A long, regular polypeptide 310-helix - Macromolecules (ACS

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A Long, Regular Polypeptide 310-Helixt C. Toniolo* and G. M. Bonora Biopolymer Research Center, C.N.R., Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Padova, 35131 Padova, Italy

A. Bavoso, E. Benedetti,* B. Di Blasio, V. Pavone, and C. Pedone Department of Chemistry, University of Naples, 80134 Naples, Italy. Received August I, 1985 ABSTRACT The infrared absorption and 'H nuclear magnetic resonance analyses of chloroform solutions of the terminally blocked homooctapeptide from the C,+-dimethylated a-aminoisobutyric acid residue are consistent with the presence of a 310-helicalstructure of high thermal stability. The crystal structure of the octapeptide, obtained by X-ray diffraction, indicates the formation of a 310-helix,stabilized by six consecutive H bonds of the Clo-I11(or 111') type. This represents the first observation a t intramolecular N-H-O=C atomic resolution of a regular 310-helixlarger than two complete tums. Packing of the octapeptide molecules gives rise to a channel in which the solvent (methanol and water) molecules are accommodated.

1. Introduction Our recent solution conformational analysis of monodispersed, terminally blocked (Aib), homooligopeptidesto the The polypeptide 310-helix,first proposed by Donohue dodecamer is strongly in favor of the formation of fully in the early 1 9 5 0 ~ has ' ~ a three-residue repeat and a Jd developed, stable Blo-helicesin chloroform, starting from bond between the C=O group of residue i and the N-H the o ~ t a m e r . ~ ~ group of residue i + 3 [type I11 (or 111') Clo-form or pIn this paper we present the results of a conformational bend].53"fi2 Its 4 , torsion ~ angles are approximately fWO, investigation in CDC13solution of the terminally blocked f30°, within the same energy minimum in the conforAib homooctapeptide, p-BrBz-(Aib),-O-t-Bu (p-BrBz = mational map ds the ( ~ 4 3 . 6helix.'B~~'?~~ ~~) However, the p-bromobenzoyl, O-t-Bu = tert-butoxy) by using infrared H-boriding schemes are significantly different in the two (IR) absorption and lH nuclear magnetic resonance types of helices, being of the i i + 4 (C,,-form or a(NMR). We extended the study of the structural prefbend%)in the cr-helix. For a long periodic structure fonhed erences of this octapeptide to the crystal state by means by C"-monoalkylated a-amino acid residues with the same of X-ray diffraction. This investig&on represents the first chirality at the a-carbon atom, the 310-helixis energetically at atomic resolution oya long (more than two considerably less favorable than the a - h e l i ~ . l ~ ? ~ ' +observation ~~ complete turns), regular 310-helix and allowed us to Therefore, it is not surprising that only short pieces of characterize this important peptide ordered secondary approximately 310-helix(particularly a t the C terminus of structure in detail. an a-helix) have been found in protein crystal structure a n a l y ~ e s " J ~ . ~(for , ~ ' ~recent ~ @ examples, see ref 14,27, and 2. Materials and Methods



(a) Peptide Synthesis. p -BrBz-Aib-OH. This compound was synthesized from p-BrBz-C1 and H-Aib-OH in an aqueous NaOH-acetone mixture: yield 95%; mp 226-227 "C (from ethyl shown that the $,q angles of the achiral Aib (a-aminoisoacetate-petroleum ether); thin-layer chromatography (silica gel butyric acid) residue, the prototype of the C"*"-dialkylated plates 60F-254, Merck Darmstadt) R p (91 CHC1,-ethanol) 0.10, a-amino acids, are restricted to values near those associated Rf2 (3:l:l l-butanol-acetic acid-water) 0.80. Anal. Calcd for with either right- or left-handed a- or 3,,-helices, unless CllHI2NO3Br: C, 46.2; H, 4.2; N, 4.9; Br, 27.9. Found: C, 46.2; it is part of a strained cyclic compound.21 The X-ray H, 4.2; N, 4.9; Br, 28.0. The crystal structure has recently been solved by X-ray diffra~tion.5~ diffraction structures of Aib homopeptides to the pentamer Oxazolone from p-BrBz-Aib-OH. This compound was have provided examples of short (less than two complete synthesized from p-BrBz-Aib-OH in acetic anhydride at 120 OC turns) 310-helicalconformations in the solid state.3~44*52~56~61 for 20 min? yield 96%; mp 106-107 "C (from hot benzene); R p 0.95. Anal. Calcd foi C11H10N02Br: C, 49.3; H, 3.8; N, 5.2; Br, 29.8. Found C, 48.8; H, 3.9; N, 5.1; Br, 29.2. The crystal structure 'This is part 143 in the series "Linear Oligopeptides". For part 142, see ref 57. of this compound has recently been solved by X-ray diffra~tion.5~

