A scheme for the qualitative identification of amino acids

A SCHEME FOR THE QUALITATIVE IDENTI-. FICATION OF AMINO ACIDS1. The described scheme has been developed over a number of years and has been ...
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tion (pH 8.7), add 0.2 g. of PhOz, and heat the mixture under reflux for 20 minutes. Filter the suspension and to 5 ml. of the filtrate add 5 ml. of N HC1 and 1 ml. of 4 per cent p-dimethylaminohenzaldehyde in 95 per cent ethanol. Heat the solution. The immediate formation of a red color indicates proline and/or hydroxyproline. I V . Detection of Aromatic Amino Acids by Nitration and Yellow-Red Color. Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, and Tyrosine (19). Add 1 ml. of concentrated HN03 and one drop of concentrated H2S04to 20 mg. of the amino acid mixture. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Cool the solution to room temperature and add 2 ml. of 18 N NaOH. The formation of a yellow color in the acidic solution and an orange to orange-red color in the basic solution indicates the presence of an aromatic amino GROUP TESTS acid. The color formed by phenylalanine may be faint I . Detection of Amino Acids by the Ninhydrin Reac- in acidic solution but is readily detected in a basic one. V . Solubility Separations. - ( A ) Absolute Ethanol. tion (9, SO). Dissolve 5 mg. of the amino acid mixture in Extract all of the available amino acid mixture twice 3 ml. of water, add 1 ml. of 0.1 per cent ninhydriu soluwith 10-ml. portions of absolute ethanol. Most of the tion, and heatS the solution for 3 minutes. A blue to proline and little of any other amino acid will dissolve. violet or red color denotes the presence of an amino Evaporate the alcoholic extract and retain any solid for acid. Acidify the solution with glacial acetic acid, add the proline confirmatory test. (R) Water."uspend 4 ml. of chloroform, shake the mixture, and note the the undissolved amino acid mixture (dried to remove orange color of the chloroform layer. I I . Detection of Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids by ethanol) from ( A ) in 20 ml. of water, stir the suspenFusion with Sodium and Formation of Lead S ~ l f i d e . ~sion, and, if undissolved solid remains, heat the suspenCystine and Methionine. Heat a clean 3-mm. cube of sion with occasional stirring for 20 minutes at about metallic sodium in a 3-inch soft-glass test tube until 80" (water bath). Cool the mixture for 15 minutes in an vapors form, add 25 mg. of the amino acid mixture in ice-water bath and filter the suspension. Preserve the two portions, heat the tube to redness in a flame for 1 dried precipitate (cystine and tyrosine) and the filtrate minute and allow the tube to cool to room temperature. (remaining amino acids). V I . Precipitation of the Basic Amino Acids and Add 1 ml. of 50 per cent ethanol to destroy the excess Tryptophan with Phosphotungstic Acid ($4, 56)! ( A ) sodium, heat the tube, and plunge the hot tube into 10 Arginine, Histidine, and Lysine. To the aqueous soluml. of water in a beaker; filter the mixture containing V (B) add 37 ml. of 20 per cent tion obtained in Step shattered glass, acidify the filtrate with acetic acid, and add 1 drop of 2 N lead acetate solution. The formation phosphotungstic acid7 and 1 ml. of 6 N HCI. Stir the of a black precipitate of lead sulfide indicates the presAspartic acid and leucine dissolve slowly hut completely and, in the presence of other amino acids, do not tend to reprecipitate ence of cystine and/or methioniue. during storage in the refrigerator. Tryptophan dissolves 7er.v I I I . Detection of Amino Acids Containing the Pyrroli- slowly and, if undissolved, many interfere with the confirmatory done Ring by Oxidation with Lead Dioxide and Red Color test for tyrosine (Specific Test 5) hy giving a hrawn color with with p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde (17). Proline and Millon's reagent. 'If basic amino acids are absent as determined hy test using Hydroxyproline. Dissolve 20 mg. of the amino acid mixture in 15 ml. of 0.3 M NaHPOa.12H20 buffersolu- 0.5 ml. of solution omit Step VI (A). If tryptophan is absent described scheme has been developed over a number of years and has been tested by numerous biochemistry students in the authors' classes. Seventeen of the naturally occurring amino acids distributed in mixtures containing from two to five components have been successfully identified. This scheme of analysis has been limited to the identification of pure amino acids in mixtures because the primary objective has been to acquaint the student with the more important properties and reactions of the amino acids. Unknown mixtures are prepared to contain 400 mg. of each amino acid (200 mg. of cystine, proline, or tyrosine) as the free base, salt, or hydrate in the form of its optically act,ive or racemic compound.

