A Simple, Integrated Circuit Chip Storage Device Today's world is a computer world, particularly in the field of chemical instrumentation. Much attention has been focused during the past decade on the use of computers in the chemistry laboratory.'-s'With the development of microprocessors, more emphasis is being placed on both computer hardware and the study of digitalelectronics. We use the Bugbook series ( E & L Instruments) and the Heath Microprocessor Trainer (Heath Co.) in our Chemical Instrumentation course to teach digital electronics. In order to help keep better track of our inventory of integrated circuit chips, we came upon a convenient and inexpensive storage device. Several grocery stores in our area sell eggs in expanded polystyrene cartons. The tops of these cartons make excellent containers for IC chios. The too is removed and the edees trimmed. An IC chio can now be " e a i l v inserted 2nd removed from the nolvstvrene anv numher of times. We have olaeed a small label beneath each chio ~~~~~~
also helps with our inventory, since it is immediately apparent which chips are missing and need to be replaced. If it is desired to protect the chips from dust, the top can be left attached, and the entire carton used.
Perone, S. P., J. CHEM. EDUC., 47,105 (1970). 2Perone. S. P.. and Eaeleston. J. F.. J. CHEM. EDUC.. 48.317 (1971). 3 Stock. 119721. -~..~, .I. T.. ~ .I.~CHRM. - ~EDUC.. , ~ 49.616~. Seelig, P. F., and Blount, H. N., J. CHEM. EDUC., 52,469 (1975). Gerhold, G., Macero, D. J., Lyndrup, M., and Moore, J. W., J. CHEM. EDUC., 56,701 (1979).
Millikan University Deeatur, IL 62522
874 1 Journal of Chemical Education
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Edward R. Acheson