More recently, by theoretical'~4J0~33~3s~40~4z~~~61 as well as

experimental3~s~Q~22~z3~z6~36,~,~,5z,~~5~~6l studies it has been


0 1986 American Chemical Society

Macromolecules, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1986 p-BrBz-Aib-0-t-Bu. This compound was synthesized from p-BrBz-Aib-OH and isobutene in anhydrous methylene chloride in the presence of a catalytic amount of H2S04:@yield 61%; mp 144-145 "C (from ethyl acetate-petroleum ether); R, 0.90, R, 0.90. Anal. Calcd for CI5Hz0NO3Br:C, 52.6; H, 5.9; N, 4.1; Br, 23.3. Found: C, 52.1; H, 5.8; N, 4.0; Br, 23.1. p -BrBz-(Aib)z-O-t-Bu, This compound was prepared from the oxazolone from p-BrBz-Aib-OH and H-Aib-O-t-BP in anhydrous acetonitrile under reflux for 8 h:@ yield 65%; mp 131-132 "C (from ethyl ether-petroleum ether); R, 0.90, R, 0.90. Anal. Calcd for Cl9HZ7N2O4Br: C, 53.4; H, 6.4; N, 6.6; Br, 18.7. Found C, 53.5; H, 6.4; N, 6.6; Br, 18.9. p-BrBz-(Aib),-OH. This compound was prepared from p BrBz-(Aib)2-O-t-Buin the presence of trifluoroacetic acid for 1 h:58 yield 97%; mp 234-235 "C (from ethyl acetate-petroleum ether); R, 0.10, R, 0.80. Anal. Calcd for CljHlJV204Br: C, 48.5; H, 5.2; N, 7.6; Br, 21.5. Found C, 47.9; H, 5.1; N, 7.5; Br, 21.3. Oxazolone from p -BrBz-(Aib),-OH. This compound was prepared from p-BrBz-(Aib),-OH in acetic anhydride at 120 OC for 20 min? yield 91%; mp 125-126 "C (from hot benzene); R, 0.95. Anal. Calcd for CljHl7NZO3Br:C, 51.0; H, 4.9; N, 7.9; Br, 22.6. Found: C, 50.2; H, 4.8; N, 7.8; Br, 22.1. p-BrBz-(Aib),-O-t-Bu. This compound was synthesized from the oxazolone from p-RrBz-(Aib),-OH and H-Aib-O-t-Bu@in anhydrous acetonitrile under reflux for 8 h m yield 65%; mp 191-192 "C (from ethyl ether-petroleum ether); R ~ 0 . 5 5Rfz , 0.90. Anal. Calcd for C23H34N305Br: C, 53.9; H, 6.7; N, 8.2; Br, 15.6. Found: C, 53.3; H, 6.7; N, 8.1; Br, 15.4. p-BrBz-(Aib),-OH. This compound was prepared from pBrBz-(Aib),-O-t-Bu in the presence of trifluoroacetic acid for 1 h:58 yield 94%; mp 190-192 "C (from ethyl acetate-petroleum ether); R 0.00; R, 0.70. Anal. Calcd for C1$IzeN305Br: C, 50.0; H, 5.7; $9.2; Br, 17.5. Found: C, 50.1; H, 5.8; N, 9.1; Br, 17.3. Oxazolone from p - B ~ B Z - ( A ~ ~ ) ~ This - O Hcompound . was prepared from p-BrBz-(Aib),-OH in acetic anhydride at 120 "C for 10 min? yield 62%; mp 185-186 "C (from hot benzene); R, 0.55. Anal. Calcd for Cl9HZ4N3O4Br: C, 52.1; H, 5.5; N, 9.6; Br, 18.2. Found: C, 51.6; H, 5.4; N, 9.5; Br, 18.0. p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Bu. This compound was synthesized from the oxazolone from p-BrBz-(Aib),-OH and H-(Aib)j-O-t-Bu@in anhydrous acetonitrile under reflux for 12 h:58 yield 37%; mp 323-324 "C; Rjl 0.35, R, 0.85. Anal. Calcd for C43H69N8010Br: C, 55.1; H, 7.4; N, 11.9; Br, 8.5. Found: C, 54.6; H, 7.3; N, 11.8; Br, 8.4. (b) Infrared Absorption. Infrared absorption spectra were recorded with a Perkin-Elmer Model 580B spectrophotometer equipped with a Perkin-Elmer Model 3600 IR data station. The band positions are accurate to i l cm-'. Cells with path lengths 0.1 and 1.0 cm (with CaF, windows) were used. Spectrograde deuteriochloroform (99.8% d ) was purchased from Merck. For the measurements at variable temperature a Specac Model P / N 21.000 (Analytical Accessories, Ltd., Orpington, Kent, U.K.) thermostatically controlled cell was employed. Spectra were taken for a 1.0-mm path length sample cell with AgCl windows. Temperature was measured directly in the sample by means of a thermocouple. Because some of the bands exhibited sensitivity to humidity, the presence of which was revealed by the Occurrence of significant absorptions at 3670 and 3580 cm-', great care was paid to ensure the absence of water in the solvent. (c) 'H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. The 'H nuclear magnetic resonance spectra were recorded with a Bruker Model WP2OOSY spectrometer. Measurements were carried out in deuteriochloroform (99.96% d; Merck) and dimethyl sulfoxide (99.96% d,; Stohler) with tetramethylsilane as the internal standard. The free radical TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-lpiperidinyloxy) was purchased from Sigma. (a) X-ray Diffraction. Crystals of p-BrBz-(Aib),-O-t-Bu were grown from a mixture of methylene chloride and methanol by slow evaporation at room temperature. Preliminary oscillation and Weissenberg photographs were taken to establish the crystal svmmetrv and mace mouu. Determination of the cell constants a i d col1e"ction of theX-ray intensity data were performed on a CAD4 Enraf-Nonius diffractometer at the Centro di Metodologie Chimico-Fisiche of the University of Naples, equipped with PDP8/E and P D P l l / 3 4 digital computers. For the structure determination and refinement, the structure determination

