A Modified Form of Stability Test for Explosives. - Industrial

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1913, 5 (8), pp 641–644 ... Publication Date: August 1913. ACS Legacy .... ACS Omega: Publishing Diverse Science from a Global Com...
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minoids. The Bucteriziiiz 11) dimzdpIzziwzi,ii p ~ ) ~ z ? z i z t i i i sible to carry the investigation further a t present. is able t o reduce sulfates t o sulfides. Beyerinck’s; The papers t o which reference has been made in Genus Aerobacter forms hydrogen sulfide from pro- connection with this subject are given belon,I teids and other compounds of sulfur except sulfates. and mill not be cited again in detail. Balistreriz has found eighteen different bacteria which There is perhaps no need for going into details reproduce hydrogen sulfide. Seucki and Siebera have garding all the various tests proposed. While there discovered hydrogen sulfide in the putrefaction products are many of them, each having its own particular adof serum albumin. vantage. only a few are a t all generally applied. The In spite of all this, hydrogen sulfide was found in reason for adding t o their number is that while this test four tanks only. Absence of hydrogen sulfide in the is an explosion test, and therefore simple and rapid, gases, however, does not prove t h a t none was formed. it is in reality a determination or‘ the change of deIron salts are a n almost universal constituent of sew- composition velocity with rise in temperature and, age, and these, of course, tend to remove the hydrogen as such, a measure of stability. sulfide as fast as i t is formed. I‘arious investigators have touched upon the inIt cannot be doubted t h a t in some cases mercaptans of the rate of heating on the result, whether it fluence are formed by sewage decomposition. All tests with be in the explosion tests or in methods depending on isatin in sulfuric acid? failed t o give a n y indication of the amount or rate of gas evolution. For this reason their presence in the gases. The principal result of this study of the gas formed the rate of heating in the explosion tests is defined in anaerobic decomposition has been t o raise several within certain limits. The decomposition of nitroquestions which will require further study before cellulose is autocatalytic, and when a certain surthey can be answered. It has been suggested t h a t rounding temperature is attained, say 13j a C.,nearly the quantity of carbon dioxide evolved may run paral- all samples of nitrocellulose will explode if kept in lel t o the amounts of cellulose and carbohydrates in surroundings of t h a t temperature long enough. The the sewage, and t h a t the amounts of this gas in differ- temperature of the decomposing material may be a few I n the investigation ent parts of t h e tank may serve as a measure of their or many degrees above 13j ’, of nitrocellulose plastics we have repeatedly seen differrate of hydrolysis. The fact t h a t no hydrogen is ences of 30’ and 40’ between the temperature of the present in t h e gases has been confirmed. I t has been pointed out t h a t hydrogen may be expected as a surroundings and of the sample when the substance product of many of the reactions which are supposed went off. The amount of this difference depends on t o take place. A study of the conditions which pre- the mass of the material and its heat conductivity, vent the hydrogen formation is demanded. The condi- and on the heat conductivity of the system used for tions which prevent or reduce the disposal of nitrogen test. These factors enter into the German 135” test 1 Aspinwall, “Stability Tests for Smokeless Powder and Nitro-exploas free nitrogen are not clear. Dr. Bartow and his J . SOC.Chem. I d . , 21, 687. associates in the Water Survey intend t o continue sives.” Bergmann and Junk, “Stability of Nitrocellulose,” Z . angew Chenz.. the work along these lines. 17, 1 7 , 982. 1018, 1074. Cullen, “Note on the So-called ’Heat Test’ for Explosives,” J . S O C . This work was undertaken for the Water Survey Chem. I d . , 20, 8 . a t the request of the Director, Dr. Edward Bartow. Escales. “Stability of Nitrocellulose,” Z . angew. Chem., 18, 940; “MethI a m grateful for t h e interest he has shown in it, and ods for Testing Stability of Explosives in Various Countries.” Z . ges. Schiess5, 21, 72. 210. for the help he has constantly given me during its und Sprengstoffz’esen. Finzi. “Ignition Points of Nitrocellulose and Smokeless Powders,” Gazz. progress. I t is a pleasant duty, also, t o acknowledge Chint. Ital., 39, I , 549. Jacqub, “German Railway Administration: Tests and Regulations of the efficient services of M r . H. P. MacGregor, who the,’’ Z . ges. Schiess- u . Sprengstoffxesen, 4, 175; “Causes and Methods of helped me with t h e largest part of the work of collec- Determining Decomposition of Nitrocellulose,” Z . ges. Schiess- u. Sprengtion and analysis. stoffzr,esen,1, 39.5. CHEMICALLABORATORY, STATEKATER SURVEP URBANA,ILLINOIS


