a-page index - ACS Publications

Michael D. Barnes, William B. Whitten, and J. Michael Ramsey. ... K. Bruce Jacobson and H. F. Arllnghaus. 64:315 ..... and Martin J. Stillman. 64: 283...
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Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy

Development of Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy for DNA Sequencing and Genome Mapping. K. Bruce Jacobson and H. F. Arllnghaus. 64:315 A-28 A Feature articles Acousto-Optic Devices: Optical Elements Dynamic Two-Dimensional IR Spectrosfor Spectroscopy. Chieu D. Tran. 64: copy. Curtis Marcott, Anthony E. Dow971A-81A rey, and Isao Noda. 66:1065 A-75 A Analytical Applications of Optical Imaging The Evolution of Commercial IR SpecFibers. Paul Pantano and David R Walt. trometers and the People Who Made It 67:481A-87 A Happen. Paul A. Wiiks, Jr. 64:833 A38 A Atomic Absorption: A View of the Early Days. James W. Robinson. 66:472 AExpert Systems: Diagnosing the Cause of 77 A Problem AAS Data. Sharbari Lahari and Martin J. StiUman. 64:283 A-91A A Brief History of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Edwin D. Becker. 65: 295 AForty Years of FT-IR Spectrometry: 302 A Strong-Men, Connes-Men, and BlockBusters or How Mertz Raised the Charge-Coupled Devices in Analytical Hertz. Peter R Griffiths. 64:868 AInstrumentation. Quentin S. Hanley, 75 A Colin W. Earle, Frank M. Pennebaker, Sean P. Madden, and M. Bonner DenThe Fourier Transform Revolution in ton. 68:661A-67 A NMR Spectroscopy. Ray Freeman. 65: 743A-53 A Chromatography/FT-IR Spectrometry Approaches to Analysis. Chuzo FujiFundamental Research in ICP-OES and moto and Kiyokatsu Jinno. 64:476 AICPMS. John W. Olesik. 68:469 A-74 A 81A Holographic Spectroscopy: Diffraction Coherent Forward Scattering Atomic from Laser-Induced Gratings. X. R Zhu, Spectrometry. Gerd M. Hermann. 64: D. J. McGraw, and J. M. Harris. 64: 571A-79 A 710A-19 A Detecting Single Molecules in liquids. Industrial Problem Solving with MolecuMichael D. Barnes, William B. Whitten, lar Spectroscopy. Jack L. Koenig. 66: and J. Michael Ramsey. 67:418 A515A-21A 23 A Ion Beams and Laser Postionization for Detection Limits and Spectral InterferMolecule-Specific Imaging. Nicholas ences in AES. P.WJ.M. Boumans. 66: Winograd. 65:622A-29 A 459A-67 A The Infrastructure of IR Spectrometry: 754 A

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, December 1, 1996

Reminiscences of Pioneers and Early Commercial IR Instruments. Foil A. Miller. 64: 824 A-31A In Vivo NMR of Drugs. Richard A Komoroski.66:1024A-33 A IR Microspectroscopy: Routine IR Sampling Methods Extended to the Microscopic Domain. J. E. Katon and A J. Sommer.64:931A-40 A Light in an Electrochemical Tunnel? Solving Analytical Problems in Electrochemistry via Spectroscopy. Krishnan Rajeshwar, Reynoldo 0. Lezna, and Norma R de Tacconi. 64:429 A-41A Multidimensional GC for Qualitative IR and MS of Mixtures. Charles L Wilkins.66:295A-301A Near-IR Spectral Identification of Soil. Yi Zou, Yu Xia, Angela R Jones, and Robert A Lodder. 65:434 A-39 A Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: The Giant Is Running Strong. W. Fred McClure. 66: 43A-53 A NMR Spectroscopy: In the Beginning. James N. Shoolery. 65:731 A-41 A NMR Spectroscopy in Solids: A Historical Perspective. John S. Waugh. 65: 725 A29 A Nonlinear Laser Spectroscopy. John C. Wright, Mitchell J. LaBuda, David E. Thompson, Robert Lascola, and Michael W. Russell. 68:600 A-07 A Nonmedical Applications of NMR Imaging. Richard A Komoroski. 65:1068 A77 A