310-Helix 473 Table I Crystallographic Data for p -BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Bu mol formula C43H~sNs01~*Hz0.3CH3OH mol weight (amu) 1052.13 crystal system triclinic Pi space group 2, molecules/unit cell 2 &A 11.001 (4) b, A 16.265 (4) c, A 16.681 (4) a,deg 101.36 (2) & deg 90.82 (3) 7 , deg 95.10 (3) v, A3 2984.3 d(calcd), g/cm3 1.199 d(exptl), g/cm3 (by flotation) 1.20 radiation Cu K a , X = 1.5418 A no. of independent reflections 11043 reflections with I > 3.0a(n 3799 final R value 0.097 temp, "C 23, ambient programs (SDP) package was used. Unit cell parameters were obtained with the orientation matrix for data collection by means of a least-squares procedure of the angular parameters of 25 centered high-angle reflections. A summary of the crystal data is given in Table I. The analysis of the peak profiles suggested an w 2 6 scan mode with a scan angle Au = (1.0 0.15 tan 6)"; background counts were taken in an additional area of Aw/4O on both sides of the main scan with the same scan speed for each reflection. A crystal-to-counter distance of 368 mm was used with horizontal and vertical counter entrance aperture of 4 mm and (3.5 0.5 tan e)", respectively. The tube placed between the goniometer head and the detector was evacuated with a vacuum pump. Prescan runs were made a t a speed of 3.5"Jmin. Reflections with a net intensity I I 0.5u(n were flagged as "weak"; those having I > 0.5o(Z) were measured at lower speed (1.0-3.5"/min) depending on the value of &)/I. Two intensity control reflections were measured every 60 min of X-ray exposure time in order to monitor the crystal and the electronic stability; no significant change in intensity was observed during data collection. Orientation matrix checks were made with respect to the scattering vectors of four well-centered reflections every 200 reflections;reorientation was made by using 25 high-angle reflections if the displacements of the measured scattering vector exceeded the calculated value of 0.15". In the range 1-70' of 6 explored, 11043 reflections were collected; of those, 3799 with a net intensity greater than 3.00(0 were considered as observed and used in the subsequent calculations. All reflections were corrected for Lorentz and polarization effects. The structure was solved by means of direct methods, using MULTAN.~The E map of the set of phases with the best combined figures of merit revealed the position of most of non-hydrogen atoms. The remaining atoms were located by subsequent Fourier synthesis. The structure was refined by a full-matrix least-squares procedure, minimizing the quantity Cw(F2 - F:), with weights w equal to l/a(F:). AU heavy atoms were refined with anisotropic temperature factors. Hydrogen atoms were introduced in their stereochemically expected positions with isotropic temperature factors equal to the equivalent B factor of the atom to which each of them is linked. Refinement was ended when the shifts in the atomic coordinates and anisotropic temperature factors for the heavy atoms were less than and ' 1 3 of the corresponding standard deviations, respectively. The atomic scattering factors, with the real and imaginary dispersion corrections, for all atomic species were calculated according to Cromer and Waber.12 A final R of 0.097 for the 3799 observed reflections was obtained. The final atomic parameters of the non-hydrogen atoms are listed in Table 11.



3. Results (a) Solution Study. The solution-preferred conformation of t h e terminally blocked homooctapeptide p BrBz-(Aib)s-O-t-Bu was examined in a solvent of low po-

474 Toniolo et al.

Macromolecules, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1986








;b i0






Figure 1. Temperature dependence of the IR absorption specregion. trum of p-BrBz-(Aib)*-O-t-Buin the 3500-3200-~m-~ M in CDC13solution. Concentration 0.6 X