Sometime ago an investigation on the stability of nitrocellulose plastics was undertaken a t the Bureau of Standards and the question of the stability of these materials at normal and elevated temperatures was one of the questions studied. One of the stability tests employed in t h a t investigation seems of sufficient interest t o warrant calling attention t o i t , especially since it does not seem posJ . Chem. SOC.,1901, A , ii, 11!2. Archiw. far Hygiene, 1893, 10. J . Chem. SOC., 1890, A , 78. Denig&s, Compt. rend., 1892, 350. Paper presented a t the Eighth International Congress of Applied Chemistry, New York, September, 1912. Published b y permission of the Director of the Bureau of Standards. 2

Lunge and Biebie, “Contributions to the Knowledge of Xitrocellulose.”

Z . angez. Chem.. 14, 543,


Nittasch. ”Stability of Nitrocellulose.” Z . angew. Chem., 16, 16, 929. Obermuller. “Mitteil. aus dem Berliner Bezirks-verein, etc., Oct., 1904.” See XVilcox. J . Am. Chent. Soc.. 30, 271. Patterson, “Stability Tests of Smokeless Powder,” 7th Intern. Congr. A p p l . Chem., Explosives, p. 99. Pleus, “Some Improvements in the Apparatus for t h e Obermiiller Manometer Test,” Z . ges. Schiess- und Sjrenqstoffmesen, 5, 121. Robertson, “On the Will Test for Nitrocellulose.” J . Soc. Chenz. I d . , 21, 519. Rubin. “Testing Regulations and Black Powder Safety Explosive in England,” Z . ges. Schiess- i ~ Sprengsfoffaesen, . 4, 21. Saposhnikov. “ R a t e of Decomposition of Xtrocellulose and Temperature,” J . Russ. Phys. Chem. Soc.. 38, 1 1 8 6 . Snelling and Storm, ”Behavior of Nitroglycerine n-hen Heated,’ ’ Bureau of .Mines, Technical Paper, 12, 1912. Sy, “Stability of Nitrocellulose.” J . .4m.ChemSoc., 25, 549; Z . angew. Chem., 18, 1824. Wilcox. “Decomposition Curves of Xitrocellulose.” J . A m . Cheni. S o c , 30, 271. Will, “Stability of iYitrocelIuIose.” J . SOC. Chem. I d . , 20, 602 ; “Stability of Celluloid.” 2. angezu. Chem., 19, 1386. Zschokke. “Testing of .Exdosives.” Z ges. Schiess- u.Sprengstoffwesen. 6, 2 4 1 .



as well as into the ordinary high temperature explosion test. In the former the time will vary with the heat insulation, in the latter the explosion temperature will vary with the rate of heating. The apparatus used for the test is shown in Fig I . The heating bath consists of a crucible of iron or nickel, about I O cm. in diameter and of approximately the same depth. The cover is of sheet metal about 3 mm. thick, with a flange t h a t fits snugly into the crucible and projects slightly beyond the rim. One hole through the center of the cover is just large enough to permit the thermometer to pass. Symmetrically distributed around the center of the plate are 8 openings 15 mm. in diameter. The heavy metal supporting tubes are about 4 cm. in length and about 1 2 mm. internal diameter. The lower end of the tube is flanged so t h a t the tube rests securely on the cover. The test tubes are about 9 cm. long and must be of such diameter t h a t they will just slip freely into the supporting tube. A number of extra caps are provided to cover openings not intended t o be used during the test. The heating liquid may be either paraffine, glycerine, or similar inert liquid which may be heated to 200’ without boiling or fuming strongly.’ The test tubes should dip about 4 or 5 cm. into the heated liquid so t h a t their ends will be a t about the center of the heated mass and may readily be removed one a t a time and replaced by fresh ones. For each explosion a clean tube should be taken. The thermometer is supported by a metal clip which rests on the cover, the bulb being on a level with the lower ends of the test tubes. T h e t h e r m o m e t e r used was standardized. Since the mercury thread projected b u t little a b o v e the highly heated zone the stem correction was found to be negligible. This should becheckedwith