A more detailed treatment of this scheme will be found in the authors' "Experiments in Biochemistry," McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc., New York, 1951, (in presn). *Present address: Biology Division, Califorma Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. $Unless otherwise stipulated s. boiling water bath is used throughout to heat soluti& The Denis (10)fusion method is more hazardous and generally less satisfactory. 1


(Specific Test 6 ) omit Step VI (B). 7 Phosnhotunestic mid is ~urifiedbv the method of Van Slvke (36). The volu& of phosphotungstk acid reagent required to separate tryptophan from the basic amino scids by fractional precipitation is variable depending upon the number of the basic amino scids present. The precipitate may be colored brawn or pink (if tryptophan is present) or change to s. brown scum (if tryptophan alone is present). Glycine, alanine, and probably the other amino acid phosphot.ungstates do not precipitate m4thin an hour.


mixture a t intervals for 5 minutes, filter the suspension (if formed) with suction, and preserve the precipitate ( - 1 Add 1 ml. of the phosphotungstic acid reagent to 5 ml. of the filtrate. If a precipitate forms combine this mixture with the remaining untreated filtrate and 22 ml. of the phosphotungstic acid reagent. Stir the mixture a t intervals for 10 minutes and filter the suspension with suction. Test the precipitate (11-2) and the filtrate for tryptophan (Specific Test 6). Combine precipitates A-l and A-2, if the latter contains little or no tryptophan, and preserve the mixture for the basic amino acids confirmatory tests (Tests 8, 9, and 10). If most of the tryptophan is in A-2 and relatively little in the filtrate preserve A-2 separately from A-1 for possible use if it becomes necessary to confirm the presence of lysine or glycine. (B) Tryptophan. To the solution from Step V (if basic amino acids are absent) or Step VI(A) add 0.5 ml. of 6 N HC1 and 10 ml. of the phosphotungstic acid reagent. Cool the mixture for an hour in an ice-water bath with occasional stirring and filter the suspension. Clarify the filtrate (if turbid) by treating it with 0.5 g. of decolorizing carbon. Preserve the filtrate and the precipitate of tryptophan phosphotungstate for possible confirmation of lysine or glycine. (C) Removal of Phosphotungstic Acid from Phosphotungstates (33). Extract the filtrate from ( A ) or (B) with twice its volume of a 1: 1 mixture of amyl alcohol and ether. Suspend each phosphotungstate precipitate in 10 ml. of 0.3 N HC18and extract the suspension similarly with the amyl alcohol-ether mixture. If necessary, add with shaking a small aliquot of this solvent to promote separation of the aqueous (bottom) layer. VII. Precipitation of the Acidic Amino Acids with Calcium HydrozideEthanol (14). Aspartic Acid and Glutamic Acid. Heat to boiling the solution from Step V or VI (C), add an excess (1.0 or 1.2 g.) of carbonatefree calcium hydroxide, shake the mixture vigorously for a minute, and cool the suspension for 15 minutes in an ice-water bath. Add the mixture slowly with stirring to three volumes of 95 per cent ethanol: shake it vigorously for 30 seconds, and filter the suspension (calcium salts of acidic amino acids). Acidify the filtrate to pH 4 with 0.5 N H$Oa, filterDthe suspension of CaSOa and evaporate the filtrate to its original volume (preserve for Step VIII). Suspend the precipitate (calcium salts of acidic amino acids) in water (volume half that of the orieinal amino


