A Novel Pregnane Ester Tetraglycoside from Orthenthera viminea

ORTHENTHERA VIMINEA. KanwalJ. Kaur, Maheshwari P. Khare, and Anakshi Khare. Department of Chemistry, Lucknow University, Lucknow, India. Abstract...
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Journal of Natural Products V O ~48, . N O .6, pp. 928-932, Nw-DN 1985



AESTRACT.-A new pregnane ester tetraglycoside designated as orthenine (1)has been isolated from the dried twigs of O r t h m t k a vininea. Chemical and spectroscopic evidence is consistent with the structure 12-0-cinnamoyl sarcostin 3-O-a-~-oleandropyranosyl(1*4)-0-a-~oleandropyranosyl ( 1*4)-0-a-~-oleandropyranosyl ( lH4)-0-B-D-cymaropyran~idefor orthenine.

In previous communications, we have reported the isolation and structural elucidation of four novel oligosaccharides (1-5) and pregnane ester glycosides (6,7) from the twigs of Ortbenthera vimineu W. & A. (Asclepiadaceae). As a continuation of studies on this plant, we are presenting here spectral and chemical evidence for the structure of a new oligoglycoside, designated as orthenine (1). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION


Orthenine (1)mp 120-124", {a)D 115", C,,H8,Ol9, respondedpositively to the Liebermann Burchardt test (8),xanthydrol(9,lO) and Keller-Kiliani reactions (1l), indicating it to be a steroidal glycoside of a 2-deoxy sugar residue. The presence of a vicinal diol system in the molecule was indicated by its positive reaction with NaI04. In the 'H-nmr spectrum of 1 at 400 MHz, the presence of characteristic methylene signals in the regions 6 2.36-2.07 (4H) and 2.02- 1.80 (4H), in conjunction with four secondary methyl group doublets v = 6 Hz) at 6 1.35 (3H), 1.33 (6H), and 1.24 (3H) and four methoxygroup singlets at 6 3.46, 3.45, 3.40, and 3.39, providedevidence that 1 is a tetraglycoside of 2,6-dideoxy hexoses. Mild acid (0.025 M H,S04) hydrolysis ( 12) of 1 afforded a crystalline genin 2 and a mixture of two sugars. The separated sugars 5 and 6 displayed characteristic color tests of 2-deoxy sugars and were identified as D-cymarose ( 13) (2,6-dideoxy-3-O-methyl-~ribohexose) and L-oleandrose ( 14,15) (2,6-dideoxy-3-0-methyl-~-arabinohexose) (pc and {a)D). For further characterization, 5 and 6 were oxidized with bromine water to their lactones 7 and 8, respectively, which on treatment with phenylhydrazine yielded known crystalline derivatives, i.e., D-cymaronic acid phenylhydrazide (9)(13) and Loleandronic acid phenylhydrazide (10)(14,15). On the basis of the above results, 1 was inferred to be a tetraglycoside involving D-cymarose and L-oleandrose moieties. The ability of the genin 2 to undergo methanolysis by the Zemplkn method (16,17) indicated the presence of an ester group. The mass spectrum of the methanolysis products contained prominent ion peaks at mlz 162, 13 1, and 103 assigned to methyl cinnamate, confirming the presence of a cinnamoyl ester function in 2. The hydrolyzate afforded a crystalline product 3, mp 260-265", [ a ) D +63", identical in properties with sarcostin (18) (pregn-5-ene-3f3, Sp, 12p, 14p, 17p, 20-S-hexol). The ease of reaction of genin 2 with sodium periodate suggested that its C-20 hydroxyl was not esterified. The genin 2 was thus identified as penupogenin (19) (12-0-cinnamoyl sarcostin) by mmp and comparison of its tlc with an authentic sample. Acetylation of2 with Ac,O in pyridine yielded the di-0-acetyl derivative 4 , C&&, mp 134- 138", also characterized from its 'H-nmr spectrum. More direct chemical support for 1 being a tetraglycoside of cymarose and oleandrose and determination of the sequence of the sugar units came from the results of its very mild acid (0.5 mM H,S04) hydrolysis at room temperature which afforded par-

