A Pharmacodynamic Model of Atrazine Effects on Estrous Cycle

May 14, 1998 - Abstract. Cessation of ovulation in Sprague-Dawley (S-D) rats begins by about 12 months of age, leading eventually to an anovulatory st...
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Chapter 34

A Pharmacodynamic M o d e l of Atrazine Effects on Estrous Cycle Characteristics

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in the Sprague-Dawley Rat




Melvin E. Andersen, Harvey J. Clewell III, and Hugh A. Barton 1

ICF Kaiser Engineers, Inc., P.O. Box 14348, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ICF Kaiser Engineers, Inc., 602 East Georgia Avenue, Ruston, LA 71270 2

Cessation of ovulation in Sprague-Dawley (S-D) rats begins by about 12 months of age, leading eventually to an anovulatory state, characterized first by persistent estrus (PE) and prolonged exposure to endogenous estradiol (E2). This first phase of reproductive senescence is due to the inability of the hypothalamus (HYPO) to support an effective gonandotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)-mediated, ovulation-inducing, luteinizing hormone (LH) surge, rather than ovarian exhaustion. We developed a pharmacodynamic estrous cycle (PD-EC) model for the S-D rat that focuses primarily on interactions between LH and E2. E2 has positive and negative feedback effects on LH release from the pituitary and also produces hypothalamic toxicity. E2 also mediates transcription in the HYPO leading to synaptic remodeling. Our model assumes that failure of the LH surge and ovulation ensue when cumulative-E2 toxicity leads to insufficient HYPO-E2 receptor reserve to accomplish remodeling in the intercycle period. The model was calibrated by examining data on altered cycle characteristics and PE induced by atrazine. The most intriguing model­ -derived insight was the prediction that both weak functional agonists and weak functional antagonists could lead to early onset PE. This model may be useful in evaluating toxic endpoints caused by various endocrine modulators in the S-D rat and for determining whether threshold doses are likely to be associated with those responses. 432

©1998 American Chemical Society In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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433 The ability of chemicals to cause toxicity by altering physiological processes regulated by various hormones has gained great visibility in the scientific and popular media. In contrast to previous high visibility environmental issues which have focused on toxic endpoints (e.g. cancer), specific chemicals (e.g. saccharin), or sites of contamination (e.g. hazardous waste sites) - the attention this time is focused on a general mode of action, often referred to as endocrine disruption. This simple description for a general mode of action leading to toxicity, encompasses a wide range of toxic endpoints and molecular mechanisms of action. These toxicities may arise via a range of molecular mechanisms including: 1) alterations in enzymes of hormonal biosynthesis or clearance, 2) alterations of the nervous system regulation of endocrine function, and 3) mimicking or inhibiting the activity of endogenous hormones in regulating cellular processes or altering gene expression. Furthermore, all of these effects occur in a physiological environment of sophisticated feedback control systems designed to maintain dynamic homeostasis. A simplified description of part of this feedback control system for steroid sex hormone is illustrated in Figure 1. The gonads of both females and males produce steroid hormones [e.g. testosterone (T) in males, and E2 in females] that control the development of sperm or ova by the gonads. But, the steroid hormones are also released into the blood stream where they are distributed and can have effects on accessory sex organs and the brain. The brain, particularly the hypothalamus (HYPO), and the pituitary release peptide hormones, (e.g., L H and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)) into the blood which regulate processes in the gonads. These interactive feedback processes are frequently referred to as the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Not shown in this illustration, but also present are neurological regulatory pathways, such as those important for maintenance of daily or circadian rhythms. A pharmacodynamic model of atrazine effects on estrous cycling in S-D rats described here was designed to explore the hypothesis that atrazine interacts with the aging process in female S-D rats resulting in an earlier onset of persistent estrus. The persistent estrus state may be associated with the high incidence of spontaneous mammary tumors in this strain. Acceleration of persistent estrus in atrazine-treated S-D rats could result in increased incidence or earlier onset occurrence of mammary tumors. Background on Atrazine Atrazine (2-chloro-4-emylamino-6-isopropylamino- y-triazine) is non-mutagenic in most test systems (7), but causes an increase in the prevalence and a decrease in latency of mammary tumors in female Sprague-Dawley rats (2). This strain of rat has a high incidence of spontaneous mammary tumors, frequently exceeding 50%. Atrazine did not increase mammary tumor incidence in Fischer 344 (F-344) rats which have a background incidence of less than 10%, in either sex of three strains of mice, or in male Sprague-Dawley rats (2). In general, all l