acid solution), heat the mixture to boiling over a free flame, filter the suspension (to remove excess calcium hydroxide and calcium carbonate), add the filtrate to three volumes of 95 per cent ethanol, cool the mixture for 15 minutes in an ice-water bath with occasional stirring, and filter the suspension. Preserve the precipitate for the aspartic acid and glutamic acid confirmatory tests (Tests 11 and 12). VIII. Detection of Amino Acids Containing Adjacenl Amino and Hydroxy Groups by Periodic Acid Oxidation (31, 56). Serine and Threonine. Add to the reaction tube of an aeration assembly 0.5 ml. of the amino acid solution (from Step VII), 3 ml. of 50 per cent K2C03and 2 drops of an antifoam agent (e. g., Turkey red oil). Aerate (by means of suction) for 2 minutes to remove traces of ammonia, add 5 ml. of Nessler's reagent (22) to the receiver, add 2 ml. of 0.5 M periodic acid to the reaction tube 'nd aerate. The appearance of a red color (test for ammonia) in the Nessler's reagent within 5 minutes' aeration indicates the presence of a hydroxyamino acid in the unknown mixture. I X . Detection of Ketone-Forming Amino Acids by Permanganate Oxidation (6, 15). Isoleucine, Leucine, and Valine. To 2 ml. of the amino acid solution (from Step VIII) add 1 ml. of 6 N H2SOt and 1 ml. of 30 per cent NaN02solution. Heat the mixture for 15 minutes to deaminize the amino acids and destroy the excess nitrous acid. Add NaOH to pH 4 (Congo red), 10 ml. of pH 6.8 buffer solution, 1 g. of solid KJlnOl, and a boiling stone. Distill (free flame) the mixture and collect the distillate in a receiver, containing 5 ml. of water and immersed in an ice-water bath, until all but about 3 ml. of the reaction mixture has distilled. To 3 ml. of the filtrate (preserve the remainder for Tests 15 and 16) add 3 ml. of water, 4 ml, of 95 per cent ethanol (acetone-free) and 4 ml. of concentrated H$Oa. Cool the mixture to room temperature, add 2 ml. of freshly prepared 6 per cent solution of salicylaldehyde in 95 per cent ethanol, and heat the mixture for 20 minutes a t 55-60', The appearance of a red color (test for acetone from valine or leucine or methylethylketone from isoleucine) indicates the presence of a ketone-forming amino acid in the unknown mixture. SPECIFIC TESTS

Test I . Proline (16). To 20 mg. of the solid isolated in Step V ( A )add 5 ml. of glacial acetic acid and 1 mg. of HCI is added to liberate the phosphotungstic acid from the isatin. Heat the mixture on a boiling water bath. The phosphotungstates and to prevent emulsification during t.he appearance of a blue color (within 5 minutes) confirms extrartion with rtmyl alcohol-ether. the presence of proline in the unknown m i x t ~ r e . ' ~ W p m standing a stioky semicrystalline precipitate may be Test 2. Hydroxyproline (26).11 To 0.2 ml. of the formed which adheres to the walls of the Bask and clogs the amino acid solution (from Step VI) add 1 ml. of 0.01 M pores of the filter paper. A similar type precipitate may result if the ethanol is added to the lime suspension. Under these circum- CuSO, 1 ml. of 3 N NaOH, and 1 ml. of 6 per cent stances decant the solvent, redissolve the csloium sdts of the HzOz. Allow the mixture to stand for 5 minutes with acidic amino acids, and repeat the precipitation process as d e freauent shakinc. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes. cool

scribed. It has been observed that no precipitation occurs under the described oonditions if the proportion of ethanol to amino acid solution is increased from 3 : 1 to 9: 1 (5). The calcium salt of aspartio acid precipitates more readily and more completely than that of glutamic acid.

lo The test is specific for proline under the desorihed conditions since hydroxyproline and other amino acids u.hich give a pink color have been separated. The Morse ($8)test is speoific but, 8s reported by McFarlane and Guest ($61,explosions oocur.