FIG. 1

suspended in a conical piece of sheet metal wrapped with asbestos. The metal shield is cut so t h a t the crucible will hang securely in the upper

This form of apparatus has been devised by C. E. Waters in connection with work on lubricating oils. 1

Vol. 5 , No. 8

small opening, while its larger end rests in the flanged tripod rim. With this apparatus and a small gas flame it has been easily possible t o maintain the temperature constant for 15 or 2 0 minutes within half a degree. I t is most convenient to have the burner set so t h a t there is a tendency for the temperature to fall and to use a small accessory flame momentarily whenever necessary. With a temperature regulator or with electrical heating the ease of manipulation might, no doubt, be increased, but this is a matter of detail. One or two stop watches1 complete the equipment. When the apparatus has attained equilibrium a t the desired temperature one or more of the test tubes is loaded by dropping in the sample of powder, the stop watch is started and a cork is dipped into the mouth of the test tube. The time until the explosion takes place is then noted. The grains of the six-pounder smokeless powder are of convenient size to use directly. Powders of large caliber should be cut into pieces weighing about 0 . 2 gram each. Each sample of powder was tested a t For four temperatures, 160°, I ~ o ’ , 180’ and 200’. the present purpose a t least three tests were made a t each temperature interval and curve was drawn through the average values. The following series on powder A shows how closely duplicates may be expected to agree:


1’ 44” 2’ 55“

1’ 4s” 3’ 06” 4’ 30’’ 17’ 40”

1’ 44”

1’ 48”

1’ 45”

.\fax. variations Av. Per cent 1’ 46“ 2 3’ 04” 5

.. . .. . 4‘ 25“ 3 160’ 14’ 20” ... 16‘ 36” 14 I n general, the discrepancies appear to be greater a t the lower temperatures. This is to be expected since the curves given further on show to what extent the influence of small temperature variations is magnified in the region of 160’. Furthermore, the irregularities are more pronounced in the “poor” powders. The following set shows what can be expected as to reproducibility of the complete curve. The sample used was L and the second test was made one month later than the first, The averages only are given. lS00 li0’

4’ 17‘’

I ...... . .

3‘ 10“ 4‘ 28“ 17’ 34”

.. , . . ... ,





1’ 31”

2’ 18“

3’ 39” 3’ 43“

7’ 1 1 “ 7’ 30”

2‘ 31” 11.. , , . , , , 1-27” The following t a b k and Fig. 2 give the results obtained with ten samples of smokeless and two samples of nitrocellulose. The samples were obtained through the Navy Department and I am indebted to the courtesy of G. W. Patterson, Powder Expert a t Indian Head, for the selection of three classes: good, fair, and poor; and for the description of these samples, which I quote for comparison with the explosion periods : Nitrocellulose 4. “Specially prepared, Heat test, potassium-iodide starch, at 65.5’ C., 4 min.; German test at 1 3 5 ” C . ; 9 min. for litmus red.” Kitrocellulose B . “Heat test, potassium-iodide starch at 65.5’ C . , 42 min., German test at 13.5’ C.. 38 min. for litmus red.” Powder Sample A. “Six-pounder. Diphenylamine as stabilizer. German test at 135’ C. ; litmus red, 2 hrs. 35 min.; explosion, 5 hrs. plus. Surveillance test at 80’ C . , 8 7 days; at 65.5’ C.. 307 days.” 1 The type of stop watch with two second hands, which may be stopped independently, has been found t o be the most convenient form. With tn.0 of these, at least four samples may be observed simultaneously.