larity (CDC13) by using IR absorption and 'H NMR (Figures 1-3). At 0.6 X M concentration the IR absorption spectrum in the N-H stretching region (Figure C 1) shows a weak band a t 3435 cm-', assigned to free (solvated) amide and peptide N-H g r o ~ p s . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ @ ' The strong absorption associated with H-bonded N-H groups is seen at 3327 cm-1.3,6,7,35,39,43,57,58,61 To investigate the concentration effect, spectra were also recorded at 0.75 X lo-, and 0.15 X M concentrations (not shown). A comparison of the AH/AF values, where AH/AF is the ratio of integrated intensity of the band of H-bonded N-H groups to free N-H groups,3,6,7,35,57,5ap64 indicates that the octapeptide tends to self-aggregate above 0.6 X M concentration. The high AH/AF value, even in the absence of self-aggregation, points to the occurrence of highly folded, intramolecularly H-bonded species. The C=O ,; 4wm) stretching bands are seen at 1724 cm-' (tert-butyl este1.3,6*58) and 1662 cm-' (amide and peptide g r o ~ p s ~ ,(not ~ ~ , ~ ~Figure ) 2. Partial 200-MHz NMR spectra (low-field region) of p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Buin CDC1, solution as a function of conshown). The marked thermal stability of the unaggregated, centration: (a) 0.75 X (b) 0.6 X lo-,, and (c) 0.15 X M. folded species (concentration 0.6 X lo-, M) is illustrated Temperature 293 K. in Figure 1. This IR absorption analysis has shown that intermolecular as well as intramolecular H bonds occur in CDC13 solution. In addition, free N-H groups are also 7.7 present. 7 The 'H NMR study of the octapeptide was performed in CDC1, solution as a function of c o n ~ e n t r a t i o n , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t e m p e r a t u r e , 6 ~ ~addition ~ 8 ~ ~ of the strong H-bonding ac- 20 7 ceptor solvent32dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2S0)41and the free E :7 radical 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-l-piperidinyloxy c (Figures 2 and 3). 6 In the N-H region of the spectrum of this homopeptide there are no resonances that are unambiguously assigned.6JsB@ However, by analogy with the chemical shifts of the corresponding protons of the lowest members of the p-BrBz-(Aib),-0-t-Bu series (not shown) and of a variety of model c o m p o u n d ~ , 6 ~ we~ tentatively ~ ~ ~ , ~ * assign the only two resonances below 7.00 ppm to the N(1)H and N(2)H .. protons. It is pertinent to mention here that we number ('K) % DMSO in COCI, '1. TEMPO in COCi, the amino acid residues as usual, i.e., from the N terminus Figure 3. (A) Plot of NH chemical shifts in the 'H NMR spectra of the peptide chain, so that the Droton attached to the of p-BrBz-(Aib),-O-t-Buvs. temperature in CDC1,. (B) Plot of nitrogen- of the .N-terminal residue is labeled NH chemical shifts of the same peptide vs. increasing percentages N(1)H.6JV45,54s7@3 of MezSO to the CDC13solution (volume/volume). (C) Plot of An analysis of the spectrum as a function of concenbandwidth of the NH signal of the same peptide vs. increasing tration (Figure 2) shows that a dilution from 0.75 X percentages of TEMPO (weight/volume)in CDC1,. Concentration to 0.6 X loW3 M produces a significant variation (to higher 0.6 x 10-3 M.




310-Helix 475

Macromolecules, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1986

Table I1 Final Atomic Parameters and Their Standard Deviations (in Parentheses) for p-BrBz-(Aib),,-O-t-Bu

1691 (2) 2002 iii) 3122 (14) 3348 (13) 2549 (13) 1381 (14) 1194 (14) 2644 (13) 1784 (8) 3798 (10) 4059 (11) 3680 (14) 5442 (11) 3349 (10) 2998 (7) 3254 (9) 2659 (13) 3436 (13) 2472 (14) 1380 (11) 918 (7) 768 (9) -457 (16) -1401 (13) -742 (14) -482 (13) -1454 (8) 578 (10) 683 (14) 235 (17) 2064 (14) 51 (16) -450 (8) 33 (10) -536 (11)

1136 (2) 1225 i7j 1540 (11) 1586 (13) 1238 (10) 935 (9) 878 (12) 1275 (13) 1204 (7) 1393 (8) 1343 (9) 410 (11) 1549 (9) 1958 (9) 1801 (6) 2707 (8) 3390 (10) 3838 (11) 4024 (10) 3087 (8) 3490 (6) 2446 (8) 2019 (14) 2709 (12) 1274 (13) 1833 (10) 1777 (8) 1730 (9) 1546 (12) 734 (10) 1766 (14) 2223 (11) 2007 (6) 3006 (8) 3662 (8)

10968 (1) 9383 (6) 9708 (8) 8882 (7) 8286 (7) 8499 (8) 9289 (8) 7406 (8) 6942 (5) 7115 (5) 6243 (7) 5745 (9) 6186 (7) 5914 (8) 5181 (4) 6429 (6) 6192 (8) 5615 (11) 7022 (9) 5780 (7) 5329 (4) 6024 (6) 5683 (10) 5963 (9) 5973 (9) 4766 (7) 4369 (5) 4388 (6) 3503 (8) 3094 (8) 3315 (7) 3126 (8) 2425 (5) 3573 ( 5 ) 3310 (7)

