a semidiagrammatic potentiometer suitable for lecture demonstrations in a large room. The potentiometer described belov can be used also for lecture ...
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The sooner the student of chemistry obtains a thorough knowledge of reversible electrode reactions, the more fascinating and useful he will jind the subject. The underlying theory is simple and its applicatiom, for instance, to qwllitative analysis, both varied and interesting. Wefind that the average sophomore can obtnzn a clear grasp of the subject from a few lectures, if only they are profusely illustrated with suitable experiments. W e here outline our praentation of the subject to such a class and describe the construction of a semidiagrammatic potentiometer suitable for lecture demonstrations i n a large room. The potentiometer described belov can be used also for lecture demonstrations i n elementary physical or electrochemistry, or for student laboratory experiments.

Introduction A clear understanding of the arrangement, operation, and theory of reversible electric cells is exceedingly useful to any student of chemistry. Reduction potentials give a quantitative measure of the driving force of many chemical reactions; showing in which direction and how far they will proceed. They enable the analyst to choose a reducing agent which will precipitate one substance without affecting others which may be present. They show him the extent of the precipitation and hence the sensitivity of the test. Finally, the simple theory of concentration cells furnishes a quick and easy way to determine the solubility of "insoluble" salts. Despite its usefulness, the quantitative study of oxidation-reduction reactions is often postponed until late in the college course. An excellent lecture by A. A. Noyes a t the California Institute of Technology in 1926 convinced the senior author that an elementary treatment of the subject offers no inherent difficulties to the student. To this lecture we are indebted for a number of the experiments, and the inspiration for much of the work described below. Assuming no previous scientific training except one year of college chemistry, we devote four lectures to the subject. In our experience sophomores with a fair knowledge of the law of massaction grasp the subject of oxidation-reduction reactions more easily than the solubility-product principle and find it more interesting. It is of course useless to give abstract lectures without demonstrating the principles a t the same time. It is impossible to explain the operation of an ordinary potentiometer, in which simplicity is rightly subordinated to accuracy, and to measure potentials in such a way that a class of a hundred 1157



Jm, 1931

will be able to see what is going on. Accordingly, after considerable thought and experimentation, we evolved an apparatus which is large enough to be visible from all parts of the lecture room; simple and semidiagrammatic in arrangement of circuits and yet sensitive to less than a centivolt in measuring e. m. f.

Apparatus The structural details may easily be understood by refemng to the accompanying photographs and figures. The frame is made from 2-cm. white pine, 1.08 m. long. The base is 33 em. wide. The upright piece is 42 cm. high, with a 3-mm. piece of oak (A, Figures 1 and 2) fastened along the top to support the slide wire (W). This is a piece of No. 30 B. & S. gage "advance" (constantan) wire having a total resistance of about 10 ohms. It is held in place a t each end by a flat copper clamp (C) secured with two small brass machine screws (B, Figure 2). The slider (3is made from a piece of sheet brass bent as shown so that the two bottom edges fit into 3-mm. square slots cut into each side of the upright 15 mm. from the top. The tapping key (K) is FIGURE1 mounted on a phosphor bronze strip fastened (at D ) A-Oak strip to the middle of the slider and hinged so that it K-Tapping key can be swung to either end. In this way the whole length of the slide wire can be utilized. The metal parts are all nickel-plated, to avoid tarnishing. The wood is enameled white and the scale painted with heavy black lines spaced 1 cm. apart. Every tenth division is numbered. The connections are made with heavy, black insulated copper wire, carK ried as straight as possible in order that all the circuits can easily be traced. For the same reason, connection is made to the slider by ,means of t h e flexible spiral FIGURE2 shown. -~ ~h~ ~ . ~ standard h ~ ~ A-Oak ~ dstrip; B S a e w s ; C-Clamp; D-Pivot of key K; K-Key; S-Slider; W-Slide wire. Weston cell is mounted in mercury cups, made by drilling holes into a block of wood and paraffining the iqside to prevent the escape of the mercury. The cell can readily be removed for demonstration purposes and as easily replaced.