Aug., 1913



Sample B . “Mediuni caliber. Diphenylamine 3 5 stabilizer. German test a t 135’ C.; litmus red, 2 hrs. 17 min. ;explosion, 5 hrs. plus. Surveillance test a t 6 5 . 5 ’ C., 2 7 1 days.” Sample C. “Large caliber. D1:ihenylamine as stabilizer. German test a t 135’ C.; litmus red, 1 hr. 25 n u n . ;explosion, 5 hrs. plus. Suneillance test a t 65.5‘ C., 245 days plus.” Sample D. “Large caliber. X o stabilizer. Rosaniline as indicator. German test a t 135’ C.; litmus red, 2 hrs.; explosion. 5 hrs. plus. Surveillance test a t 65.5‘ C., 60 days.” Sample E. “Medium caliber. S o stabilizer. Rosaniline as indicator. German test a t 135’ C . ; litmus red, 1 hr. 35 min.: explosion, 5 hrs. plus. Sun-eillance test a t 65.6‘ C., 7 4 days.” Sample F. “Six-pounder. Contains rosaniline and diphenylamine. German test a t 13.5’ C.;litmus red, 2 hrs. 25 min.; explosion, 5 hrs. plus. Suneillance test a t 65.5’ C., 375 d a y s ; a t 80’ C., 64 days.” Sample H . “Manufactured in 1901. When last tested i t gave German test a t 135’ C . : explosion, 4 1 min. Surveillance test a t 65.5‘ C. (1907’, 7 9 days.”



2000 c. 33”


1800 c. 5‘ 20” 6’ 11” 6’ 56‘ 6 2

58” 37“ 43”





4‘ 06“


j, j5“


6’ 06” 5‘ 22”

17’ 30” 16’ 45”

36” 44”


1’ 45“

1’ 48” 1’ 44”

1‘ 46”




1’jq” lj,# 1‘ 65” 1! 32” 1’ 33”

2‘ 2’ 2‘ 2‘

04“ 10” 06“




j, 5 7 N


4’ 20”







3/ 5j‘

- 4‘4’ 06”




The explosion periods obtained on these samples are shown in the accompanying table. The value underscored is the average value. The curves embodying these results are given in Fig. 2 . The curve marked “theoretical curve” is obtained on the assumption t h a t the reaction velocity doubles for every 10’ C. While the curves obtained from the explosion periods are of the same general type, it is apparent t h a t the relation is not so simple as t h a t shown by the “theoretical curve.” What influence the stabilizer has upon the direction of the curves it is difficult to say with the data a t hand It does not follow t h a t the stabilizer will affect the explosion test in the same manner as it does the heat test or the surveillance test. The stabilizer, while i t removes the products of decomposition, may, of itself, act as a positive or negative catalyzer. If the decomposition be considered as the dissociation of an ester, the presence of a substance removing the products of decomposition will increase the rate. This has been noticed by Mittasch’ for nitrocellulose with various basic additions and has been confirmed by myself in rhe case of pyroxyline plastics containing zinc oxide. 1

LOC.c i f .

1’ 40” I’ 41” 1’ 48” 1‘ 45“ 1’ 15’‘ 1’ 29” 1’ 10” 1, I j n

2’ 2‘ 2‘ 2’

1’ 38” 1’ 22” 1’ 28”

18” 4‘ 06“

2’ 0.j” 2’ 05” 2’ 04”

7’ OOV

5’ 53”

6’50” 6’ 56“ 6 2

j, 5 ; n


28’ 30”

24‘ 46“


10’ 15” 10’ 24“ 10‘ 29’’ 10’ 23”

6’ 10“

5‘ 53” 6’ OS” 6’ 05”

15‘ 16” 15‘ 47”


49“ 47”

3’ 3 2 ”

3’ 35”

3’ o j ” 3’ 05” 3’ 20” 3‘ 10”

2‘ 13” 2’ 1s”


19’ 26’ 49”


1’ 31” 1’ 27“


3‘ 3’ 3‘ 3‘

3’ 3, 3’ 3’

29” 30”

50’’ 36”

-1’ 30” 1’ 40” 1’ 31”

l i ’ 45” 18‘ 25“ I S ‘ 18” 18‘ 09”






2‘ 2‘ 2’ 2’

28” - 3’3’32”


1’ 22”

K at F at .1 a t a t 193.5’.