the solution to room temperature, add N HCI dropwise until the deep blue color is discharged and add 0.3 ml. of N HCI. To 2 ml. of this solution add 2 ml. of freshly prepared 1 per cent isatin solution and 2 ml. of N HCI. Heat the mixture. The appearance of a red color (within 5 minutes) confirms the presence of hydroxyproline in the unknown mixture. Test 5. Cystine (52). Dissolve 1 mg. of the precipitate obtained in Step V (B) in 5 ml. of 0.1 N NaOH, add I ml. of 5 per cent NaCN solution in N NaOH, and allow the mixture to stand for 10 minutes. Add 1ml. of a 0.5 per cent solution of sodium 1,2-naphthoquinone4-snlfonate (1.2) and 5 ml. of a freshly prepared 10 per cent NazSOIsolution. Allow the mixture to stand for 10 minutes. Add 1 ml. of freshly prepared 2 per cent NazSzOpsolution. The appearance and persistence of a red color confirms the presence of cystine in the unhewn mixture. Test 4. Methionine ($5). To 0.5 ml. of the amino acid solution (from Step VI) add 2 ml. of water, 3 ml. of 3 N NaOH and 1 ml. of a freshly prepared 1 per cent sodium nitroprusside solution. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes a t 35-40" (water bath), cool the solution in an ice-water bath, and acidify the solution with 3 ml. of 6 N HCI added slon.ly with shaking. The appearance of a red color confirms the presence of methionine in the unknown mixture. Histidine and tryptophan, which react similarly, do not interfere since t,hey mere removed in previous steps. Test 5. Tyrosine. To 1 mg. of the precipitate oht,ained in Step V (B) add 1 ml. of water and 2 drops of Millon's reagent. Heat the mixture. The appearance of a bright red color (within 1 minute) confirms the presence of tyrosine in the unknown mixture. Test 6. Tr~ptophan.'~To a drop of the amino acid solution (Step VI) add 2 ml. of water and 2 drops of the Hopkins-Cole reagent (4). Add concentrated HzSOPin such a manner that it forms a layer below the aqueous solution. Heat the solution. The appearance of a violet to black ring a t the interface of the layers (within 2 minutes) confirms the presence of tryptophan. Test 7. Phenylalanine (2O).lS Evaporate 2 ml. of the amino acid solution (Step VI) to dryness and add 2 ml. of nitrating agent (10 g. of KN03 per 100 ml. of concentrated H2SOa). Heat the mixture for 20 minutes with occasional (cautious) stirring, cool the solution to room temperature, add 3 ml. of water, and cool the mixt,ure for 5 minutes in an ice-water bath. Add 4 ml. of 20 per cent NH,OH.HCl, allow the mixture to stand for a minute, and add 10 ml. of concentrated NHdOH in small portions. Allow the mixture to stand at room temperature. The appearance of a violet color (within 30 minutes) confirms the presence of phenylalanine in the unknown mixture. l2

The Winkler (58)modification is more sensitivo but need not

t,est,sfor other amino acids. l a The green color formod by treatment of phenylaoetddebyde (iormed from phenylalanine) with ethanol and sulfuric acid (82) w s s not found to be a sufficiently sensitive test.

Test 8. Argininr (57). To 0.1 ml. of the solution prepared in Step VI (C) add 5 ml. of water, 1 ml. of 6 N NaOH and I ml. of 0.02 per cent a-naphthol in 20 per cent ethanol. Cool the mixture for 5 minutes in an icemater bath and add 2 drops of NaOBr (2 per cent hromine in 1.5 N NaOH). The immediate appearance of a red color confirms the presence of arginine in the unknown mixture. Test 9. Histidine (21). To 0.1 ml. of the amino acid solution prepared in Step VI (C) add 2 ml. of water and bromine solution (1 per cent bromine in 33 per cent acetic acid) dropwise until a light yellow color persists. Allow the solution to stand for 5 minutes, add 2 21. of ammonia solution (3.3 per cent ammonium carbonate in 10 N NHpOH) and heat the mixture. The appearance of a blue-violet color (within 5 minutes) confirms the presence of histidine in the unknown mixture. Test 10. Lysine (7, 24). (A) To 10 ml. of the amino acid solution prepared in Step VI (C) add 15 ml. of a saturated aqueous solution of picric acid. Shake the mixture and cool it in an ice-water bath or the refrigerator. The appearance (within 24 hours) of yellow needles (lysine picrate) indicates the presence of lysine in the unknown mixture. (B) To 0.5 ml. of the amino acid solution prepared in Step VI (C) or, if histidine is present, 20 mg. of the precipitate (lysine picrate) add 1 ml. of saturated bromine water and 2 drops of 6 N HCI. Allow the mixture to stand for 5 minutes, add 5 per cent NaAsOl solution until the color is discharged, add Na2C03to a basic test, heat the mixture for 2 minutes, add 0.5 ml. of a phosphotungstic acid-phosphomolybdic acid reagent (IS) and heat the mixture. A green color which changes to deep blue or blue-green in presence of picric acid within 5 minutes confirms the presence of lysine in the unknown mixture. A green color which deepens to blue after 20 minutes' standing denotes arginine. I n the presence of histidie an interfering purple color formed on addition of Na,COa interferes with the test for lysine. Test 11. Glutamic Acid (18). Dissolve the precipitate prepared in Step VII in water, add 1M oxalic acidwith stirring to pH 3.5 (Congo red), filter the suspension of calcium oxalate, saturate the filtrate (cooled in an icewater bath) with hydrogen chloride from a generator, and allow the solution to sband in an ice-water bath or in the refrigerator. The formation (within 24 hours) of needle-like crystals (glutamic acid hydrochloride) confirms the presence of glntamic acid in the unknown mixture. Test 12. Aspartic Acid (29, 55).14 (A) Heat about one-sixth of the solution from Test 11 for 5 minutes on a boiling water bath to remove excess HCI. Add 10 ml. of water, 1 ml. of concentrated H2SOd, and 1 ml. of saturated bromine water. Heat the mixture for 5 minutes, cool the solution to room temperature, and add 1 ml. of N KBr solution and 2.5 ml. of 1.5 N

