A "sandwich" apparatus for demonstrating radial chromatography

tip of the capillary touches the center of the spot. The apparatus has been used to study the separation of mixtures of the red, yellow, green, and bl...
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Anthony V. DeThomas and Francis Pascual Central

Connecticut State College New Britain 06050

A "Sandwich" Apparatus for Demonstrating Radial Chromatography

Radial chromatography is usually demonstrated by using a procedure similar to the Rutterl technique. The apparatus consists of two upper or lower sections of a Petri dish and a filter paper disc mhich is slightly larger than the glass sections. The developing solvent is placed in the dish, the filter paper is spotted near the center, and then sandwiched between the two dishes. Solvent is fed to the paper by means of a wick-like tail mhich is fashioned by making two parallel cuts about 2 mm apart and of equal length up to the renter of the paper, bending the tail perpendicular to the plane of the paper, and cutting this tail to a length of about 1.5 cm. Development is allowed to proeced until the solvent front reaches the edge of the dishes. The substances are thus spread into a series of conrcnt,rir bands. The diffirukies sometimes associated with the flooding and buckling of the filter paper may be avoided by using the I