1’ 50” 1, j 2 u 2’ 14” 2‘ 04’‘ 2’ 17“ 2’ 2’


04” 10” 02” 00”

I ‘ 45” 1’ 38” 1‘ 43“

14‘ 20” 13’ 45”

- -


172O 2’ 10” 2‘ 10” 2’ 10” 2‘ OS“

5’ 44” 6‘ 02” 36”

165’ 6’ 17’’ 6’ 28” 6‘ j 5 u 6’ 43“

1’ 45” 2’ 10” 4’ 03” 1’ 4i” 2’ 30” 4’ 08” 2‘ 2’ 4’ 10” 1’ 58’


16‘ 36” -

5 ‘ 23” 5’ 26” 5 f 36”

4’ 05” 3‘ 1.5” 4‘ 50” 4‘ 05‘’



1;’ 34”



1’ 36”

14‘ 2(,” l i ’ 40”

4‘ 2 5 ’

1’41” 3 ‘ 3 j “ 3‘ 27“ 3 7 ” 3, j 4 ” 3‘ 57“ 1‘ 27” 3‘ 44” 3‘ 44v


over 30’

4‘30’ 4‘ 17” 4’ 23”

3‘ 06” 3’ 10” 3‘ 04“


over 30‘


2’ j8”

1’ 25n

160’ C.

1 7 0 ” C. over 30‘

33” 421’

1‘ 48“

Sample 1. “Manufactured about 1901. \\-hen last tested i t gave German test a t 135’ C . : explosion, 33 min. Surveillance test a t 65.5‘ C . . 8 7 days.” Samples K and L. “These are both in very poor condition, giving only one day surveillance test.”


22“ - 2‘2’18”

33” 23” 31” 29“

17’ 40” 16’ 14‘’

4’ 35”


6’ 6’ 6’ fil

4i“ 48” 50” 48“


3‘ 3‘ 3‘ 3’

6’ 6’ 6’ 6’

13” 00”

4’ 45’‘ 4‘ l i ” 4’ 44“


49“ 56”

50” -

j, j j n

5’ 22” 6’ 15’’ j, j l ”


11’ 1 2 ” 11’ 8” 12’ 3s” 11‘ 00”


12’ 28” 10”

13’ 11’ 54’


3‘ 38”

3’ 3 3 ‘ 3‘ 4 i “ 3‘ 39”


183’, 3’ 29”; a t 1603. 12’ 43”. 13’ 20”. l i s ” , 3’ 00”. 3’ 13”. 199O, 1’ 47”; a t 198O, I’ 53”; a t 19i”. 1’ 5 2 ” : a t 195‘, 2’ 12”.

1’ .56’,,

That the curves do actually represent the stability of the powder with changing temperature and are not accidental is shown by the reproducibility of the various points along the curve, as shown in the table; by the fact t h a t the curve having been determined by four points, determinations made a t varying temperatures are found t o fall on the curve; and b y the fact t h a t the complete curve can be reproduced a t widely varying intervals. See curves L’ and L”. The curves are undoubtedly characteristic for the sample. The deviations for individual points are not large enough to affect the general trend of the curve. What temperatures are chosen must probably be left t o individual requirements; 190 O would perhaps be pref-



