A New Orally Active Insulin-Mimetic Vanadyl ... - ACS Publications

mellitus (IDDM) is hypergycemia due to deficiency of insulin,l but there are many serious secondary compli- cations, such as atherosclerosis, microang...
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J. Med. Chem. 1994,37, 876-877

A New Orally Active Insulin-Mimetic Vanadyl Complex: Bis(pyrrolidine-N-carbodithioat0)oxovanadium( IV)

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Hiromi Watanabe, Masami Nakai, Kyoko Komazawa, and Hiromu Sakurai' Department of Analytical Chemistry and Bioinorganic Chemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceut ica l University, Misasagi, Yamashina-ku, Kyoto 607, Japan







Received September 13, 1993

V - M V - E V-P

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rz V-P

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Figure 1. Inhibitory effects of vanadyl complexes on free fatty acid (FFA)release from rat adipocytestreated with epinephrine. The main abnormality in insulin-dependent diabetes Rat adipocytes were prepared as reported.12e21 B: Blank, mellitus (IDDM) is hypergycemia due to deficiency of adipocytes were treated with salinefor 30 min and then incubated insulin,l but there are many serious secondary complifor 3 h at 37 "C. C: Control, adipocyteswere treated with saline cations, such as atherosclerosis, microangiopathy, renal for 30 min and then incubated with 106 M epinephrine for 3 h disfunction and failure, cardiac abnormality, diabetic at 37 "C. V S, V-M, and V-E Adipocytes were treated with 1W retinopathy, and ocular disorders. At present severe M vanadyl sulfate, bis(N,N-dimethy1dithiocarbamato)oxovanadium(1V)and bis(NJV-diethy1dithiocarbamato)oxovanadiumdiabetes can be controlled only by daily injections of (IV), respectively,and then incubated with 106 M epinephrine insulin, so the development of compounds that cause for 3 h at 37 "C. V-P: Adipocytes were treated with lW,5 X insulin replacement or insulin mimetics on oral adminlV,and 103 M V-P complex and then incubated with 106 M istration would be very useful.2 epinephrine for 3 h at 37 "C. Values are means i SD for three The finding in 1980 that vanadate (+5 oxidation state experiments. of vanadium) has an insulin-likeeffect3stimulated research on insulin-mimetic vanadium compounds. The blood -0.lssmlkg glucose level of rats with streptozotocin (STZ)-induced 25 diabetes (STZrats) was found to be normalized by addition t of sodium orthovanadate to their drinking ~ a t e r . Later, ~,~ 4 0 0 vanadium ions6I3 and vanadium complexes1416 that are a effective on oral administration to diabetic rats have been 300 reported. We have been trying to develop new insulinlike vanadyl(+4 oxidation state) complexes that are less toxic" than vanadate and are present only in the active 200 form in rat cells and tissues18 using sulfur ligand-vanadyl complexeslg such as vanadyl-cysteine methyl ester comloo plexes, which normalize the blood glucose level of STZratsI5 when given orally. o l ' l l ' l l l l ' l l ' l l l ' l 0 Previously we reported that vanadyl sulfate potentiates -3-2-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415 glucose incorporation into isolated rat adipocytes12and suppressesrelease of free fatty acids (FFA)from adipocytes Day treated with epinephrine,20 mimicking the effects of Figure 2. Basal serum glucose levels in STZrats receiving daily oral or ip treatments with V-P (0.196 mmol/kg of body weight insulin. For evaluating the insulin-mimetic action of a for the first 2 days and then 0.098 mmol/kg of body weight and vanadyl complex, we developed an in vitro test system then no treatment).%Values are means i SD for four rats. using isolated rat adipocytes20treated with epinephrine, in which the effect of a vanadyl complex is compared with In 1965,almost quantitative (>96%)preparation of V-P that of insulin by measuring their effects on FFA release. in ethanol by mixing ammonium pyrrolidine-N-carAs addition of insulin to adipocytes inhibits the release of bodithioate and vanadyl sulfate in 2:l molar ratio was FFA dose-dependently, a complex that causes dosedependent inhibition of FFA release is expected to have reported,23 but the complex was incompletely characteran insulin-mimetic action in vivo. Among the various ized. We characterized it by visible absorption, infrared vanadyl complexes with V-O, V-N, and V-S coordination (IR) absorption, and electron paramagnetic resonance modes tested,21 the gray-green bis(pyrro1idine-N-car(EPR) spectrometries at room and liquid nitrogen tembodithioato)oxovanadium(IV) complex ( C ~ ~ H ~ G N ~ O S ~p V e r,a t u r e ~ . ~ ~ V-P) was found to show the strongest insulin-mimetic Figure 1 shows the inhibitions of FFA release from activity. isolated rat adipocytes treated with epinephrine in the absence of glucose by vanadyl sulfate (VS), bis(Nfldimethyldithiocarbamato)oxovanadium(IV) (V-M),bis(N~-diethyldithiocarbamato)oxovanadium(~ (V-E), and V-P complexes. At concentrations of 10-4 M, V-P was the v-P most effective, and its effect was dose-dependent in the concentration range 104-103 M.21 Thus we selected V-P for in vivo tests on STZ-rats. * To whom correspondence should be addressed. r