Principles and Spectroscopic Applications of Volume Holographic Optics. James M. Tedesco, Harry Owen, David M. Pallister, and Michael D. Morris. 65: 441A-49 A Semiconductor Laser Diodes in Atomic Spectroscopy. Kay Niemax, Aleksandr Zybin, Christoph Schniirer-Patschan, and Henning Groll. 68: 351A-56 A Solids Analysis by GFAAS. Nancy J. Miller-Ihli. 64:964A-68 A Spectroscopy of Solvent Clustering in Supercritical Fluids. John F. Kauffman. 68:248A-53 A The U K ' s Contributions to IR Spectroscopic Instrumentation: From Wartime Fuel Research to a Major Technique for Chemical Analysis. Norman Sheppard. 64:877A-83 A Total-Reflection X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy. Reinhold Hockenkamper, Joachim Knoth, Andreas Prange, and Heinrich Schwenke. 64:1115 A23 A UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopy for Analytical, Physical, and Biophysical Chemistry. Part 1. Sanford A Asher. 65: 59A-66 A UV Resonance Raman Spectroscopy for Analytical, Physical, and Biophysical Chemistry. Part 2. Sanford A Asher. 65: 201A-10 A

Focus In Synch with Advanced X-ray Light Sources. Deborah Noble. 65:949 A53 A The 10-km Sample Cell. Deborah Noble. 65:451A-57 A FACSS1992 Conference Highlights. Nancy J. Miller-Ihli. 64:1171A-72 A High-Field Magnets for Analytical Chemistry: The Next Generation. Deborah Noble.66:658A-61A Ion Spectroscopies with TOF Detection: Changing the Atmosphere of Thin-Film Analysis. Deborah Noble. 66:428 A30 A Lowering the Barrier to Using Synchrotron Radiation. Alan Newman. 68: 255A-59 A Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy. Deborah Noble. 67: 671A-73 A

Book reviews Applied Laser rpectroscopy: Techniques, Instrumentatton, ,nd Applications.

David L Andrews. Reviewed by John C. Michael K Bowman. Reviewed by LowWright. 67:426 A-27 A ell Kispert. 63:988 A-89 A Charge Transfer Devices in Spectroscopy. NMR Chemistry: An Introduction io Modern NMR Spectroscopy, 3rd ed. J. W. Jonathan V. Sweedler, Kenneth L RatAkitt. Reviewed by Pushpalatha Murzlaff, and M. Bonner Denton. Reviewed thy.65:892A-93 A byJohn Olesik.67:246 A Dynamic Light Scattering: The Method and AMR ofParamagnetic Molecules. LawSome Applications. Wyn Brown. Rerence J. Berliner and Jacques Reuben. viewed by Benjamin Chu. 67:182 A Reviewed by Richard A Komoroski. 66: 698 A Fluorescence Spectroscopy: New Nethods and Applications. Otto S. Wolfbeis. ReNMR Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Conviewed by Stanley R. Crouch. 66:38 A cepts, and Applications in Chemistry. Harald Gunther. Reviewed by Thomas Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy: C.Farrar.68:262 A Instrumentation and Chemical Applications. Patrick Hendra, Catherine Photothermal Spectroscopic Methods for Jones, and Gavin Warnes. Reviewed Chemical Analysis. Stephen E. Bialby Terry L. Gustafson. 65:1084 A kowski. Reviewed by Tsuguo Sawada. 68: 487 A The Handbbok of Infrared and Ramam Characteristic Frequencies of Organic Practical Fluorescencen George G. GuilG Molecules. Dalmay Lin-Vien, Norman BB bault. Reviewed by Linda B. McGown. Colthup, William G. Fately, and 64:983A-84 A Jeanette G. Grasselli. Reviewed by Practical Gamma-Ray Spectrometry. GorChris W.Brown. 64:889 A don Gilmore and John D. Hemingway. Reviewed by William D. Ehmann. 68: 42 A Practical Guide to Infrared Microspectroscopy. Howard J. Humecki. Reviewed bb J.E.Katon.67:542A-43 A Principles of Nonlinear Spectroscopy. ShauS Mukamel. Reviewed by John C. Wright. 68:680A-81A Spectrochemical Analysis by Atomic Absorption and Emission. L.L.J. Lajunune Reviewed by M. W. Blades. 65: 892 A Spectroscopy and the Fourier Transform: An Interactive Tutorial. Ron Williams. Reviewed by Gary Small. 68: 738 A

