A REACTION VELOCITY WITH LARGE NEGATIVE TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENT. J. H. Hildebrand. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1946, 68 (5), pp 915–916...
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May, 1946

1.5569). The alkylated aniinoquinoline was very susceptible to air-oxidation, and it was necessary to preserve it under nitrogen in the cold. Anal. Calcd. for CtiHnNnO: C, 74.34; H, 10.04. Found: C, 74.50; H, 10.14. Attempts to prepare the dihydrochloride were unsuccessful, but it was found that the dibydrobromide could be prepared easily. To 10 g. of the free amine was added a solution of 10 ml. of 40% hvdrobromic acid (SD. e . 1.38) in 100 ml. of absolute ethanol and 100 ml.‘df ibsolute


ether. The salt separated as a fine, yellow powder, m. p. 192.5-193.5’, when the solution was cooled. The analytical sample was crystallized from hot absolute ethanol. Anal. Calcd. for CIDHaoBrlNaO: C, 51.79; H, 7.34; Br, 29.97. Found: C, 51.71: H, 7.11: Br.29.97. p”’OyEs CHEMIChL LABoRAToRY UNIWRsrTY OF ILLINOIS URBANA* ILLxN0Is





Sir: In the course of our work on the fractionation of cellulose by a refined procedure using cuprammonium solvent a t low temperatures (below OO), we have observed phenomena similar t o those recently reported by Morey and Tamblyn’ for cellulose acetate and cellulose acetate butyrate which demonstrate the importance of the choice of solvent and precipitant in fractionation work. With cellulose the choice of solvent is limited, but with cupranunonium, which is recognized as the best solvent, we have found the choice of precipitant to be important. For example, when a 5% aqueous solution of sodium potassium tartrate (Rochelle salt) was used as the precipitant, precipitation of fractions took place on a weight basis, but the respective fractions did not show a significant amount of resolution on a molecular weight basis. However, by selecting other precipitants, varying degrees of resolution on a molecular weight basis became possible, as illustrated in Table I. TABLE I FRACTIONATION OF CELLULOSE Experimental rayon tire yarn; 100% vood pulp base; av. basic D. P. = 490. Fractiun

1 2 3 4 5


Sodium potassium tartrate soh. X Basic Recov. I). P.

19.7 19.3 18.3 17.ri 13.4 13.7


n-Propyl alcohol % Basic Recov. D. P.



Basic D. P.


46.6 13.2 8.5

535 392 314

18.8 20.2 20.8

470 470

15.4 8.1




9.7 6.1

480 478




615 465 310 272 247 132

The average molecular chain length values of the fractions are expressed as Basic D. P.’s.~ The same general phenomena have been observed for the fractionation of viscose rayons, and (1) D. R. Morey and J. W. Tamblyn, J . Phys. Chem., 60, 12-22 (1946). (2) 0. A. Battista, I n d . Eng. Chcm., Anal. E d . , 16, 351-354 (1944).

viscose rayon pulps, respectively, from cupram monium solvent. Further work is in progress in which additional precipitants possessing wide variations in molecular structure are being used with the hope that resolving power can be correlated with molecular structure.


Sir: Iodine shows very large departures from Raoult’s law in a number of solvents, and it occurred to me t o use iodine solutions to decide between activity and concentration as the determinant for reaction velocity. I chose the reaction between iodine and chlorine to form IC1, in CC14 to begin with, as one likely to meet the specifkations. As so often happens in scientific research, i t is not answering the original question, but has yielded results of such interest as to seem worth this brief preliminary report. They are as follows: (1) The reaction is accelerated by light, but this is neither surprising nor disturbing, since one can let i t proceed in the dark. (2) It is enormously sensitive to minute traces of water. Although the solubility of water in CCIa is extremely small, the reaction runs to completion in minutes if the solutions are not carefully dried, whereas hours are required if the solutions are mixed after being kept sealed for a day in contact with P205. (3) The “wet” reaction appears to be bimolecular, but the “dry” reaction is monomolecular with respect to chlorine through a wide range of iodine concentrations. (4) And this is the truly astonishing feature, the wet reaction not only proceeds several times



as fast as 20' as a t 25', but upon addition of chloroform to prevent freezing and cooling with solid carbon dioxide it appeared to be instantane-