The half-cells are made of pyrex glass as shown in Figure 3. The siphon tubes are filled with a 1% solution of agar, 1 N in KNOa. (This is poured in hot and solidifies in a short time.) 1 N KN03, in a flat culture dish into which the siphon tubes dip, completes the salt bridge. KNOI, instead of KC1, was used to avoid precipitation with Ag+ and Pb++. The electrodes are made from strips of metal (M) soldered to copper lead wires (L), which are sealed into rubber stoppers with wax. The cells slip easily into a simple

focaFIOURE 3 M-Metal eledrode &Copper lead wires

wooden stand (Figure 4) which holds them rigid. Electrical connection is made through mercury cups (marked and -) into which the copper lead wires dip. Any cell combination can thus be assembled in a moment. When not in use, the half-cells are kept in a rack made like the stand but with openings for six half-cells.


Lecture Presentation Before explaining the operation of the instrument, a few definitions are given. The ohm is defined as the resistance offered by a standard column of mercury; the ampere, as current flowing a t the rate of one coulomb per second. (The coulomb is already familiar to the student as '/s6,soo of the quantity of electricity required to deposit one gram-equivalent of an element.) The volt is then defined by means of Ohm's law, E = IR. Connecting the working cell by closing the switch a t the upper left-hand corner gives, along the slide wire, a uniform potential drop, the total value of which is controlled by the rheostat in the upper right-hand corner. The slider is set a t 1.018 v., the potential of the standard cell, to which connection is now made by means of the double-throw switch. The tapping key is then depressed and the rheostat adjusted until there is no galvanometer deflection. This means that no current is flowing in the



Jum. 1931

standard cell circuit. Hence the potential drop in the battery circuit along this portion of the slide wire exactly equals that of the standard cell which it opposes. The potential drop is 1 centivolt per centimeter, and the scale direct-reading. We are now ready to measure the e. m. f. of an unknown cell. Since the electromotive series of the elements is familiar to all elementary students, we first show how the numerical values of the reduction potentials are obtained. Any cell combination gives a difference i n potentiel which we can measure by means of the potentiometer. This may be compared to the difference in altitude between two places. There is no absolute scale of altitudes and no absolute scale of potentials. In one case, we agree to call mean sea level the zero of our scale; in the other, the potential of hydrogen gas (at one atmosphere pressure) against hydrogen ion (at one molal activity). The difference between ion activity and solute concentmtion is of course pointed out. A hydrogen electrode is then shown and explained and the molal reduction potential of several metals is measured. Using ordinary cylinder hydrogen, "c.P." metals, and laboratory distilled water, it is easy to come within about a centivolt of the accepted values for the common metals. Zn, Pb, Cu, and Ag are particularly good. The half cells are made up with solutions 1 M in the metal ion and these are connected in turn against the hydrogen half cell. The sign of the reduction potential is taken as that of the solution. This rather troublesome convention is discussed a t some length. We then show how diierent half-cells may be connected together and the e. m. f. of the combination calculated from the algebraic difference of the two molal reduction potentials (again like altitudes). The method of representing cells is explained, together with the ionic equilibria which are represented by them. The sign of the e. m. f. of the cell tells us the direction in which the reaction tends to go. Thus the cell CuICu++ (lM)IIAgf (1M)IAg

represents the equilibrium '/Cu

+ Ax+ = '/*Cui+ + Ag


Since the molal reduction potentials of Cu Cu++ is -0.31 v. and of AglAg+ is -0.80 v., thee. m. f. of the cell; E (cell) = -0.34 - (-0.80) =

+ 0.46 v.

