A simple, inexpensive flow indicator for cooling water - Journal of

Abstract. A convenient and inexpensive flow indicator for use in monitoring the flow of tap water used in cooling condensers...
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A Simple, Inexpensive Flow Indicator for Cooling Water A convenient and inexpensive flow indicator has been constructed for use in monitoring the flow of tap water used in cooling condensers. Commonly, cooling water is run a t as slow a rate as possible in order to conserve water. However, under these conditions the water flow can inadvertently stop. Thus, one must periodically check to see if the cooling water is flowing. Use of the "fountain type" flow indicator described in this note provides a simple means of flow detection. As illustrated, the apparatus consists of an inverted 125-ml Erlenmeyer flask which has been fitted with a two-hole rubber stopper with inlet and outlet tubes. T o prevent accidental opening of the flask during operation, the stopper is secured with an elastic hand or spring-loaded tension hooks. The end of the inlet tuhe is constricted to about 2-3 mm and adjusted to stand 2-3 cm above the omnine~. of the outlet tube. In ooeration the water from the tao flows throueh the inlet tuhe lurming a wmll fountain. Smce the height of this fuuntain is proportional to the flow rate, one ran tell at n glance any e h a n p s in the rate oi water flow. Many variations of this design can be made such as use of an inverted cold finger or a small vat. uum filter flask with an inlet tube. Arnold Factor Bradford J . Factor Glenhaven Elementary School General Electric Research & Development Center Scatia, New York 12302 Seheneetady, New Yark 12301


Volume 52, Number 9, September 1975 / 603