A New Synthesis of Aminomalonic Acid1

w-Propyl iodide (75°, 0.024 M in I2). 64. 660. O6. O6. 0'. >98. -Propyl iodide (95°, 0.0008 M in I2). 71. 5730 0.5. 0.2 '. 0.3. 98.5. 0.5. Isopropyl...
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May 20, 1953


while no analogous reaction path is open to the isopropyl radical. Although they give no data in regard to the lifetime of the radicals, Durham, Martin and Sutton' indicate a partial decomposition of propyl radical in the vapor phase a t 400". TABLE I PRODUCTS OF THE THERMAL EXCHANGE OF IODINE A N D THE ALKYLIODIDES

preparation of malonic acid analogs of a-amino acids.6 The unsubstituted ester, hydrolyzed under conditions previously described,6 gives good yields of the alkali salt of carbobenzyloxyaminomalonic acid, which, on catalytic hydrogenolysis in aqueous solution, gives the salts of aminomalonic acid.

Total nre -. ~~

Ex- activchange, it % c.76.



Per cent. activity as i-CsH11 n-CaH11


Ethyl iodide (75O, 0 024 AP in 1 2 ) 71 885 Ob >98 Ob Ob ob n-Propyl iodide (75", 0.024 M in 1 2 ) 0 64 660 Ob Ob 0" >98 %-Propyl iodide (95", 0 0008 in 12) 71 5730 0 5 0 2 0 3 985 0 5 Isopropyl iodide (95', 0.0023 12P in 12) 98 14100 0 Od 0 4 98 6 0 7 0 3 KO carrier methylene iodide added. < 0.5%. < 1%. d < 0 . 1 % . The results of Table I represent an upper limit to systematic errors that can affect the validity of the present separation methods. It is indicated that the reliability of results obtained by this method is better than a fraction of one per cent., or the limit of the activity measurements should this be higher. Detection of the formation of small amounts of radicals appears to be quite practicable especially in the case of methyl since methyl iodide is easily separated from the higher boiling components. Further investigations are in progress utilizing the technique described above in studies of alkyl iodide systems. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY CANISIUSCOLLEGE BUFFALO,NEW YORK

A New Synthesis of Aminomalonic Acid' BY JAN H. R. BEAUJON AND WALTER H. HARTUNG RECEIVED NOVEMBER 26, 1952


Experimental Potassium Carbobenzyloxyaminoma1onate.-This coin pound was prepared by hydrolysis of 12.4 g. (0.04 mole) of diethyl carbobenzyloxyaminomalonate6 in 50 ml. of a 20% solution of potassium hydroxide in 95% ethanol. A gummy precipitate, weighing more than 12.5 g. (calcd. for pure dipotassium salt, 12.6 g.), was formed on standing overnight. This precipitate, on attempted recrystallization from 8090% ethanol, formed a slightly yellowish, oily material. On washing with 95% ethanol it became almost colorless, and after drvinrc over DhosDhorus Dentoxide it turned into a white, hygroscopic soiid. -Anal. Calcd. for CllH9O6NK2: N, 4.26. Found: N, 4.31,4.43. Potassium carbobenzyloxyaminomalonate could be acidified t o Droduce carbobenzvloxvaminomalonic acid. m a . 147-148$ (uncor.), with evblution of gas. Anal. Calch. for CnH1106N: N, 5.54. Found: N, 5.56, 5.51. Monodecarboxylation of carbobenzyloxyaminornalonic acid by boiling with dilute hydrochloric acid yielded Ncarbobenzyloxyglycine, m.p. 119-120° (uncor.), m.p. reported, 120°.' Although the analysis for the free acid is satisfactory, the visible evolution of gas on its formation suggests that it is more stable as a salt. Monopotassium Carbobenzyloxyaminomalonate.2To a solution of 2.4 g. of KOH (0.041 mole) in 10 ml. of water was added with constant stirring 10.2 g. of carbobenzyloxyaminomalonic acid (0.04 mole). To the resulting clear solution was added with stirring commercial absolute ethanol until no further precipitate formed. The solid was removed, washed with 95% alcohol and recrystallized three times from 80-90% alcohol: obtained 7.1 E. of Dure white crystals, Gl.l%.'"Anal. Calcd. for CI;HIOO;NK: N, 4.82. Found: N, 4.82, 4.85. Monopotassium Amiiomalonate .-A solution of 5.8 g . of monopotassium carbobenzyloxyaminomalonate (0.02 mole) in 50 ml. of distilled water was hydrogenated in the Parr apparatus in the presence of 2 g. of palladium-charcoal catalyst a t an initial pressure of 4 atm. hydrogen; shaking was continued for an hour after the gage pressure became constant. The catalyst was removed and the solution concentrated under reduced pressure to 25 ml. and then poured into 150 ml. of boiling absolute ethanol and filtered. The solution, after standing for about a week, yielded large crystals, which were removed and recrystallized twice from SO-SO% alcohol; yield 1.0 g., 32%. Anal. Calcd. for CaH304NK: N, 8.91. Found: N, 8.92, 8.86. Hydrogenation of dipotassium carbobenzyloxyaminomalonate under similar conditions, and isolation of the product as described above, also leads to the monopotassium aminomalonate, the carbon dioxide liberated during hydrogenolysis of the carbobenzyloxy1 group accounting for the other potassium ion.


Aminomalonic acid was first described in 1864, by Baeyer who prepared i t by reduction of potassium oximinomalonate with sodium amalgam and water.2 Ruhemann and Orton3synthesized aminomalonic acid from nitromalonamide by reducing the nitro group with sodium amalgam and water, and removing the amido groups by hydrolysis. Lutz,4 in 1902, found that he could obtain aminomalonic acid by treating halogenated malonic acid with ammonia. Finally, in 1904, Piloty and Finckh5 J , H. R. Beaujon and W. H Hartung, J . A m . Phaum. Assoc., 41, obtained aminomalonic acid by alkaline hydrolysis 578(6)(1952). of uramil, 5-aminobarbituric acid. (7) H. D.Carter, R. L. Frank and H. W. Johnston, O r g . Syntheses. I n view of the known iOstability of malonic acids, 23, 13 (1943). it is doubtful that any of these methods yields SCHOOL OF PHARMACY OF NORTHCAROLINA aminomalonic acid in pure form. In most cases UNIVERSITY the reagents used are quite destructive and the CHAPELHILL, NORTHCAROLINA decomposition products, mainly glycine, may be expected to contaminate the product. 4-Nitrophthalimides. . I. Derivatives of Alkyl The present synthesis employs diethyl carboHalides Giving a Saponification Equivalent' benzyloxyaminomalonate, an intermediate in the (1) No. 13 in amino acid series. For No. 12 see J. H. R. Beaujon, W. R. Straughn, Jr., and W. H. Hartung, J . A m . Phaum. Assoc., 41,581 ( 1952). (2) A. Baeyer, Ann., 181, 291 (1864). (3) S. Ruhemann and K. J. P. Orton, J . Chem. Soc., 61, 1002 (1896). (4) 0. Lutz, Ber., S I ,

2549 (1902).

( 5 ) 0.Piloty and C. Finckh, Ann., 888, 71 (1904).


Among the many derivatives suggested for the identification of alkyl halides are the N-alkyl(1) From the Ph.D. Thesis of R. Vincent Cash, Indiana University, September, 1951.