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Kaur et al. : Pregnane Ester Tetraglycoside

tially and completely hydrolyzed products. After 12 days, the reaction mixture exhibited the appearance of oleandrose (6)(pc,tlc) as the only sugar unit, with the formation di- (12),and mono-glycosides (13),leading of three new spots, presumably tri- (ll), to the conclusion that the terminal three sugar units in 1 were oleandrose. An aliquot of this partially hydrolyzed mixture, when worked up, afforded the products 11 and 12 as a mixture and 13 as a crystalline product mp 85-90', [CX]D 19", besides oleandrose (6)and some unreacted starting material 1. M e r 17 days, two additional new spots (tlc) identical in mobilities with cymarose (5)and penupogenin (2) appeared, suggesting that cymarose was directly glycosidically linked to penupogenin. This was also corroborated by the mild acid hydrolysis of 13 exhibiting only two spots (tlc) identical in mobilities with cymarose (5) and penupogenin (2).



a-r-olep(1*4>B-~-CympPenup. a-r-olep (1*4)-a-~-Olep ( 1*4>P-D-Cy+penuP.

13 12 11






2 3




H H Ac




The eims of 1 did not exhibit an EM]+, but the highest mass ion peak of the genin moiety, recorded at m/z 494.2702 was in agreement with formula C30H3806corresponding to lgenin fragment-H,O]+. The subsequent losses of a cinnamic acid and four water molecules from this ion giving ion peaks at m/z 346, 328, 3 10,292, and 274 were in agreement with the presence of one cinnamoyl group and five hydroxyl groups in its genin moiety. The prominent ion peak at mlz 257.1402 of composition CI3H,,O5 was attributed to a [disaccharide fragment ion (289)-MeOH]+ ion presumably originating from the tetrasaccharide moiety of the glycoside. The low mass region contained the expected prominent cinnamic acid peak and its fragment iods at mlz 148, 131, and 103, as well as the common 2,6-dideoxymonomethoxy-hexosefragments (20) at mlz 145, 113, and 95. The 'H-nmr (CDCl,) spectrum of 1 at 400 MHz not only confirmed that it was a tetraglycoside of 12-0-cinnamoyl sarcostin but also helped in ascertaining the configuration of the glycosidic linkages. For convenience, the one cymarose and three oleandrose units of 1 were designated, S , , S,, S,, and S,, respectively. A one proton double doublet appearing only as broad doublet at 6 4.88 (J= 3 H t ) and two double doublets at


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Journal of Natural Products

64.86(2H,J=3and 1Hz)and4.51(1H,J=9.5and 1.5 Hz)couldbeassignedtofour anomeric protons of the four sugars. The small coupling constants (3 Ht) of three of these anomeric protons, typical of their equatorial configuration in a 2deoxyhexopyranose moiety in the 'C4 (L) conformation (2 l), were attributed to the S,, S,, and S4 L-oleandrose units linked through (Y-L-( 1-4) glycosidic bonds. The large coupling constant (9.5 Hz) of the fourth anomeric proton, typical of an axial configuration, suggested D-cymaropyranose moiety in a *C, (D) conformation (2 1) joined to the aglycone through a p-D-glycosidic linkage. The 'H-nmr spectrum also contained appropriate proton signals for the genin moiety consisting of 12-0-cinnamoyl sarcostin (see Experimental section). In light of the foregoing evidence, the structure of orthenine (1)was established as 12-0-cinnamoyl sarcostin 3-O-a-~-oleandropyranosyl( 1~4)-0-a-~-01eandropyranosyl ( 1~4)-0-a-~-oleandropyranosyl( 1~4)-0-~-D-~ymaropyranoside. EXPERIMENTAL Mps were determined on a Boetius micromelting point apparatus and are uncorrected. All [ a )val~ ues were measured in a l d m tube with a Jasco-Dip 180 automatic polarimeter. The 'H-nmr spectra were recorded on 400 MHz (Bruker), 90MHz (Perkin-Elmer R 32) and 80 MHz (CFT-20, proton probe) spectrometers in CDCI,, with TMS as the internal standard. Mass spectra were recorded with AEI MS-30 and JEOL High Resolution JMS-300 mass spectrometers. Sugars were made visible with 50% aqueous H2S04 in tlc (silica gel G, BDH) and vanillin-HC104 reagent in pc.Pc (Whatman No. 1) was performed using C6H5CH3-n-BuOH(4: 1) saturated with H,O as developing solvent. Column chromatography was performed using silica gel (BDH, 60-120 mesh).