" The reaction of &naphthol with malio aoid (formed by deamination of sspsrtic aoid) to give a yellow-colored substance with blue fluorescence (11) could not be employed because of inhibition of fluoreseenoo by traces of nitrous arid.



KMn04 solution. Allow the solution to stand for 10 minutes and add 6 per cent HzOz dropwise until the solution is decolorieed. Attach an aeration assembly to the reaction tube, place the receiving tube in an icewater bath, add 5 ml. of clear solution of 2,Cdinitrophenylhydraeine in 2.4 N HCI in the receiving tube, place the reaction tube in a boiling water bath, and aerate (by means of suction) until about 8 ml. of liquid has distilled. An orange-colored precipitate of glyoxal2,4-dinitrophenylosazone indicates the presence of aspartic acid in the unknown mixture. Confirm the identity of the precipitate by washing it on a small filter, dissolving it by pouring a small volume of pyridine repeatedly over the precipitate and adding about 10 volumes of water and 2 ml. of 6 N NaOH to the filtrate. The solution should be blue colored. (B) Evaporate the remainder of the solution from Test 11to a simp, add water, re-evaporate the solution, dissolve the simp in 5 ml. of hot water, and add 0.5 g. of CuC03 (or 5 ml. of saturated cupric acetate solution) in small portions with stirring and continued heating. Filter the suspension and allow the filtrate to stand overnight in the refrigerator. The formation of line blue needles (or pale blue precipitate) with a violet tinge indicates the formation of cupric aspartate hydrate and confirms the presence of aspartic acid in the unknown mixture. Test 13. Threonine (31).'5 To 0.1 ml. of the solution prepared in Step VII add 2 drops of antifoam agent, 5 ml. of 0.5 M NaHC03, 7 ml. of 0.1 N sodium arsenite in 2 per cent NaHC03, and 1 ml. of 0.5 M periodic acid. Attach an aeration assembly to the reaction tube, lace 10 ml. of concentrated H2S04,and 10 mg. of vhydroxydiphenyl in the receiving t&e and aerite (by means of suction). The appearance of a violet color (within 20 minutes) indicates the formation of acetaldehyde and the presence of threouine in the unknown mixture. Preserve the solution in the reaction tube for Test 14. Test 14. Serine (8). Acidify the solution (from Test 13) in the reaction tube with 6 N acetic acid, attach the aeration assembly with a clean receiving tube containing 10 ml. of water, place the receiving tube in an ice-water bath, place the reaction tube in a boiling water bath and aerate (by means of suction) until (about 20 minutes) the volume of the solution in the reaction tube has been reduced to about 5 ml. To 3 ml. of the solution in the receiving tube add 5 ml. of water, 3 ml. of concentrated H 8 0 a and 10 mg. of chromotropic acid (1,s-dihydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulfonic acid). Heat the tube. The appearance of a violet-rose color (within 20 minutes) confirms the presence of formaldehyde in the solution and serine in the unknown mixture. Test 15. Leucine and Valine ( 6 ) . To 1ml. of the solution prepared in Step I X add 10 ml. of 6 N NaOH and 1