The positive sign of the cell shows that under the specified conditions, the reaction tends to go from left to right and copper tends to displace silver. The principle can be generalized and applied to negative as well as positive ions. If the sign of the cell is positive, the reaction will give



oxidation in the left half-cell and reduction in the right. The fact that both right and reduction have the same initial letter gives a useful mnemonic key. If the sign of the cell is negative, reduction goes on in the left halfcell and oxidation in the right. The Effect of Ionic Concentration The student is already familiar with the effectof a common ion upon the solubility of a salt. Might not ion activity similarly affect reduction potentials? According to Nernst's kinetic picture of the balanced forces a t an electrode, the tendency of the electrode to dissolve as ions is opposed by the electromotive force set up between ions and electrode and also by the osmotic pressure of the ions already in solution. Solution pressure = E. m. f.

+ Osmotic pressure.

Thermodynamics shows that these terms can be evaluated and that the measured electromotive force

Substituting the values of the gas constant (R), Faraday's equivalent (F), and the absolute temperature (T), and changing from natural to common logarithms gives, a t 20°C.

Here ( n ) represents the change i n valence of (number of electrons lost by) each substance in going from the reduced to the oxidized state, while (C) represents the molal activity of the corresponding ion. If C = 1, log C-= 0 and E




El is therefore a constant, characteristic of the electrode. It is called the molal reduction potential and is the e.m. f. between an electrode and a solution 1M in the ions furnished by it. According to Nernst's theory, i t is a measure of the solution pressure of the substance which is ionizing. The quantitative effect of changing the concentration of the ions is then illustrated by a number of examples. Two identical half-cells are first connected and a zero difference in potential predicted and found. The solution in one half-cell is then diluted in stages, by putting a known amount of i t into a volumetric flask which is filled to the mark with distilled water. The following series of cells is set up and the measured e.m.f. compared with that calculated. In such concentration cells, of course, the actual value of the reduction potential need not be known. Ag 1 Ag+(ld.I) [IAg+(lM) I Ag. E. m. f. (observed) = 0.00 v. E. m. f . (calculated) = (E,-El) = 0.00 v.




POTENTIOMETER SET-UP Ag I Agt(0.lW I I A g + ( l W I Ag. E. m. f. (observed) = +0.06 v. E.m. f. (calculated) = (E~-(0.06/1)log(10-L))-E1 = (-0.06)(-1) = +0.06 v. Ag I Ag+(0.001M) 11 Ag+(lM) I Ag. E. m.f. (observed) = +0.17 v. E. m. f. (calculated) = +0.18 v.

A similar set of experiments with Cui+ cells shows that in this case the change is only 0.06 + 2 or 0.03 v. for each tenfold change in ion activity. These experiments give a very clear and convincing proof of the Nernst equation. We can now answer such questions as "How completely will metallic iron precipate copper from a solution, if a t the end of the reaction [Re++] = lM?" Consider the cell F e I F e + + (1M) IICui+ ( c W / C u


The molal reduction potentials are Fe I Fe++ = +0.44 v.; Cu Cu++ = -0.34 v., hence the e. m. f. of the cell is given by the equation

BACKOF POTENTIOMETER, SHOWING WORKING CELLSHELP T h e racks far half-cells and for solutions of electrolytes fit here conveniently when not in use.

VOL.8. No. 6 LECTURE-DEMONSTRATIONPOTENTIOMETER E (cell) = f0.44-(-0.34-0.03


log [Cuf+l)

As the concentration of the Cu++ is reduced, its reduction potential will be increased. Finally the e. m. f. of the whole cell will be reduced to zero, when no further reaction will occur. Putting E (cell) = 0 gives 0.03 log [Cui+1 = -0.78 log [CU++]= -26, hence [CU++]= mols./l.