PLANTExlxwxION.-Shadedried, powdered twigs (10 kg) of 0. vzniMa (Voucher No. 68018, deposited in the National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India) were extracted and fractionated with solvents of different polarities, as reported earlier (2). The residue from the CHC1,-EtOH extract, 4: 1 (9 g) and CHC1,-EtOH extract, 3:2 (3 g) rich in glycosides, were combined and hydrolyzed with 25 ml H2SO4 in 50% MeOH, in order to obtain the genins, partially hydrolyzed glycosides, and sugars. Re-' peated column chromatography of the mixture of partially hydrolyzed glycosides using CHC1,-MeOH (98:2) as eluent afforded orthenine (65 mg).


ORTHENINE (l).-Orthenine: mp 120-124' (Me,CO-hexane), [a]25D 115.6" ( ~ 0 . 1 2MeOH). , It gave a pink color in xanthydrol and blue in Keller-Kiliani reactions, andandenvent N d 0 4 oxidation. 'H nmr (400 MHz) 6 7.95-7.92 (ZH, m, aromatic), 7.77 ( l H , d,]= 16 Hz), 7.44-7.30 (3H, m, aromatic), 6.46(1H, d,]=16 Hz), 5.41-5.37 ( l H , m, H-6). 4.88 ( l H , br. d,]=3 Hz, H-I'ofOle), 4.86 ( 2 H , d d , j = 3 a n d lHz,H-l'ofOle),4.76(1H,dd,]=11.5and4.5Hz,H-12),4.51(1H,dd,~=9.5 and 1.5 Hz, H- 1' of Cym), 3.93-3.84 (4H, m, H-5 ' of S,, S,, S, and S4), 3.64 ( l H , in;D,O shake q,]= 6 Hz, H-20), 3.62-3.5 1(4H, m, H-3' of SI,S,, S, and S4), 3.46 (3H, s, OMe), 3.45 (3H, s, OMe), 3.40 (3H, s, OMe), 3.39 (3H, s, OMe), 3.27-3.14 (4H, m, H-4' of SI, S,, S, and S4), 2.36-2.07 (4H, m, H2'eofS,, S,, S3andS4), 2.02-1.80(4H, m, H-2'aofS1,S2,S3andS4), 1.35(3H,d,J=6Hz, 6'-Me), 1.33 (6H, d,]=6 Hz, 6'-Me), 1.24 (3H, d,]=6 Hz, 6'-Me), 1.23 (3H, s, 18-Me), 1.18(3H, s, 19-Me), 1.11 (3H, d,]=6Hz, 21-Me); msn/z(rel. int.)[M]+(notobserved), 494.2702(0.42)[M-sugars-H20]+ (C#3&d, 476.2563 (0.92) [494-H,Ol+ (C&~H,&), 458.2472 (0.87) [476-H,O]+ (c+3404), 364.2284 (0.47) [M-sugars-PhCH=CHCO,H}+ (C2,H3,O5), 346.2 148 (2.59) [364-H20]+ (C,1H3004), 328.2038 (6.48) 1346-H2OI+ (C,,H2803), 3 10.1936 (5.63) [328-H,OI+ (C,lH,60,), 292.1831 (4.07) [310-H20]+ (C,,H,40), 274.1722 (0.85) [292-H20)+ (C2'H2,), 148.0523 (13.75) (C,H,O,), 131.0499 (18.72) (C+H,O), 103.0550 (9.99)(C8H,); sugarfragments: 257.1402 (8.02) [tetrasaccharide ion-two sugars-MeOH)+ (C13H2105), 239.1319 (1.59) [257-H20]+ (Cl3HI9O4), 181.0895 (1.20) [257-MeCH0-MeOHlf (CloH1303), 145.0873 (100.00) (C,HI3O3), 113.0606 (40.93) (C6H902)and 95.0500 (9.29) (C6H,0). Anal. calcd. for C5,H,OI9: C, 63.97; H , 8.09. Found: C, 64.11; H , 7.95%. MILDACID HYDROLYSIS OF ORTHENINE (I).-To a solution of 1 ( 15 mg) in 80% aqueous dioxane (1 ml) was added O.05M H 2 W 4(1 ml), and the solution was warmed for 30 min at 50"; then concentrated under reduced pressure to remove dioxane. The aqueous portion was repeatedly extracted with CHC1,MeOH (99: l), and the organic layer was washed in sequence with H,O, 2N Na,CO3, and again with H,O, dried over Na$04, and evaporated to afford genin (2) which crystallized from Me,CO-hexane as colorless needles (5 mg) mp 140- 145'. It underwent NaI04 oxidation and was identified as penupogenin [ 12-O-cinnamoyl sarcostin, lit (19) mp 145- l50q by mmp and tlc comparison with the authentic sample;

