Soc. , 1892, 14 (2), pp 34–36 ... Publication Date: February 1892 .... While fondue fever in the United States has died down since the 70s, research...
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rnonizes most closely with e~1)ericiic~~. And though esce1)tions may, and have, beeii taken to some of his conclusions, and altliougli t h e esistence of iiitrogcn trioxide iu the gaseous state is not proven bewnil a doubt, yet, I think I maj- say, without fear of contraclictiou, tlint Dr. Lunge 11:~sgiven 11s thc clearest and most trustwortiiy e s l h n a t i o n of tlie formation of sulpliuric w i d t h a t lias b e t appeared, and one that is iiot likely t o be soon displacetl.

131- A. ,2. RRI:SEJIAX.

I have liad occasion recently to examine ;L sample of water taken from t h e public supply of Long Islaud City. The water has been A source of much complaint. It is taken from driven wells a t :i point near Bowery Bay, on Long Island Soiind, a few miles from S o w T o r k City. Tlic wells are said to be rntlier shallow. T h e composition of the water was found to be as follows, i n grains per U. S. gallon : Total solids, . 73.6G5 Sodium chloride, . 35.242 Calcium bicarbonate, . 6.840 JIagiiesium bicarbonate, . . . 10.536 Calcium sulphate, . . G.283 Magnesium snlphate, . 1,437 Nagnesinm chloride, . . 7.584 Ferric oside and alumina, . . . 4.2so Organic a i d volatile water, . 4.505 Insoluble sediment, silica, etc., . . 3.892 soi595 . . G.030 Less Water and CO, of bicarbonates, ____.





T h e water is probably a mixture of well water and sea water. T h e abundance of magnesium chloride, a cliaracteristic iugredien t of sea water, as well as the large excess of common salt, point t o this conolnsion.




It is said t h a t low ground iiear the wells is occasionally overflowed with sea water a t times of storm or high tide on the Souud and the wells may be contaminated i n this way. It is possible d s o that there is direct percolation of sea water through the soil from the Sound, which is only a short distance from the wells. This water is entirely unsuited for public supply. I t s taste is perceptibly saline, especially if taken immediately after drinking pure water. I t yields R heavy scale in boilers and has caused much trouble where it w~tsused for mannfactnriiig purposes." T h e sample for the above analysis was taken from a hylraiit in Long Island City, Kov. 28, 1891. Samples taken from hydrants in different parts of Long Island City a t later dates, for comparison, showed the following results in total solids : January 12, 1892, , GG.lS4 February 5, 1892, 46.490 T h e water evidently varies greatly in camposition, a fact which comports also with the theory of admixture of Ii~ndancl sei1 water under complex and varying physical conditions. An analysis of a sample of well water from Long Island City was made for comparison with the above. T h e composition was as follows : Total solids, . 45.720 Sodium chloride, . 16.14s Sodium sulphate, . 5.3?S Calcium bicarbonate, . 10.231 Magnesium bicarbonate, S.tj16 Calcium sulphate, .16S Magnesium sulphate, . . 1.020 Ferric oxide and alumina, . 1.474 Organic a n d volatile, . . ;.os9 * 3.209 Insoluble sediment, silica, etc.,

. .











- -__

Less Water and CO, of bicarbonates,


53.279 7,559 45.720

* Since the above mas wlitten complaint has been made by Hoi-ists in Long Island City, that t h e city water is injurious to the leaves of plants t h a t are watered with it.

From tliis analysis i t would appear that the underground water of the district is little better tliari that snpplied by the water works. It free, h o w e ~ e r ,from niagiicsium ciiloridc, wliicli ii quite an important constituent of tlif hyclrant water. ik

Qhstracts of American Patents Itelating to Chemistry. -( ~ ' ) * O Wt h e

t.-. 8.P a t e n t

Ojficc C t r s e l t e . )

4Gi,9l(i.-Apparatus for malring (:arbonated beverages. Henry C'arse. Rock Island, 111. 4(ii,9Sl.-Brick kiln. George C. Little., Vance, Kan. PG7,9SS.--dpparatus for purifying 01- sorting grits. Carl Haggenlilacher, Buda-Perth, Austria-Hiingni.. 46i,992.--Process of decolorizing vegetable oils. Walter S. Hartley. Dublin, Ireland, and William E. B. Blenkinsop, London, Eng. The oils t o be decolorized are mixed with a suitable proportion of a nianganese soap and n. current of air or oxygen blown into the mistnre. 4Gi,993.--Xpparatus for the produc.tion of yeast or similar substances. l Stockholni. Alfred Jiirgensen, Copenhagen, r)enniark, aiid d x ~ Bevgh, cj we d en . 468,04D.-A4zo dye. Christian Ki~clolpli,Offenbacli, Geriiiany. A blackish powder with metallic lustre, having the properties of dyeing unniordltnted cotton directly blacliisli violet. Soluble in water with violet blue color, and i n cone. snlpliuric :mid with bliie color. Reducing agents decolorize the solutions. The dyestiiff is obtained by treating tetrazodiphenyl or tlitolyl with one nioleciile of aniiilooxyalplianapli~lialinedisulpho acid and with one niolecnle of metaoxycliplienylaniine 0:' metaoxjtolylphenylamine. 465,0iiO.-Beer cooler. Valentin C. Trslrolil, Sewark, S. J. 4(iS,OG3.-Amalganiating silver ores. Xlesis Janin, San Francisco, Cal. The ore is subjected t o t h e action of free hypochlorous acid, formed by the action of carbonic acid gu or an acid salt on a solution of cliloride of lime, agitating the mixture of ore and solution until the silver niinem.ls are chloridized and the free hypochlorous acid or clilorine present have formed combinations having little or no injurious action ou inercury, then adding mercury, and concluding the amalgamation ia tlir usual manner. Fairfox H. Wheelan, Santa Barbara, Cal. 468,OBO.-Separator. 46S,084.-Feed water purifier. Frederick J. Henderson, Chicago, Ill. 468,13S.-Apparatus for separating oil and water from gas. Charles L. Stock, Fostoria, Ohio.