0 1994 American Chemical Society

Communications to the Editor

Figure 2 shows the changes in the basal serum glucose level in male Wistar rats with STZ-induced diabetes on daily intraperitoneal injection (ip) or oral administration (PO) of V-P.26 When the V-P complex was given at a dose of 10 mg (0.196 mmol) of vanadium(V)/kg of body weight for the first 2 days, the serum glucose level decreased to the normal range within 2 or 3 days, and it was maintained in the normal range by daily administration of 5 mg (0.098 mmol) of V/kg. In STZ-rats in which serum glucose level was normalized within 1week on administration of V-P, the level remained normal for 1 week after the end of treatment and then gradually increased. The results indicated that V-P was more effective on intraperitoneal injection than on oral administration. Normalization of the serum glucose level of STZ-rats by treatment with V-P was associated with normalization of the serum FFA level (control nondiabetic rats, 0.38 f 0.06 mequiv/L serum; STZ-induced diabetic rats, 1.12 f 0.12 mequiv/l; STZ-rats treated orally wit hi'-P for 1week, 0.42 f 0.05 mequiv/L) as predicted from the in vitro tests. We found a good linear relationship between serum glucose and FFA leveh26 Thus, monitoring of both serum glucose and FFA levels seems necessary for evaluating the degree of diabetes. This work showed that the easily prepared complex V-P was very effective for normalizing both the serum glucose and FFA levels in STZ-rats. The present study also indicated the value of an in vitro system using isolated rat adipocytes for predicting the in vivo effects of test complexes. We are now studying the mechanism of action V-P complex. Acknowledgment. This work was supported by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan and of the Kyoto Pharmaceutical University Foundation to H.S. References (1)Atkinson, M. A.; Maclaren, N. K. What Causes Diabetes? Sci. Am. 1990,263(July), 42-49. (2) (a) Shechter, Y. Insulm-Mimetic Effects of Vanadate; Possible ImDlications for Future Treatment of Diabetes. Diabetes 1990, 39,&1-5.(b) Shechter, Y.; Meyerovitch,J.; Frufel, Z.; Sach, J.;Bruck, R.; Bar-Meir, 5.;Ami, S.; Degani, H.; Karlish, S. J. D. Insulin Mimetic Effects of Vanadium. In Vanadium in Biological Systems: Physiology and Biochemistry; Chasteen, N. D., Ed.; Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, 1990,pp 129-142. (3) (a) Shechter, Y.; Karlish, S. J. D. Insulin-lie Stimulation of Glucose Oxidation in Rat Adipocytes by Vanadyl(IV) Ions. Nature (London) 1980,286,556-558.(b) Dubyak, G. R.; Kleinzeller, A. The Insulin-MimeticEffect of Vanadate in Isolated Rat Adipocyh. J. Biol. Chem. 1980,255,5306-5312. (4)Heyliger, C. E.;Tahiliani, A. G.; McNeill, J. H. Effect of Vanadate on Elevated Blood Glucose and Depressed Cardiac Performance of Diabetic Rata. Science 1985,227,1474-1477. (5)Meyerovitch,J.;Farfel,Z.;Sack, J.;Shechter,Y. Oral Administration of Vanadate Normalizes Blood Glucoee Levels in StreptozocinTreated Rats. J. Biol. Chem. 1987,262,6658-6662. (6)Ramanadham, S.;Mongold, J. J.; Brownsey, R. W.; Cros, G. H.; McNeill, J. H. Oral Vanadyl Sulfate in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus in Rata. Am. J. Physiol. 1989,257,H W H 9 1 1 . (7)Ramanadham, S.;Browneey, R. W.; Cros, G. H.; Mongold, J. J.; McNeill, J. H. Sustained Prevention of Myocardial and Metabolic Abnormalities in Diabetic Rata Following Withdrawal from Oral Vanadyi Treatment. Metaboliam IS89,38,1022-1028. (8) Pedereon, R. A.; Ramanadham, S.; Buchan, A. M. J.; McNeill, J. H. Long-Term Effects of Vanadyl Treatment on StreptozocinInduced Diabetes in Rata. Diabetes 1989,38,1390-1395.

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