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'H nmr (90 MHz) 6 7.60-7.30 (5H, m, aromatic), 7.75 ( l H , d,]=16 Hz), 6.42 ( I H , d, J=16 Hz), 5.42-5.22 ( l H , m, H-6), 4.7 1 (lH, dd,]= 11 and 4.5 Hz, H-12), 3.63 ( l H , q,J=6.5 Hz, H-20), 1.14 (6H, s, 18-Me and 19-Me) and 1.04 (3H, d,]=6 Hz, 21-Me). The aqueous hydrolyzate was neutralized with freshly prepared BaCO,, filtered, and concentrated under reduced pressure to afford a mixture of two sugars which were isolated through column chromatography affording 5 (1.8 mg), [CZ)'~D+49.5" ( ~ 0 . 1 1 H,O) , and 6 (5.2 mg), [CX)~'D+ 14.1' (c=O. 14, H20). Both gave a positive coloration in the xanthydrol and Keller-Kiliani reactions. The [a)D, tlc, and pc comparisons of 5 and 6 showed them to be identical to Dcymarose [lit (13) [ a ] +55' ~ (H20)) and Loleandrose [lit (14,15) [a)D + 12' (H20)], respectively. DI-O-ACETYLPENUPOGENIN (4).Arystalline 2 (2 mg) dissolved in anhydrous C5H5N(0.2 ml) was mixed with Ac20 (0.2 ml), and the mixture was kept for 48 hat room temperature. After the usual workup of the reaction mixture, it afforded the acetylated product 4 (1.7 mg) which crystallized from Me2COhexane, mp 134-138'. 'H nmr(80 MHz) 6 1.90(3H, s, OAc), 1.98(3H, s, OAc), 4.85-4.45 (3H, m, H3, H-12 and H-20). Anal. calcd. forC,4H440,: C, 68.46; H , 7.38. Found: C, 68.73; H , 7.21%.