9.52 (7) 3.5 (3) 5.3 (4) 6.8 (5) 3.9 (3) 5.3 (4) 6.3 (5) 6.1 (4) 5.4 (3) 5.2 (3) 4.7 (4) 5.5 (4) 4.9 (4) 4.4 (4) 5.3 (2) 4.0 (3) 4.9 (3) 6.9 (5) 6.0 (4) 3.4 (3) 5.4 (2) 4.5 (3) 6.9 (5) 6.9 (4) 8.7 (6) 4.9 (4) 6.4 (3) 5.6 (3) 7.2 (4) 7.6 (6) 7.4 (6) 3.8 (3) 4.4 (2) 4.5 (3) 4.4 (4)

fields) of the chemical shifts of the N(1)H and N(2)H protons, less evident for the proton a t higher fields. For the six protons a t lower fields the concentration effect is negligible. We conclude that a t a concentration higher than 0.6 X M the octapeptide self-aggregates and that in this process the N(1)H and N(2)H groups are those acting as H-bonding donor^.^,^^,^^ The solvent accessibilities of the NH protons, indicative of a possible participation to intramolecular H bonds, were examined as a function of t e m p e r a t ~ r e ~and t ~ ~addition p~ of Me2S04' and to the CDC13 solution (concentration 0.6 X M) (Figure 3). Two classes of NH protons are observed: (i) the N(1)H and N(2)H protons, whose chemical shifts are sensitive to heating and, particularly, to the addition of Me2S0 and whose resonances broaden significantly upon addition of TEMPO; and (ii) all other NH protons, whose resonances, in terms of chemical shifts and line width, are only marginally sensitive to environmental changes. On the basis of these 'H NMR results, it is evident that a t relatively high concentration P 0 . 6 X M) in CDC13 solution the N(1)H as well as the N(2)H protons of the octapeptide are involved in the intermolecular H-bonding scheme, i.e., in the self-aggregation process, whereas all other protons form intramolecular H bonds. The intramolecular H-bonding scheme does not change upon selfaggregation and is stable to either heating or addition of Me2S0 and TEMPO. Since all NH protons, beginning from the N(3)H proton, form intramolecular H bonds, it may be concluded that the ordered secondary structure adopted by the Aib homooctapeptide in CDC13 solution is the 310-heli~.6~7~39~57,58 However, we wish to stress the point that, in the absence of unambiguous assignments for NH protons and detailed information on the 4 torsion

-506 (15) -1870 (11) -2335 (9) -2509 (10) -3787 (14) -4570 (16) -4088 (14) -3956 (10) -4961 (8) -3056 (9) -3127 (11) -4005 (17) -1823 (14) -3397 (12) -3695 (9) -3166 (IO) -3370 (13) -2851 (18) -4697 (12) -2632 (12) -2949 (11) -1476 (8) -547 (18) 615 (17) -415 (17) -923 (23) 4931 (12) 3999 (9) 3313 (19) 3513 (17) 2668 (33) 3987 (19) 3294 (38)

4410 (10) 3421 (8) 3763 (6) 2850 (8) 2612 (13) 3277 (16) 1815 (13) 2274 (8) 2332 (8) 1947 (8) 1594 (8) 831 (14) 1408 (11) 2281 (9) 2058 (7) 3080 (8) 3756 (12) 4560 (13) 3757 (10) 3635 (10) 3694 (9) 3476 (7) 3340 (14) 3262 (16) 4069 (16) 2476 (17) 6521 (10) 8881 (7) 9517 (13) 3630 (13) 3494 (32) 5208 (15) 5209 (34)

4039 (9) 3016 (7) 2508 (5) 3349 (5) 3104 (8) 3460 (9) 3500 (8) 2200 (9) 1869 (6) 1783 (7) 920 (7) 690 (8) 661 (9) 404 (7) -333 (5) 765 (6) 317 (8) 857 (IO) 98 (8) -465 (7) -1129 (6) -313 (5) -951 (10) -482 (14) -1360 (12) -1544 (12) 2253 (9) 1926 (6) 2010 (12) 1968 (11) 1292 (22) 2936 (16) 3690 (39)

6.7 (4) 3.9 (3) 5.3 (2) 4.7 (3) 7.0 (5) 7.4 (4) 7.6 (5) 4.5 (3) 6.9 (3) 4.3 (2) 4.3 (4) 8.3 (6) 5.7 (4) 3.8 (3) 6.0 (3) 5.1 (3) 6.0 (4) 6.5 (4) 6.8 (5) 5.5 (4) 8.8 (4) 6.2 (3) 7.5 (5) 11.9 (7) 9.8 (7) 9.2 (6) 13.1 (5) 7.8 (3) 10.5 (7) 14.7 (7) 18.0 (10) 19.1 (9) 27.2 (18)

angles from JNH-rr.CH coupling constants (the compound under examination is a homopeptide and the constituent amino acid does not possess the a-CH proton), these conclusions are only tentative, although corroborated by the results of the X-ray diffraction analysis (see below) and the known conformational rigidity of Aib-rich polypeptides. (b) Solid-state Study. The molecular structure of p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Buis shown in Figure 4. Each molecule, having no chiral atoms, crystallizes with retention of the center of symmetry; thus in each unit cell molecules of both handedness simultaneously occur. We incorporated the p-BrBz group a t the N terminus to help solve the phase problem in the X-ray diffraction analysis, since it incorporates a suitable heavy atom (Br). Bond lengths (Table 111)and bond angles (Table IV) are in good agreement with literature values for p-bromob e n ~ o y l ,peptide2,28 ~ ~ , ~ ~ and ester g r o ~ p ,and ~ ~the , ~Aib ~ residue.%"l In particular, the inspection of the bond angles involving the Ca atoms confirmed the expected asymmetry.38s61 The succession of similar pairs of C#J,pvaluesz5 (mean values = f54.0' and f28.4', respectively) (Table V) along the chain gives rise to a helical structure, which can be described as a 310-helix,very close to the ideal case ( 4 , ~ )= (f60°,f30°).13J5147There are six successive intramolecular N-H-.O=C H bonds of the Clo-III (or Clo-III') type.53955,62 The range of observed Ne-0 distances is 2.94-3.04 A (mean value = 2.99 (Table VI). The deviations of the w angles from the ideal value of the trans planar unit (180°)2p28are extremely small (the average IAwI value is 1 . 7 O ) (Table VI). In this helix one peptide group is carried into the next to which it is directly chemically linked by a rotation of 120° and an axial translation of 1.95 A. The pitch is 5.85 A, and there are three residues per