This shows the copper will be "completely" precipitated under the circumstances (practically those obtaining in the laboratory when copper ions are removed before precipitating Cd as the yellow CdS). A similar calculation shows that Cd, with a molal reduction potential of +0.40 v. will not be precipitated unless it is present a t a greater concentration than 0.05 M (which corresponds to about 300 mg. of Cd, 70% ionized, in the volume of 40 cc.). Oxidizing and Reducing Substances in Solution Hitherto we have considered the e.m. f. of half-cells consisting of a neutral substance and an ion. The same substance may also exist in solution in two diierent states of oxidation. If we put an inert conductor (like a platinum wire) into a solution containing a mixture of Fe++ and Fe+++, we find between wire and solution a difference in potential, the magnitude of which, in a solution of constant H+ activity, depends on the ratio between the two ion concentrations. Such a system may therefore form a half-cell. The following cell

we find bas an e. m. f. of -0.75 v. reaction Fef+

Hence under these conditions the

+ H + e Fef+' + '/*HI

will tend to go to the left; Fe+++ oxidizing HI. The actual reduction potential of the ferrous-ferric half-cell is dependent not on the particular concentration of either ion, but on the ratio of the two concentrations. In general, for such a half-cell, 0.06 E=E,---logn

[oxidized] [reduced]

where n is now the difference i n eralence between the two states. We are now in a position to deal, experimentally and theoretically, with any reversible ionic oxidation-reduction reaction. For example, in which direction will the following reactiou proceed?



JUNE. 1931

Set up the corresponding cell

The E (cell) is calculated and found to be +0.05 v. E. m. f . (cell) = -0.75-(-0.80)

= f0.05 v.

Therefore, in a solution molal in all three ions Ag+ oxidizes Fe++. However, the potential of the cell is small and if the Ag+ were reduced to 0.1 M or the FeC++( Fe++ ratio increased to 10, the reaction would tend to go the other way. Ag then reduces Fe+++. This is strikingly illustrated by an experiment shown by A. A. Noyes in the course of the lecture to which reference has already been made. In one test tube, Fe(N0a)n (1 M) slowly precipitates silver from AgN03 (1 M ) and becomes colored. In a second test tube, powdered silver slowly decolorizes Fe(SCN)a, reducing Fe+++ to Re++, because the concentration of Ag+ from the insoluble AgSCN is kept very low. The (algebraic) increase in the reduction potential caused by insolubility of a compound of the higher state of oxidation explains why it is sometimes possible to oxidize a substance which is usually unaffected by even the strongest oxidizing agents. Thus, the value of the molal reduction potential of Co++ [ Co+++ is -1.98 v. (as compared with -1.39 v. for such a strong oxidizing agent as chlorine). Accordingly, only in forming such insoluble compounds as CO(OH)~ and K3Co(NO2)s, which furnish an extremely low concentration of Co+++, do we obtain cobalt in the higher valence. Finally, the potentiometer gives a simple method of determining the solubility of "insoluble" substances, as the following experiment shows. AgCl is precipitated, washed free of excess ions, shaken with distilled water, and stored in a dark bottle. We then set up the cell: Ag I Ag+ (in sat. AgC1) II Ag+(lM) I Ag

The e. m. f. is found to be +0.30 v.

Calculation shows

(E,-0.06 log[Ag+])-EX = +0.30, therefore Log[Ag+] = -5 and [Ag+] = 10-5 mols./l.

Assuming complete dissociation, this figure represents the solubility of AgC1. In similar fashion, the solubility of PbC& can also be demonstrated. Conclusion

We have described the construction of a simple, semi-diagrammatic potentiometer suitable for lecture demonstration before a large class. The electrical circuits and the readings of the scale can both be seen clearly. Using this instrument and the simple half-cells also described, it is pos-




sible to demonstrate the molal reduction potentials of the commoner metals, obtaining values within one or two centivolts of the accepted ones. We have briefly outlined our presentation of the theory of the poteutiometer and of the reactions a t a reversible electrode. The correctness of Nernst's equation showing the effect of changing ionic concentration upon the reduction potential is demonstrated by many simple experiments with concentration cells. Finally, we have shown the importance of an early understanding of oxidation-reduction reactions and some of the applications of the theory in the field of qualitative analysis, including the determination of the solubility of "insoluble" compounds.