 .00847 .01810 .0374 .0600

Av. dev. for 7 points For all points



0.52 2.3

0.3 1.1 -1.0 0.2 -0.5

0.4 0.1 -0 - 18 - 25

0.2 0.0

= K2ka


- 17 - 24

0.56 5.3


+ [H+lJ

0.5 1.2 -1.1 0.2 -0.4

0.67 3.7

It will be seen that the reaction scheme fits the data to within 170, when [ H f ] < 0.03, for values of Kz from 0.01 to 0.002. The fit is not sensitive to choice of Kz within this range, so i t is not possible to say with certainty which value of KZ is best. Over the range from Kz = 0.01 to 0.002 the estimated value of k3 changes relatively little ; its average is 0.0333 f. 0.0004, as compared with 0.0323 f 0.0004 from the experiments in buffer solution. The coefficient kz' exhibits more change; its average value is 2.30 f 0.11. The parameter uz = k3'KZ k2 is quite sensitive to choice of KZ. If the appropriate value of Kz is put into uz, five linear equations in k3' and k2 are obtained; the five equations may be combined to give ten pairs, each of which may be solved for kg' and kz. The averages of the values thus found are: k2 -- 0.04027 =t 0.00004, k3' = 3.46 f 0.02. The data for 50 and 60' were treated in the same manner, except that the calculations were made for only two values of Kz, 0.01 and 0.004; cf. Table VII. Again the data a t low hydrogen-ion concentrations are fitted by equation 10 to better than 1%. If the parameters ul, uz and a3 of equation 10 are taken to represent k3K2, kz and (kl/K,) of equation 9b, respectively, it is not possible, from the information a t hand, to assign values to kl and kz. And if it is assumed that only the water reactions of the species H3P207- and H2P2072- contribute to the measured rate, the resulting equation k(Kz

0.004 0.00256 .00404 ,288

"0 deviation


0.000458 .OOl00z .001943 002918 ,00484

- 12

1'01. 76

+ kz[H+l

does not fit the data. On the other hand, assuming Kz to lie in the range 0.01 to 0.002, i t is possible to assign values to the velocity coefficients of 9a which yield a calculated value of the specific rate agreeing with the observed value to better than 1% when [H+] < 0.03 a t p = 0.15. Summary of Kinetic Data.-The individual velocity coefficients obtained as described are listed in Table VIII. The concentration of water is included in the velocity coefficients of the water reactions, ;.e., kj is in hr.-l and kj' in 1. mole-1 hr. - I . I t will be seen that kz' and ka' are about

0.47 5.0

the same, and so are k2 and k3, i.e., HsP207- and H2Pz072- react a t about the same rate. TABLE VI11 THEVELOCITY COEFFICIENTS O F THE INDIVIDUAL REACTIONS AT = 0.15 (MOSTLY SaC1) Velocity coefficient


+ + +

&Pa07 Haof H4Pz07 HzO H1Pz07- $- HgO' Hz0 HsPz07H 2 P ~ 0 7 ~ - H30" H1Pzo7~-$- HzO HzO HPzCh3PzOr4-or N a P ~ 0 7 ~ -

+ +



p =


kl' kl kz' kz k3'

kz k4


Temp., 60



No quantitative information No quantitative information 0.285 0.795 2.30 ,00278 .0120 0.0403 ,315 1.18 3.46 ,00257 0.00956 0.0333 ..... . .. .. ,0043"

.E.s No reaction was detectedb In 0.1 M XaOH.

Although only qualitative conclusions can be drawn from the experiments a t higher hydrogenion concentrations because electrolyte effects confuse the observations, H4P207 probably reacts a t about the same rate as H3P107-, or a little faster. Figure 3 shows the experiments a t 50' in solutions of strong acids up to 1.5 M ; i t will be noticed that the curve is concave upward. Assuming that both water reactions and reactions with the hydrogen ion exist, a t high hydrogen-ion concentrations -d [PsOrl /dt I kl kl' [H +I J [H~PzOT] { kz kz'[ H 1' J


+ +


If k1 w kz, and kl' m kz', and if the average values of the primed and unprimed coefficients are 1' and 5, respectively, the specific rate may be written as k = k I ' [ H + ] , approximately. Figure 3 shows that the departure from linearity is greater as [H+]increases, i.e., with increasing [H4Pz07]/ [PzO7], so H d P 2 0 7 probably reacts a little faster than H3P207-. It must be remembered, however, that the electrolyte effect on kl' would probably he pasitive and linear, that on k2' negative and exponential, and that a comparison of slopes at