Software reviews Laser-Enhanced Ionization Spectrometry. John C. Travis and Gregory C. Turk. Reviewed by Jean-Michel Mermet. 68: 618A-19 A Laser Spectroscopy: Techniques and Applications. E. Roland Menzell Reviewed by Stephen Bialkowski. 67: 542 A Light Scattering by Liquid Surfaces and Complementary Techniques. Dominique Langevin. Reviewed by Benjamin Chu. 65:1001A-03 A Microscopic and Spectroscopic Imaging of the Chemical State. Michael D. Morris. Reviewed by Lorraine M. Siperko. 66: 966 A Modern Pulsed and Continuous-Wave Electron Spin Resonance. Larry Kevan ana

Faster FT-IR Analysis: Omnic. Reviewed by David M. Haaland. 66:1021A-22 A From Soup to Nuts: Full NMR Data Processing: Nuts NMR Data. Reviewed by James F. Haw. 66:1128 A-29 A Predicting 13C NMR Spectra: ACD/ CNMR. Reviewed by Sadanand V. Pathre.68:740A-41A Spectral Searching: Spec--D Plus. Reviewed by Nathan C. Chaffin, Nelson W. Daniel, Jr., Ian R. Dawis, ,Jhn Jegla, and Peter R Griffiths. 66:746 A

Product reviews Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Celia Henry. 68:323 A-27 A FT-IR Photoacoustic Spectroscopy. Deborah Noble. 66:757 A-60 A

Analytical Chemistry News & Features, December 1, 1996 755 A


FT-IR Spectroscopy. Deborah Noble. 67: 381A-85 A Graphite Furnace AAS. Felicia Wach. 67: 51A-55 A ICP-AES. Deborah Noble. 66:105 A-09 A ICPMS. Alan Newman. 68:46 A-51A Near-IR Spectroscopy. Deborah Noble. 67:735A-39 A Solid-State NMR. Alan Newman. 68: 559A-62 A