Vol. 5 , No. 8

erable t o 200'. At 150' we should have the apThe oil commonly known as candle nut oil belongs parent advantage that the differences between various t o the class of drying oils, valuable therefore as a samples become greater and the disadvantages t h a t paint and varnish oil. I t is also used for soap-making the test becomes slower and the results are more sub- and is a good illuminating oil. I t is produced in ject t o accidental influences. The bend of the curve large quantities in Australia, China, S e w Zealand and between I S O O C. and 160' C . is, perhaps, its most the Fiji Islands,I and is exported to America and characteristic portion. Europe in ever-increasing shipments. The curves fall into three distinct groups for the samWhen extracted from the crushed kernel by ether ples tested, corresponding t o their general classifica- or petroleum, the oil is light yellow in color, with a tion of good, fair, and bad. The stable powders have specific gravity of 0.92. When expressed, the oil a pronounced bend, while the ratio of explosion may be dark colored due t o impurities. It dries in periods at z o o o and 160' C. is a t least z : 9. I n the thin films on standing several days. unstable samples this ratio falls as low as z . 3, and the At this station, a sample of oil was extracted by points do not fit a smooth curve so well. The curves gasoline from the crushed kernels, the gasoline refor the two samples of raw nitrocellulose are somewhat moved by evaporation and an analysis made on the peculiar, being much flatter and corresponding more oil t o determine its chemical and physical properties. nearly t o the theoretical curve. The values are as follows: The powders do not always fall in exactly the same Specific gravity.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.92 a t 15.5' C. Saponification value. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . order by this explosion test as they do by the surveillance or the heat tests, but i t seems this is true to the same extent for the 1 3 j O German explosion test and the ones mentioned. This appears by comparison of the customary tests on samples D and H. The fatty acids congealed to a pasty mass between D : German test, 135'; litmus red, z hours; explo- 1 8 and ~ 2 0 ° C. The oil itself was still fluid a t -3' C. sion, j hours; surveillance, 60. H : German test; Fendlerz found the congealing point of candle nut oil explosion, 41 minutes; surveillance, 79. to be -I 5 O C. The oil v a s soluble in ether and slightly From the results given it is evident t h a t one explo- soluble in alcohol. Concentrated sulfuric acid colsion temperature, even if time is considered, does not ored it dark brown. give much information; while the determination of The drying property of the oil is indicated by the the characteristic curve does yield definite and specific highiodine value. Linseed oil, which is a fine drying information. oil. has an iodine value of 170-1S1.3 On account of the complexity of the conditions, the A sample of oil expressed from kukui nut was sent test can hardly be expected to tellall that is t o be known, by Mr. Anderson t o this laboratory. The oil was in a but I believe t h a t with sufficient data it may even be crude state, containing suspended matter, and had a made t o throw some light on the actual effect of the dark red color. The oil had the following values: stabilizer on the natural decomposition velocity of 0.92 a t 1 5 . 5 ' C. Specific gravity., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saponification value. . . . . . . . . . . the powder, as distinguished from the length of time Iodine n u m b e r , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . before the decomposition products become noticeable. I n the following table are given the values found by The proposed method gives more accurate determinations of the explosion temperature t h a n the method of chemists in the oil of Aleurites moluccana obtained in heating with rising temperature. It gives a better com- other parts of the world: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) parison of the relative stability of explosive substances. gravThe test is, in effect, a determination of the rate of Specific ity a t 15OC. 0.925 0,920- 0.926 0.925 0.925 0.924 0.97 0.5 change of decomposition velocity with change of tem- Acid value. . . . 1.72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saponification perature and is, as such, characteristic for each sample v a l u e . . . . . . 204.2 184 -187.4 192.6 194.8 189.5 Iodinevalue ... 139.7 136.3 -139.3 163.7 114.2 152.8 BUREAUO F STAND.4RDS Hehner value.. 96.4 . . . . . 95.2 WASHINGTON .... KUKUI (CANDLE-NUT) OIL' B y ALICE R . THOMPSON Received May 5 , 1913

Kukui oil, commonly known as candle nut oil, is extracted from the nut of the Kukui tree (Aleurites triloba or A . nzoluccana). The tree is senerallv distributed through Polynesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Society Islands, India, Java, Australia, Ceylon, Bengal, Assam, China, Tahiti, and Hawaii. I n Hawaii, Kukui is found growing on all the islands in the lolver mountain zone. As the oil is of considerable cornmercial value, investigations were made on the nuts and oil of samples sent t o this station.


-4bstracted from Press Bull., 39, Hawaii Experiment Station, V. S. Department of Sgriculture.

Volatile acids,. 1.98 Titer. . . . . . . . . 17.8 Butyro refractometer.. . . . . . . . .

............ ............ i6-i5 . 5 (15' C.) 76 (25' C.)

1.2 ..... ..........


(1) Imperial Institute. Bull. Imp. Inst.. 6 , 135-136 (1907). ( 2 ) De Negri, J . SOC. Chem. I d . , 20, 909 (1901). (3)Lewkowitsch, I b i d , , 909 (1901), (4 .) C,. - Fendler. Ibid.. 23, 613 (1904). ( 5 ) Kassler, Ibid., 22, 639 (1903).

The values vary to some extent in these analyses; nevertheless, the general characteristic of high iodin value and saponification extends throughout. C O N S T I T U E N T S O F THE K U K U I K E R N E L


of nuts were obtained and the fat

Bull. I m p . Iltsf., 6 , 135, 136 (1907). 2 J . SOC. Chem. Id.,23, 613 (1907). 3 "Commercial Org. Analysis," Allen, Vol. 11, P t . 1. p. 97. 1