A Kinetics Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory

Basolo, Hayes, and Neumannz studied the rate of dissociation of the tris-o-phenanthroline nickel(I1) ion in acidic solution. These workers found that ...
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Robert D. Whitakerl Washington and Lee University Lexington, Virginia

A Kinetics Experiment for the Physical Chemistry Laboratory

This paper describes an experiment in chemical kinetirs in which the absorbance of a reacting species is determined as a function of time. The experiment may easily be completed in one or two three-hour laboratory periods with sufficient information to enable the calculation of the activation energy. The results reported herein were obtained with a Beckman Model DB Spectrophotometer, using silica cells with a thickness of 1 cm. Present address: Department of Chemistry, The University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. H. M., J. Am. l B n s o ~ o F., , HAYES,J. C. AND NEUMANN, Chem. Soc., 75, 5102-6 (1953).



Journal of Chemical Educafion

Basolo, Hayes, and Neumannz studied the rate of dissociation of the tris-o-phenanthroline nickel(I1) ion in acidic solution. These workers found that the complex ion dissociates in a stepwise fashion: k.


+ + o-phen


+ o-phen

N i ( ~ - p h e n ) ~d ++ Ni(~-phen)~++0-phen k~

NXc-phen).++ kr

Ni(o-phen)++ ---+

with kl