" On treatment with NaOBr and Kin, alanine and threonine give a positive but not always reliable iodofarrn test. Most of the testa (67) described for alanine and alvcine have been investigated but none has been found as satisf&ory as the ones given in Tests 17and 18. Acetaldehyde, but not formaldehyde,is removed by aeration at pH 7.

ml. of 6 per cent salicylaldehyde in ethanol. Heat the solution. The appearance of a red color (within 15 minutes) confirms the presence of acetone in the solution and leucine or valine in the unknown mixture. Text 16. Isoleucine (6). To 5 ml. of the solution prepared in Step I X add 100 ml. of water, 5 ml. of concentrated HZSOa, and 35 ml. of DenigW reagent (15 per cent HgSOnin 6 N H2SOa(9)). Reflux (free flame) the mixture for 30 minutes and filter the suspension if a precipitate (acetone-mercuric sulfate complex) is formed. To 5 ml. of the filtrate add 3 ml. of 95 per cent, ethanol, 2 ml. of concentrated H$On, and 1 ml. of 6 per cent salicylaldehyde in ethanol. Heat the solution. The appearance of a red color (within 15 minutes) confirms the presence of methylethylketone in the solution and isoleucine in the unknown mixture. Test 17. Alanine (2). To 0.5 ml. of the solution prepared in Step VII add 3 ml. of water, 0.1 N NaOH to pH 6.5-7.0 (bromthymol blue) and 2 ml. of 1 per cent ninhydrin solution. Heat the mixture for 3 minutes. Attach an aeration assembly to the reaction tube, place 5 ml. of concentrated H,S04 and 10 mg. of p-hydroxydiphenyl in the receiving tube and aerate by means of suction. The appearance of a pink to violet color (within 15 minutes) in the receiving tube solution confirms the presence of acetaldehyde in the solution and alanine in the unknown mixture. Test 18. Glycine (1).l6 Acidify the solution in the reaction tube (from Test 17), aerate the solution and test the filtrate as described in Test 14. The appearance of a violeerose color (within 20 minutes) confirms the presence of formaldehyde in the solution and glycine in the unknown mixture. ACKNOWLEDGMENT

The authors are indebted to many students, particnlarly Richard Zuckerman and Alex Lauterbach, for valuable assistance in developing many of the described tests. LITERATURE CITED (1) .~LEXANUI:R, B., G. LANDWEHR, A N D A. M. SELIGXAN, .I. Riol. Chem., 160, 51 (1945). ibid., 159.9 (1945P.. (2) ALEXANDER, B., AND A. M. SELICXAN, It., A. C. CAIBNALL, M. W. REES,A N D E. F. WIIP (3) BAILEY, 1.1AMS. Riochem. J . . 37. 360 (1943). (4) BEAEUICT, S. R., J . ~iol.'Chern.;6, 5i (10Wj, M., AND S. W. Fox, ihzd., 109,317 (1935). (5) BERGIIANN, (6) BLOCK,R. J., D. BOLLING, A N D A. A. KONDRITZER, P~oc. Soc. Ezp. B i d . Med., 45, 289 (1910). M.,J. A., NELSON,A N D W. D . MCFARLANE, Can. (7) BOULET, J . Research, 25B,540 (1947). J . Biol.. Chem... 146.. 279 (8) BOYD,M.J., AND M. A. LOGAN. (1942). (9) DENIGES, G., Bull. irair. sac., Pharm. Rordeaaz, 54,49 (1916). (10) D P N I ~ . \ \ -J. .. Rio!. Chcm.. 8 . 4 0 1 (1!110\

Formaldehyde may be detected by adding an equal volume of concentrated H&O, and chn~motropicacid to the reaction tube but this procedure is less satisfactory t,han the one described. The o-phthaldialdohyde test (39) is sensitive and relatively specific but the reagent is difficultto prepare and is not available commercially. The precipitation of glycine as its trioxalat* chromate ( 5 ) is specific but often leads to uncertainty owing t o the tendenry of the reagent to precipitate in the absenco of glycine. l6


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