Vol. 68

were constant. The products of this hydrolysis were dextrin B-lal and maltose, the yields being 62 and 30% of the weight of dextrin B-la, reOW. 146.0' in spectively. Dextrin B-lal rotated The only hypothesis that seems to accord with water and had a reducing power by the Goreall of these results is the one suggested by Liebhaf- Steele method equivalent to 12% of that of glusky,' that the reactive halogen is in the form of cose. On treatment with the amylase of Asperhydrate. If these hydrates contain a number of gillus oryzae, the reducing power of dextrin R-la1 molecules (of water, like the solid Cl2.6H20, they increased about sixfold and the rotation decreased could involve the large heat of formation required t o +3S0. This hydrolysate after fermentation to explain the large negative temperature coef- with yeast did not reduce Fehling solution and ficient of the reaction. There is, of course, was levorotatory. After removal of the yeast and ample evidence that the number of "icebergs" concentration of the solution, a solid was obtained D in water; in water falls off rapidly from 0' to room tempera- by addition of ethanol; [ C U ] ~ ~-32' yield, 4.2% of the weight of dextrin A . This ture. It has been difficult to secure sufficient repro- solid was acetylated and from the resulting prodducibility to give satisfactory quantitative data, uct levoglucosan triacetate was isolated ; yield, and since this may take some time, it seems ap- 0.6% of that calculated for levoglucosan on the propriate 1.0 publish the above preliminary re- basis of waxy corp starch; [ c Y ] * ~ D-65.5' in sults. CHClB (c, 1); m. p. 110-111°,7 (mixed m. p. unchanged). On deacetylation, levoglucosan was (1) 1% A. Liebhafsky, Chef#. Rev., 17, 89 (1935). obtained in pure crystalline form and characterDEPARTMENI OF CHEMISTRY ized. Levoglucosan was also obtained from 1-NIVERSITY UF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY, C:ALIF J. H. HILDEBRANDthe hydrolysate resulting from the action of the RECEIVED APRIL 15, 1946 amylase from Aspergillus oryzae on dextrin B-la without prior fermentation. Isolation was efTHE ISOLATION OF LEVOGLUCOSAN FROM THE fected both by distillation and by fractional crystallization after acetylation. Further work will ENZYMIC HYDROLYSATES OF WAXY CORN have to be carried out to determine whether the STARCH 1,G-anhydro linkage is formed during enzymic Sir: Waxy corn ~ t a r c h ' *has ~ , ~been subjected to fission of the substrate or actually occurs in waxy the consecutive action of @-amylase,a-amylase, starch. (7) Zemplbn, Gerecs and Valatin, Ber , 73, 576 (1940) @-amylase,and an amylase prepared from AsperRESEARCH FOUNDATION gillus oryzae in order to obtain information on its CORNINDUSTRIES EDNAM. MONTGOMERY XEW YORK17, N.Y. structure. REGIONAL RESEARCH LABORATORY The starch, pasted a t 80°, was first treated with SORTHERN BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL A N D INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY @-wheat amylase4 free from a-amylase and mal- AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH ADMINISTRATIOT tase. Dextrin A5 and maltose, the end-products U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE G E. HILBLRT of this hydrolysis, were isolated in yields of 49 and PEORIA5, ILLISOIS 4870, respcctively. RECEIVED MARCH4, 1946 Dextrin A was then subjected to the action of a-malt-amylase,8 free from @-amylase and maltase, until no further increase in the reducing 6-CHLOROVANILLIN FROM THE CHLORITE OXIDATION OF LIGNIN power of the hydrolysate occurred. From this hydrolysate, dextrin B-1 was separated by the Sir: addition of ethanol to a concentration of 85% by I n a fundamental study of the reaction of lignin volume; after two reprecipitations the new dex- with sodium chlorite in acid solution, the original trin was dialyzed continuously against distilled filtrate from the preparation of holocellulose from water for nine hours. The liquor remaining after black spruce (Picea mariana) by means of sodium dialysis waij concentrated and the dextrin R-la chlorite in dilute acetic acid according to Wise and was recovered by precipitation with ethanol; co-workers' , 2 was investigated. The filtrate was yield, 44% of the weight of dextrin A ; [ff]"D further acidified with sulfuric acid and fraction+lCiO.l"' in water; reducing power 3.5 and S.006 ated. The steam lion-volatilc aldehyde fraction of that of glucose by Shaffer-Hartniann and Gore- was itlcntified as 6-chlorovanillin, colorless plates Steele methods, respectively. (Anal. from ethanol melting a t 167-168'. Dextrin %la was next submitted to the action Calcd. for CsH703Cl: C, 51.49; H, 3.78; C1, of @-amylaseuntil the rotation and reducing power 19.00; CH30, 16.63. Found: C, 51.34; H , 3.76; (1) Hixon and Sprague, I x d . E x g , Chem., 34, 959 (1942). C1, 19.19; CH30, 16.70.) The oxime, prepared ( 2 ) hfacMasters a n d Hilbert, ibid., 36, 958 (1944). by heating with a solution of hydroxylamine hy(3) Schopmeyer, Felton and Ford, i b i d . , 3 6 , 1168 (1943). (4) Hanes, Biochem. J . , 30, 174 (1936). ( 5 ) Cf.Haworth, Kitchen and Peat, J. Chem. SOL.,619-625'(1913). ( 6 ) Hanes, Ccn. J. Re.wnrch, 13B, 185-208 (1935).


(1) Wise, I n d . Eng. Chem., Anal. E d . , 17, 63-64 (1045). (2) Wise, Murphy and D'Addieco, Paper Trade J.,122, No. 2, 35