HYDROLYSIS OF 2 BY ZEMPLEN METHOD.-TO a solution of 2 (3 mg) in absolute MeOH ( 1ml) was added sodium methoxide (0.15 ml), and the mixture was kept at room temperature; when the reaction was complete (tlc), it was neutralized with IR 120 H resin and filtered. MeOH was removed under reduced pressure yielding a viscous product (2.3 mg), which gave ion peaks at m/z 162, 131, and 103 in the lower mass region of its ms. The chromatographic separation of the hydrolyzate afforded product 3 (1.5 mg) which crystallized from MeOH-Me,CO, mp 260-265', [cx)'~D+62.5" (c=O. 11, MeOH). The mmp, tlc, and [ a )comparisons ~ with the authentic material confirmed 3 as sarcostin [lit (18) mp 150'/260-263", [ a ) +67'(MeOH)]. ~ OXIDATION OF CYMAROSE ( 5 ) WITH Br2 WATER.-A Solution Of 5 (1.8 mg) in H2O (0.4 ml) Was mixed with Br, (6 ~ 1and ) shaken in a stoppered flask in the dark for 24 h at room temperature. The excess of Br, was then removed under reduced pressure, the acidic mixture was made neutral with freshly precipitated Ag2C0,, and the suspension was filtered. H,S was passed through the filtrate to remove Ag' ions, and the suspension was again filtered. The filtrate was evaporated to dryness under reduced pressure yielding syrupy lactone 7 (1.2 mg) showing a violet spot with NH,OH-FeCI, spray reagent.

OXIDATION OF OLEANDROSE (6)WITH Br2 WATER.-A solution of 6 (3 mg) in H 2 0 (0.6 ml) was mixed with Br, (12 ~ 1 as) in the oxidation of 5 affording syrupy lactone 8 (2.2 mg) showing a violet spot with ",OH-FeCI, spray reagent. D-CYMARONICACID PHEN~HYDRAZIDE @).-A solution of 7 (1.2 mg) in absolute EtOH (0.04 ml) was mixed with freshly distilled phenylhydrazine (0.04 ml), and the mixture was heated for 30 min at 100'. The viscous mass was cooled and repeatedly triturated with absolute E t 2 0 (to remove excess of phenylhydrazide), yielding a Dcymaronic acid phenylhydrazide (9)which crystallized from MeOH-Et,O as colorless needles (0.6 mg) mp 150-153' [lit (13) mp 155'1.

L-OLEANDRONIC ACID PHENYLHYDRAZIDE (lo).-A solution of 8 (2 mg) in absolute EtOH (0.05 ml) was mixed with freshly distilled phenylhydrazine (0.04 ml) and heated as for 7, affording L-oleandronic acid phenylhydrazide (10)which crystallized from MeOH-Et,O as colorless needles (1.2 mg) mp 135-136O[lit (14,15) mp 1367. VERYMILD ACID HYDROLYSIS OF ORTHENINE (l).-To a solution of 1(25 mg) in 80% aqueous dioxane (3 ml) was added 1 rnM H , S 4 (3 ml), and the solution was kept at room temperature. After 12 days, tlc of the reaction mixture exhibited a spot due to oleandrose (6)(Rf1.00, taken as reference), and three more spots of mobilities Rf 2.00, 2.08, and 2.42 presumed to be tri ( l l ) , di (12), and monoglycosides (13),respectively. An aliquot (3 ml) ofthis partially hydrolyzed reaction mixture was removed, neutralized with IRA 400 (OH), and evaporated under reduced pressure to afford a viscous mass (12 mg) which was separated on a silica gel column giving a mixture (2 mg) of 11and 1 2 ; 13(4 mg), crystallized from MeOH-Et,O, mp 85-90', [ a j z 5 ~ 19.3" ( ~ 0 . 1 1MeOH), , oleandrose (6)(1.0 mg) and l ( 2 mg). O n the 17th day, two additional new spots identical in mobilities with cymarose ( 5 )(Rf 1.5) and penupcgenin (2) (Rf 1.53) appeared.


ACID HYDROLYSIS OF 13.-To a solution of 13(1 mg) in 80%aqueous dioxane (0.1 ml) was added 0.05 M H 2 S 4(0.1 ml), and the solution was warmed for 30 min at 50". The reaction mixture exhibited the spots of cymarose (5)and penupogenin (2) (pc, tlc). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are thankful to Prof. H . Mitsuhashi, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, for kindly supplying


Journal of Natural Products

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an authentic sample of penupogenin and Dr. D.K. Kulshreshtha (CDRI, Lucknow) for helpful discussions. One of us (K.J.K.) thanks the UGC,New Delhi, for the award ofa junior research fellowship. LITERATURE CITED 1. 2.

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Received 28 March I985