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Brain FSH/LH E2/T

Accessory Blood E2/T

Sex Organs

FSH/LH E2/T Gamete

Gonads E2/T

Clearance (E2/T; FSH/LH)

£ 2





Luteinizing Hormone


Follicle Stimulating Harmone

Figure 1: A generalized scheme of critical tissues and interactions between hypothalamic factors and gonadal hormones provides a framework for evaluating the role of chemicals as endocrine active compounds.

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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435 the 2-chloro-s-triazines increased mammary tumors in female Sprague-Dawley rats, while 2-thiomethyl and 2-methoxy-s-triazines did not increase the incidence of these tumors (2). Despite the lack of genotoxicity, the high background of these tumors in the female Sprague-Dawley rats, and the absence of these tumors in male Sprague-Dawley rats or in several strains of mice, the US EPA has previously proposed regulating atrazine using a linearized multistage model for the tumor data coupled with standard default risk assessment procedures (3). This regulatory posture appears questionable for non-DNA reactive compounds, such as the triazine herbicides. With these latter chemicals, the appropriate risk assessment strategies should depend on knowledge of the mode of action in the test animal species, the manner in which the test compound alters the physiological system to enhance tumor incidence, and any differences in mechanisms of action and in pharmacokinetics between the test animal population and humans. The US EPA is currently evaluating new information on the mode of action of 2-chloro-s-triazines to determine the appropriate risk assessment methodology. Atrazine is not a classic estrogenic agonist or antagonist, and does not likely bind to the ligand binding site of the estrogen receptor. In vitro atrazine did not displace E2 from the estrogen receptor in conventional ligand displacement incubations (4). In MCF-7 cells, atrazine neither induced cell proliferation nor inhibited E2-induced proliferation when both compounds were present simultaneously (5); similar results were found with simazine (2-chloro4,6-bisethylamino-s-triazine). In addition, neither compound altered estrogen receptor mediated gene expression in MCF-7 or yeast cells modified with artificial constructs (5). However, atrazine, simazine, and the di-dealkylated metabolite, diamino-2-chloro-.y-triazine, reduced E2 binding following preincubation of uterine cytosol with very high concentrations (6). In ovariectomized rats dosed in vivo with 50 or 300 mg atrazine/day for 2 days and then sacrificed, E2-binding to uterine receptors was reduced in a dosedependent manner (6). Immature Sprague-Dawley rats treated with atrazine showed reduced uterine wet weight, and reductions in cytosolic progesterone receptors and uterine peroxidase activity (6), all of which are inducible by E2 (5). However, recent studies have shown that atrazine may be having an effect on the hypothalamic/pituitary axis (7). Atrazine suppressed the estrogeninduced surge of L H in ovariectomized rats, but these animals could release L H in response to exogenous GnRH indicating their pituitary function was not impaired (8). Levels of two neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine, were not altered so the exact mechanism for atrazine's effects in the brain remains undetermined (8). Estrous Cycle The estrous cycle in rats lasts approximately 4-5 days, with 4 days being most common in Sprague-Dawley rats. There are 4 phases in the cycle, each lasting