Macromolecules, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1986

476 Toniolo e t al. CBBL


Figure 4. Molecular structure of p-BrBz-(Aib),-0-t-Bu. In this figure the left-handed helical molecule is shown. The six intramolecular H bonds of the Clo type are indicated as dashed lines. Table 111 Bond Lengths (A) with ESD's for the Aib Residues in p-BrBz-(Aib)B-O-t-Bu residue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.48 (1) 1.45 (2) 1.51 (2) 1.46 (1) 1.42 (2) 1.46 (2) 1.44 (1) 1.60 (2) 1.54 (2) 1.60 (3) 1.40 (2) 1.53 (2) 1.48 (3) 1.49 (2) 1.54 (2) 1.58 (2) 1.40 (3) 1.58 (2) 1.54 (2) 1.58 (2) 1.54 (2) 1.50 (2) 1.55 (2) 1.50 (2) 1.58 (2) 1.53 (2) 1.50 (2) 1.58 (2) 1.25 (1) 1.22 (1) 1.24 (2) 1.26 (1) 1.23 (1) 1.25 (1) 1.24 (1) 1.36 (2) 1.32 (2) 1.34 (2) 1.35 (2) 1.33 (2) 1.31 (2) 1.32 (2)

length N,-C," CI"-C,BC C*,-C!D C,*-C,' (2,'-0, CI/-N,+1 Bond Lengths

8 1.48 (2) 1.50 (2) 1.50 (2) 1.54 (2) 1.18 (1)

(A)with ESD's for the N- and C-Terminal Blocking Groups of p-BrBz-(Aib)B-O-t-Buand the Solvent Molecules 1.35 (2) 1.48 (2) 1.52 (3) 1.48 (3) 1.57 (3) 1.32 (2) 1.42 (3) 1.48 (6)

1.33 (2) 1.28 (2) 1.42 (1) 1.32 (2) 1.41 (2) 1.48 (1) 1.36 (1) 1.20 (1) 1.38 (2) M1, M2, and M3 indicate the three cocrystallized methanol molecules. Table IV Bond Angles (Deg) with ESD's for the Aib Residues in p-BrBz-(Aib),-O-t-Bu residue 4 3 5 6 124 (2) 123 (2) 126 (2) 124 (2) 120 (2) 109 (2) 114 (2) 112 (2) 112 (2) 111 (2) 112 (2) 116 (2) 111 (2) 112 (2) 105 (2) 105 (2) 107 (2) 111 (2) 108 (2) 102 (2) 109 (2) 107 (2) 110 (2) 107 (2) 116 (2) 110 (2) 101 (2) 108 (2) 104 (2) 108 (2) 112 (2) 108 (2) 109 (2) 113 (2) 110 (2) 121 (2) 1 2 1 (2) 118 (2) 120 (2) 119 (2) 117 (2) 119 (2) 117 (2) 120 (2) 118 (2) 122 (2) 122 (2) 122 (2) 122 (2) 121 (2)

7 125 (2) 111 (2)

114 (2) 107 (2) 111 (2) 101 (2) 111 (2) 120 (2) 117 (2) 123 (2)

8 1 2 1 (2)

109 (2) 106 (2) 111 (2) 107 (2) 110 (2) 113 (2) 128 (2)

Bond Angles (Deg) with ESD's for the N- and C-Terminal Blocking Groups of p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Bu

Br-C( 1)-C(2) C(2)-C(3)-C(4) C(4)-C(5)-C(6) 0(1)-C(7)-N, 0(2)-C(8)-C(9) C(9)-C(8)-C(ll)

115 (2) 121 (2) 119 (2) 119 (2) 104 (2) 109 (3)

Br-C(l)-C(G) C(3)-C(4)-C(5) C(1)-C(6)-C(5) Cs"-C,'O(2) 0(2)-C(S)-C(lO) C(lO)-C(8)-C(ll)

118 (2)

118 (2) 119 (2) 111 (2) 110 (2) 114 (3)

C(Z)-C(l)-C(S) C(3)-C(4)-C(7) C(4)-C(7)-0(1) O*-Ci-O(2)

126 (2) 127 (2) 124 (2) 121 (2)


108 (2)

C(l)-C(2)-C(3) C(5)-C(4)-C(7) C(4)-C(7)-N, Ci-O(2)-C(8) C(9)-C(8)-C(lO)

115 (2) 114 (2) 117 (2) 124 (2) 111 (3)

