A modified procedure for the preparation of benzalacetophenone

The Dibenzalacetone Reaction Revisited. Journal of Chemical Education. Hull. 2001 78 (2), p 226. Abstract: A modification of a classic experiment is d...
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A Modified Procedure for the Preparation of Benzalacetophenone We have found that henzalacetophenone can be prepared in gccd yield by refluxing the reaction mixture instead of running the reaction between 15-30°C as reported in Baldwin's text1 or in "Organic Syntheses."l The main advantages are: (1) the reaction time is shortened considerably, (2) the technique of refluxing can be illustrated along vith a typical aldol condensation reaction. We did not find that allowing the temperature to rise above 30°C has bad much effect on the yield or the purity of the product, and for this reason it seems that this procedure has more advantages than the previous ones reported in the Literature, at Least, from the educational point of view. 1 John

Baldwin, "Experimental Organic Chemistry," 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill Bwk Company,

New York, 1970, p. 82. 2

Kohler, and Chadwell, "Organic Syntheses," Vol. II, p. 18, 1922.

Thomas More College Fort Mitchell, Kentucky 41011

Volume 51. Number 5, May 1974