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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436 a day or less: diestrus I, diestrus II, proestrus, and estrus (9). Diestrus I, immediately following estrus and ovulation, is the period where there is growth and maturation of new corpora lutea, which produce the steroid hormone, progesterone. Diestrus II is the relatively quiescent stage characterized by slowly increasing E2 concentrations as the next group of follicles begin to mature. Beginning in late diestrus II, there is rapid growth of the follicles and a rapid increase in blood E2. On the proestrous day, the persistence of high E2 concentrations stimulates a surge of progesterone from the ovary and surges of L H , FSH, and prolactin from the pituitary. The L H surge, closely tied to the diurnal cycle, occurs in the afternoon of proestrus and promotes rapid growth and rupture of the ovarian follicles, leading to ovulation during the morning of estrus. The cyclical morphological changes in reproductive tissues are themselves dominated by the alterations in plasma E2. For instance, vaginal lining changes markedly during the cycle. Persistent vaginal estrus is the condition where vaginal tissues, in response to continuous exposure to E2, maintain a thick, stratified epithelium, normally conspicuous only in estrus. Sprague-Dawley (2) and other strains of rats, including the Long-Evans (70), exhibit regular cyclicity until about 9 months of age, when they change to an irregular cycle, and then to acyclicity, characterized by persistent, anovulatory estrus. Persistent estrus is characterized by a reduction in the L H surge, inability to initiate ovulation, and continual high plasma levels of E2 and prolactin. These strains of rats have high background incidences of mammary tumors, which appear to be associated with these prolonged E2 and prolactin exposures during persistent estrus (2). Reproductive Aging in Rats Reproductive aging in humans occurs due to exhaustion of viable ova, but in S-D rats it results primarily from neuroendocrine failure (77). Induction of persistent estrus is one form of neuroendocrine mediated reproductive failure in rats. This failure is believed mediated by the cumulative toxicity of E2 on brain cells regulating the release of GnRH (72). Release of GnRH in turn is one of the signals controlling the release of L H which leads to ovulation. The arcuate nucleus in the hypothalamus is believed to play a critical role in E2 positive feedback and in the L H surge (13). During normal cycles, this brain region undergoes phased synaptic remodeling (14). Persistent estrus in aging S-D rats appears to result from cumulative damage to the arcuate nucleus by E2. Impairment of the entercycle, synaptic remodeling processes results in acyclic behavior (14). A pharmacodynamic PD-EC estrus cycle model, which has been described in detail elsewhere (75), was used as a framework to integrate the scientific data and relevant hypotheses for hormonal regulation of estrus cycling and reproductive neuroendocrine aging in rats. Modification of the model to incorporate a proposed interaction with atrazine is described below, along with potential uses for the model.

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Methods Pharmacodynamic Model for Estrous Cycle and Reproductive Aging: The computer code for the model was written in Advanced Continuous Simulation Language (ACSL, Mitchell & Gauthier Associates, Concord, MA) and run on a 486-66 MHz computer. The model structure (Figures 2 and 3) describes the interactions between E2 and L H in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Estradiol is produced in response to the growth of the ovaries which was described using an exponential Gompertz-function (Equations 1 and 2). size = sizeO + sizemax * expf-^expf-b*?) dAE2/dt = k0*size-ke2 *AE2

(1) (2)

The growth function parameter values (a, b, n) were determined by fitting E2 blood concentration data (Figure 4). Circulating E2 concentrations (AE2/vb) affect the production of L H in a combined brain-pituitary "endocrine" compartment. The model currently describes average L H release without explicitly modeling GnRH release. Negative feedback by E2 on tonic L H release is described in the mass balance equation for L H in blood by a term describing the inhibition of L H release rate in terms of E2 concentrations [Kilhl(CE2nM + Kilh)] (Equation 3). dALHIdt = kllh*Kilhl(CE2nM

+ Kilh) - kelh*ALH + bolus input


The maximal L H release rate was estimated with data from ovariectomized rats (i.e. in the absence of E2). Clearance from blood of L H and E2 are described as first order (e.g., kelh*ALH). Positive feedback by E2 on L H release described the cyclic L H surge that results in ovulation (Figure 5). As E2 concentrations in blood increase, there is increased binding to the E2 receptor (R2)\ this interaction was modeled to have an affinity of 1 nM (Equations 4 and 5). The ligand-receptor complex binds to DNA resulting in increased expression of a postulated estrus cycle-related protein (ECRP). As E2 exposure continues, levels of ECRP increase until a critical level has been reached resulting in an L H surge (Figure 4). d(ECRP)/dt = kOECRP*CE2R2/(CE2R2 + K2nM) - kECRP*ECRP CE2R2 = Cr2*CE2nM/(KB2nM + CE2nM)

(4) (5)

The surge was modeled as instantaneous release of L H into an intermediate holding compartment from which a first order rate constant describes its release into the blood {bolus input) (Figure 2). When a critical level of L H is achieved in the blood, ovulation occurs which results (in the model) in resetting the Gompertz function to zero and initiation of a new cycle

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.