Macromolecules, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1986

Slo-Helix 477

Torsion Angles (Deg) with

Table V ESD's for the Aib Residues in p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Bu residue










CiU-Ci'-Ni+l-Ci+la ( w ) Ci-{-N,-Ci"-Ci' (@) Ni-Cja-Ci'-Ni+l (+) O,-l-Ci-{-N,-Cia Ci-{-Ni-Ci'-C,B.L Ci-{-N,-Cia-Ci@J' Ni-Ci"-C[-Oi C,B.L-Ci*-C{-Ni+l

176 (2) 56 (2) 39 (2) -7 (2) -64 (2) 178 (2) -149 (2) 158 (2) -81 (2) -29 (2) 92 (2)

-177 (3) 49 (2) 31 (2) 4 (2) -74 (2) 166 (2) -158 (2) 156 (2) -84 (2) -33 (2) 87 (2)

180 (3) 47 (2) 26 (2) 12 (2) -69 (2) 169 (33) -154 (2) 140 (2) -97 (2) -40 (2) 83 (3)

-178 (2) 53 (2) 30 (2) 0 (2) -72 (2) 162 (2)) -148 (3) 159 (2) -83 (2) -19 (2) 99 (3)

179 (2) 52 (2) 30 (2) 0 (2) -69 (2) 172 (2) -152 (2) 153 (2) -90 (2) -29 (2) 88 (3)

180 (3) 58 (2) 24 (2) 1 (2) -74 (2) 169 (2) -155 (2) 154 (3) -86 (2) -25 (2) 96 (2)

179 (2) 62 (2) 19 (2) -3 (2) -65 (2) 172 (2) -168 (2) 147 (2) -94 (2) -40 (2) 79 (2)

-179 (2) -57 (2) -46 (2) 6 (2) -172 (2) 65 (2) 136 (3) 68 (2) -169 (2) -109 (3) 14 (3)


ciB'L-cia-c[-oi [email protected]{-Oi

Torsion Angles (Deg) with ESD's for the N- and C-Terminal Blocking Groups of p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Bu O(l)-C(7)-C(4)-C(3) -155 (3) O(I)-C(7)-C(4-)C(5) 13 (2) N,-C(7)-C(4)-C(3) (01) Nl-C(7)-C(4-)C(5) (0,) -167 (3) CIa-N1-C(7)-C(4) ( ~ 0 ) 173 (2) C(8)-0(2)-C,,-O, C(9)-C (81-0 (2)-C,' 175 (3) C(10)-C( 8)-O( 2)-c{ 56 (2) C(ll)-C(8)-0(2)-C~

26 (2) -2 (2) -69 (2)

Figure 5. (A) Mode of packing of the p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Bu molecules as projected down the b axis. (B) Mode of packing of the same molecules in the unit cell together with the solvent molecules (3 methanol and 1 water molecules).

turn. The separation of the methyl groups of one residue from the methyl groups on both adjacent turns of the helix is 4.6 A. The sign of the 4,cp torsion angles of the last Aib residue of the octapeptide, Aib(8), is opposite to those of the preceding residues (Table V), a common feature of the structures of Aib homo pep tide^.^^^^*^^*^^^^' The amide group of the N-terminal p-bromobenzoyl moiety is trans and slightly distorted from planarity (00 = -172.5O); the torsion angles involving the amide group and the ortho carbon atoms of the aromatic ring, 8, and

e,, have values of -25.8' and +166.7', respectively (Table V).379* The 0-t-Bu ester group adopts a conformation with respect to the C8*-N8 bond close to the anticlinal conformation, the 08-C8'-C8*-N8 torsion angle being -136.4°.16351 Interestingly, the intermolecular H-bonding scheme does not involve any such bond between peptide molecules in the unit cell (Table VI and Figure 5 ) . However, H bonds are observed between the N,, N2, 06, O,, and O8 atoms of the peptide (not involved in the intramolecular H-bonding scheme) and the cocrystallized

478 Toniolo et al. Table VI Intra- and Intermolecular H Bond Distances in the Molecules of p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Bu donor acceptor distance, A (A) Intramolecular H Bonds Ntl 0 5 3.00 N7 0 4 3.03 N6 0 3 2.96 02 3.00 N5 N4 01 2.94 N3 O(1) 3.04

N, N2 OM1 OM2 OM3 o w O W

(B) Intermolecular H Bonds OM," 3.06 OWb 2.96 Oi 2.79 O6 2.79 OM2 2.75 08 2.81 OM3 2.75

a M1, M2, and M3 indicate the three cocrystallized methanol molecules. w indicates the cocrystallized water molecule.

