A regiocontrolled synthesis of N7- and N9-guanine nucleosides

A regiocontrolled synthesis of N7- and N9-guanine nucleosides [Erratum to document cited in CA108(15):132236Q]. Philip Garner, and Sarabu Ramakanth...
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4160 J. Org. Chem., Vol. 53,No. 17, 1988

Additions a n d Corrections

Additions and Corrections Vol. 52, 1987 Keisuke Suzuki,* Takeshi Ohkuma, and Gen-ichi Tsuchihashi*. Preparation of Enaminones by Two-Carbon Homologation of Amides with Lithium (Triphenylsily1)acetylide. Page 2930, Table I. Structures of the cyclic compounds 5f-h should read as follows

Page 5062, column 2, lines 8-10. A reader has questioned the use of perchloryl fluoride (FClOJ, a dangerous substance. We have used only freshly prepared FC103, generated by the Wehrenalp procedure (our ref 12), involving the slow generation of FCIOBand entrainment as a dilute gas in dinitrogen. We have not had difficulties working with FC103 in this way and have run the Wehrenalp procedure -200 times over a several-year period without incident. We have not had occasion to work with FC103 obtained from a gas cylinder (which may require special safety procedures).

Vol. 53, 1988 The peak of 13CNMR at 76.9 ppm for 5g is to be skipped. The authors thank Professor Edwin Vedejs for informing them of this corrigendum (Vedejs, E.; Stults, J. S. J. Org. Chem., in press).

George A. Kraus* and Maria Teresa Molina. A Direct Synthesis of C-Glycosyl Compounds. Page 752. Please add under address the following: “Received August 19, 1987”

GBrard Picotin and Philippe Miginiac*. Activation of Zinc by Trimethylchlorosilane: An Improved Procedure for the Preparation of P-Hydroxy Esters from Ethyl Bromoacetate and Aldehydes or Ketones (Reformatsky Reaction). Page 4796. The first sentence should read: ”The Reformatsky reaction is the most generally applicable procedure for converting aldehydes and ketones to @-hydroxyesters (Scheme I).’-5” The editor regrets the errors in the first sentence in the printed edition, a fault in the printing process and not an oversight of the author. Yoshio Takeuchi,* Kazuhiro Nagata, and Toru Koizumi. The First Versatile and Practical Building Blocks Equivalent to the Synthon of Monofluoromethylene Dicarbanion.

Philip Garner* and Sarabu Ramakanth. A Regioselective Synthesis of N7- and Ns-Guanine Nucleosides. Page 1294. The authors regret that they overlooked a paper by L. W. Dudycz and G. E. Wright, “A Simple One-Pot Method for 6-Oxopurine Ribonucleoside Synthesis: Control and Mechanism of Isomer Distribution”, Nucleosides Nucleotides, 1984, 3, 33-44. This work unambiguously demonstrates the equilibration of kinetically formed “-guanine (and related) ribosides to their N9 isomers via 7,9-diribonucleoside intermediates and as such should have been included in ref 3. Page 1296, Table 111. Replace H-3’ with H-2’ in lines 2 and 4.