Brain/Pituitary "Endocrine Compartment" E2 + R2t=±

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I Surge



= fn (E2-R2,


Tonic Release*

cyclical LH surge switch

bolus compartment]

'constant' LH release

I Vbl I clearance LH, E2


Estradiol (E2) Production

L . . . . J


failed LH-surge no ovulation persistent estrous Figure 2: A General Schematic of the Simplified Estrus Cycle Model for the Sprague-Dawley Rat.

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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Follicle Growth Increased E2 in Blood Altered by competing agonists and antagonists Reduced Gene Activation with Partial Agonists

Decreased by "aging'due to total E2 Exposure


t E2-receptor Binding in 'Endocrine Compartment"

Decreased Tonic LH Release

Ψ E2-R Complex Binds DNA

Ψ Increased ECRP synthesis Critical ECRP levels LH surge


Critical LH concentration Ovulation (reset follicular growth function to initial value)

Figure 3: Event Flow in The Estrus Cycle Model: The points in the model that are involved in aging or interactions with xenobiotics are identified in this illustration of the flow of events in the model.

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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time - hours Figure 4: Estradiol Concentrations During the Estrus Cycle in the Rat. Data were extracted from Smith (1975) (77). The data in the paper covered a single 4-day cycle in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The single cycle values were duplicated for the period from 96-192 hours to generate representative behavior over 2-cycles. 50







t i m e - hours

Figure 5: Luteinizing Hormone Concentrations During the Estrus Cycle in the Rat. Data from Smith (77); smooth curve generated by the PD-EC model. The peak in blood L H coincides with the point at which the ECRP in the model reaches a critical value and initiates the L H surge. In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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441 of follicular growth. This event is equivalent to ovulation in the animal. The model currently does not describe a luteal phase, but in rats this phase is extremely abbreviated in the absence of copulation or artificial stimulation of the cervix. Therefore, this model is appropriate for the typical chronic toxicity studies in which rats are not mated. Finally, to account for circadian control of neuroendocrine regulation, the L H surge must occur between 4:00 and 6:00 pm to produce ovulation the following morning. If the critical level of L H is reached after 6:00 pm, ovulation is delayed until the following day. In the PD-EC model of reproductive senescence (75), the following assumptions are made: 1) neuroendocrine aging is assumed to occur due to the loss of intracycle resynthesis capacity for the hypothetical E2-regulated ECRP or related factors (Figures 2 and 3), 2) the root of neuroendocrine aging is cumulative E2 exposure reducing the capacity of the brain to synthesize ECRP or related factors, 3) the loss is related to the diminution of the maximal ECRP synthesis term by cumulative exposure to E2, and 4) the instantaneous rate of synthesis of ECRP depends on the maximal rate of synthesis and the concentration of E2-receptor complexes. Data for Analysis: As female Sprague-Dawley rats age, they go from regular 4-day cycles, to variable length cycles, and finally to ovulatory failure with persistent estrous. Wetzel (16) estimated the percent of time in estrus at various ages for animals fed diets with atrazine at 0, 70, and 400 ppm. Cycle data from each dietary concentration (Table I) were fit to an empirical function to derive a continuous quantitative relationship between proportion of the cycle

Table I. Effect of Atrazine Administration to Sprague-Dawley Rats on the Percent Days of the Cycle in Estrus Percent Days in Estrus at Various Atrazine Feeding Levels Time Oppm 70 ppm 400 ppm 1 mo. 19.0 ± 3.9(10) 22.0 ± 2.8(10) 23.5 ± 5.0(10) 3 mo. 24.8 ± 7.7(10) 27.8 ± 7.5(10) 25.2 ± 4.9(10) 9 mo. 24.2 ± 7.6(10) 44.8 ±11.5 (10) 34.3 ± 9.0(10) 12 mo. 42.9 ± 10.1 (10) 47.2 ± 13.7(10) 53.3 ± 11.2(10) 15 mo. 44.4 ± 12.2(10) 42.7 ± 12.6(10) 49.6±12.2(10) 18 mo. 44.9 ± 5.7(10) 57.2 ±12.5 (10) 55.9 ±20.7 (10) 24 mo. 47.8 ±18.9 (5) 24.0 ± 0.0(2) 50.0 ±27.3 (4) Data reproduced from Wetzel (76) in reference section with permission. a


in estrus and the duration of dosing with atrazine. The functional relationship used was: estrous days = normal + maxincrease*(t-l)nl(mpn + (t-1 )n)

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.