Robert Finkel, and D. Erie Nelson. 67: 353A-59 A Capillary Electrophoresis/Mass Spectrometry. Richard D. Smith, Jon H. Wahl, David R Goodlett, and Steven A Hofstadler.65:574A-84 A Characterizing Hemoglobin Variants Using MS. Cedric H. L. Shackleton and H. Ewa Witkowska. 68:29 A-33 A Electrochemistry On Line with Mass Spectrometry: Insight into Biological Redox Reactions. Kevin J. Volk, Richard Electroanalytical Chemistry A Yost, and Anna Brajter-Toth. 64: 21 A-33 A Feature articles Designing Interfaces at the Molecular Cyclic Voltammetry: Simulation and analyElemental Speciation with Plasma Mass Level. Chuan-Jian Zhong and Marc D. sis ofReaction Mechanisms. David K Spectrometry. Nohora P. Vesa, Lisa K Porter. 67:709 A-15 A Gosser, Jr. Reviewed by Dieter Britz. Olson, and Joseph A Caruso. 65: 66:792A-93 A 585A-97 A Electrochemical Detection in Microcolumn Separations. Andrew G. Ewing, Electroanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 18: A Environmental Carcinogens: In Vivo MonJody M. Mesaros, and Peter F. Gavin. Series ofAdvances. Allen J. Bard. Reitoring Using GC/MS. John S. Wish66:527A-37 A viewed by Royce C. Engstrom. 66: nok.64:1126A-35 A 698A-99 A Electrochemistry of High-Temperature Fundamental Research in ICP-OES and Superconductors: Challenges and OpElectrode Kinetics for Chemists, Chemical ICPMS. John W. Olesik. 68:469 A-74 A portunities. John T. McDevitt, David R Engineers, and Materials Scientists. Re-Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry of Riley, and Steven G. Haupt. 65:535 Aviewed by Bruce Parkinson. 66:1076 A High-Mass Biomolecules. Michelle V. 45 A Fundamentals ofElectrochemical Analysis. Buchanan and Robert L. Hettich. 65: 245A-59 A Electrochemistry On Line with Mass Zbigniew Galus. Reviewed by Dieter Spectrometry: Insight into Biological Britz.66:966A-67 A From Black Magic to Chemistry: The Redox Reactions. Kevin J. Volk, Richard Ions, Electrodes, and Membranes, 2nd ed. Metamorphosis of Organic Mass SpecA Yost, and Anna Brajter-Toth. 64: trometry. Seymour Meyerson. 66: J. Koryta. Reviewed by Z. Liu and S. P. 21A-33 A 960A-64 A Kounaves. 65:404 A-05 A Light in an Electrochemical Tunnel? Molten Sall Techniques, Vol. 4. Robert J. From Ions in Solution to Ions in the Gas Solving Analytical Problems in ElecGale and David G. Lovering. Reviewed Phase: The Mechanism of Electrospray trochemistry via Spectroscopy. Krishby Graham T. Cheek. 64:399 A Mass Spectrometry. Paul Kebarle and nan Rajeshwar, Reynoldo 0. Lezna, Physical Electrochemistry: Principles, Meth-Liang Tang. 65:972 A-86 A and Norma R. de Tacconi. 64:429 Aods, and Applications. Israel Rubinstein. Guidelines for Successful SFC/MS. J. 41A Reviewed by Joseph E. Vitt. 68:321A David Pinkston and Thomas L Chester. 67:650A-56 A Polyion-Selective Membrane Electrodes for Biomedical Analysis. Mark E. MeySoftware reviews Innovations in Carotenoid Analysis Using erhoff, Bin Fu, Eric Bakker, Jong-Hoon A Cyclic Voltammetric Simulator for WinLC/MS. Richard B. Van Breeman. 68: Yun, and Victor C. Yang. 68:168 A-75 A 299A-304 A dows: DigiSim 2.0. Reviewed db Dieter Probing Brain Chemistry: Voltammetry Britz.67:600A-01A Ion Sources for Analysis of Inorganic SolComes of Age. Jonathan A Stamford ids and Liquids by MS. Debra Colodand Joseph B. Justice, Jr. 68:359 Aner, Vincent Salters, and Douglas C. Product reviews 63 A Duckworth. 66:1079 A-89 A Electrochemical Detectors for Liquid Recent Advances in Scanning ElectroChromatography. Mary Warner. 66: Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry of Externally chemical Microscopy. Michael V. Mir601A-06 A Generated Ions. Scott A McLuckey, kin.68:177A-82 A Gary J. Van Berkel, Douglas E. GoeQuartz Crystal Microbalances. Celia ringer, and Gary L Glish. 66: 689 AA Simulator for Cyclic Voltammetric ReHenry. 68:625A-28 A 96 A sponses. Manfred Rudolph, David P. Reddy, and Stephen W. Feldberg. 66: Ion Trap Mass Spectrometry Using High589A-600 A Pressure Ionization. Scott A McLuckey, Mass Spectrometry Gary J. Van Berkel, Douglas E. Goeringer, and Gary L Glish. 66:737 ABook reviews Feature articles 43 A Analytical Electrochemistry. Joseph Wang.Accelerator Mass Spectrometry: Isotope Reviewed by James Q. Chambers. 67: Quantification at Attomole Sensitivity. A Marriage Made in MS. Mark G. Qian 362 A John S. Vogel, Kenneth W. Turteltaub, and David M. Lubman. 67:234 A-42 A 756 A

Analytical Chemistry News