Feb. 5, 1954

different [H 1's means a comparison of velocity coefficients a t different p's. If one assumes that the species HdP207 and HaPzO7- have water reactions only, one obtains for the specific rate f


a2 and as given in Tables VI and VI1 for Kz = 0.004. It was estimated for [H+] = 0.1 by means

of 10 and the tabulated deviations from the observed values; for ["] = 0.15 i t was estimated from the observed values. The resulting k's were corrected to 49.80, 59.80 and 69.80°, respeck = (Kikl kl[H+lI/{Kt W+I) tively, and the temperature coefficient and energy The equilibrium constant K l would be expected to of activation were calculated from the k's a t each pass through a maximum between p = 0.5 and 1.5, pair of temperatures; in the table, the subscript of the electrolyte effect on kl would be expected to be E gives the median (in OK.)of the two temperavery small, and that on kz t o be linear. Consider- tures employed. ing K1, kl and kz constant, the slope of the k vs. Table X lists the values of the temperature [H+]curve would be, as a first approximation coefficient, energy of activation and frequency ki - k factor of four individual reactions, as computed dk/d[H+] = K i ( h - k * ) / { K i [H+l12 = ~x~+1 from the velocity coefficients of Table VIII, corrected to 49.80, 59.80 and 69.80°, respectively. i.e., i t would decrease with increase in ["I. This is opposite to the observed change, and i t is For the calculations of log A , E353 was used, and the concluded that H4P207does have a hydrogen-ion k's (water reactions) were divided by the concenreaction as well as a water reaction. The increasing tration of water. slope could be explained, to be sure, in terms of the TABLE X water reaction of such a complex as H4Pz07.H+, THE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT, ACTIVATIONENERGY but lacking evidence for its existence, the explanaAND FREQUENCY FACTOR FOR THE INDIVIDUAL REACTIONS tion in terms of the reaction of H4P& with H30+ Velocappears preferable. ity &k a' Ears Eaia Eiai In the literature there are reported values of the coefficient kiii kcal./mole 'Yh" temperature coefficient of the hydrolysis, per tenk>lb 3.04 2.78 2.91 25.3 21.9 23.6 15.4 degree rise in temperature, varying from 2.6 to k: 3.59 4.29 3.93 29.1 31.2 30.2 16.0 3.5. This is readily explained by the varying katb 3.11 3.72 3.41 25.8 28.1 27.1 17.7 contributions of the individual reactions with 29.0 15.3 ksb 3.71 3.71 3.71 29.8 28.1 change in experimental conditions. Table IX a A is in units of liters per mole per hour. * Values calcushows the temperature coefficient and energy of lated from the data of Table VIII. activation of the net reaction for hydrogen-ion concentrations up to 0.15, a t an ionic strength of It may be pointed out that the measured energy of 0.15. The velocity constant k was calculated by activation a t [H+] = 0.10 and 0.15 in Table equation 10 for [H+]< 0.03, using the values of al, I X is less than the energy of activation of any of the reactions of HdP207-and HzP207*-, given TABLE IX in Table X, which indicates that the hydrolyTHE VARIATIONOF THE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT AND sis of the H1P207 molecule is coming in a t these ACTIVATIONENERGY OF THE NET REACTION WITH HYDROhydrogen-ion concentrations. GEN-ION CONCENTRATION AT p = 0.15 Acknowledgment.-We wish to thank Dr. hlark23 k!? Easa Enza tin Kilpatrick, who suggested this problem, and [H+l kasi ksan kcal. per mole 0.0001" 3.75 3.65 3.70 30.1 27.7 28.9 Dr. Richard C. Vogel, with whose help it was begun. We also wish to express our gratitude to the .001' 3.65 3.77 3.71 29.4 28.5 29.0 .005" 3.46 3.75 28.3 3.60 28.4 28.3 Atomic Energy Commission for the predoctoral .010" 3.35 3 60 3.47 27.5 27.5 27.5 fellowship held by the junior author (D.O.C.) a t .020" 3.23 3.39 3.31 26.7 26.2 26.4 Illinois Institute of Technology, and to the Depart.loo" 2.65 2.85 2.75 22.2 22.5 2 2 . 3 ment of State for the Fulbright grant made to the .150b 2 59 2.72 2.65 21.7 21.5 21.5 senior author, who prepared the work for publication while a t the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural a Values of k calculated by means of equation 10 and the data of Tables VI and V I 1 for Kz = 0.004. V a l u e s of k College, Copenhagen, Denmark.




k (k)


estimated from experimental data.