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442 where normal (= 22%) is the baseline proportion of days in estrus, maxincrease is the maximum increase in the proportion of days in estrus (= 29%), and t is age in months. The time variable is adjusted by 1 month to account for the age at sexual maturity (about 1 month) when cycling first begins. A common shape parameter, «, was estimated for all three dose groups, but mp, the age at the midpoint of the transition, was estimated separately for each group. The estimated values of mp were 10.5, 8.5, and 6.5 for the 0, 70, and 400 ppm groups, respectively. It is assumed that the measured maximum percent days in estrus (estimated by vaginal cytology) coincides with the anovulatory, constant estrus condition in these rats. Atrazine disruption of estrous cycling in the S-D rat is assumed to be related to its ability to suppress or inactivate one or more aspects of estrogen promotion of factors in the hypothalamus critical for normal L H surges. Model Alterations to Incorporate Atrazine. A non-competitive functional inhibition by atrazine is assumed to be related to its ability to interact with and remove some of the E2-receptors from the pool of active receptors involved in intracycle remodeling. Equation 7 describes the rate of change of concentration of the E2 receptor over time.

d(cr2t)ldt = k0r2 - ker2*cr2t - katraz*catraz*cr2t


This equation has terms for receptor synthesis, k0r2, for basal receptor degradation, ker2, and for the postulated inactivation of the receptor due to its reaction with atrazine, katraz. The degradation rate depends on the atrazine concentration, catraz, which is expressed simply as ppm in feed, and the E2receptor concentration. The values for the atrazine related model constants appear in Table II; all other constants are the same as originally described by Andersen (75). Table II. Biologically Based Dose-Response Model Parameters E2- Receptor Atrazine Reaction Parameters: katraz (second order reaction rate constant - /pprn/hr) 0.0000225 catraz (atrazine concentration in feed - ppm) 0 - 2000 k0r2 (synthesis rate for receptor - nm/hr) 0.1 ker2 (degradation constant - /hr) OA

Results and Discussion Modeling atrazine Using a dietary input of 400 ppm and the time to loss of regular cycling equal to 6.5 months, katraz was estimated to be 2.25 χ 10" /(ppm atrazine/hr). Given that estimate, time of loss of cyclicity can be simulated from the model for any 5

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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443 other level of atrazine exposure. Figure 6 shows the change in cycling expected at 400 ppm atrazine with the specified model parameters and compares that with the behavior for the control rat simulation in the absence of added atrazine. Failure of cycling occurs when E2 exposures diminish the ability of the central nervous system to resynthesize sufficient factors in the intercycle period to reach a critical value. If the critical level is not achieved, there is a failure of the L H surge mechanism. By looking at various output values from the model, the mechanism of the earlier onset of reproductive senescence by atrazine in the S-D rat can be understood. Figure 7 shows a plot of the maximum achievable resynthesis rate of these hypothalamic factors at various times after the initiation of treatment with 0, 200, 400, 800, or 2000 ppm atrazine. (Figure 7 does not present data for levels that have been shown not to affect the estrous cycle.) Atrazine treatment could enhance the decline of hypothalamic capacity to resynthesize critical neuroendocrine factors. Eventually the intercycle resynthesis rate is too low to allow an L H surge and the rat becomes acyclic. In very young cycling rats, the simulations presented here indicate that close to 2000 ppm atrazine in the diet would be required to block ovulation. Since ovulation is quantal in nature, i.e., either ovulation occurs or it doesn't, lower doses would not block either the L H surge or ovulation. Thus, for any given age there is a threshold dose below which atrazine would not have any effect on the estrous cycle. Dose Surrogates for Mammary Tumorigenicity The proper dose surrogate must be related to the mode of action of atrazine. Thus, it is important to recognize that atrazine appears to promote tumor formation by increasing the duration of exposure to endogenous estrogen. The appropriate dose surrogates, then, should be related to E2 exposures or, more correctly, E2/prolactin exposures in the constant estrus phase where the cyclic compensatory progesterone exposures do not act to counterbalance E2 and prolactin. These hormone concentrations are not known with precision for the entire lifetime of the rat. Neither is the exact functional relationship between these exposures and tumor outcome clearly understood. One dose surrogate that is available from the model is days in constant estrus. To determine the number of constant estrous days, based on the model, we estimate the days in constant estrus from the calculated failure-to-cycle (Figure 6) to an age at which the rats are presumed to pass on into complete ovarian failure without E2 production. The days in constant estrous dose surrogate, calculates the additional time (above background) from predicted failure of cycling until 18-months (Figure 8). The danger of unopposed estrogen, i.e., estrogen exposure in the absence of progesterone exposure, is significant in S-D rats. However, the mechanism by which atrazine leads to increased E2 exposure appears to be idiosyncratic to these rodents. First, atrazine reactivity appears to disturb the level of some critical component in the hypothalamus associated with cycling. (Our description focused on the possibility that atrazine reacts to reduce receptor