solvent molecules (3 methanol and 1water molecules). All donor and acceptor groups participate in the H-bonding scheme. Along the (a + c ) direction helical rods of molecules, piled up in a head-to-tail fashion, are held together by N-Ha-0 and 0-Ha-0 H-bonds and van der Waals contacts among hydrophobic groups. Along the b direction, nearly orthogonally to the axis of the molecules, the packing of the rods gives rise to a channel, in which the water and methanol molecules are accommodated. In the channel the solvent molecules are crystallographically ordered, being involved in H bonds with the octapeptide molecules. This situation is at variance with that observed in the solid state for other channel-forming hydrophobic peptides.44 4. Discussion By means of conformational energy computations'~4,'0~33~3s~40~42~~~61 it was determined that a-methyl substitution in the Ala residue would produce a strong conformational effect in the resulting Aib residue, restricting its 4,cp angles to values near those characteristic of either the 310- or the a-helix. In the early 1960s, Blout and Fasman5 and Elliott et a1.,20 independently, from simple analyses of molecular models were able to show that unfavorable steric interactions are more serious in the a-helix of poly(Aib), than in the 3,0-helix. However, solid-state studies on polydispersed poly(Aib), were unable to provide a clear-cut answer to the problem of the type of helix which is f ~ r m e d . " - ' ~ *Our ~ * ~recent ~ IR absorption and 'H NMR analyses of the preferred conformation of terminally blocked, monodispersed (Aib), homooligopeptides to the dodecamer are strongly in favor of the onset of fully developed 310-helicesin CDC13, starting from the o ~ t a m e r .These ~ ~ results agree well with those reported by Paterson et al.39 on Ac-(Aib).-NHMe (n = 1-3; Ac, acetyl; NHMe, methylamido). A comparison between the CDC1, solution and crystal-state results of p-BrBz(Aib),-O-t-Budescribed in this work allows us to conclude that this terminally blocked octapeptide forms a 310-helical structure insensitive to environmental effects. This conclusion supports the hypothesis that the Aib residue has an asymmetric geometry a t the Ca atom in solution, analogous to that found in the crystal state.% The regular 310-helixformed by p-BrBz-(Aib)8-O-t-Buis stabilized by six consecutive intramolecular H bonds of the helical We believe that our results, Clo-type (111 or I11').53755~62 taken together, represent a decisive proof in favor of the 310-helixas a preferred conformation of poly(Aib),, and

Macromolecules, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1986 that main-chain length may not be an overriding factor in directing the helical folding in these homopeptides. In this work, which describes a t atomic resolution a regular 310-helixlarger than two complete turns, we characterize in detail for the first time this important peptide secondary str~cture.'~ The , ~mean ~ ~ ~value ~ ~ ~of the 4,cp, and w angles are &54.0', &28.4', and *178.3', respectively. The mean value of the N-SOdistance of the intramolecular H bonds of the helical Clo-type (111or 111') is 2.99 A. The pitch of this helical structure is 5.85 A. Interestingly, packing of the octapeptide molecules forms a channel, in which the solvent (methanol and water) molecules are accommodated. References and Notes (1) Balaram, P. In "Peptides: Structure and Function"; Hruby, V.

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Notes X-ray Powder Diffractograms of Some Oligo- and Poly( 1,l'-ferroceny1enes)t EBERHARD W. NEUSE* Department of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2000, Republic of South Africa STEWART HART National Institute for Materials Science, Pretoria 0001, Republic of South Africa. Received April 18, 1985

Yamamoto and Collaborators recently described the preparation' and properties2 of a linear, yet benzene-insoluble, poly(1,l'-ferrocenylene) (1) said to possess a molecular mass of 4600 (i.e., ii N 25) and show crystallinity as determined by X-ray powder diffractometry. These




findings appeared doubtful in light of the excellent solubility in aromatic solvents observed in extended previous ~ o r k for ~ -pure, ~ linear 1 in the molecular mass range 1500-6000 and higher. Because of the overriding importance of solubility for the analytical characterization and use of polymers of this type, we decided to clarify this inconsistency of observations by determining the crysMetallocene Polymers, 42. 0024-9297/86/2219-0479501.50/0

tallinity of authentic, soluble poly( 1,l'-ferrocenylene) fractions with molecular masses extending up to 5000 for comparison with the diffractometric findings of Yamamoto et a1.2 Authentic 1 was synthesized by the organolithium-organohalide coupling method as previously de~cribed.~ The crude polymer was fractionated by the earlier established5 procedure to give, in the order of decreasing degree of polymerization, the polymeric fractions I and I1 and the oligomer fractions I11 and IV. Fraction I was further fractionated, by fractionating pre~ipitation,~ into six subfractions, four of which, labeled Ia, Ib, IC, and Id, were included in the subsequent evaluation. Molecular mass data and benzene-solubility properties were determined for fractions Ia-d as well as for I11 and IV. The results are given in Table I. X-ray powder diffractograms (Cu Ka) were recorded within the range 20 = 10-30' for fractions Ia-d and 111, as well as for a tetracyanoquinodimethanide (TCNQ-) polysalt of I11 prepared as described in Yamamoto's paper.2 Prominent d spacings derived from the diagrams for Id (very weak signals) and I11 (moderately strong signals) are included in Table I, and the well-developed diffractogram of the TCNQ salt of fraction I11 is summarized in Table 111. No signals were detectable for fractions Ia-c. Next, a poly(ferroceny1ene)was synthesized from 1,l'dibromoferrocene and magnesium in THF-dibromoethane as described in the first paper' of Yamamoto's group. The crude product was fractionated by the same procedure as used for the isolation of the fractions in Table I. Low degrees of polymerization and correspondingly poor yields in soluble higher molecular material necessitated per0 1986 American Chemical Societv