A reaction to introduce Lewis acid-base chemistry - Journal of

A reaction to introduce Lewis acid-base chemistry. John Baxter. J. Chem. Educ. , 1961, 38 (7), p A491. DOI: 10.1021/ed038pA491.1. Publication Date: Ju...
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A REACTION TO INTRODUCE LEWIS ACIDBASE CHEMISTRY Submitted by: John Baxter, liniversity nf Florida and Carlet,on Spear, Deerfield, Ken. Hampshire Cheeked hy: Julian R. Brandou, Michigan State University


Obtain a batt,ery jar or 1000 1111 heaker, source of SO2 and/or C 0 2 gas, a few grams of soda-lime, and a thin sheet of rubber (dental dam or rubber balloon). The soda-lime should be stoppered in a thin-valled ampoule, which may be blown from a soft glass tcst tube. Placc t,he soda-lime container in the battery jar, fill with COz or SOr, and cover with the rubber sheet,; fasten it firmly in place 11-ith string, rubher band, or tape. DEMONSTRATION

Shake t,he jar violently so as t,o break the thin-~valled glass container permitting the gas to rome in contact with the soda-lime. Observe the defonnation of the rubber covering as the gas pressure drnps due t o the rcaot,ion wit,h the base.


The equation for the reaction n ~ a ybe reprevnted as: CaO

+ SOn



+ Ca+'

After cutting the nerk from a large paddle shaped hnlloon, the remainder can be used to close the mouth of the battery jar ~vit,hout additional fastenings. For those who do not have glass blowing facilit,ies, the soda-lime may be placed in a test t,uhe of appropriate size and st,oppered. The stoppered test tuhc is then plared in the jar before covering mith the rubher. The rubber covering is sufficient,ly flexible to permit the operator to hold t,he t,est tube and shake the sodalime out of the tube vith results similar to those drscrihed above.

Jouinol a/ Chemirol Edxenlion


Journol o j Cliamicol Education


J u l y 1961

July 1961