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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treated rats - 400 ppm atrazine 0






time - months Figure 6: The Effect of Atrazine on the Simulated Estrus Cycles in Rats from the PD-EC Model. The plots show the cyclical nature of the hypothetical estrus cycle-related protein. Panel A: Model simulations of estrus cycle aging in the SD rat resulting in loss of cycling at about 9.5 months. Panel B: As in A , except katraz = 0.0000225 and catraz = 400. Persistent estrus occurs when the rats are about 6.5 months old with these parameter values.

In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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Figure 7: Maximum resynthesis rate of ECRP during atrazine exposures. The differences in these curves primarily reflect the predicted reduction in receptor concentration by atrazine exposures with the residual slope related to the E2dependent alterations aging. Together these processes produce a more rapid onset of persistent estrus in the presence of atrazine. S c h e m a t i c S h o w i n g E x p o s u r e Days at R i s k a s T i m e in Constant E s t r o u s

0 ppm draine 70 ppm ctrceine 400 ppm ctrczine ·


time during life

Puberty (~ 3040 cb/s)

1 0

Q/aicn Cnsel" of Persistent Senesœnœ Estrous in Cbntrd Red" (540 deys)


1 with draine

oontrd rets


do/s et risk time during life

Figure 8: Schematic of the increase in the dose surrogate for days at risk after conversion from normal-to-acyclic behavior in the estrus PD-EC model. The addition of atrazine to the diet accelerated early onset persistent estrus and increases the days at risk. In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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446 concentration in target tissues although other possibilities for target sites may exist in the hormonal transcriptional activation systems.) This disturbance acts synergistically with normal E2-related cumulative toxicity to speed up neuroendocrine senescence in these rats (Figures 6 and 7). In the S-D rat, the senescence leads to ovulatory failure and constant estrus, involving tissue exposure to both E2 and prolactin. The resulting promotional activity occurs because the reproductive failure is at the neuroendocrine level while intact ovaries continue to produce E2 without the cyclic L H surge needed to convert the follicular structures to progesterone-secreting corpora lutea. In women, reproductive senescence is not due to a neuroendocrine failure; ovulation ceases due to ovulatory exhaustion which results in decreased estrogen exposure after menopause. Our formulation of a PD-EC model indicated that levels of atrazine that might impair resynthesis of ECRP or a related factor would alter normal estrous cycling. This interference could arise from weak functional antagonists, as modeled here, or from partial agonists that interact with, but do not fully activate the signalling pathways required for the production of the ECRP (75). Neuroendocrine failure in the SD rat could be considered a critical effect of chronic atrazine exposure upon which a risk assessment could be based. This mode-of-action supports a non-linear low-dose extrapolation for atrazine implying that a methodology such as margin of exposure approach using the benchmark dose would be appropriate. As additional research on atrazine's mechanism of action becomes available, the model could be further modified to reflect these findings. Acknowledgments We gratefully acknowledge support for this work by Ciba-Geigy Corporation. Literature Cited (1)




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In Triazine Herbicides: Risk Assessment; Ballantine, L., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1998.

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